Topic: How long does your average game last?
Wojo |
posted 05-26-99 03:41 PM ET
I hear of people with these totally advanced units. I never get far beyond the needlejet, and my cities RARELY expand beyond 10. I usually conquer the world by the year 2300. How long do you guys usually play to get that far?
posted 05-26-99 03:54 PM ET
Don't feel bad Wojo. My average game is currently between 150 to 200 turns. They get to the advanced game because they often back off from war... or play passive-aggressives (only go after Factions that are gunning for them) as their main goal is Trancendence. If you try Huge maps with max water, you will probably find you get longer periods of peace... unless your machine likes to cramp you no matter what (like mine).-Darkstar |
posted 05-26-99 05:14 PM ET
No excuses, if you haven't royally bitch slapped every faction into the stone age or submission by 2300, no matter what map you use, then you are doing something wrong. I usually try for the Transcend victory, which means I royally bitch slap all but one Faction into Submission, then go full research and steam ahead to nail Transcendance. |
posted 05-26-99 06:53 PM ET
Wojo: I'm assuming that you are playing at Transcend.Give the AI some breathing space, and let them fight after they developed their tech. It's not so difficult also, but you might be able to enjoy the game better with new unit design ideas, seeing new tech advances yourself as well as the secret projects.
posted 05-26-99 11:26 PM ET
Just wipe out everyone on your continent, and then let all the other factions do their own thing. Build city enhancers over armies when all possible. If I play on Hugh Map of Planet and expand quickly, I can get that far by 2300. |
posted 05-28-99 08:12 PM ET
I always play with water level 70-90 % on a huge map and I always try to postpone attacks as long as possible. I'm always so much more advanced that when a faction does the slightest thing, I want to kick their ass. I always play as CITIZEN too. I started a new game where I isolated my faction far away, but I can't help but to explore and discover the rest of the world. I've been at war with those damned believers, but no main battles. I was thinking of exterminating them, but then I know I would have to move on to the next weakest faction. Once I start taking over other factions, I never stop. Maybe one day I'll own my own empire and destroy all of the little countries, and then move on to the larger ones after my empire is the largest in the world.... Hehehehehe..... Jeez I wrote a lot just now! BETTER BE GOIN!
posted 05-29-99 12:57 AM ET
I can usually do a political victory "Unite behind me" blah blah at Transcend in 100 to 125 turns unless I have a bad starting position.If you concentrate a lot on conquest, you don't advance near as much technologically, since instead of building Fusion and Quantum labs, etc., you're building a bunch of military units at all stages of the game. Large cities are slower to develop and less productive - I build LOTS of cities cles together, so few of mine have room to expand much beyond size ten. If you want techs fast - look at it this way: Each alien artifact you hook up to an available network node = a free tech. If you have ten cities (network nodes) you get ten techs that way. If you have thirty cities early in the game, and explore like hell, you'll get thirty techs that way. Beats the sh*t out of doing your own research, and I never bother trying to extort or trade techs past the early game, since I'm so far ahead that nobody has anything to offer. I manage that usually as the PK, sometimes as the Gaians. I've never played much as the UoP - although they get free network nodes and research bonuses, I find the extra drone problem annoying when I get to having a huge number of cities. |
posted 05-30-99 06:29 AM ET
Add this thread to the "lose interest", and "Bored" threads.A pattern emerges slowly in SMACaholic minds YIN.....WHERE ARE YOU |
posted 05-30-99 05:30 PM ET
I almost never attack enemy factions, unless I've decided beforehand to play aggresively. I concentrate on building huge bases with max facilities. I try to build every single secret project, and any that I miss I know I'll be able to aquire in the late game. By 2250, my tech comes in every four turns or so, and I build a small, technologically advanced military, and blitzkrieg any faction that opposes me. By now, I'll be unsurpassed in power, and generally have treaties with everyone(and submission pacts with the fools that dared to oppose me ). If i'm not too bored, I'll go for a transcendant victory, else a quick diplomatic one. BTW, I play Morgan on transcend with this strategy. |
posted 05-30-99 09:27 PM ET
CITIZEN?!?!?! TURN UP THE FREAKIN LEVEL!!! The ArchChancellor |
posted 05-30-99 09:34 PM ET
Nothing wrong with playing citizen and watching have your empire 50x stronger than everyother one.I could kill everyone by 2300 in most my games but I just prefer that passive-aggresive style that Darkstar outlined. It's a lot more relaxing. A couple superunits running around keeping other factions inline and lots of formers. |
posted 05-30-99 09:36 PM ET
I forgot to say I've never had the patience to FINISH a game. I play until about 2375 and start a new game. |
posted 05-30-99 10:12 PM ET
Play 256X256 on transcend. try winning by 2300 |
posted 06-01-99 06:31 AM ET
I can make a conquest victory in a couple of turns on a 256*256 map/Transcend while I'm AFK. EAT IT.Some of you guys are either full of sh*te or play god mode on tiny maps. /Dev |
posted 06-01-99 05:19 PM ET
Actually Devore, its all in the seeding. I tend to get everyone seeded near/adjoining me so Map size rarely plays a significant role in determining length of time in the game. I mean, when you and a second faction are dropped on Mt Planet, and just across the surrounding one tile wide channel are 3 more factions, and just past that are the last ones... those huge maps are wasted then, aren't they? So, I've stopped bothering with huge maps for most of my games... I tend to get a better spread on average with Standard map sizes. Speed of when you complete a game is affected more by what options you play, and what the initial seeding is, than anything else. For instance, I don't play with Pods. That has increased the amount of time for my games between 30 to 40%. With Pods On and all the other options the same as I am now normally play, I finish the game between 70 to 100 turns, typically. Going to Wide Eyed (Blind research off) with Pods drops my average to between 60 to 90 turns, depending on Faction. Going up to Transcend tends to add about 20 turns... the time it takes to build a couple of unrushed drone pacifiers or I die, due to 5 or 6 way pact alliances to destroy the human. Transcend level doesn't ADD to my overall enjoyment, so I don't tend to play it very often anymore.Yes, an occasional game lasts LONGER, but that's balanced by the SHORTER games... such is the way it goes. Rather than imply people are lying or cheating, why don't you try to find out what it is they do that you don't? Personally, I have been trying to figure out how someone can Transcend on Trancend within 100 turns... Sounds like an interesting challenge for those looking for a change... -Darkstar |
posted 06-01-99 07:29 PM ET
I've been trying that particular challange, and it must be a UoP trick to get it by 2287(the current best I've heard of on Transcend, standard, Blind off.) I'm thinking masses of small cities and many artifacts. |
posted 06-02-99 05:33 AM ET
Darkstar: Sorry you have a point of course My outburst was aimed at K who makes it sound like your an idiot if your game continiues past 2300.Anyway the factions are always well spread out on my system so bashing everybody before 2300 isn't likely (I always play Transcend and usually on huge minimal water maps). /Dev |
posted 06-05-99 03:57 AM ET
Some thoughts of my own (generalizing):You can go for a quick conquest game - for the fastest conquest score - which will finish at roughly around 2300 - 2350. If you are interested in playing to the 'nuclear-power' stage, then adopt a passive attitude and only start wars at approx. 2450 onwards.
posted 06-05-99 04:07 PM ET
"AFK"? |
posted 06-07-99 08:22 AM ET
AFK = Away from the Keyboard, typically used in online chatting when you're for some reason are leaving the computer for a small ammount of time./Dev |
posted 06-07-99 09:07 AM ET
Average game last? Well I hardly ever go for conquest because I'm way to quick with that. 63 turns. I usually try building my faction up and wait for that shower of planet busters. Of course I always protect myself by hiding spaceflight until i get bout 34 pods up. I always try to get high scores through population. My average cities are actually 29. As always I never go for cheap ways out I like going for transcendence economic coop diplomatic and conquest victories all at once. average rating 250%. Plus I always have to have My personal sport of nerve gassing and obliterating the believers and spartans. |