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  Planet is too active in the later games

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Author Topic:   Planet is too active in the later games
Centaurion posted 05-23-99 01:57 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion   Click Here to Email Centaurion  
ok, I�m playing UoP with 15 bases or so and every time one of my bases reaches a polutionrate of 12+, the sea lewel rise about 500 m.
It is really beginning to slow the game down, and its frustrating to see your entire empire being submerged.
Does anyone know how to edit the games files so that Planet doesnt react so violently?
onepaul posted 05-23-99 02:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for onepaul  Click Here to Email onepaul     
You can hack the alpha.txt file and find the two values which affect the Global Warming Frequency. These two values : 1,1 are in the #RULES section. So changing them to 1,4 would decrease the Global Warming factor to 1/4.
By the way, CentauriED 0.2 will have this implemented.
TheHelperMonkey posted 05-23-99 05:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheHelperMonkey    
How do you change the point at which MW start piling up on you?
Urban Ranger posted 05-24-99 01:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     
You don't.

The way to do it is to be green. In the game I am playing now I have 40+ bases with no problems of sea levels or mind worms. Several things to do are:

1. Reduce eco-damage from your cities.

2. Do NOT use PB.

3. Do not use nerve gas.

4. Plant lots of trees.

5. Have a positive planet rating.

6. Have fun!

Centaurion posted 05-25-99 02:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion  Click Here to Email Centaurion     
"Turn your ecodamage down"........
No offence but...
Thats the entire problem, I want my cities to have a production rate of over a 100 without having them drowning in Mindworms and seawater every turn.....
Thansk onepaul, what, when and where will this CentauriED be released
LoD posted 05-25-99 03:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LoD  Click Here to Email LoD     
What UR (probably) meant by "Reducing eco-damage" was building Centauri Preserves, Temples of Planet and SP that redduce the eco-damage (Pholus Mutagen, Singularity Inductor, etc.).
Also, build Empath Choppers and native units (MWs, IODs, LoCs) - they can destroy a whole stack of Planetworms with one attack.
Switching to Green and Cybernetic can also solve this problem (as UR pointed out).
And, if you are desperate, just launch solar shade...
You are not playing as the Bible Huggers, are you?
whirlwind13 posted 05-25-99 09:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for whirlwind13  Click Here to Email whirlwind13     
I play UoP on Thinker and them worms are everywhere...I play with the lovely and devestating Market can you not? So my PSI def. is terrible...and late in the game i find elite trance infantry getting walked on...besides, whats up with the AI's insistance on raising sea levels! Its the biggest pain I have watching my boreholes sink into worthless ocean....
Dutch Drone posted 05-26-99 01:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dutch Drone  Click Here to Email Dutch Drone     
You want a free market economy and a quiet green planet? Well that's not possible. It's one of the hard decisions you have to make. It's that kind of decisions that make the game fun.
Centaurion posted 05-26-99 02:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion  Click Here to Email Centaurion     
I�ve built all possible planet preserves thingies, and you can only launch solar shades every 20 years.
The sealevels rise every 2. turn.....
Aredhran posted 05-26-99 05:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
If you want to be a wanton polluter, you have to learn to deal with the problem.

The cure: 1e-1-3 Empath Hovertanks (or rovers). Drop pods are nice. Call them "WormWipers" or something cool and make them Elite if you can. Easy money, no more worms. With the Dream Twister, even those stacks of 20 demon boils only bring you major cash... and if you lose a few units, you can build more in one turn or two anyway !


Mergle posted 05-26-99 07:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mergle    
So you want lots of production and no pollution? Sorry, it's called game balance. I play (and win) TI with none of my cites above 0 Eco-damage, ever. You just don't need ridiculously high production. This adds more layers of strategy to the game - you have to promote managed growth rather than a straightforward "borehole everywhere and build all the robotics factories I can" strategy.
Centaurion posted 05-26-99 08:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion  Click Here to Email Centaurion     
The worms arent really the problem, the sea levels are...

If I were to make sure that my cities didn�t have any ecodamage, I�d have to check them every turn, and/or turn off the Guvornor right?
That calles for an awful lot manegment in every turn, more than I would say was fun...
Maybe you would call that game balance, but I call it a missing feture. You should be able to tell you guvernor to make sure that your cities didn�t make eco-dam. and (s)he would adjust the growth and production....
Maybe in the next patch....

Coren posted 05-26-99 11:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Coren    

If you MUST be a wanton polluter, and sea level increases are driving you nuts:

First of all, Solar Shades DO work to a large extent, if you can get them in place. It takes 20 years for a full 333m sea level increase to take effect, although it occurs in increments, and a Solar Shade does the same. (Does anyone know if the the Planetary Governor can propose Shades ever ten years?)

Try not to go TOO crazy with Boreholes.

And most MOST importantly... use your Formers! Can we say 'raise terrain', boys and girls? If there's something you must save from the encroaching sea, send your fleet of combat engineers over to it and raise some nice hills in that area. Then watch your opponents flood from your high vantage points...


Darkstar posted 05-26-99 11:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Governor has to wait 20 years before proposing the same measure again.

I don't consider the infinite sea level risings and superstacks of worms to be play balance. As Gaians, I've had cities running at 300+ Eco damage, and NEVER saw anything. As Morgan, I get slammed hard a 1? A 333m flood because I had two turns of 1 Eco-Damage? No, that's not "game balance" that's favortism. Just like SimCity favored Rail. Cause the programmers thought it was cooler to use that than anything else.

Game Balance. Hah! Give me a break.


marc420w posted 05-26-99 04:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for marc420w    
Centurian....the one thing you said that I agreed with....There probably should be a governor setting where the governor improves a city up to an eco-damage setting but not above.

DarkStar, maybe as Morgan, you weren't the one causing the sea levels to rise?

Hey...I LIKE this part of the game. Having the planet react when the humans get to be tooooo much is a wonderful part of the game.

Darkstar posted 05-26-99 04:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Marc - could be. Its hard to tell if the computer takes the AI faction eco-damamge into effect.

I thought it was neat to start with as well. But sometimes I would like to be able to turn it off and play on an alternate Chiron... you can turn it down some, but I'd rather not tinker with Alpha.txt. and later forget to change it back...


KrazyJ posted 05-26-99 10:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for KrazyJ    
Imagine if you will......
A huge smoke stained factory producing a hundred hovertank dashboards a day, billowing huge plumes of smoke, the whole thing is wonderfully automated, oil and grease cover everything....A fawn prances in front of this seen and nibbles on fresh green blades of grass, happy and content........sorry dosent happen in real life, why in a SIM?
MichaeltheGreat posted 05-30-99 03:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
Krazy - it SHOULD happen that way in a Sim, so we can load up deer hunter (or is it BEER hunter?) in another window and BLAST that F***in Fawn to BBQ with a shard weapon.

Darkstar - the A-nonI, to the extent I've tested it, doesn't take into account other faction's ecodamage, in determining the occurence of any planet event - first, the A-nonI factions are granted huge amounts of slack (cheats, in lieu of AI), and the inherent starting values of the factions have a lot to do with what you can get away with as the human player - remember in CivII how the A-nonI would have a million smokestacks in every city, churning out those fanatics units, and they never generated any pollution - but if you nuked them, you get a negative score for pollution, and if they nuke you, you still get a negative score for pollution.

It's the same idea in SMAC. Morgan's a landraper, so maybe Planet reads his mind or whatever. And Deirdre sits on her luscious ass and meditates in front of pyramid crystals and communes with planet, while building all those boreholes and PKs - but hey, it's the thoughts that count, right?
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;o

Darkstar posted 05-30-99 03:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Michael The Greater...

I gave up on the A-NonI fight long ago. I understand you work in the "I" related fields, or did? So, are we "10 years" from home AI nets? 20? Unknown or unwilling to guess?

Yeah, I know they use a lot of cheats. Its easier to write a cheat, and quicker, than making a Super Idiot that pretends it has a clue once every 20 turns or so. But aside from some tweaks, Brian Reynolds, the AI for SMAC programmer, has stated that its the same AI code that was used in Civ II. [Imagine that... but he wrote the Civ2 AI code engine as well, or at least was one of them.] They taught (meaning CODED) in the respect borders and massing for an attack, rather than the constant stream. But the enhancements to the AI are less than the mods to fit SMAC. And its going to be the SAME AI, with a few extra tactics thrown in, that will be used in Civ3. What a surprise... But there is no need to reinvent the wheel, even if it is a triangle, right? They are working on making it a square...

What gets my goat about everything is the strange bent and favortism. There is no reason with serious technology that is DESIGNED around "Green" technologies has to be toxic polluters. But Hey, they obviously put Morgan in as a whipping boy only. They only added the Economic Victory in for the Beta testers that were wantabee CEOs. They (a few of the beta-testers) told us that... just like the Supreme Commander victory for the Hitlers that were tied of micromanaging the War after Critical Mass...


Centaurion posted 05-30-99 10:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion  Click Here to Email Centaurion     
Besides, with Nanotech. polution should be as good as non existing....
LoD posted 05-30-99 01:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LoD  Click Here to Email LoD     
Unless you spill some containers...
Centaurion posted 05-31-99 02:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion  Click Here to Email Centaurion     
MichaeltheGreat posted 05-31-99 03:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     

Home AI nets - depending on your definition (mine is pretty high level) I'd say 20 to 30 years before they are commercial. There is no real business driver for them, because there are still too many competing ideas, none of which quite work.

To get there, you need new hardware, most likely self wiring or partly biologically based chips (organic semiconductors - not sci-fi stuff). You also need dedicated, ground up instruction sets and assembly languages purely for AI apps. Finally (not counting venture capital, etc.) you need some new thinking in algorithm and feedback design.

With a very few tweaks, you're right - the AI engine here in SMAC is the same as CivII.
Unfortunately, the few of us who intelligently post here (not insulting anybody in particular, just limiting the numbers to those who are high level SMAC players) are not even the tip of the commercial iceberg for a game like SMAC - it's just like chess, where we are all rated A players, Candidate Masters and Masters, while the teeming masses of chess players are not even close enough to our skill level to be seen. There are a few hundred (at most) serious SMAC posters, and thousands of casual players at the worker and citizen levels who have a good time and struggle. They are the ones who drive the commercial success of Firaxis, or any other game designer.

If I was independently wealthy, or Firaxis paid me enough, or gave me a cut of the action, I could design a pseudo AI system for SMAC/SMACX/CivIII that would NEVER cheat, would play by the exact same rules as the human, would give lower level players a chance to learn, and would turn serious players into a spot of grease, or make them work hard and well to squeek out a narrow victory.

But I am long ago damned sick of writing code, so I have no desire to do the grunt work. That's why I do project management and consulting work, not coding. (Hey Firaxis - if you want algorithm design and spec level or pseudocode AI that will rock the TBS industry - mail me, let's talk about your development schedule. I'm serious.)

Back from blatant pitch -
Seriously, I hope there's some improvement in the holes in SMAC AI, but this is the one area of the game industry that has lagged far behind, because everybody can tell the difference between cool graphics, sound, etc. and crap, but only a few players are at the skill level to justifiably rag on the AI.

It's not a Firaxis "problem," it's a resource allocation decision across the whole industry.

Darkstar posted 05-31-99 04:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Michael the Great - Gave up writing code? Blasphemy! I have fought and fought to retain the rights to Design and Write Code. Those are the only elements of the Job I like. Its why I became a professional level programmer rather than be a hack and become something else like a lawyer or something... But as long as you enjoy it. And you did mention the very best part (IMLO)... Design.

I realize its a resource issue, but I find it very insulting. I mean, I don't use the cheats. Why did the game developers decide to? And I think part of this crew was responsible for MOO2 being released with a Computer Player engine that cheated so badly on Tutorial/Easy level, they had to patch it twice. It seems they forgot that many customers wouldn't know all the cheats and automatically use them. A few "diary" entries of Brian's design days om SMAC were posted at GameSpot, and apparently he only plays using cheats. Of course, that was called TESTING but if you use cheats to get around the code ALL the time, that means the in-between code doesn't get tested. That filled in a few light bulbs for me in how they MISSED so many obvious bugs that you could find in 10 minutes game play, no matter WHAT level you are on.

But I would think that in Single Player games such as SMAC that there are more high level players than in Chess. Between the strategy guides, cheats, logic holes, and training by the developers on their previous products that many players can play MUCH higher on SMAC than if they were exposed to it cold. Notice that a good number of the posters HERE on that play and win on the higher levels (and discuss such tactics for it) seem to have a history with the Sid and BR games. And since its the same engine, you are playing more against a known opponent, no matter how nice a graphic engine they give. In chess, when I was 14 playing against my father, I often looked ahead 15 to 20 moves against him, and was right often enough to consequently do well. He looked 20 to 30 though, so I still lost a little more than I won. But against other humans, I can't do that unless I KNOW them and know their style.

Not putting down your claims that we have some of the brighter tactical and strategic thinkers, because I do think that there are some absolute geniuses around here. But there are more experienced people against that opponent (the computer opponent engine) and that skews the bell rather strongly.

And thanks for the update on Nets.


trippin daily posted 05-31-99 07:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily  Click Here to Email trippin daily     
Darkstar and MichealtheGreat:
Ok, ok, ok, we now know we are mindless drones compared to you two's knowledge of AI nets and other goblygook. Can we get back to the topic, ecodamage?

Trippin Daily
-sarcasm guys, it was sarcasm. I don't need you two trying to flame broil me as well -

OldWarrior_42 posted 05-31-99 07:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42    
Hey Trip... I went over to apolyton to see what you were doing last night. Looks like you had a good time ....I havent -posted 1 thing on that forum since the day I registered there. I dont believe (i before e except after c....see I remembered thanks to captain spellcheck or whatever) in censorship either. Looks like you pissed some people off.
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-31-99 07:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42    
Oh yeah on topic ...started a new game last night and only at midgame and planet is way to active already and I have the preferences turned down . WTF?
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-31-99 08:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42    
Ok ...never mind ...I am an asshole.... I thought I had my random events turned off and they were on so that is why you can forget the last post. Sorry
Hugo Rune posted 05-31-99 03:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
You play with market economy and want to prevent the sea rising? Use the money you amass to bribe the others into launching lots of shades long before. Then don't build any coastal cities, only Ocean cities just outside the coast (You don't lose that may resources...) Use Supply Crawlers instead.
JAMstillAM posted 05-31-99 05:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     
Regarding the recent complaints about Planet being active:

It is due to the high level of moronic bickering and flame-broiling going on in the forums. Newbies and Vets alike are affected and it only gets worse. So, everyone stop the flaming, before the mindworms crawl out of the screen and eat yours.


googlie posted 05-31-99 06:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for googlie    
In my current game, I'm green (Lal) and pacted with the lady herself, both of us non-polluters (but high land and sea crawler utilizers) Got the sea level rising warning, but the message fingered Miriam - said it was due to her polluting. In about 50 games I don't remember ever seeing the announcement mentioning who was polluting.

Tonight I'll try and pact with M. and see her cities to look at polluting damage. (I wass Planetary Governor at the time, and could have looked - but didn't - and subsequently lost the governship to Lady D of all people, my pact sister)

LoD posted 06-01-99 12:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LoD  Click Here to Email LoD     
googlie: The program tels who caused the warming only if it's not the player.
In case you were wonedring...


LoD posted 06-01-99 12:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LoD  Click Here to Email LoD     
Typo, should read:
"In case you were wondering..."


googlie posted 06-02-99 12:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for googlie    

I guess in most of my 50 games I've been the polluter. (Or didn't really read the scrolling yellow message - that's been known to happen before)

Thanks for the tip.


Mergle posted 06-02-99 03:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mergle    
Darkstar - I'm intrigued that you could run 300+ with deirdre - I've got in trouble that way, and equally, have run Morgan at eco-damage levels when I needed to crash-build an army (Damn Believers!) without disaster.
Further, I think Deirdre should be able to run higher production -her methods of production are more in tune with planet. Sustainable developement, as they say. This is game balance - the planet rating is important, just like efficiency and economy.
I think that if production were not capped by the ecodanger, the game would be even easier than it is now. With a human's superior maximising ability, he/she could completely overwhelm the AI with weight of numbers even more quickly.
Centaurion - I completely agree that a governor option to minimise ecodamage would be a good innovation. That still wouldn't let you run your super-polluting cities without consequences, though.
Centaurion posted 06-02-99 05:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion  Click Here to Email Centaurion     
Again, with nanotechnology, polution should be no more....
Zoetrope posted 06-02-99 06:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zoetrope  Click Here to Email Zoetrope     
I've been at zero ecodamage and still suffered repeated icecap melts due to the AI players' industrial mayhem.

And what's this ragging of Morgan? His detractors need to get into his mindset, and exploit his advantages. Morgan's economy makes him a great faction to play. Energy => research, buying power, and bribes.

The first thing to know about Morgan is that because of his lower population caps, he wants to build colonies like crazy, wherever there's room, and closely packed (say two squares apart).

Later in the game, when Habitation Complexes and Hab Domes are available, these many bases can grow like topsy, and with industrial, research, psych, and centauri buildings in each, Morgan becomes very strong very fast.

Also, with his low population bases, there will be fewer drones! So he can afford to miss out on the psych projects, wait to build psych buildings, and because he's rich, he can painlessly increase the psych percentage.

By midgame, when ecodamage starts to be a concern, Morgan can switch from Free Market to Green, and make even more money! By this stage, Wealth and Knowledge are about equal for him, too.

Morgan can use Police State, Democracy, or Fundamentalism, to advantage, depending on the situation. And because he's rich, he can afford to change social engineering as much as he pleases at the drop of a hat.

He doesn't even have to be a polluter; and he can kill worms as readily as the best Spartan.

With his economic advantage, Morgan can pile on the research at a great rate, or jack up the psych to go into perpetual golden age, or just pile up the dough for a special project, a bribe, or a massive army upgrade.

With Clean reactor, he can build as big an army, navy and airforce as anyone.

And when he Pacts with another faction, he gets most of the benefit from commerce. Aggressive allies help defend him, research allies boost his tech even higher.

He can easily afford to subvert enemy bases, and blame it on someone else. He's insidious!

Frankly, your favorite faction, be it Zak, Yang, Miriam, Lal, Deirdre, and of course Santiago, is surely jealous of a well-played Morgan on most counts: wealth without needing free market, fundamentalism while keeping a decent research rate, democracy with money for probe actions, the number of (rich!) bases, the size of army he can support, the tech level of course, and the number of friends that he can buy.

Morgan can win by economy yes, but I usually win by diplomacy or conquest. Two nights ago, Nwabudike won easily by conquest on the medium map of Chiron before anyone had learnt Hovertanks.

Extend the game, or enlarge the planet, and Morgan's even stronger.

I started south of the University on the western continent, which was good positioning that I exploited by hemming in Zak's southern border with my own colonies from the start. Obviously if I'd begun next to the Hive, Believers, or the Spartans, I'd have a problem - but if anyone can wangle a deal with them, Morgan can.

Denker posted 06-02-99 06:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Denker  Click Here to Email Denker     
In my last game as Spartans I was too lazy to continue, finished the game by making me Supreme Leader. I was curious what will happen to the computer factions (4 pact brothers!), switched everything to automatic and continued the game. It was at the time where my cities(~25) build hab domes with a mineral production 40-70. My Eco-Damage was 0.
It took the governors only 12 turns to make planet mad about me with exploding fungus, big stacks of locusts and rising sea level, due to high ecodamage.
My conclusion is: you can�t use governors, especially in the late game.
By the way, I had only in one game the sea level was rising due to ecodamage of a computer faction and this computer faction was the Gaians!
DilithiumDad posted 06-02-99 12:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DilithiumDad  Click Here to Email DilithiumDad     
I play pretty Green and have had other factions cause global warming --usually the Hive when they have expanded over a third of the globe.
I have the opposite problem --I get the sea level message and I immediately launch the solar shade, but the shade has much more effect than the warming and sea levels fall drastically. This can be pretty interesting, but I had to disband my Nacy once because there was no ocean left!
Darkstar posted 06-02-99 01:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Mergle - Actually, I haven't taken any of Deidre's cities up so high in a long time. Under Version 2.0, I was able to hit Eco-Damage of 325 with no problems whatsoever. Under version 3.0, I can't recall going past 125-150 (depending on how many crawlers are on terraformed mineral makers OUTSIDE cities) and getting away with it. However, that is a lot more than Morgan getting slammed at Eco-Damage 1.

Zoetrope - I like Morgan. I think Morgan is the coolest Faction (IMHO). And I use many of the tactics you mentioned when PLAYING Morgan. I just find that Morgan is the most screwed (least balanced) of the Factions, and hardest to play. Once you get Morgan cranking along though, you can have a blast. However, that's a very difficult first mountain to get him over, and I find I can't do it reliably no matter how large a world I start on, or other modifiers. My machine seems to believes that 19 out of 20 times, it should put The Hive, The Spartans, and the Believers as close as possible to me when I try Morgan. They, of course, immediately pact with each other to wipe poor pathetic me out from somewhere between turn 10 to turn 30. That's understandable though, as until FOIL technology, their only typical access to new land is THROUGH me. Go figure. I am not kidding about this. Worst starting position I have ever had is on 256x256 as Morgan having all six factions just about evenly surrounding me, with four sharing red city border with my cap, and the other two merely 7 and 8 tiles away. All on the same land mass. And, of course, it was the SMALLEST land mass (not counting landmarks dropped in the ocean). I have better luck on Tiny maps with Morgan. Then I only tend to get 2 of the 3 aggressor factions as immediate neighbors... but it doesn't make for a fun game. So unless I am in a Masochistic mood, or just want to play a quick 40 or so turns of early Game, I tend to skip trying Morgan.


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