posted 05-20-99 01:10 AM ET
Goob,Like you I didn't vote. I live near Queen Creek and to be quite honest, The project wouldn't have effected me either way. I really feel for both sides, however, had I voted.... It would had probably been no...
I (think) I understand your point of view. Your talking progress.
I love progress within the city. I L O V E football. I love my kids.. evil monsters that they are .. so I would love the idea of any "community" improvements like the parks.
But one thing I think folks have SUDDENLY forgotten during this voting period is that Mesa, one of the fastest growing cities in this great U.S., will, with or with out the project, grow and it will grow tremendously like it has for the last 7/8 years, even WITHOUT more taxes.
I guess I'm an idiot
But for this .... this ... sports stadium / civic center / golf course... I simply don't feel right paying (any) more taxes, no matter how small.
Do you REALLY think an over priced stadium selling over priced tickets for a team that can't even fill the side-line seats at Sun Devil stadium is going to help the average guy in Mesa?
Do you really think another golf course in a place where there are more golf courses per square mile then any where else on the ENTIRE planet is going to help the average tax payer?
And Civic centers.... hehe ... WERE DO I BEGIN. Just in general.... Mesa Civic center just a few miles south, Tempe has one (can't recall the name) just a few miles west. Phoenix has more than a couple just and I mean just a few more miles west, and Scottsldale, the KING of civic centers has'em a couple miles north. This isn't counting all the private centers.
As far as the stadium goes, the SUPER BOWL and FIESTA BOWL has been dangled over Arizona's head so long long now that every time I think of it I picture the little kid dangling a carrot tied on a stick in front of his donkey so it will pull the plow.
Its simple. ARIZONA IS A RESORT. Beleive me, the NFL is manipulative but not stupid. Pulling out of Arizona will be the last thing FOOTBALL whether professional or collegic will ever... ever... do.
I'm not against the project. I just would not like to be taxed for it period. If this is such a sure money thing why aren't they footing the bill completely and privately. Instead they have all these stings attached where if anything happens, MESA and its tax payers take the fall. Like you said before Goob, there is alot of right and not so right info out there so I completely refrain from specifics.
Now realize the vote was to turn down the tax money. It's still VERY possible it will be funded and continue to go in.
Remember the location too. You made it sound like it was worse than dirt. NOT TRUE! NO WAY TRUE. Just two points...
1) Its a crossing of two MAJOR freeways 101/102. No offense Goob, Only a fool would say its worthless land. HELL, ITs A HUB!
You can bet something BIG will go in there.
2) Its also the sight of a future.. HUGE HUGE urban lake project early next century. I mean huge Goob. I've got friends working in SRP and the are telling me that they are already are having problems projecting where the water will come from. Surrounding it will be of course more Hotels and resorts and more golf.
I hope you see my little point. I mean, I could have easily voted the other way had they sweet'n the deal but from the sound of it we are betting on a sure thing but have no right to the pot.