Topic: Now that's efficent
Evk |
posted 05-13-99 10:56 PM ET
Last game I got +7 Effic as the UoP. I think that's the most I ever got. My SE choices were Democracy, Green (and Deirde still hated me, the ho) Knowledge and Cybernetic. Do things still count after going above, say, +2 or +4? I hope so.
posted 05-13-99 11:29 PM ET
According to the manual, page 158, Efficiency maxes out at +4.Of course the manual has been wrong before... |
posted 05-14-99 12:47 AM ET
Efficentcy above +4 behaves as if it was +4 (When it says "PARADIGM ECONOMY!" in the social enginerring area, Economy is at or above it's maximum).My Preferences as UoP in the beginnning: Democracy, Free Market (Virtual World, Genome, among other SP's a must), Wealth (I've never seen a signifigant difference in the breakthrough rate between Wealth and Knowledge) My Preferences as UoP towards the end: Democracy, Planned, Wealth, Eudiamonic. I try to get industry as high as possible (and therefore production costs drop signifigantly). |
posted 05-14-99 01:15 AM ET
Crap. My Research was at +6 too. I guess that makes Cybernetics worthless if I'm using Demo/Green/Knoweldge.Does ANYBODY like planned economy? Nobody ever commends me on it, and both Morgan and Deirde yell at me. |
posted 05-14-99 01:26 AM ET
I've run with that exact same combo before, and it seems that Efficiency does help a bit beyond +4. Wasn't there a post somewhere showing the Effeciency effects?I've never ran with Planned (need the Green for the Planet bonus), but it would be pretty effective with Democracy with the +4 total Growth. |
posted 05-14-99 03:07 AM ET
Many players use Planned. It is part of the Planned/Demo/Golden Age/Children's Crech population boom strategy.And I have noticed that the energy and research earned went up past +4 in a few of my games, so it is possible that while we don't see any major effect, it might extend out the range of cities that can actually UTILIZE energy. -Darkstar |
posted 05-14-99 03:55 AM ET
I don't know. I'm reluctant to go with Planned because then EVERYONE hates me : Yang hates me becuase I'm a democracy Miriam hates me because " " Morgan hates me because I'm not Free Market Deirde hates me because " " Santiago hates me becuse I use Knoweldge as my value (I don't get this one at all) So, I like me and Lal likes me. And Lal dosn't like me either because he won't trade tech with me.So what's wrong? What is it? The planned economy? The hair? I can change! Oh ghod, I CAN CHANNNNGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeoh. I've decided I need to take a break and get some sleep now. I'm sure I'll read over this post in the morning and wonder what happend to my brain. Thank you. |
posted 05-14-99 05:36 AM ET
Confirm, Koshko & Darkstar.hhmmm, Evk, if you reread you own post as you wake up in the moring, that will become irreversible. "ah, 'twas a dream...","No, 'twas real!","I'm STILL in the nightmare, owwww","Hi, Freddy". |
posted 05-14-99 07:00 AM ET
MoSe, heh.I like to use the rightmost choices with UP. With certain SPs, you can have no negative side effects, really good reasearch, economy, and efficiency. What I find strange are that those are the best choices for me, but if I click on, say, the Research button, my research slows down. Same is true with the economy. Lack |
posted 05-14-99 04:54 PM ET
Lack, that is probably due to your Energy/Psych/Labs ratio. With Wealth, you are earning base extra energy, which ends up pushing you psych bonus over (where Research won't), making a Talent to balance out a Drone, resulting in more land work, resuling in more energy, which ups the economy and labs... That is generally what happens when I play with those two SE...-Darkstar |