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Author Topic:   Planet Blight Problems....
wickedwombat posted 05-12-99 06:42 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for wickedwombat  
Could someone please tell me the relationship between planet blight and biology labs? When the blight occurs, I lose all my forests and farms on a particular base and the warning message tells me that I need to build more biology labs. ?? I don't understand this because the benefits of a lab says nothing about preventing blight (just science and psi bonuses). Do I need to build these on every base or do I need a certain amount for my whole empire?

Sorry to ramble, but this is very frustrating

Thanks in advance...

trippin daily posted 05-12-99 08:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily  Click Here to Email trippin daily     
Biology Labs do help out with planet blight... I never have blight because i have tons of biology labs

Trippin Daily

Singularity posted 05-12-99 08:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Singularity    
I never have that problem. I usually play UoP and Biology labs are some of the first things I build to help speed up my research even more.
BusterMan posted 05-12-99 10:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BusterMan    
I used to have the problem but once I got the v3.0 patch it didn't happen again.
Earwicker posted 05-12-99 11:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Earwicker  Click Here to Email Earwicker     
Planet blight is one of the random events and biology lab affects it so:

If there's no biology lab at the base, then Planet blight wipes out farms and forests (grr). If the base has a biology lab, then a beneficial bacterium is discovered, producing +1 nutrients/ turn for 10 years.

wickedwombat posted 05-14-99 09:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for wickedwombat    

I have taken all of your responses and applied them to the blight problem. I do have ver 3.0 and I have no other problems.


Thanks Earwicker (sounds like a lame documention problem to me, huh?)


Ok I'm done, thanks again :O

RockGroin posted 05-17-99 10:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RockGroin    
...but, doesn't it say when you get PlanetBlight that you should "build more Biology Labs to contain future outbreaks" or something like that?


Earwicker posted 05-17-99 03:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Earwicker  Click Here to Email Earwicker     
wickedwombat: Yeah, I don't think the manual gets into the random events. When my housemate got me the game there was a joint promo on a Strategy Guide (I forget whose), so he picked that up, too. It has a list of all the possible random events. From a "Strategy" perspective it's pretty lame, since it must have been written based on pre-release test playing. Nothing remotely as insightful as these Hallowed Halls (or simply playing a lot) will divulge. but it is a useful reference (I just don't find the Datalinks as easy to use as the CivPedia). Most important, it has an INDEX!!!

ISTR it does say something about the "build more Bio Lab's to contain outbreaks" bit, but that doesn't clue into the potential boon associated with it if you've built the lab.

evil_conquerer posted 05-17-99 04:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for evil_conquerer  Click Here to Email evil_conquerer     
There are a bunch of random events that are dependent on certain facilities. The manual doesn't cover any of them, though. Once, I had the message "Childrens' Creche reports population boom in U.N. Education Agency!" and the population there jumped from 9 to 12 (I'd hate to see what would happen without the childrens' creche ). I also had a research problem (I forget what) and it said more network nodes would help solve the problem.

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