achatham |
posted 05-05-99 12:20 PM ET
Ok, it seems Firaxis has stopped responding to this board, but maybe they still read it. I just wanted to reiterate how much I would like to see that Linux port of SMAC. I'm going to buy CTP for Linux, if only to support the industry and because I'm tired of the hypocrisy of having to boot into Windows to play games. In a Loki interview, they mentioned talking to the guy working on the SMAC Linux port, and Reynolds has mentioned it before, so it was at some point a work in progress. Please release it? Please?Even the illusrious Cmdr. Taco (if anyone with Taco in their name can be illustrious), webmaster of, when announcing that someone had written a review of CTP for Linux, said "its definitely the largest professional game of its type for Linux... but I think I really want Alpha Centauri." You don't get a better representative of the community than this man! So, though this may be a cry in the wilderness of "Sex with Miriam" posts, I just thought I'd reiterate my desire for the Linux port. If it's not going well, and you gave it your best shot, I'm sorry, and thanks for trying. But if you're close, just remember that we still care!