Topic: Shoot All American Pigs!
yin26 |
posted 05-02-99 09:26 PM ET
...but leave the cows alone... Yin "For I Have Tipped The Cows."
trippin daily
posted 05-02-99 09:34 PM ET
lmao... guys, i think yin has had brain damage along with that coma.trippin daily -what in the hell happened- |
Q Cubed
posted 05-02-99 09:59 PM ET
yin, have you had your kimchee today?works wonders for your health, and don't you forget it! |
posted 05-02-99 10:31 PM ET
Ah, but pork IS bad for you. |
trippin daily
posted 05-02-99 10:35 PM ET
Yin, are you in a subtle way tell us to go out and kill all cops? trippin daily - - |
posted 05-02-99 10:53 PM ET
So...Yin, satisfied with Firaxis' customer service now finds a new ox to gore. Or, is that pig to gut? At least I feel safe, for now. JAMiAM ...for I have racked the lamb. |
posted 05-03-99 02:15 AM ET
Do you realize what that would do to the price of pork products?And all the hearts broken by those with pet pigs? Are where would the medical related industries find as pig replacements? Ah. Yin is invested in Korean Pig Farms, and wants to drive up the price he sells them for. -Darkstar |
posted 05-03-99 04:25 AM ET
Or else he's writing gansta rap ."Consumer relations was da case dat they gave me..." |
December Man
posted 05-03-99 09:00 AM ET
Perhaps Yin is refering to American Capitalist Citizens. . .nah, there's nothing worng with them. . .no, its got to be he pork."For I Have Painted the Goat" |
posted 05-03-99 04:34 PM ET
Where am I going to get my bacon from now? You can't just have eggs and pancakes alone, for God's sake, YOU NEED BACON!!! |
posted 05-03-99 08:26 PM ET
Kefaed: You'll just have to buy it from overseas sources . Like Korea. |
posted 05-03-99 08:56 PM ET
For Korean Pork info., please call:1-800-ASIAN-PIGS Asian Pig operators are standing by... |
posted 05-04-99 05:15 AM ET
It seems that someone needs to stop tasting the fungus.
posted 05-04-99 07:14 AM ET
Please don't shoot me. |
posted 05-04-99 10:16 AM ET
Stork, I've been so busy smoking it I never thought of eating it......
Lord Zod One with Planet |
posted 05-04-99 10:41 AM ET
Smoking it? Hmm, I guess that would be easier then inserting it in conjunction with a hamster up -*ahem* nevermind Rodents are your friends! Zero-Gauss |
posted 05-04-99 10:07 PM ET
Kefaed, "For I have toked the Xeno-shrooms" |
JT 3
posted 05-05-99 06:54 PM ET
"For I have tasted the Fungus, but accidently eat a mindworm with it, so now I have Psychic powers." ANYway, Ummmm..... not all of us are pigs. I have never seen a more US-bashing site.... |
posted 07-20-99 12:51 AM ET
I do like bacon. |
posted 07-20-99 02:54 AM ET
Are you in North of South Korea? |
posted 07-20-99 02:55 AM ET
North or know what i mean. |
posted 07-20-99 08:48 AM ET
Schiet alle Amerikanen neer die denken dat ze de heersers van de wereld zijn en denken dat iedereen hun 'cultuur' moet overnemen.Provost SMAniaC "For I have spoken Dutch." |
posted 07-20-99 09:08 AM ET
I'm now living and working in South Korea. And, yes, the pigs here speak Korean. |
posted 07-21-99 06:06 PM ET
SMACTrek: Resurfacing an old thread again? |
posted 07-21-99 09:16 PM ET
Yeah. Just my silly attempt at posting.. |