posted 05-02-99 02:20 PM ET
Well, there are "Cold Wars," which have been around since Civ and have become even more common in SMAC.By mischeviously raising a barrier reef around an enemy's coastline, planting fungus inside his territory, training a large hoarde of Demon Boils and then "accidently" letting them loose or just good ol Probing action there are ways to wage war without actually firing bullets.
The main problem I see with limited war is the following:
Multiplayer - If I try to expel somebody's unit and they shoot back I'm going into full scale bloody war.
The Point - Why shoot back? If this incurs penalties to the shooter, why do it? If I'm just scouting around enemy territory with a scout patrol I'd rather let them throw me back than pick a fight. There are no advantages for the shooter, so there's no point.