Topic: SMACX: What are the top 3 things you'd like to see?
brother copes |
posted 04-30-99 05:09 PM ET
So I'm hearing about this SMACX, well I've understood it to be a gold patch on CD. Excellent! I'd like to start a thread where everyone says what the top 3 things they want to see are, I'll start with mine:1) Less bulky interface! I hate the time menu items take to pop up and I hate the way you click on one city improvement and another is chosen. 2) The ablility to have many more factions, 20+ for a huge map of the planet. 3) More distinguishable units, in Civ the units were completely unmistakeable, now I have to guess on whether I am atacking an AAA unit with my plane or not or I have to set 'Confirm Odds' on so I don't get shallacked, etc. And if they units can't become more unmistakable then atleast make it so I can scroll over them with my mouse and I get told what they are. 4) (I just had to add one more) The ablity to demand a leader who is begging for a blood truce give you something, the way it is now you either have to say no and hope he'll offer or accept the truce and then ask and hope he'll give you what you want. Also, you should be allowed to ask for more than one thing at a time when trading or demanding tribute, i.e. somegreattech for somelittletech1 & someotherlittletech. Well, I hope this thread gets lots of posts. and did you ever notice how only the great games get scrutinized so heavily?
posted 04-30-99 05:14 PM ET
They are adding 7 more factions for SMACX. If they added any more it would become CIV2 where it doesn't matter who you pick. Too many factions makes the game way too complicated anyway; you probably wouldn't know who you were at war with. -Parker |
posted 04-30-99 07:34 PM ET
One thing that annoys me is that when it was down to me and the Hive, and he would pop up on the comm screen whenever he felt like it swearing he'd get even, etc etc etc, but he'd always ignore my calls to him.If he can just butt in, I should be able to also! I wanna hurl insults back at him and tell him what a cheesy little jerk he is and threaten him before I Planet Bust him!!
posted 04-30-99 08:09 PM ET
THREE THINGS I'D LIKE TO SEE...Actually, I thought these have always been conspicuously missing from Civ2 and Civ2 Gold; 1) Airmobility. There should be a large, expensive aircraft capable of carrying two vehicles (i.e rovers) or four infantry. These should be long-ranged AND drop-infantry should be able to drop out of it anywhere. This game is supposed to be set in the future, why did this feature get overlooked? Why must paratroopers land within 12 squares of a friendly base/airbase? 2) If there are orbital defence pods, capable of destroying incoming missiles or other satellites, doesn't it stand to reason that a possibly more expension, harder to build satellite would be capable of ground attack? Don't give me that weather-blocking-coherent-light arguement either. The Pentagon was researching kenetic orbital weapons as far back as the 60's. Load up a satellite with scores of aerodynamic, fin-steered metal rods and simply drop them at a target. Simple physics do the rest. This leads me to my last entry. 3) Individual facilities and special projects, as well as items under construction (especially special projects) should be able to be targeted by "cruise" missiles. We have this technology now, or haven't you been watching the news? Orbital ground attack satellites would be able to achieve this as well. Think about the incredible dynamic this would create. If an enemy faction were building a special project you were also building, launch a pre-emptive strike, costing them a certain percentage of minerals, based on the amount of damage incurred. Destroy psych facilities to send enemy bases into drone riots, take out industry...the possibilities are endles...and surgical. Multiplayer threats would get VERY interesting as well. Just a few thoughts, but I believe them to be integral to the next generation of this game and I cannot see how they were left out to begin with. By the way, I want a job in game design. Ravenloff |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-05-99 04:34 AM ET
Some of the things I like to see in SMACX:-- Fixed defense installations, such as coastal defenses and fixed SAM sites. -- Spy planes, satellites, AWACS, this sort of advanced electronic/computer systems. -- Base defenses vs missiles and PBs. No, not just the defense pods. I'm taking about ground based laser defenses. -- Giant robots  -- Space bases -- Make Nessus available to exploration and settlement. -- Weather weapons -- Mine laying (perhaps by specialist combat engineer units) -- More diversified tech tree: perhaps the tech available to a faction is influenced by its social choices, say, Centauri Psi only available to Green factions. -- Custom factions -- MoO type research -- Reduce the feel of "a coalition of city states" by implementing faction-wide things. For example, unit support is paid by the faction itself instead of city by city. |
trippin daily
posted 05-05-99 06:29 AM ET
Ravenloft, I'm sure you think that destroying SP's from space would be great. What if the AI did it to you. You would be cursing, screaming, and saying how damn unfair it is that they can do that. I agree with being able to destroy base facilities though. Just only with missiles. If there were space based satelites that can pick off base facilities r even units, i think that the missile chassis should be able to pick off a satelite. We currently have missiles like that right now, just that they are launched from jets.Trippin Daily -Everybody wants a big ****ing gun until their head is blown off by it- |
The Builder
posted 05-05-99 08:42 AM ET
There is this kind of Airmobility already in the game. You can build transport neddlejets, load ground units and land them everywhere on the planet where your plane can get.BTW, I think, Nexxus could have been the place, the alien race went to when leaving the planet. Perhaps we met them there? ,-) Up to the Sky! The Builder |
posted 05-06-99 01:47 AM ET
Here's a somewhat extensive list of things that I think might be intersting. Alot of these are kinda out there I know, but it's nice to think about. The last few are quite elaborate, but would add some very intersting non-combat aspects to the game. (1) Diplomacy Additions/AI (a) reserach bans (not allowing research of certian topics) (b) multiple world governments (c) bottom-up attrocitys start with 'limited' attrocitys charter add too the charter as new attrocitys become possible (d) shareing effects of wonders. (e) 'open tech' option, techs automaticly propigate accross special treaties (f) proxy war support (g) kill planet victory option.
(2) Military. (a) space based weapons, THOR, CPAW,ect (b) zero-movement units -reduced cost -allows custom sensors, SAMs, ect (c) low-yield WoMDs: tak-nukes, neutron-bombs, ect (d) reverse-engineer captured units (3) Gameplay. (a) off-planet maps. Moons/astaroids. This might require the addition of a spacecraft chassis. The main goal of this would be to move satalites over to micromangement.. instead of just having a Nessus mining station, you have to build a city with special terrian improvements that act like the classic satalites. The 'lanch cost' would be the pure cost of moving a unit from ground to orbit, so your first unit would probably be a scout, followed by a colony pod and a terreforming unit, and maybe severl supply crawlers. First cities would have to build 'local' improvements, such as food supplies, THEN build the speical improvements that effect all cities /w an aerospace complex. (4) Economic. (a) realistic economic modle including requirements such as cities over a certian size MUST trade internationaly to grow. (b) factories: building units is CHEAP, but you must have all the parts. So somewhere you have to have a city with a 'fission plant' factory, and every time you build a unit with a fission plant, you have to have a spare one built. Hold a sec, this one takes a little extra explination. The idea would be to build interdependence between cities both within a faction and between allies/neutrals ect. Each factory is somewhat expensive to built, but once built it automaticly produces whatever component it was built for. Cities can have as many factories as they like, but perhaps a limit of say one factory per population is best. More money (say 1.5 times the original cost, or .75, somethign) can be put into an existing factory to increase it's output. A possible variation would be the factorie's output is proportional to the citie's size and inversly proportional to the number of factories in the city. Another importnatn part would be the markert. Some menu would allow you to define things like what % of your inventory for each component is put on the inter-faction market each turn, how much you charge allies/treaties/vandettas, and how many you automaticly purchace per turn. Prices would have to be reasonable, the idea is to build up interdependance and make players think about how going to war might effect thier supply lines. You could also cache a large stock of parts for a long war. Factory cost would have to be embedded in the item type, for instance a fusion plant is going to be more expensive then hand weapons. Unit completion is done at the city that produces the chassis. The AI would need to be updated, preferably only the most isolationist factions would feel the need to produce EVERYTHING localy, most would produce a few things themselves and purchace the rest from neigbors. This would allow for truely economic games, as opposed to the rather limited system of penelties that are in place right now. Morgan might actualy hold some weight in this system.
posted 05-06-99 02:13 AM ET
Oh yes, almost forgot the 'big thing' -remove single player mode -build stand-alone binaries from the AI engines -opensource the AI engines, allowing construction of custom AIsThis would mean that all games are run through the multiplayer interface, and each faction AI connects via TCP/IP just like the players. There would have to be some type of stream interface since asking the AI to deal with the player interface would be too much, but a simple querry language would probably do the trick. This is more appropriate for say a linux port then the windows one, but I think all of us programmers out here would realy get a kick out of building AIs and testing them out. This would probably have to be a seperate product, but would probably be worth it. |
Jake Swindler
posted 05-06-99 12:11 PM ET
SPEED! SPEED! SPEED! I do not undertand why SMAC is as slow as it is. The graphics arent all that complex, were just talking about sprites here. Please if there is you do one thing make the game faster.I also have one other suggestion. Make it possible to set way points for units. Possibly by holding down shift and selecting a series of commands the unit will exciute them in order. This would make terraforming so much easer. Also, it would make it easier to move units long distances around hostle territory. |
posted 05-06-99 12:33 PM ET
Jake Swindler, you can set way points, read your manual, or it was included in one of the patches, so read the readme.txt file that comes with patches, they will tell you how to set way points.Possibility |
Bad Explanation
posted 05-06-99 01:23 PM ET
Say, y'know, it says top *3* things? That's 'cuz a huge long list of gripes is most likely to be ignored. I already posted my top 1 thing elsewhere, but this here's my 2nd top thing I'd like to see:The ability to start a game about midway through. I usually play with the 'fast start' option on, which fast-forwards the game and starts you with about 3 bases, and miscellaneous tech and units. I love this, and I'd love to see it applied on an even larger scale. I'd love to be able to select, say Miriam, and jump inot a game where all 7 factions have already got 6-10 bases, various tech 4s and special projects, etc. It would make a really fun and unique challenge to pick up a game halfway like that. If I had my complete druthers, I'd make it so you could choose how late in the game you wnated to play. You'd select 'start game' and you'd enter the MY you wanted to start at. The AI would run a quick simulation up to that date, and you'd start in an unpredictable situation and have to make the best of it! It'd bascially be like you were the 2nd generation leader; you were the Son of Dierdre, or what have you, taking over where they left off; either having to clean up the mess they made, or being able to enjoy the riches they built up. When looked at from this perspective, it sounds so appealing to me that I wouldn't even mind the inevitable irrationalities that would pop up; I'm sure the AI would do things like have completely indefensible cities, or really backwards social engineering choices. But the clean-up would be part of the fun! Anyway. That's my #2 thing. I think that would probably be simple for them to do, and it'd add a new kind of challenge. A lot of result for not much work, it seems to me. In fact, the simplest way to do it (though least appealing) would just actually have the computer auto-play x number of turns. That would take a while, and if you wanted to start a game at MY 2400 you'd have a definite "sandwich break" going on, but even that would be do-able; I'd get my game all set up and then go to sleep, and wake up with a new world to conquer. |
posted 05-06-99 01:45 PM ET
This is the first time I've posted here in a while, but I have a suggestion or two. Actually, one is a gripe, one is a question.1) It really bothers me in SMAC (and CIV2) that it takes 1 WHOLE YEAR for an infantry unit to move one lousy terrain square. I know each turn is a year, but why can't units move faster (it doesn't mean they can attack more, even though a tank unit CAN attack more than once a year)? Even with roads, an infantry unit can't travel between two cities in his "nation" (my second gripe, see below). I understand that with magtubes movement is nothing, but I have played many games and have never had the time to implement "nation-wide" magtubes. So, what I'm saying is that the units move remarkable slow, especially for advanced technology like fission or fusion (not to mention singularity!). Adding thousands of turns is not the answer, adding movement points to units is. I know I can do this on my own, but do you people think? Have you ever thought of this before? SO, what I want to see is more realistic movement of units. --------------------------------------------- 2) The other gripe/question I have has to do with the "collection of city-states" that makes up a faction. I fully agree with the other suggestions of interdependence of cities and such. However, I play the game to feel as if I'm in control of a real nation. Unfortunately, I do not get this feeling in SMAC mostly because of the fact that I have not seen the AI actually pay attention to my borders. Therefore, SMACX needs stationary defenses (say border posts, like in the real world) that can provide some (even if meager) defense. --------------------------------------------- 3. I brought this up during the chat with Brian Reynolds about a month ago, so here it is again. The game claims that you can design thousands of unit types. THis is a fine thing, but when it really gets down to it, I feel as if there are more units in Civ2 (even restricting it to modern times.) What SMACX needs is AT LEAST ONE MORE CHASSIS. Some suggestions are a mech-type unit, a type of infantry that DOESN'T use those stupid pintle mounts (those things look so bad), or a dedicated transport unit chassis (not a "Transport Gravtank"). --------------------------------------------- -Ice |
posted 05-06-99 01:47 PM ET
Orbital defense pods bug me. I mean they have a 50% chance of stopping a planet buster - Great, but I have never been in a game where the UN charter fell, and as such have only been PBed once (Yang was already at war with everyone, and got annoyed). What I'd like to see is Orbital Defense Pods being able to destroy conventional missiles as well. Once Sing. or even Quantum Power is researched, these can be really annoying.On another track from this thread, why doesn't the AI use orbital improvements much? That removes the fun from the second part of orbital defense pods. |
posted 05-07-99 01:24 AM ET
1) New U.I - reduce the amount of clicking involved per turn, make messaging more reliable, and include better unit stacking.2) Approx double the current number of chassis, and eliminate the big infantry/ small infantry effect. Better looking jets are a priority - how about Needle shaped ones, instead of the current chunky number. 3) Revamped weapons system/combat animations/weapons sounds. Current system of armour for defense/weapon for attack/one scene fits all is a real step backwards when compared to the sophisticated system in CivII (which was more in depth, despite Brian's attempts to say otherwise). Other improvements: Better world maker. Further Faction Balancing. This is why I'm prejudiced against SMACX - they can't make any major changes to the game, just cosmetic addons like more projects and chassises. But SMAC *needs* those changes.
Shining1 |
Corvus Corax
posted 05-07-99 10:10 AM ET
0.) FIX THE 'IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM WOSSNAME' BUG ALREADY!!! It's been about since 1.0 & can be a serious pain in the ass.1.) Improved AI, especially improved AI offenses. 2.) Ortillery units or satellites, with configurable payload. 3.) Mimicry ability - disguise your troups as if belonging to another faction. 3.a) More of everything else  |
posted 05-07-99 11:01 AM ET
One thing I'd like is an improved end-game sequence... Instead of just watching your factions colour spreading across the map, have a more "historical documentary" view: The dates when SPs were completed, when vendettas were called, bases founded / destroyed / conquered, pacts signed, major techs discovered... Surely this wouldn't be to hard, Firaxis ? |
posted 05-07-99 03:40 PM ET
1) I'd like some new satellites such as a ground-bombing satellite, a spy satellite that would permanently show troop movements in a small area and a weather modifying satellite that could concentrate rainfall around a city by moving the clouds away from another.2) I'd also like a small moon to discover and colonize as well as a few more chassis types. Space battles would be great. 3) Finally, the option of killing Planet seems quite good to me. |
posted 05-07-99 04:30 PM ET
To Urban Ranger: For your information Nessus is not a moon or another planet but an asteroid belt orbiting Alpha Centauri A. -Parker |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-07-99 11:01 PM ET
BusterMan,I am sure an asteroid belt can still be explored and settled. Heck, Ceres is pretty big. |
posted 05-08-99 03:45 AM ET
My top three wishes for SMACX/SMAC4.0:1) Allow all players to see the social engineering of the other players. The AI bases its relations towards players on their social engineering, and human players should be able to see them as well. One's political structure (police state/democracy/theocracy) and economic structure (free market/planned/green) should be obvious, even without spying, and values should be fairly apparent after a quick review of the culture. This is especially maddening in MP when it is not readily apparent that Yang is running a police state/free market/wealth (!) combo. 2)Revamp the whole unit construction menu. It is terribly cumbersome, and when one defines units as obsolete, the wrong units are sometimes removed from the menu. Perhaps a better system would be to seperate it into two menus (units and facilities/projects) and leave out any unit that has not been constructed yet (most players are aware of tech advances that allow them to construct new units, and don't need to have their screen cluttered up with units that they never plan to construct. 3) The AI seems to be a bit TOO eager to go to war, IMNSHO. There is an option to make them *more* aggressive; how about an option to make them *less* aggressive? I tend to play a very pacifistic yet expansionistic game; when I run into Miriam or Yang I have to totally rethink my strategy in order to simply survive. |
posted 05-08-99 03:51 AM ET
The biggest change, of course, is that the game will be renamed "Bow and Worship Evk, ye Unwashed Masses." And instead of building the Ascent to Transendance, you build the Ascent to Evkhood. Then you have sex with Deirde. Or Miriam. |
posted 05-08-99 01:10 PM ET
Actually one thing I would like to see in an expanded Datalink system. What exactly -is- a Chaos gun? It sounds really cool, but all the datalinks have to say is that 'it's a weapon with an attack value of eight.' What made CIV2 such an immersive game was the true depth of the background material. What's an Ironclad? Look it up. The story behind the Colossus? Look it up. The shear volume of the information helped make it seem like you were -there-. |
posted 05-08-99 05:32 PM ET
1) I would either like the option of being able to turn off the Planet Buster option, or else have some kind of defense against them come earlier in the game. There's usually about 150 years between when everyone gets the technology to build planet busters and when I get the technology to build defense pods. 2) I would also like the opportunity to disable probe teams. I don't use them, and they can ruin the game for me when they capture a city with 15 rovers in it. 3) I also think the end of the game could be improved. It's very abrupt, like they ran out of room on the CD or something. One thing I've noticed is that when it shows you the map at the end, the spartans blend in with the ocean and there's just a huge black blob. |
posted 05-08-99 05:55 PM ET
I would really like to have the option to customize the AI. Not only the faction leader's AI, but also the AI of my AUTOFORMERS. For example, I make a script that they build a road on every square.Fenryswulf: 1.) You can turn off the PBs in your Alpha.TXT. Yust set their preq tech to 'disable' 2.) It's the same with probe teams. Or build the Hunting Algoritm.
Urban Ranger
posted 05-08-99 11:51 PM ET
Fenryswulf:Cities with lots of units inside are very expensive to take over. Besides, why don't you have any defenses against probe teams? The simpliest one is to stick a bunch of your own probe teams in all your cities. They cost nothing to maintain, so just have a couple of your cities in the back to churn them out. Another way is to stack a couple of your units on any roads that lead into your cities. Stacks of military units cannot be bribed, and even the wimpiest military units can wipe out probe teams (strength of 0.01) before breakfast. Then there's the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm. Probe teams are great. You can use them to start catalyst wars, for example. |
posted 05-09-99 12:05 AM ET
To those of you who answered my post: First of all, I didn't know you could disable them in the text file, and I'll have to try that. In response to the other comment, it doesn't happen to my own cities at the heart of my empire; it happens to cities I just captured. These are usually surrounded by the units I used to wear down the defense, and I often don't have the extra units to block the roads. I just discovered the secret of building anti-probe probe teams, but I would prefer just having the option of disabling them entirely. |
posted 05-09-99 01:21 AM ET
One change needed is to make copters 300-400% more expensive. AI responds poorly as we all know. Better AAA defense in cities without having every conceivable modification built prior. SAM (ground) units that 'scramble' could be one option. Make probe teams more costly to build. P.S. I do not see many posts that depict the Gaians enthusiastically--I play this faction alot and SE my way into military ruthlessness (does this mean that it is the AI that is weak since I have so much success playing Gaians?). |
Hugo Rune
posted 05-09-99 05:54 AM ET
1. Bitmapped units. This is essential to be able to do anything like an historical scenario.2. Aliens! Give 'em a new tech tree, a different interface, seven new factions, New chasses, anything. 3. Floating bases would be nice... |
posted 05-09-99 10:36 AM ET
I think that monoliths should give a psych bonus to cities harvesting from Monolith squares. Also, I feel there should be another pressure dome that can be built that will make it so that none of the area within the city will sink under water. I really hate it when my most productive city becomes an island.
posted 05-09-99 07:02 PM ET
I want to be able to reseach a Tech that I don't have the prereq.s for like it was a Special Project. Say 200 minerals per level of a tech, and you can only have that tech w/o the prereq.s if you keep the SP(it'll be a whole Manhattan project kind of thing). I want to be able to give stuff to someone who is ignoring my calls. Far too often i wanted to keep an AI player in the game to annoy a more powerful(but Pacted) enemy, but they ignore me, so I can't indiretly help them, and have to go to war. I want to be able increase probe team chances by spending more money, like +1% per 10 credits. |
posted 05-11-99 09:10 AM ET
Things I'd like to see in Alpha Centauri:1) A "Goal" button like we had in Civilization II, that would allow me to choose which tech to research in order to reach a certail "goal" tech. 2) A faster interface... I could fall asleep with the speed that the units move at...!! Mag tubes and all, it's still very slow motion... 3) That was it, for now!!  Natalia |
posted 05-11-99 09:24 AM ET
A massive design workshop so that I don't run out of space each time I upgrade everything with the new defence/attack.It's proving a pain at the moment as I have one of these, a couple of those, etc. And if I don't read the warning windows properly the !�%"$ game will throw away my valuable units. (Yes I could upgrade but then I need to unobsolete the old version units as I can't afford the megabucks required for a non-prototyped unit upgrade. More room removes problem.) |
posted 05-11-99 01:58 PM ET
1. fix the graphics. that helicopter is the most pathetic thing i have ever seen. 2. hire some artists to make the graphics better. 3. get rid of the artists that currently work for firaxis, (i'd like to see them try and find work with a portfolio of copter designs under there arms.) |
posted 05-11-99 02:11 PM ET
More sensible "automatic upgrades". Y'know, you discover some kind of advance that doesn't need prototyping (eg Fusion power I think), and the game asks you "Would you like to upgrade all of our obsolete whatevers". It sensibly doesn't do this with advances like better defence which require prototyping. So... How about the automatic upgrade dialogs once you've prototyped your first unit? I almost always forget to upgrade my city defences, ending up with no armour scouts when I could have synthmetal at least. |
posted 05-11-99 02:59 PM ET
Things to include in 4.0 or SMACX:A vastly improved Map editor: The current version is next to impossible to use. Ocean Sonar Buoys: The water equivalent to the Sonar Array. AT-AT -like Walker chassis (The two legged walker featured mainly in Return of the Jedi): Movement> 1, Treats all squares as road squares. Submersable chassis: Switch from an ability to its own chassis. |
Wolf Dreamer
posted 05-11-99 03:23 PM ET
Evk that is sickening! Deidre is one hot chick, but Miriam? yuck! Women like that make all of your wild wet dreams go dry.I believe what we need is more control over formers. I have more formers than I do military units throughout much of my games. If I have a dozen formers on one square who just finished making a borehole, then I should be able to group them together in a 'select all' command and send all of them to a certain square to build, instead of ordering them one by one. I also think we should be able to program formers several task in advance. Select where you want all the roads around your bases to be, where you wish the boremines and farm/condenser/soil enrichers to be, etc. After building one thing, they would go to the next one to complete. When they were finished with everything, they could build a road to the nearest base and help complete their que. "The terraforming action would destroy the forest, are you sure you want to continue?" That message should appear only once, not before every former tries to help build a bore mine on that same square. They already fixed the continous confirm menu with some other terraform actions. If alreadyasked == 1(yes) then ask=0(no) Does anyone agree with me on this? |
brother copes
posted 05-11-99 04:52 PM ET
It's me again, I haven't posted since I made the first post a while back. This thread is growing. I got five more things:1) Group attacks. The ability to send in complimenting units to attack together (ie a plane, an impact infantry and a quick rover), the more harmonious the attack, the more damage done. They have this in Civ III, why can't they have it in SMACX? It would add a lot more strategy. 2) Allow the human to demand to the AI everything the AI can demand to the human. How come Yang can call up and tell me our treaty is terminated but when I want to do it to him he doesn't want to speak to me and I have to remain in the treaty? Also, the player should be allowd to ignore threats made by the computer unless they have something important to say (ie if Santiago wants to interupt and tell me our treaty is off fine, but I don't want her telling me she will crush me for my crimes everytime I take over a city). 3) Make everything customizable, everyone wants to make different changes but you can't make everyone happy unless you let everything be customizable and people can do whatever they want. Also, I saw TheScientist suggest scripts. Scripts for everything would be good, scripts for cities, scripts for formers, scripts for patrolers, etc. You could include ready made standard scripts but then everyone who knows how could write their own scripts for different occasions. I know Firaxis probably doesn't want to create a whole programming language but still, scripts would be a good idea to allow automation of things that the AI might not be able to guess what the human player wants. 4) Allow more realistic moving. I know it is a just a game and not everything can be realistic but how come a plane can fly out, attack, wait one year in the middle of no where and then return for refueling? I propose that a new added specification be added to the current attack/defense/movement rating: a moves-per-turn rating. So a unit with a rating 3/1/2/1 would move two spaces, once a turn, but a unit with a rating 3/1/2/2 would move two spaces twice a turn, or attack twice, or move then attack. But because it is all the same turn they are never regaining strength until the turn is over. Early game units would have a moves per-turn-unit of 1 to show the unfamiliarness with the land and surroundings and also so that Miriam can't just find everyone in two minutes and take them over. Later in the game, units could have a moves-per-turn rating of 2 or 3 to speed things up. Planes could be given a high moves-per-turn rating because they are used to make quick, repetitive attacks. 5) Lastly, I don't think you should be able to use a mag-tube unless it is yours or your allies'. I don't know what a mag-tube is supposed to be but I know in Civ2 I always thought it was stupid when an enemy used my rail roads. How would they get a train on my rail roads? Enemy units should have to treat mag-tubes as regular roads. That's all, oh, except I also think that SMACX should be open source because lots of bugs get fixed that way and it would be a great way to improve the AI if everyone could alter it, and aren't we all after a great game?
Wolf Dreamer
posted 05-11-99 06:54 PM ET
When someone you are at blood truce with has a unit standing in a square around your base, you should still be able to harvest resources from that square. I can understand that harvesting resources when your enemies are there is impossible, since realistically if they saw a few guys going out to mine or farm they would shoot them, however if you aren't at active war with someone, they shouldn't be able to intimidate your workers not to work that square/region.If you need the resources to support your units for that base, then someone stands there for a turn, then you lose those minerals and several of your units can disband without you being able to do anything to stop it. This is probably why the AI doesn't make bore mines. You could just have a jet fly over and wait there a turn, and all the units being supported would disband, then the jets returns home victorious without even having to fire a shot. Why can't we save up minerals like energy? It would take longer to transfer minerals from one base to another which needed them, unless you had mag tubes or something, however it should be possible. It would make bases less like independant city states, and more like part of an empire/nation. Also, when you ask to trade a base with the computer, then they should check to see if the base is of equal or greater value. If the computer character has several secret projects completed at a base with several facilities and a large population, then it shouldn't trade it to you for a new base you just build which has nothing in it. Is this a problem with multiplayer games involving a few computer controled factions? If so, then they could at least throw in a "no base trading allowed" feature until this is fixed. Although if you wanted to cheat on an online game, you could probably just use the old cheat-o-matic program to give yourself unlimited energy. That is assuming that all the information is stored on your computer. |
posted 05-11-99 10:57 PM ET
I'd like to see a terraforming command allowing the ability to build canals, because its pretty irritating to wait 30 game years for a ship to get from one side of your empires home continent to the other.Another cool thing would be with skybase formers if they can raise land over water and raise it over land why cant they raise land OUT of the water?? |
posted 05-11-99 11:03 PM ET
I forgot something else after i saw the post about the chopper chassis, Ejosotoc has a point the chopper looks pitiful. It would look alot better as something along the lines of an apache, cobra or one of the new comanche helicopters. Which brings me to another point, choppers as a means of inserting probe teams into an enemy base. |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-12-99 03:28 AM ET
GaryD - you can upgrade obsolete units. First, just select one, then click on "upgrade."brother copes - the stack thing in CtP doesn't work very well. The best part about it is a stack actually moves as a stack, instead of having the faster units running ahead like in SMAC. Its a pain when you want to escort your non-combat units, esp them alien artifacts. Otherwise, a stack in CtP attack as a mob, i.e., individually. The exception is the artilleries fire first to soften up the defenses, and unlike SMAC, ground units can be killed by ranged fire. |
posted 05-12-99 01:23 PM ET
USEFUL PSI GATES!!!I loved aiports in civ2, but by the time I get tech to build psi gates they are no use, since it's so close to the end of the game there's no point building them. By then, I've got orbital insertion drop pods a looong time... |
posted 05-12-99 05:11 PM ET
I also want a facility that cloaks a base from view by enemies. I really like the idea of hidden guerilla bases that produce Probe teams. And a way to Tech stag the top half of the tech chart. I usally never get to play with all the toys because I get cooler stuff before it gets built(ie I go from fusion to singularty before I ever get the chance to build a qauntam. And I REALLY want to be able to raise land out of the middle of the sea. Just one more: I want to goup units so they move as one. |
posted 05-15-99 10:40 PM ET
Any chance of someone from firaxis posting to this thread ? Just to reasure me that we're being listened to ? |
posted 05-16-99 03:06 AM ET
Three Things? I could add more, but what do people think of these?1. Flawed Doctrines/Theories - Ever noticed that everyone does intelligent stuff and develops workable theories? Surely they would follow a rabbit trail once in a while... This would essentially be a military problem, to reflect historical doctine flaws in militaries. Each faction would have a special flaw all their own and could also fall prey to others. I've written most of these out, but will spare you the reading. Here are two examples: Doctrine Flaws By Faction (One Example) Peacekeepers Flaw: Preserve Soldiers Lives - This goes to one of the primary goals of present UN forces - not to die in the line of duty. UN cannot build units with less than the best defenses without suffering a morale penalty. General Doctrine Flaw: Suspicious Leaders- Units will not hold elite status for more than 2 turns. This reflects the rulers suspicion that a successful unit commander of elite troops could sieze power, and thus they are reassigned to other units. Peacekeepers, Gaians less susceptible to this flaw. Also, there could be military equipment developed that may not work as advertised - think current anti-missile systems.
2. Easy to use faction maker - allows you to make both balanced and unbalanced new factions, and assign them to the computer or yourself. Even allows you to generate psuedo wise sayings for your new factions...
3. Splinter Groups - Sometimes cities experiencing a drone riot for a certain number of turns will break away and form an independent faction. They will be described in ways such as - ultra militant gaians, environmental capitalists, pacificist christians, isolationist hive cities(i.e. no contact possible), wealth seeking spartans and so forth. They will go about their business as a new faction, with slightly different goals. They may vote to reintegrate on certain terms, and will be easy to pact bond with if you are the original faction. 3. "Heroes" - These are special units that are produced at random, or upon achievement of certain criteria. They can be special governors or military leader units. They give bonuses to production, morale, attack, defense, resource use and so on. But they may be harder to control - i.e. a ruthless governor who squeezes the most out of a city may nerve staple without being ordered to do so. If you try to remove such a leader, the city may go into revolt and become a splinter faction (see above). That's a lot. Let me know what you think... |
posted 05-16-99 03:09 AM ET
Woops, that was more like 5 things... sorry. |
posted 05-16-99 10:46 AM ET
aliens, gang probings, and a forum secret project with a video of nothing but blah written across a screen a trillion times. |
posted 05-16-99 11:12 AM ET
THREE THINGS I WANT IN SMACX 1.) ocean Sonar Buoys 2.) more pre-defined units = NO MORE WORKSHOP 3.) Deidre...butt-naked  Singularity: go visit "call me stupid..." thread. |
posted 05-16-99 11:32 AM ET
I have concluded that your posts are just as stupid as mine. Although I am not stupid, most of my posts are. I realize this. I am just waiting for a good topic on the game to come up. This is what I do on the forum when there are no good game topics, I post stupid things under stupid topics. Just look at the people here, I bet at least 1/2 of them do the same thing. This topic is far from stupid, but I already posted on about 2 dozen threads similar to this so I figured I'd have fun. In fact, for a while I printed every one of these types of threads and then compiled a huge e-mail to BR. Hell, I started 4 of these things on here. So what is there to do, sit and wait for something good or have some fun while you're waiting. I'll choose the second one any day. That's part of the fun on these forums, so why don't you go try it, you goddamn piece of **** newbie. Go out there and get your post total up to about a hundred and have some fun doing it. If you don't, what's the point of even being here? |
posted 05-16-99 11:44 AM ET
Hmm...Calling someone a dumb Sob sounds more than stupid to me.Newbie? do you really think I would use my real account...nope. Even if I was, what difference would that make? 10 intelligent post > 1000 dumb posts, but that's just my opinion. No, stacking up your total post by posting stupid posts is not fun. YOU WILL NOT GET A PRICE FOR HAVING MOST POSTS IN THE FORUM. Why don't you post you dumb posts in the MISC section not in the game section...jez! I wish there was an IQ test that people would have to take in order to sign up for this forum. So...think through before you post. I only got aggrivated because you called someone a "dumb SoB", I don't come here to read crap like that. well, this post brings me to about...10? |
posted 05-16-99 11:50 AM ET
Well, IQ test huh, I'd definately pass with my 154, but you stuck down on the monkey level, I think they'd just give you a pat on the head, a banana, and send you on your way. |
posted 05-16-99 11:57 AM ET
Jez...what a comeback! What kind of response is that singularity? Little baby even posted his "god-i-wish-i-had-this" IQ score! I won't do it, bacuse that is not the point. In case you haven't notice the point has been made (by the type of response you just made, show how intelligent you really are)Anyway, to all other people on this forum, I apologize for taking your time, I will no longer post about Singularity. But if anyone is to pass a judgement on any of us, go see the "call me stupid..." for the reason of my anger towards the "154" boy. Thanks you, and "sorry" to all of you (excpet the 154 boy)
posted 05-16-99 08:51 PM ET
I don't have time for your sh*t anyways. Thanks for the interesting comments and the second grade spelling, it really was amusing, but I have to go do my "blahs" now. |
posted 05-20-99 02:21 PM ET
a Faction creator based on some sort of point system. IE--- +1 research costs 5 pts +2 costs 10 -1 research gives you -5 pts... ETC.. (point costs are negotiable) Threeover, I personally LOVE the unit workshop. But how about an option to use a preset units for those who don't want to use the unit workshop. Intelligence isn't something you can brag on. Because, ironically enough, those who ARE truly intelligent don't need to brag that they are. Its obvious by talking to them. So be careful when someone claims I have IQ OF XXX. Even if its true, if your not a good writer, noone will believe you. (OK, OBscure quote time) As my mom told me many times. [i]For the wise, a word is sufficient[/q][i]You keep out of this, He does NOT have to shoot you now...[/i] Bug Bunny
James Sterrett
posted 05-21-99 06:59 PM ET
I'd like to be able to see the diplomatic status of all factions with whom I am in contact: who they have what level of diplomatic relations with, at least. |
Sir Proverbius
posted 05-21-99 09:24 PM ET
Three things.. Hmmm..1.) Mag tubes over/under water.. They're tubes, right?  2.) Hovercraft chassis.. If foils can't transverse land and water, what good are they? 3.) More realistic planes/fuel deal. If they run on fusion, they really should have enough energy to make it much, much farther than they do. |
posted 09-06-99 08:39 PM ET
we'll see what is actually in it soon |