Alpha Centauri Forums
Non-SMAC related you people have no lifes |
Author | Topic: you people have no lifes |
posted 08-14-99 08:11 PM ET
go get a life. all u do is sit on your fat asses and play computer games. u should be shot. u waste natural resorcses. go play football or sometihng i hate you nerds |
tfs99 |
posted 08-14-99 08:29 PM ET
All hail the heir to HARDMAN! Woo hoo!! SMAX n ... Ted S. |
Nell_Smith |
posted 08-14-99 08:43 PM ET
Presenting: "The Return of the Revenge Of the Son of HARDMAN Part 62" In glorious Black-And-White-O-Vision and Dolby Stereo Surround Profanity Welcome, Junior HARDMAN (or is it HARDWOMAN?) hehe Nell... lmao |
posted 08-14-99 09:14 PM ET
shut the **** up u hores. u and hardman can go **** yourselfs. go get lifes. u are all nerds. I WISH U WOULD DIE. IF NO I WILL SHOT U!!!!!!!!!!!111 **** YOU **** YOU **** YOU. u are all fags. god says gays are bad, so u are all going to hell. I HATE FAGS LIKE YOU. GO OUTSIDE, OR WILL THE NATURAL LIGHT HURT YOUR Is. |
posted 08-14-99 09:16 PM ET
who the **** is hardman. **** U |
Q Cubed |
posted 08-14-99 09:20 PM ET
Well, about the handle: �S(he)/it (read that three times fast) might have forgotten two "u"s in the handle, so it might actually be "URuGuAY". �Or, S(he)/it's keyboard is messed up, so it could have been "URanus", as in "Your anus, at your service". |
tfs99 |
posted 08-14-99 09:21 PM ET
This worked before ... Riiiight. SMAX n ... Ted S. |
Q Cubed |
posted 08-14-99 09:22 PM ET
I see someone can't spell. I see someone can't use proper english. I see someone who is a rampant flamer. What do you see? Look harder... |
Q Cubed |
posted 08-14-99 09:29 PM ET
It has been documented by numerous psychological studies that those people who are extremely homophobic are often closet homosexuals afraid of what their deepest desires are. Furthermore, it has also been documented that such people overcompensate by lashing out at those who they dislike for the silliest of reasons by calling them "gay" or "faggots". However, such reactions can also arise from someone imagining themselves to be of the "Religious" Right. |
Shaggy2Dope |
posted 08-14-99 10:10 PM ET
Shut the f*ck up you little jack@$$. Go jack off and go to hell. You aren't wanted here or anywhere else, so f*ck off b*tch. If you have nothing better to do than to sit around on your fat @$$ and insult people who couldn't give a f*ck about your sorry @$$ and mimic the now transvestite hardman, then you have no f*ckin right to be insulting people in here b*tch. Pathetic @$$hole. |
Nell_Smith |
posted 08-14-99 10:28 PM ET
{applause} Marks out of 10: For style... 5 Long live Son of Hardman! Any bets as to how long this character can keep this up? Nell... lmao even more PS: Honourable mention for responding in kind: Shaggy |
tfs99 |
posted 08-14-99 10:50 PM ET
Go Shaggy, Go Shaggy! SMAX n ... Ted S. |
SMACTrek |
posted 08-14-99 10:58 PM ET
I never read any Tolkien, but I swear I see a troll around here somewhere... |
Shaggy2Dope |
posted 08-14-99 11:03 PM ET
I don't remember any trolls in Tolkien. |
tfs99 |
posted 08-14-99 11:04 PM ET
The Hobbit. Bilbo keeps them occupied until sunrise and they turn to stone. LotR n ... Ted S. |
Shaggy2Dope |
posted 08-14-99 11:07 PM ET
Oh yeah. I remember now. |
Shaggy2Dope |
posted 08-14-99 11:08 PM ET
Oh yeah. I remember now. |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-14-99 11:33 PM ET
First HARDMAN, then Misho.... when will these asshol "u are all fags. god says gays are bad, so u are all going to hell." PS- I'm really sick of people hating gays then thinking it's ok because "God says it's ok". How can a loving God hate gays? Which once again proves my point, religion sucks. |
Shaggy2Dope |
posted 08-14-99 11:39 PM ET
Religion doesn't suck. Some idiotic dumb@$$es just interpret it wrong. I learned my lesson about insulting gay people when kitty flamed me. I really don't care if a person is gay cuz it's not my business. And where does UR GAY find the balls to insult the people on this forum for posting exactly like he is. Technically, that would mean that UR GAY is also a little faggot and will burn in hell because of it. |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-14-99 11:58 PM ET
Just ignore this guy, it's my younger brother trying to start trouble. In the other thread he forgot about the auto user name thing in IE 5 hehe. Did'nt relize until I saw him typing. |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-14-99 11:58 PM ET
PS- Don't worry he got a good pounding |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 12:49 AM ET
It's clear someone forgot about something. Not entirely sure it was your little brother though. The time on the UR GAY/Dreadnought post was 11:55pm. The time on the last UR GAY post before the Dreadnought/UR GAY post was 11:39pm. The time on the last prior Dreadnought post was 11:33pm. Are you saying that your bro typed in a "UR GAY message" and then typed your nick (and auto-PW) just to get you in trouble? Again, I say, hmmmmmm ... SMAX n ... Ted S. |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-15-99 12:52 AM ET
No, not to get me in trouble, to annoy me. That's his thing. He's only 10 years old, what can you expect? |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 01:07 AM ET
And he created a bogus e-mail address and a new account here too? Like I said, pretty clever little brother. Ten you say. Also, I still don't see how "forgetting" about an auto username thing could result in what occurred. He would have had to deliberately type in the Dreadnought account and know that he could use the auto-p/w feature. Doesn't sound like forgetting to me. I stand by my "Hmmmmmmmm" SMAX n ... Ted S. |
MajiK6pt5 |
posted 08-15-99 01:14 AM ET
hahahahahaha!!! (you get the point, oops...gotta go to the bathroom!) these off-topic threads get funnier every time, keep-em-comin'! |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-15-99 01:29 AM ET
tfs99, don't know what you are trying to prove here.... 1)[email protected] is my brother's E-Mail adress, he didn't make a new one. 2)The way it's set up is "Dreadnought" and the passwrod automaticly appears. He must've just forgot to put in his name. 3)And it doesn't exactly take a genius(sp?) to create an account here. |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 01:44 AM ET
Don't get yourself tied in knots. Just calmly voicing my suspicions. Not trying to prove anything. According to the times, UR GAY was the last one to post. THAT name would have been the last one left in the browser, no? Which brings us back to the fact that he must have typed your account name into the browser to post the "dual" message. Perhaps if you posted the UR GAY password ... or changed it to something new. Then everyone could see the account and know that there is nothing to be suspicious about. Anyway, tell him it was fun while it lasted. SMAX n ... Ted S. |
JohnIII |
posted 08-15-99 05:44 AM ET
"Bilbo keeps them occupied until sunrise and they turn to stone." Close, but no cigar. Gandalf kepps the trolls occupied, Bilbo finds them. John III |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 06:02 AM ET
OK. OK. I've only read The Hobbit three times and it's been a while! SMAX n ... Ted S. |
JohnIII |
posted 08-15-99 06:16 AM ET
Yes, and of course I meant keeps rather than kepps. Perhaps you were thinking ofBilbo singing to the spiders? John III |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 06:29 AM ET
That's probably what I confused. I knew that someone fooled them, and I thought it was The Burglar. Oh well, old age I guess. LotR n ... Ted S. |
JohnIII |
posted 08-15-99 06:34 AM ET
LotR Movie n... John III |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 06:46 AM ET
Yeah! Been following that story for a couple months now. Looks awesome. LotR n ... Ted S. |
JohnIII |
posted 08-15-99 06:48 AM ET
Well, the promo art does, but I'm not sure about the casting. I always pictured Hobbits as English, but maybe that's just me. John III |
Nell_Smith |
posted 08-15-99 12:18 PM ET
John: It's not just you. If hobbits can be said to belong to any known race, it would have to be English/British. The whole of Middle-Earth is based on British/Western European mythology, geography and mediaeval social patterns, so it doesn't make sense for LOTR to be set anywhere else. But I hope they don't make too big a hash of the movie... if they really can pull it off, it will be an awesome feat. Not sure anyone can translate the imaginative elements and the sheer grandeur of LOTR onto celluloid, but you never know. I'll keep an open mind. Dreadnought: But thanks for the entertainment Nell... thinking that ten is a bit too young to be so keen on religion... and so handy with a browser |
HelloKitty |
posted 08-15-99 12:40 PM ET
Hi guys. My name was mentioned so I just had to check in. Kitty |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-15-99 02:05 PM ET
Nell, he isn't "keen on religion". He just thinks he should hate gays becuase "God says so". He hates people who play computer games and use computers often because he thinks they are all nerds. Obviously influenced by lame stereotypes. It's pretty strange how some of you are finding so hard to belive what I said. |
Nell_Smith |
posted 08-15-99 04:23 PM ET
Nell, he isn't "keen on religion". Just a piece of British sarcasm. What I meant was that it's incredibly unusual for ten-year-olds to have any kind of religious opinions, especially not of the "you will burn in hell" kind. That sort of hysteria comes later in life, sad to say. He just thinks he should hate gays becuase "God says so". May I suggest a child psychologist for this hypothetical ten-year-old? Or a bit less exposure to fundamentalist religious maniacs? He hates people who play computer games and use computers often because he thinks they are all nerds. For a nerd-hater, he knows how to handle a browser... messing with auto-login is above the heads of most adults, let alone kids. Obviously influenced by lame stereotypes. Not bad, not bad. Good comeback. But I'm still not convinced. It's pretty strange how some of you are finding so hard to belive what I said. Not really, with all the evidence pointing the way it does... and there is such a thing as "protesting too much". But hey, the whole thing just made me laugh, so I don't even know why I'm writing this, really. Maybe in the hope of becoming a true nerd? Nell |
Dreadnought |
posted 08-15-99 05:30 PM ET
Nell, when people like Hello Kitty and tfs99 are accusing me of god-knows-what, what else do you expect me to do? BTW, this is going to be my last post on this erm, um, subject. My brother isn't some sort of religious freak, he just hears that "god hates gays" and that it's the right thing to do. Most young kids are pretty impressionable, especaily when you threaten them with things like eternal damnation. "For a nerd-hater, he knows how to handle a browser... messing with auto-login is above the heads of most adults, let alone kids" Maybe you and I are using diffrent auto-logins, because the one I have could be operated by a five year old. "Dreadnought" and my password are automaticly entered in there, all one has to do is put in the first letter of thier user name and it's inserted. He probly forgot to erase my name until after he posted. And to Hello Kitty and tfs99, try not to jump to this insane conclusions. |
tfs99 |
posted 08-15-99 05:40 PM ET
Here's what might have happened: --------- Dreadnought creates UR GAY and posts some drivel. Dreadnought posts outrage using original account. Dreadnought posts another thread. Little brother of Dreadnought sneaks in and posts the **** U **** U **** U (repeat, repeat, repeat) message, but somehow uses Dreadnought account (leftover cookie, auto-login, whatever). Dreadnought attempts to save face by saying that all the UR GAY posts were his little brother. --------- The repetitive UR GAY/Dreadnought post does seem like it was posted by a child. But the other 4 UR GAY posts aren't from a 10-year old. SMAX n ... Ted S. |
Asphyiaxted Demon |
posted 08-15-99 07:26 PM ET
HelloKitty |
posted 08-16-99 01:07 AM ET
Dreadnaught, If you did not do this sorry. Unfortunatly the times would indicate otherwise along with the many posts. If it was your brother I would be happy to open an honest discussion on Gay/Lesbian themes. Kitty |
Bossman |
posted 08-16-99 10:09 AM ET
U R GAY, Wherever you are I would love for you to try and flame me, Oh yes! Son of Hardman, Bringer of foul language please, oh, please come and give me a shot at you! |
Shining1 |
posted 08-17-99 02:42 AM ET
Okay, this crosses the line between interesting and dull. It's not nice to use innocent little mouth foaming homophobes (fear of same - oddly enough, this works in nicely with q^3's psychoanalysis) for sport, no matter how tempting it is. After all, you wouldn't shoot a cow in a field with a .303, would you? UR Gay: I hope for your sake you are just trolling. If you mean anything you say, you are one very disturbed little boy (say this with Eric Cartman in mind). |
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