posted 08-03-99 02:53 PM ET I went through, and posted my "Boycott Firaxis" thread started in all but the Firaxis Beta tester forum. It's been deleted everywhere but Games, and here, Off-Topic... within 2 to 5 minutes of the posting.
Did someone expect trouble? Did someone want something to do while waiting on SMACAX to be localized? What gives? They can't fix a forum that doesn't run for 12 weeks, but they can delete a thread within 2 minutes?
posted 08-03-99 04:40 PM ET
perhaps they anticipated the response from people like you, or they wanted to leave the topic in the two most active forums. John III
posted 08-03-99 05:01 PM ET
People like me? My, and I used to be one of the non-noise members around here. But as I said... maybe I am in a bitchy mood. But that doesn't change my opinion that he was majorly out of line... (Obviously )
Stasis Archon
posted 08-03-99 07:49 PM ET
Evidence suggests there is a phantom administrator here somewhere. Either that or I missed something while I was away.
posted 08-03-99 08:04 PM ET
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