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  Anybody read/ seen the book/ movie "October Sky"? (Book previously "Rocket Boys")

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Author Topic:   Anybody read/ seen the book/ movie "October Sky"? (Book previously "Rocket Boys")
Natguy posted 07-30-99 12:20 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Natguy   Click Here to Email Natguy  
For fathers day in June my dad recieved the book "October Sky". About the end of May, I noticed that he had not yet begun to read it, so I snatched it away and placed it in my already meter-high (I live in America, but I'm determined to make the change to metrics) stack of books to read. I gave it a very high priority, however, as my dad might suddenly want to read it and reclaim it, and the fact that a former teacher of mine had just read it and said that it was excellent.

So one day I picked it up around 4:30 and, except for stopping briefly to eat and go to the bathroom (or maybe just to eat ) and didn't stop reading till I was done, a little past midnight. Loved it. (My dad just read it last week)

Then this evening my mom went out to rent a movie and saw it (she had decided that it was a movie that she and I would watch together) and rented it. The movie also was excellent. I award the book the titile of one of the best I've ever read (if not THE best) and the movie the same.

It's a true story by Homer Hickam (or hickem, not sure) Jr. Go! Shoo! Go read it! Shoo now!

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