posted 07-24-99 10:48 PM ET What is the best server (Fortune City, Angelfire, Tripod, etc.) to place my homepage on? Because of my lack of funds, it must be free. And, if possible, free of banners (popup windows are acceptable). Any feedback appriciated.
- WVPryde -
posted 07-25-99 07:19 AM ET
You prefer pop-ups to regular banners? Pop-ups are just regular banners that have the extra annoyance of constantly flying up in your face. Or are you worried about the banners messing up your page layout?
Just go for Geocities and put a [/NOSCRIPT] tag after the [/HTML] one. Chances of getting caught are zero to nil.
"You're not the only one who can abuse a non-profit organization." - Homer Simpson
Wyarian Pryde
posted 07-25-99 02:22 PM ET
On one of my friends homepages, banners completely screwed up his layout and made the otherwise good page look like complete ****. Not a bad idea on Geocities, might try it.
- WVPryde -
Asphyiaxted Demon
posted 07-29-99 10:42 PM ET
Wyarian dont use geocities if you do your page is owned by yahoo and they own the right its rule 6 of the membership thing so do not use it use tripod or angel fire
posted 07-30-99 08:26 AM ET
--"if you do your page is owned by yahoo"
No. It isn't. Enough people complained about their attempt to do this that they backed off faster than a Ferrarri in reverse.
Wraith "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you." -- Miss Piggy
Wyarian Pryde
posted 07-30-99 03:06 PM ET
Whats "Rule 6" on the membership agreement?
- WVPryde -
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