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Misho posted 07-19-99 06:12 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Misho   Click Here to Email Misho  
You hate USA? You would piss on American flag? Excellent! Post your messagges here.
Ambro2000 posted 07-19-99 06:38 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambro2000  Click Here to Email Ambro2000     
I'd first like to know why I should do such a barbaric act?



Saras posted 07-19-99 07:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Since that thread is bigger, I'll do it here.

Ok. Calm and slow...


I hope you burned your balls badly on that RADIATOR


"Lithuania sucks more than Croatia"

Lithuania - 5 place.
Croatia - not even in play offs

"At least we have beautiful coast"

We do, too.

And no bears, we ate them all. Raw! We're savages here, you know, way below such civilised people as Croatians who have never waged war with their neighbors and never committed atrocities against innocent civilians.

"What do you have?"

A basketball team better than Croatia's. Plus - remember Euroleague 98-99 finals? Get your facts straight.

"Who from Lithuania plays in NBA?No one."

Sabonis from Blazers and Ilgauskas from Cleveland Cavaliers.

Usa? Germany? Lithuania? No asshole.

You got lucky. It will not happen again

"I don't like sports"

What do you like then? Playing with you mommas underwear? (Sorry, that was rude. I should't get that personal)

"Kuko� is with Bulls."

Where are Bulls now, heh? Maybe he should help them by leaving? He was SOOO pathetic in the Lithuania-Croatia match... These wimps did't even play in the play-off part. Oh well, with brains like Misho's coaching...

"Did you ask yourself that that might have something to do with Lithuanian nazi troops during WW2 who supported Germans?"

There was a Croatian SS division, all volunteers. There was a Belorussian SS division, all volunteers. Latvian, Estonian, French, Dutch, Belgian, Albanian, all volunteers. But NOT Lithuanian. All the young Lithuanians went into the woods and fought against BOTH sides. We fought the Russians until in 1972 the last fighter surrendered.

"Buddy, you are lucky that you still have your country at all...If I was Stalin I would burn it to the ground."

You do, too. If I was Milosevic, I'd burn Croatia to the ground. This is not getting us anywhere.

"Nazists don't deserve democracy"

I'm with you on this one

"And finally, you can kiss my ass with your conservatism"

I'm not a conservative. If it helps, I'm closest to Libertarians.

"Bud as idea, communism is briliant,much more human than capitalism."

No, it is not brilliant because it is not feasible, to begin with, and to end with, the only way it is feasible is forceful and violent, just like USSR. Capitalism, in turn, is justice, peace, prosperity and equality of rights.

"At least real communists (such as Marx, Lenin, Guevara, Lorca..., not Stalin) tried to change something to better, and what capitalists tried to change?"

Guevara with Castro turned Cuba communist and slaughtered political opposition. Marx inspired them all, Lenin built the first concentration camps in the world. Lorca wrote books, I don't know how that can hurt.

Capitalists gave you Internet as it is now, better cars, better and more food, the possibility to become rich, to drive a car that eats less gas than your previous one. You know, the little things that make a life.

"I can't tell you how much I hate that nazi bastard Tudjman (croatian president)."

So you've never seen capitalism, then?

I saw your page...YOUR FACE SUCKS! YOU LOOK LIKE A LOSER! Kidding.

On the "he started first" argument:

To me your pro-communist idiocy sounds like nazi propaganda to a jew. You deserved every F-word I posted. I have little hope my reasoning will change your POV, but at least now you know some facts that can help you understand reality better.

I'm really a nice guy - sleeping with my teeth facing a wall

Misho posted 07-19-99 11:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Am I blind or you are all stupid???
Do I see well?

Did you read the title of this topic??

If I wanted to arque with some American pathetic and worthless minds, then I would stay in "If you dislike America..." forum, in which, by the way, no one dislikes America at all.
So I created this forum to talk with someone who really hates USA.
Why should I piss on American flag? Because I want to. If Americans can drop nuclear and napalm bombs on the innocent civilians,and rule all over the world, then why I shouldn't want to piss on American flag (methaphorically speaking)? I have always hated rulers of any kind.
Especially dumb ones and with no style.

Misho posted 07-19-99 11:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Saras, can you tell me how to make those smiles? I forgot all HTML which I by the way never knew anyway, hehehe.

Saras, I am sorry for radiator stuff.
I didn't want to insult you although you started first.

Like I said, your anti-communistic poetic won't get you anywhere.
I can understend your fear of communism beacuse your pathetic country was the part of former USSR, who, bye the wy, obviously didn't threat it well.
Or maybe you had nightmares as a kid, so you actually just imagine that it was so bad?

I said before - there are many kinds of communism, like many kind of women.
Some are ugly, and some are pretty nice and sexy.
You lived in ugly one (stalinism), and you just had bad luck.
I lived in pretty good one (titoism), and I wish I could return it somehow back.
But what Russia has now in capitalism anyway?
Nothing but horrors.

I can't forgive you insulting Lenin, Guevara or Marx. Their acts witness for themselves.
Your problem is that you read falsed history.

And bye the way... don't think I am Croatian nationalist. That would be the worst insult for me. I hate Croatia, it's full of crap and human trash.
I just doubt that Lithuania is not much better. Knowing you I am sure it's worse.

Goodbye nice guy...

Trappist posted 07-19-99 01:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Trappist  Click Here to Email Trappist     
Saras- One small error in your points. Lenin did not create the world's first concentration camps. The British army used them during several colonial campaigns in the late 19th & early 20th century, particularly during the Boer war. So I'm afraid that the capitalists must shoulder the blame for that particular atrocity.

Pissing on flags? I couldn't give a stuff. Patriotism is a caveman mentality and the sooner we're rid of it, the better.

stranger posted 07-19-99 01:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for stranger    
Mikhail, you know why US drops bomb on innocent civilians? Coz it can and has plenty of them to go around might makes it right no other way around it.
I don�t hate America myself, hell if I had some bombs I would be drooping them too, no point in keeping the goods laying everywhere.
Allod posted 07-19-99 03:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Allod  Click Here to Email Allod     
This is getting increasingly stupid and I don't even know why I'm replying to this...
Maybe I'm bored.
Spoe posted 07-19-99 03:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     

I think you're mistaking 'patriotism' for 'nationalism'.

'Patriotism' is thinking your country has a pretty good thing going. It is not, except for extremists, thinking your country is perfect.

'Nationalism' is thinking your nation is the best.

There is a difference between 'nation' and 'country', though it is often overlooked these days. 'Nation' refers to an ethnic group. 'Country' refers to a political entity. For example, one of Hitler's goals was to unite the German nation in one country.

I find it interesting you complain about arguing with pathetic American minds when I appear to be the only American to post in this thread so far. Saras, as he has pointed out, is Lithuanian. Ambro2000 is in Sweden, as is Trappist, IIRC. And I'm guessing stranger isn't American(at least US American).

Misho posted 07-19-99 04:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Oh Spoe, please, just not you!

I am begging you on my knees, would you please exit this forum beacuse I AM SO ****EN TIRED OF READING YOUR SUPERBORING AND STUPID POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

Please have a mercy upon me and go away from me. What do you want? You people torhcered my mind with your idiotism in that forum, now you want to come in this one too?
Ooooooh noo. Please no!!
Look, I know you are American but please have a mercy. Please?

Didn't I say about my last post in "If you dislike America..."? I said I am leaving you guys so I left. Now you have that forum just for yourself and you can write whatever you want. I don't care and I won't read it.

So I am asking you really nice: leave me alone.There are many other people who wish to submit their posts about this subject - hating USA and all related with - so please be civilizated and spare us of your cheap american patriotism?

I don't want to read your posts anymore - I might get sleep.

So please...

your faithful and obedient servant Misho

Trappist posted 07-19-99 04:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Trappist  Click Here to Email Trappist     
Spoe- no I wasn't. I owe allegiance to my friends and family. Not to a concept of a nation forged over thousands of years of appalling slaughter and misery.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel". Oscar Wilde...I think. I agree, whoever said it.

Misho posted 07-19-99 04:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
"Patriotism is a caveman mentality..."

Trappist, I totally agree with you. You show that wise and smart people still live.
And you also showed that communism is not to be blamed for the whole evil of the world.
I am not communist, but if I should have to choose between communism and raw capitalism, I would choose the first option.
Thank you.

Misho posted 07-19-99 05:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     


Sorry for being boring with another post, but I just sew your page and I must say that
I am so impressed with it.

"Just say no to religion."


You know, I live in the neighbourhood jusimilar to Stephen Dedalus' from Joyce's
" A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man."

How can you convince that people that there is no God, there is no Hell or Heaven, and there are no any angels, kerubins, devils and such fairy-tales for little children?
You can't, the religion is the opium that poisoned their pathetic minds.
They hate all who don't believe (or believe different) and they think that I am the mean and they are good ones!!
What a idiotism!!

Thank you for your page. I have put it in my bookmarks. It's really inspiring.

To "stranger":

I don't know if this is good. To spend words on worthless idiots like you. It's probably not. So that's why I won't say anything on your post. Goodbye asshole.

Spoe posted 07-19-99 05:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Ah, 'nation', not 'country', eh?

Look at the difference(from Webster's):

Main Entry: pa�tri�ot�ism
Pronunciation: 'pA-trE-&-"ti-z&m, chiefly British 'pa-
Function: noun
Date: circa 1726
: love for or devotion to one's country

Main Entry: na�tion�al�ism
Pronunciation: 'nash-n&-"li-z&m, 'na-sh&-n&l-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1844
: loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its
culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

I see nothing wrong with loving one's country. Nationalism, however, revolts me.


"'Just say no to religion.'


Ah. Something we agree on. I knew there was probably something.

Misho posted 07-19-99 06:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     



(It's human to make mistakes.)


Spoe, my dear friend.
Why do you have to cite some books and dictionaries again? Is it what turns you on?
You finally found your fetish? Excellent!! Some people live whole life without discovering their fetishes!!

Spoe, my dear American.
Perhaps you are not stupid (although I really doubt that), but you are being soooooooooooo BORING with your arguments that you write directly from the books.

Can you admit (without citing any book again)
that patriotism perhaps leads toward nationalism?

Patriot today, nationalist tommorow, bloody fool forever!!!

What is the country anyway? The big group of people from who I'll never meet even 0.0000001% ?
And I should be familiar with that people who are mostly different than I am?
Why? Because they all love me?
I wouldn't say so.

And bye the way...all goverments sucks.
Politics is not what it used to be.

Politics comes from "polis", the ancient Greek town, and early politics where about leading the towns in the best way possible.
Now politics means generating lies and craps for the best interests of few (politicians.
Tell me, can you really believe what Bill Clinton says? I can't.

Spoe posted 07-19-99 06:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"Why do you have to cite some books and dictionaries again?"
Could it be I was trying to make a point about what certain words mean? Is there a better authority on definitions than a dictionary?

"Is it what turns you on?"
No, just trying to pass the time while I'm at work(and before you think I'm shirking my duties, I work help desk; if they don't call it's free-time).

"...but you are being soooooooooooo BORING with your arguments that you write directly from the books."
I won't dispute that my posts bore you; such things are a matter of personal taste.
But I don't simply regurgitate what I read. What I read often helps form my opinions. But for the most part anything I quote from a book are facts used to support my position. The one exception I can think of recently was from the Geneva Conventions on civilians. Someone asked what they said and I know of no other way to aswer than to quote the document itself.

"Can you admit (without citing any book again) that patriotism perhaps leads toward nationalism?"

Certainly, in extreme forms patriotism closely resembles nationalism. But that does not make patriotism inherently evil. I think a reasonable amount of patriotism is a good thing; it means you are interested in making your country a better place. By analogy, alcoholism is bad but that does not mean drinking in moderation is unhealthy(some studies actually suggest it can promote good health).

"And bye the way...all goverments sucks."
Yep. But some suck less than others.

"Tell me, can you really believe what Bill Clinton says? I can't."

Neither can I. *gasp* That's *four* things we agree on now...

DanS posted 07-19-99 07:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DanS  Click Here to Email DanS     
[/lurk]Misho: you're a sophist. You criticize Spoe for citing books and then you throw out some boring factoid about Greek philosophy that is inapposite and sheds a glaring light on the weakness of your arguments. I would argue that the US has the closest thing to Aristotle's polity.

Tito? How can we take you seriously when you spurt meaningless vitriol and then say Tito was alright. Really, it's just too funny. [lurk]

DanS posted 07-19-99 07:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DanS  Click Here to Email DanS     
Perhaps I should have said "spew", "vomit", or "ejaculate" rather than "spurt."
walruskkkch posted 07-19-99 07:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
I think Misho may have a problem with "ejaculate" better stick with something he is familiar with.
It is suprising how nobody believe Bill Clinton, what IS this world coming to?
Saras posted 07-20-99 01:55 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Judging from past experience of Misho ignoring facts of reality, I doubt there is meaning arguing with this idiot. I had hope that after being proven wrong on all counts he'd reconsider his idiotic stance, but no. No wonder people go cutting their throats in these God forsaken Balkans. With idiots like Misho, there's finally a tangible explanation. They are (mostly) all nuts.

Zero tolerance for fanatics

Allod posted 07-20-99 04:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Allod  Click Here to Email Allod     
Saras: If you want to keep your nerves intact, let go of this fight with Misho. I tried the same thing at Apolyton with a certain Nazi, and BOY it cost me nerves. But fanatics like them won't listen to reason or change their opinions. Just let him live with his idiocy and care instead for more important matters.

And, Misho, there is another latin saying for you:

fanatici sunt tenues in animo

-Fanatics are poor in their minds.

Misho posted 07-20-99 06:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Now I am really laughing. Your anti-Misho coalition came in this forum too.

Ok, I am fanatic so leave me alone, ok?
Ignore me and don't reply your post here anymore.

Like I said: I've created this forum for to exchange opinions with someone who does hate USA, not for to arque with stupid idiots like you are.
You talk about democracy but you can't even stand different opinions so you insult everybody who opossites your point of view.

You Saras pronounce me for fanatic, and you used F-words in every your former posts because I said that communism wasn't so bad.

My dear friend, you are the one who's being INTOLERANT FANATIC, who can't stand different opinion and starts with insults.

You see, Internet is not American or Russian. Internet is free for everybody, and if I want to say that communism isn't bad as philosophy, than I have my right to say that. And if you don't want to read that than go away. I didn't call you here.

Goodbye apes.

I hope I won't see your fanatic and insulting posts again.

Saras posted 07-20-99 06:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
I'm easy and relaxed. Funny people like this one are not worth the worry. I's just that I wanted to entertain myself a bit...
Misho posted 07-20-99 06:38 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

To DanS:

Because you have been insulting, I'll reply in the same manner with just one sentence:


Misho posted 07-20-99 06:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
To Wallruss or something:

I sew you as a author of some post here.
I didn't read it. I have no extra time to spend on people like you.
Hmmm.....Oh boy.....
You are really boring, you know that?
What can I say more?

Didn't you say you'll be happy when I left "If you dislike America..." forum?

By the way that forum was just a trap that you and your pals can find and insult someone who truly disagree American politics.

I left, I didn't want to be your target for insults anymore.
Only that Spoe guy behaved decently.

Spoe,thank you for not insulting me.

Wallrrrose, can you organize your own forum?
I just wonder who'll submit posts on your boring pseudoideas?

DanS posted 07-20-99 10:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DanS  Click Here to Email DanS     
Misho: thanks for answering my critique of your weak and untenable positions.
walruskkkch posted 07-20-99 03:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Misho, "Bite Me". Actually I don't ever recall saying I'd be happy if you left, but it certainly sounds like a good idea. Go. Go and take you inane postings with you. You seem to misunderstand why a thread like this shows up in this forum. You also have no idea about what consititues discussion or argument. as far as name calling goes, like Pearl Harbor, it wasn't we who started it. We were having a sensible debate on a variety of issues stemming from the original post. We are now finishing it in the style you initiated. Sorry if you got trouble with that, when people are free to talk ugly things get said. Of course, not as ugly as your vile rantings, but ugly none the less.
If I did create my own forum you would be welcome to post in it. Being an American I value free speech and I am willing to put up with people who seem to be ignorant of what it truly means. But why are you suprised when people respond? Are you so used to living in a dictatorship that stifled debate that you can't recognize how to have an argument? Oh well, hope springs eternal. By the by, I can mispell as well as you MeeSostupidbedumblongtime. or perhaps Mesho'nufbeidiot. Well, a pleasure swapping insults with you again. Try to come up with something original and witty if you can. I'm very disappointed with your last post, you seem to be losing some of the "fire in the belly".
DerekM posted 07-20-99 04:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DerekM  Click Here to Email DerekM     
Pissing on Misho...better than sex? I doubt it.

Cue: Misho responds with inane taunt. Why? He enjoys baiting people, probably because he has nothing better to do. I would suggest that he find a girlfriend to keep himself busy, if I cared that much.

Misho posted 07-20-99 05:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Oh man, I'm thursty. I should go to the store and buy some cold mineral water.
This summer heat is penetrating the walls of my room and I really don't know what to do...what to do...

I go with my friends on the beach almost every day, but that doesn't help. As soon as we get out from the water that Sun toasts my back and I am starting to feel like fried chicken.


Yes indeed, it's a summer of love.
I see many beautiful babies on the streets willing for love.

Antonija asked me two days ago to go with her to the cinema.
-Yes- I said with stupidity in my voice and with my eyes on her beautiful abundant boobs.
Maybe this isn't such a damned place after all.
And bye the way... what man gotta do man gotta do.

Tonight I still have some time to go visit my pal Cele. He's home alone, and I am sure he'll find some grass for his old friend.
We'll probably listen some music too...or maybe watch stoned that series with Rick Mayall, the biggest British creep who ever existed!

- Good day. Is this sex-shop?
- Certainly sir, how can I help you?
- 2 kilos of sex, please.

You said something? Walrusssssh, Krusalla, Sara, Dance?

I really don't know. I don't read what you post.You are so boring.

Your sentences are always the same - stupid and full of egocentrism.
Why don't you do me a favor and get a hell out of this forum which, bye the way, I have created bye myself?
But,I won't beg you for that. But if you change from being boring to being interested, maybe I'll alow you to stay here.

And I won't call you apes anymore.
I didn't meet any ape in my life so how can I know that apes are not better than you?
And I suppose they are.
At least they are funny. You don't have even the gramm of sense of humor.

I also suppose that my posts are the biggest exitments in your pathetic, meaningless and empty lifes.

You have never met before such a cool guy like me, right? Do I make you laugh?
O come on,admit that,don't be ashamed!hehehe
Just kidding, ap....ooopss!

I said I won't do that again.
Apes may be too much valuable for being compared with you.

As far as I am concerned, you can all go to hell.
Exept of Spoe. I guess he's a good man.

And Saras...he was good guy in the beginning (you really made me laugh sometimes), but then he become too serious and all this pissed him off.
Now he can go to hell to (or you'll teach me that HTML so I'll forgive you...hehehe).



P.S. did I call you apes again?

Krushala posted 07-20-99 05:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I'm just posting here because I can. Like Misho said no one owns the internet. (Although EA owns these forum). Too bad the U.S. created it.

I love the U.S.A. And despite Misho's pathetic aguments about our atrocities. I still love it. I know the U.S. committed atrocities. Like every other nation on this planet hasn't (although most are covered up). So what if Japan was bombed. At least Germany had the decency to declare war on us first.

Misho posted 07-20-99 05:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Krushala, Krushala, my dear friend....

How are you? How wife and kids?
I hope the are all fine. Say hello to them for me.

Krushala, you are in the U.S. Navy, right?
So practically, you are soldier?
Am I right?

So Krushala, my friend...
Why do you think that some ordinary student of philosophy (like myself), would like to hear what that particulary soldier (you) have to say about his country and its policy?

I know what do you think (that's actually mistake, you just think that you think), and what do you feel for your beloved USA.

And you know what - I doesn't impress me at all.
You tiny brain is being washed up by lousy patriotism and anti-communistic propaganda, so why should I give a damn about you and about your cheap patriotic words?

So I don't. I don't give a damn at all.


Shadwhawk posted 07-20-99 06:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shadwhawk  Click Here to Email Shadwhawk     
:So Krushala, my friend...
Why do you think that some ordinary student of philosophy (like myself), would like to hear what that particulary soldier (you) have to say about his country and its policy?

He has no less a valid opinion than your own, Misho. One's profession or topic of study has no weight on one's own opinions of country and that country's policy.
Now to go your route, only more legible.
Why should we listen to a mere philosophy student? Philosophy is nothing more than esoteric thoughts on the universe and your beliefs, based on things that happened in the past. You're not a history student, you're not a political sciences student, you're not an American; therefore, why should we pay attention to what you have to say about the historical actions of this country and their political motives?
Of course, rationality has no place within your mind. You believe that the deaths of 5 million people (mostly civilians; hell, on one island the Americans invaded somewhere in the pacific, Japanese -women and children- were -JUMPING- off cliffs; I fear to imagine what would have happened if we had invaded the Japanese mainland. Would there still be a Japanese culture today?) via carpet bombing and invasion is a better idea than the deaths of 120,000 and radiation-caused maimings of a couple hundred thousand more via two bombs.

: I know what do you think (that's actually mistake, you just think that you think), and what do you feel for your beloved USA.
And you know what - I doesn't impress me at all.

It isn't meant to impress you. If we meant to impress you (although I doubt it would, considering your large, yet diffuse brain clogged with pro-communist, anti-American rhetoric), all we'd have to say is 'Look at this country. We're 220 years old, founded on capitalism, and we're the most powerful damn nation in the world. Capitalism sucks, eh?'

:You tiny brain is being washed up by lousy patriotism and anti-communistic propaganda, so why should I give a damn about you and about your cheap patriotic words?

Brain size doesn't really matter. It's all a matter of density and bodysize/brainsize ratio.
You know, the same thing can be said about you, Misho. You're wrapped up in inane anti-American and anti-capitalist propaganda, with little experience with what you're bitching about. You're spouting off anti-American rhetoric that we've heard for decades.
Just a quick aside...without we Satan-Americans and our Evil Capitalist Economy, you wouldn't have that little box sitting on/next to your desk. You wouldn't have this whole 'Internet' thing (although, I admit, it has roots in CERN in Sweden (right, folks?), it was Satan-American universities who expanded it, then Evil American Capitalists who grabbed hold of it and grew it into what it is today). Without we Evil Satan-American Capitalists, there very likely wouldn't have a global satellite-based communications system available to anyone.
Without we Evil Satan-American Capitalists, Microsoft wouldn't exist (Ok, so that's -1 point for the ESAC). Without we Evil Satan-American Capitalists, North America would be controlled entirely by Canadians.

: So I don't. I don't give a damn at all.

"If I don't like what you're saying, you're irrelevant, boring, stupid, and I don't give a damn about you."
Whoa, I think that's the real-world (not ideal, like 'tolerance' or 'love') basis for a bunch of religions.

: Goodbye.

Do you intend to keep that promise, this time? Or are you planning on coming back to call me 'boring' or 'stupid'?
If you intend to keep it, here're some parting words...
Don't let the door hit you on your way out. That door's worth money, and it's hell to clean ignorance off of it.


Spoe posted 07-20-99 06:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"You wouldn't have this whole 'Internet' thing (although, I admit, it has roots in CERN in Sweden (right, folks?)"
Close. The Web has some roots at CERN(in Switzerland and I think a part of the loop might be in France) but the internet itself comes from the US Department of Defense via ARPANET.
Dreadnought posted 07-20-99 07:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Misho, Misho, Misho. The reason your asinine posts are usually meet with extreme critism is this-


I'm sorry but it had to be said. Maybe if you could actually present an intelligent arguement instead of labeling us as apes and refering to any post that acutally contains researched facts as "boring", you might actually be taken seriously. You claim America is an imperialistic nation obssesed with greed and money, but I doubt you have ever visited here. Your juvinille rants stink of government influenced propoganda.

Spoe posted 07-20-99 07:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Actually, didn't one of his early posts say he's been to New Jersey? I guess that explains his view of America, then, eh? j/k
MiKaeLe posted 07-20-99 09:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MiKaeLe  Click Here to Email MiKaeLe     
Judging from past experience of Misho ignoring facts of reality, I doubt there is meaning arguing with this idiot. I had hope that after being proven wrong on all counts he'd reconsider his idiotic stance, but no. No wonder people go cutting their throats in these God forsaken Balkans. With idiots like Misho, there's finally a tangible explanation. They are (mostly) all nuts

Saras, I am comig to Litva to kill you and eat your bones!

Krushala posted 07-20-99 10:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Not trying to impress you Misho. I'm just posting here because you said you only want anti american people to post here. It's funny you waste so much time and energy hating america, surely there are better things for you to do.
Krushala posted 07-20-99 10:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
America Rules
Krushala posted 07-20-99 10:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Apes rule too.
Misho posted 07-21-99 06:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Hello!! Did you miss me?! I bet you did, hehehe.

Well, I had some work to do, sorry.

So, what's up?
I see you all still hate me.
But what can I say? It's your Internetial right to hate whoever you want.
And I agree with you. I really am.
I'm such a stupid and pathetic bastard, aren't I?

Well, like I said...
I didn't invite you here.

Spoe, thank you for not insulting me again.

Krushala, sorry, that was spontaneous.
Sometimes I am really impulsive. Eh!

Breaddnight, I saw your post again.
I didn't read so I can't comment.

Bye all.

Misho posted 07-21-99 06:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho friend...

I'm sorry. You are right.
America is so cool. The richest country in the world. But there is only one thing (and that's I guess the personal problem of mine and of some other millions of people):


And I also said before: do you Americans have some real time to spend your money?
You work all the time (usually 8.00-16.00, many even more).
You can't even take some time for a decent crap.

And I am not communist (this is the last time that I am saying this).
I prefer social democracy (like in Netherlands, France, Germany...).
I am just saying that communism as idea is not so bad like your propaganda claims.
American mouths are full of democracy and civils rights, but what about senator Joseph McCarthy during 50's?

Does someone has right to be the communist in your country? McCarthy showed clearly.

I do not hate America.
I hate Americans beacuse they think they can buy some brains with their money.
And they can't. Just like you can't.

And about your disregard to philosophy...
That's sais all about you.

Philosophy is the mother of all modern sciences.If you don't believe me, read some works of Aristotle.
Without philosophy the humans would still be like apes.
Just like you.

Goodbye primitive.

Spoe posted 07-21-99 07:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"but what about senator Joseph McCarthy during 50's?"
Who was later censured by the Senate and left in disgrace. Most normal people thought he was a nut.

"Does someone has right to be the communist in your country? McCarthy showed clearly."
Indeed they do. There's been a Communist ticket for president(Gus Hall has been the candidate for the most part, IIRC) for as long as I can remember.

Communist Party of the United States

Spoe posted 07-21-99 07:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"Philosophy is the mother of all modern sciences.If you don't believe me, read some works of Aristotle. Without philosophy the humans would still be like apes."

True enough. But what is called philosophy today is only a part of what philosophy meant in ancient times. Philosophy today does not much concern itself with mechanics, optics, medicine, etc. directly(i.e. how these things actually work).
Also, alchemy and astrology were the predecessors of chemistry and astronomy but neither are accorded much respect these days. I'm not trying to malign philosophy with that but merely point out that just because one thing lead to something else of merit does not mean it is itself meritous.

Dreadnought posted 07-21-99 07:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Breaddnight? Is that supposed to be some kind of insult? Buhahahaha. And judging by your posts, Misho, it appears you couldnt philosiphise yourself out of a paper bag. And if you had ever decided to learn anything abour America from a source other than the television, you would realize we are not all obsessed with money. Save your petty jealousy for some other country. Misho, is the university you attend held in an actual building, or do they take place in a burnt out farm or a vacant lot? If not, all I can assume is that the standards for Croation academies are very, very low......
Misho posted 07-21-99 08:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Spoe, you are right.
But who guarantee that new "McCarthy" won't show up, and maybe do even worse things?
And just tell me...

Do you really think that I could enter some bar in Lousiana or Arizona, and say:
"Hi guys, you know, I really like communism."
Well I could, but I wouldn't exit alive.

Spoe,like I said once before, you are probably the smartest guy among all of us.
Although I do not agree with your stands about use of nuclear weapon, I must admit that I really think about all of your arguments that you posts lately.
You know much more than I (after all I am just a student), and I like to read what you have to say .Just don't cite any books like you did before hehehe.

Draeddnutz, I saw your post again.
Sorry, I didn't read it.


Dreadnought posted 07-21-99 08:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
If a man walked into a bar in Louisiana or Arizona, he wouldnt be murdered. People would think he was nuts, but he has his rights too. Communism had the right idea, but lead to an unfortunate example of what happens when one person is given complete control over his citizens. If Communism had been executed exactly as Marx and Lenin visioned it, I would take it over Democracy anyday.

Speaking of the atmoic bomb, Misho, I'm curious. If you were in Truman's place at the closing of the war, what would you have done? I'm not being insulting (I hope), I'm just curious to see how you would have handled the situation.

Dreadnought posted 07-21-99 08:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
If a man walked into a bar in Louisiana or Arizona, he wouldnt be murdered

I obvioucly meant to stick "and said, "i like Communism" in thier between Arizona and he. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Dreadnought posted 07-21-99 08:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
I need to slow down when I type, sheesh. Or at least proofread my posts......... "thier"?
Krushala posted 07-21-99 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I think he was trying to pick redneck states. But arizona isn't a redneck state. He just believes all the movies and tv about the south, and assumes they are all arrogant rednecks who would beat someone up because they are communist. I do agree though if they acted like you Misho they probably would beat your ass. But if he was civilized and presented a reasonable argument, most likely nothing would happen to him.
Spoe posted 07-21-99 10:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
You'd be in a lot more danger walking into a bar in Harlem or South-Central and asking for directions to the nearest KKK chapter. There is a pretty clear difference(at least in my mind) between state prohibitions and general social dissapproval. In the case above, for example, I definately think the KKK's message is protected speach but that doesn't mean that I don't think society should speak out against it.

"But who guarantee that new 'McCarthy' won't show up, and maybe do even worse things?"

Nothing guarantees it absolutely, but a free press with men such as Edward R. Murrow(who pretty much started the downfall of McCarthy) helps a good bit. Of course, nothing will protect against it without an interested populace that holds power.

Misho posted 07-22-99 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

To Dreadnought:

Sorry man, I lied. I read your every post,hehehe and I bet you know I do.
What would I do if I was Truman?

Well, I don't know. I think I would make some kind of total embargo on Japan, I would sink every ship that's trying to sail in the sea. And when Japaneses would start to feel some great lack of sushi, I think they would detronize their czar Hirohito by themseleves!

Misho posted 07-22-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

To Spoe:

Yes Spoe, you are right.
But actually, I think nobody would give a real damn on what do I think or talk about communism.
When I was in USA I saw some guy on the main street of the city who has a large and real snake (I think it was a piton) around his neck.
When I saw it I started to laugh, but nobody else around me didn't give a damn about his snake. They just didn't care.
They minded their own bussinesses.

Well I am trying to say that communism is dead, and nobody cares for dead ideas.
But I also think that people shouldn't say : "That guy Stalin was a sick communist".

First communist (if we talk about communism as an idea) was actually Plato, and the first Christian community also had communistic charatheristics (no private property,etc.)

Almost all "communistic" countries in the past were actually anti-communistic because they all were anti-human too.
Communism is just a noble idea, and nothing else, but most people can't understand that.

Misho posted 07-22-99 06:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Krushala, yes you are right.

Arizona sounded to me like southern "redneck" state.
Actually I don't know which states have some rednecks, and which don't.

Misho posted 07-22-99 06:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     




WE'LL SAIL THAT CUP ("Neptunic" class) AND WE'LL TRY (FOUR OF US) TO WIN AT LEAST 1 st PLACE hehehehe.


Spoe, Krushala, Dreadnought...
Goodbye my friends. I'll see you later!
Take care...

Krushala posted 07-22-99 08:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Big turn around. Actually I'm not against communism. There are better examples than Stalin. I'm sure there are communist leaders that haven't committed atrocities on their own people. Actually we have a communist party in the U.S. I thought one of them got elected somewhere. Maybe someone here knows... Socialist is a much better word to use on a platform though.
luzerKing posted 07-24-99 12:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for luzerKing  Click Here to Email luzerKing     
Let them hate, so long as they fear.
Attila the Hun
TheHelperMonkey posted 07-24-99 09:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheHelperMonkey    
It is much worse at Apolyton. There is this guy (well actually 3 guys) that claims there is a Jewsish Conspiracy and that the Jews control all the Media. He cuts and pastes stuff from neo-nazi websites and calls it non-biased sources (because the news is apparently controlled by Jews). Then if you tell him that his sources are biased he changes the topic and cuts and pastes some more stuff. Then if you ask him something like "Do you have evidence (other than circumstantial) that Jews control the Media?" He again changes the topic and starts talking about Jewish Mass Murderers and Communism ("Jewsim" to him).

Just be glad you don't have someone like him here.

Krushala posted 07-24-99 11:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
do you mean albert speer. I usually ignore most of his posts so I'm not sure.
White_Cat posted 07-25-99 07:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for White_Cat  Click Here to Email White_Cat     
Re: Early Christians were communists

I assuming you're referring to the passage in Acts where a couple is killed, supposedly for not giving all the money from the sale of some land to the community. However, look at the actual passage. Peter says "Didn't [the land] belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God."

It is very clear that their wrongdoing was lying with the claim that he gave all of the money to the church, not that he was such an evil capitalist as to keep some of his "private property."

TheHelperMonkey posted 07-25-99 09:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheHelperMonkey    
I meant "Joe". The other two people were Dominikos and AS.
Dreadnought posted 07-25-99 10:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Helper- Are you fferign to Evan Von Braun?
Dreadnought posted 07-25-99 10:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
There you have it, the worst spelling of "refering" in humna history.
luzerKing posted 07-25-99 12:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for luzerKing  Click Here to Email luzerKing     
Good morning Comrade was regatta? Were you able to have good time?...or did American aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines keep getting in way? Did you take your babushka-wearing AK47-toting mother along or did she stay home to cut firewood and work in the fields? Before signing off this board, I just wanted to take the opportunity to say f**k you, f**k your backwards-ass Titoist gulag, f**k these gullible nitwits who spend their time downing all things American (because of our superior intelligence, you have a f**king computer and this game...made in Lithuania? no. Serbia? no. Rumania? no. Russia? no. Oh! Made in USA...that explains it...most everything you have and most everything you like is made in the USA. I see.) And what makes you f**king idiots think you even see the larger picture? Do you all have inside intelligence information that the rest of us don't? You seem to know the reasons behind every action every country on Earth has ever taken. I can't imagine that anyone who spends most of their time playing a game and posting hate-messages is overly qualified to speak authoritatively on what actions heads-of-state execute or their reasons. None of you sound like the brightest scientists in the lab, if you know what I mean. In other words, I don't think there are any political analysts or college professors posting here. They don't have time for computer games. What, did you base you entire perspective of history from the pages of some Russian-supplied textbook, that, like all other things Russian, is about 20 years behind the times? You people speak with authority on things you haven't experienced and simply don't know about, because you are not, nor ever will be, privy to the information. How can you know about Stalinist Russia if you didn't live in Stalinist Russia...get my point? And if you Baltic-types are so very brilliant, the state deparment needs to recruit several of you for key posts and I just don't see it happening. Good luck, Europe. We've carried you for decades and we will continue to carry you until all the little banana republics such as Misho's can finally produce a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk. In the end game, looks like we have come out ahead. We lose...end of story. comrade. Ok. You can go back to raping the elderly and killing babies. Maybe in your next life, you will be fortuante enough to be American. Til then, we laugh at you.
Saras posted 07-26-99 05:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Baltic types? Huh? Balkans are not Baltic, or am I missing something, Captain U.S.A.?
MiKaeLe posted 07-26-99 08:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MiKaeLe  Click Here to Email MiKaeLe     
Only one question for the luzerKing (and think twice before you respond)

What do you know about happyness, joy?

(I am getting sick of this thread, so maybe I just go away..)

Saras posted 07-26-99 09:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
My computer is made in Lithuania. It has Intel inside, though, but it is MADE in Lithuania. You see, not all Americans are that stupid (in fact, you are one of the sick minority - Intel wasn't started by you) and they trade stuff with other nations. Because:

Americans cannot cook good food (MACDONALDS!!!), so they hire French to do it;

Americans are so awful at maths and calculus, so all the univeristies are crammed with Majids, Rajivs, Igors etc. (Russians and Indians)

Californian software support nerds can't read books because they have paper allergy, so they go to public forums, post flame bait and expect to get all the answers they need to know for free. That will cost you $1,500/hour, boy

There is a fantastic economic miracle known as comparative advantage. US makes microchips, Europe makes Ferraris, Bimmers and tours of Paris. US can't make good beer (now I hear there is this micro brewery hype in the US, that they actually CAN make beer) so they ship it from Europe... Cormilloors is not beer. Europe makes luxury goods because it has taste.

Etc blah yada

The bill's in the mail. Can you afford it?

threeover posted 07-26-99 11:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for threeover    
this thread must die!
threeover posted 07-26-99 11:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for threeover    
this thread must die!
threeover posted 07-26-99 11:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for threeover    
this thread must die!
threeover posted 07-26-99 11:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for threeover    
this thread must die!
threeover posted 07-26-99 11:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for threeover    
this thread must die!

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