posted 07-15-99 06:39 PM ET
Hail,Come on, surely some more of you were out there opening night? (No, I don't have kids, why? 
I'll not give away too much, but I've got say a couple things about this movie.
Number one, it was great. It was really great. It was very funny, which it hardly could not have been since it was concerned with my favorite muppet, Gonzo the Great. There's plenty of jokes in there for adults, so you don't have to go 
I only had one big problem with the movie (and a couple of the usual minor ones like Ralph the dog and the Swedish Chef not getting enough lines), and that was the soundtrack. It stunk. It was, bar none, the worst motion picture soundtrack I've ever heard. Don't get me wrong, some of those songs are okay as songs, but as a Muppet soundtrack they fail miserably. What happened to the muppets singing singing songs about what was going on? The idea to use commercial music in the background instead was the worst thing (musically) the producer (director? dunno who's in control of this) made. It's the only big mistake, but it's a really big one.
As for the rest of it... man, can't remember I laughed so hard at a movie (even at one that wasn't meant to be funny). And I loved the sci-fi references, even though I know most of them were missed by most of the audience.
All in all, I'd give the movie a B+, since the soundtrack was so painful. A mediocre soundtrack in a mediocre movie is one thing, but when the rest of the movie absolutely shines, and the sountrack is this bad... well... it stands out a bit.
"What's wrong Gonzo? You never miss a chance to shoot yourself out of a cannon."
Kermit the Frog