Topic: Technical Question - How can I....
ChairmanLee |
posted 07-15-99 09:22 AM ET
Ok this may sound strange but I need to transfer some files written in apple write, yes from an old apple II, and place them on my PC. These were things I wrote (SF Stories)some time ago and would like to be able to get everything together.I was wondering if there was something easy I could do to handle this. I tried making an ASCII file but did not have that option in the apple write software. There are a few other things I have not tried yet, but I would like to know if any of you, with the big brains, have any idea's. I'm still just a caveman dragging my knuckles on the ground. Thanks in advance for any ideas.  Yes I still have 2 apple II computers. If nothing else I could always just use them.
posted 07-15-99 09:45 AM ET
Can the Apple �talk� (via modem, or serial port) to your PC to get the file over there? I don�t know what type of file format Apple Write used, but once you get the file over to the PC you should be able to open the file in notepad and remove any unwanted characters. Then you could open that in Word or whatever. What �save as� options does Apple Write have? |
posted 07-15-99 10:14 AM ET
Can AppleWrite save as a text file? If it can, do that. Then it can be read by the PC in any text editor. |
posted 07-15-99 12:42 PM ET
The "Talk" idea so far was one of the ideas that I have heard of and will try. I'm going to try and have the serial printer port send to my pc and try to capture it with telnet (Or some such old pc software). I'm not sure if I need to have some kind of flip on some of the serial connects for this to work. No modem for the apple but that's another idea. The text file is also a good idea but I can only save the stuff on an apple formatted disk. How can I use this with my pc? I do have a same size drive I could use. Is there something out there that might be able to read an apple formatted disk on the PC? Once again since I'm such a primative "I know not if do can?"Thanks for any and all the help! |
posted 07-15-99 01:06 PM ET
If use Mac, then can transfer files from apple disk to PC, but expensive to buy new Mac, esp. iMac 'cause need buy floppy drive...only works if can save to 3.5" disk, though.Spider To decompress this file, use "WordZip" or similar application. |
posted 07-15-99 01:14 PM ET
CL:The first thing that you got to do is get the file over to the PC. I have software that can read/write a Mac 3 1/2� disk on a PC but nothing for an Apple II. If you are going to go serial port to serial port, you will need a �null modem cable�. You will need to get the parity, stop bits and baud rate set up the same on the two machines. Then you should be able to send stuff to the Apple serial port and capture it on the PC. If you have an external modem you should be able to hook it up to the Apple so if you have a terminal program for it that should work too. I used to do this kind of stuff all the time but that was many years ago. One other option; Do you have a hard copy of the text. If so you could use a scanner and Optical Character Recognition to get it into the PC. I have a scanner and the software. I see that you are here in Ohio. If you do not have too many pages I would be happy to help you out.
posted 07-15-99 02:17 PM ET
There's a lot of stuff. I have typed stuff too that I know I'm going to have to scan in. I have a scanner but not sure of what software to use. I knew if all else failed I would just print my stuff out on the apple (Have a printer for it too) and scan it all in. I was just looking for other solutions.I really want to thank you all this has been helpful and informative.  |