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  The I club XXXIX - Reunion

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Author Topic:   The I club XXXIX - Reunion
Saras posted 07-08-99 10:12 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Saras   Click Here to Email Saras  
Aye aye here, y'all veterans and newbies, the I club has been redecorated and has installed an additional zillion of corners, all fitted out with newest Morgan Electric Lava Lamps. The "No weapons" sign has been reinforced with a weapons detector from the Hive entrance.

Saras: Well, I've got a zillion more corners to sit. I'll take corner number 3.
[sits down] Kinda spooky here, with all those corners and all. Where is everyone?
[goes to the bar and takes a Pholus Mutagen] gosh, after all these postings I never tried this one - gulp gulp - mmm, mmmm, good!

[ten seconds pass]


[collapses on the floor, barely breathing]

Mr.SomeoneVeryEvil, lurking in corner 8979971654951 silently giggles - "hahaha, another vet goes down, many more to go"

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 07-08-99 10:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
*YYYH comes in and coughs. It echos for many years, and destroys many bottles of booze*

Q Cubed posted 07-08-99 11:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
Saras! You didn't get my version of the Pholus Mutagen! Of course it hurts your EYES!

Don't go for NewPholus (biochem genetic weapon).

Don't go for PseudoPholus (not as good).

Go to Firaxis.Com for the I Club. This should be I Club XXXXI, actually.

Saras posted 07-08-99 11:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Hell no, I won't go! I'm a die hard SMAC off-topicer'er! And I hate that black background!
Saras posted 07-08-99 11:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
BTW, I'm lying unconscious, so I didn't actually say that. I mumbled it.

Does anyone know CPR? I knew there was this girl in IIIS, what's her name ?

OhWell posted 07-08-99 11:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell has been seated in corner number 666 for about an hour]
OhWell: [mutters] What�s a guy gotta do to get some service around here? The decor here looks like hell anyway!

[OhWell wonders away looking for a waiter and trips over a body lying on the floor outside corner number 3]

OhWell: [shouts] Does anybody know the number for 911? But there is no answer.

Spider posted 07-08-99 04:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
There are two I Clubs operating simultaneously, so....

Spider: Tanj, this is boring! I know what'll liven things up around here.... (starts chanting)
OhWell: What's going on?
Spider: (stops chanting) Done! The portal to Draenor should be opening right about...NOW!
As Spider speaks the final word, the hourglass that never needed turning slowly empties...and does not refill. Simultaneously, creatures that any Warcraft or Warcraft II player would recognize as Orcs pour out of corner 04180105141518.
Spider: Ner'zhul will be pleased....

Wolf Spider
Director, Robotics Development, IIIS

"Spider. Wolf Spider."

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 07-08-99 05:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
*YYYH watches in awe*

Wow! There's Gul'dan! Orgrim Doomhammer. He's my hero! There's a troll axethrower. Wow, Cho'gall the ogre! This is awesome, man.

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

CarniveaN posted 07-09-99 01:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CarniveaN  Click Here to Email CarniveaN     
meanwhile, in corner 486...

Carnivean wakes up, looks at the display board.

Carny: what "reunion" but i never left... oh well. Then noticing all these odd green things throwing axes at each other.

*carny lifts up his collar to his mouth, and whispers to it*
da komrade, der multi-dimentional gate has beeen opened again.

soon mechanical clones of Lenin start ariving through the door... all making an evil grin when they notice the no weapons sign.


Saras posted 07-09-99 02:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Hey, someone get me Cindy to do me CPR!!!
Spider posted 07-09-99 02:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider: Hmmm.... It seems this has gotten out of hand.
So saying, Spider orders the orcish forces to herd the Lenin clones into the Dark Portal...and through, to Draenor, where they quickly get slaughtered. Spider then launches a new nanite evolving petroleum eater. The colony starts out small and immobile, but as it encounters petroleum, it grows and evolves. It can also form a symbiotic coating for any creature, providing protection and enhancement and requiring petroleum only when expansion or colonization is desired. The first symbiote is...Spider. The nanites give him an armored appearance due to their metallic hue, something like steel plate armor and a form-fitting helmet with no face cover...though that's deceiving, as the nanostructure can seal off the symbiote from the outside world and produce oxygen from carbon dioxide; the face covering is also transparent, by a simple modification of the nanostructure in that area.
Spider: How do I look?

"Spider. Wolf Spider."

OhWell posted 07-09-99 08:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
OhWell climbs over the bar, draws a glass of beer and goes back to where Saras is lying on the floor. He waves the beer under Saras�s nose. This action elicits a twitching of Saras�s right hand but nothing more. OhWell stands up and begins to drink the beer. At this Saras jumps up and grabs the beer and says...
Saras posted 07-09-99 09:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
[gulps down the beer]
[falls uncoscious again, mumbles "cindy"]
OhWell posted 07-09-99 09:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
OhWell: [looking down and Saras lying on the floor] �Humm, this is more serious than I thought. Looks like I will have to operate. Buwahahahahaha!�

[OhWell, grinning from ear to ear, pulls out a chain saw and begins pulling on the starter cord]

DCA posted 07-09-99 09:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
DCA enters the I club and looks around with slightly glassy eyes. Having ordered a Planet Buster from the bartender, he stumbles over to the jukebox to play some party music. Basement Jaxx, anyone? Yeah, Red Alert it'll be. Ah, work's over, the weekend is here, partytime!!

Well, it looks like blind, screaming hedonism won out.

OhWell posted 07-09-99 09:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
OhWell: [carrying the now purring chain saw, walks over to DCA] �I need to operate on Saras and I might need a blood donor. You look like the right type. Here, have another round!� [OhWell buys DCA another Planet Buster]
DCA posted 07-09-99 10:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
(gulps down Planet Buster)
"Shore, bleed me. Nuthin's too good for ole Saras!"
OhWell posted 07-09-99 10:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
OhWell: �Excellent... It�s good to know that Saras has such caring friends. That can be an important factor in complete recovery in these cases. Please step this way!� [OhWell and DCA walk over to where Saras is lying on the floor]

OhWell: [positions the chain saw over the top of Saras head and revs the engine a couple of times] �Now this won�t hurt... much� [at that Saras eyes snap open and...]

Victor Galis posted 07-09-99 02:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Victor: Hmmm... der Teufel ist freigelassen!
(Victor calls in his forces to deal with the orcs.)
Pokemaniac posted 07-11-99 03:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pokemaniac  Click Here to Email Pokemaniac     
*smashing the calm like a hot knife through lead or something, Pok�maniac plummets from the reaches of the ceiling so far away as to vanish in shadows. screaming*



Pok�maniac: COWER BEFORE ME!

YYYH: No. What are you doing here anyway?


YYYH: Riight..

Pok�maniac: *takes a seat in corner 69* I'll just sit back and wait till my buddy Tawdal shows up.. *leans back with his hands behind his head for several seconds, then twitches and pulls out a Gameboy from his trenchcoat and boots up Pokemon*

Exile posted 07-11-99 09:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Exile  Click Here to Email Exile     
(A warp portal appears in the I Club)

Voice: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

(Exile is throuwn out of the portal and right into a back wall)

Another Voice: And stay out of our omniverse!

(Exile gets up and dusts himself off)

Exile (In Fonzie voice): Eyyyyyy! Where's everyone?

Pokemaniac posted 07-12-99 05:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pokemaniac  Click Here to Email Pokemaniac     
Pok�maniac: (points and laughs at Exile) HEHEHAHAHHAHA! You know that the Half Naked Bikini Aliens Universe doesn't let anyone except for bigshot movie stars in!

Exile: Oh yeah? This calls for a Pok�mon match!

Pok�maniac: Oh yeah!? FINE! Cheatersaur, I choose you!

(Pok�maniac pulls out a Pok�-ball and tosses it on the ground, and it spews out a big, garbled mass of ones and zeroes that have all been hex-edited into the ultimate pok�mon)


Spider posted 07-14-99 08:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, the chainsaw disappears. OhWell finds himself with a metal cylinder near his neck.
Spider: Don't move, or you lose your nose.
OhWell twitches, and Spider moves the cylinder up until it's at OhWell's eye level. OhWell is left holding the tip of his nose.
Spider: Force blade. You wanna lose you life, too? Let me take Saras.

"Welcome to the Hotel California...."

Victor Galis posted 07-14-99 11:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Wow! 2 CWALers in the I Club at the same time!
Victor Galis posted 07-14-99 11:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Oh well, I guess it is time to steal some more newbie souls in the Game forum (evil laugther)... hmmm ... I have a feeling I'm being watched.
Spider posted 07-14-99 11:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider: Yes, Vic, you're being watched...don't move and you won't get hurt. Damn, I love what this force blade's done for me!

Playing with my new toy.

M_ashwell posted 07-15-99 06:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
I enter through a side entrance and immediately the weapons detector goes off
A couple of LARGE bouncers calmly walk up to me and ask
"Have you got any weapons"
"No" I reply
"Liar" the right bouncer says and he immediately grabs my by the neck
"HAND OVER THE WEAPON" the left one, says
"B0LL0CKS" I say
And with that they throw me up against a wall and begin to search me
They find�
1 AK-47
1 pocket planet buster
1 sabotage virus
1 light sabre
1 singularity laser
1 test tube of Borg nano-bots
1 vile of VX gas
1 small rodent

"A mouse?" the bouncer asks
" Bob, KILL" I say
And with that the rodent jumps and eats through the bouncer's head while I pull a minbari fighting pike from a concealed pocket and proceed to beat the bouncer to death.

After a while I put the weapons into my pockets and call "here bob"
The mouse runs over to me and jumps into my pocket
I step over the 2 corpses and walk up to the bar
" One Pan-galactic gargle Blaster please"
"Certainly sir that will be 80J"
I pull a battery out and say, "keep the change"
I take my drink and sit in corner 1701 (well someone has to)

MangoBreeder posted 07-15-99 07:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
MangoBreeder - Quietly walks in, when the weapons detector goes loopy and displayed err.msg "Stack overflow, he simply give the Bouncers a suitcase of pultionum, and a small vile of Anthrax.

He continues to corner 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 untouched and asks for a pi (hahahahaha)

A tall slender athletic waitress approaches MangoBreeder and he smoothly orders a Fuzzy Mango Sundae (a rare drink made from the fruit of the one mango tree located near Chernoyl)

He simply clicks his fingers and a 1TJ battery appears out of thin air

" Keep the change" he said quietly
and then continued to ask what the waitress is doing later.

To be continued....

OhWell posted 07-15-99 07:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
OhWell phase shifts the molecules of his body to an alternate reality and steps out of Spider�s Force Cylinder. He grows a new nose tip as he shifts back (multi-tasking don�t you know). He looks at Spider and sighs; �You try to be a Good Samaritan and what does it get you? Some arachnid comes along and hands you your nose. *sigh* I hate spiders! Why does it always have to be spiders!!!�

OhWell looks down at Saras who seems to be coming around and then looks back up at Spider. �In cases like this description of the treatment within hearing of the patient usually leads to complete and immediate recovery. Haven�t you ever read Hitchhiker�s Guide to the Galaxy?!� OwWell asks incredulously. �And don�t tell me that you really believed I was going to use a chain saw for brain surgery!� he continues �Everybody knows that you use a two man crosscut saw for that!�

OhWell looks at spider out of the corner of his eye, smiles and reaches for his secret anti-arachnid weapon; A really big shoe (once used on the Ed Sulivin show)...

Spider posted 07-15-99 09:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
(Wolf) Spider: Force blade, OhWell, the cylinder is just the handle. Saw his head open? I can do effectively the same thing with a much better effect...especially in the shock therapy area, ie describing the operation. I just slowly remove the top of the skull one layer at a time. Of course, it does get messy once you hit the blood vessels....

Wolf Spider
I am not an arachnid; I just happen to be named Wolf Spider.

OhWell posted 07-15-99 10:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
Yea, I noticed that but I had already submitted! No post edit here! rats!

�Not really a spider!? Then why you got those eight harry legs, huh? Oh well.�

OhWell: [puts away the Really Big Shoe]

Saras posted 07-15-99 12:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
OhWell posted 07-15-99 12:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
OhWell helps Saras up]

�Man things have really been jumping around here while you were out, Saras!�

�Orcs, Lenin clones, dimensional portals and even a giant spider!�

�Well, he clamed that he wasn�t really a spider so I didn�t squish him.�

�Anyway it was way cool. Come on, I�ll buy you a beer and tell you all about it!�

[Saras and OhWell walk over to the bar]

Spider posted 07-15-99 01:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider: No, no, just the Dark Portal, and for the last time, I AM NOT A SPIDER!!!!!

At least I have some NIMser Mk. IIs....

OhWell posted 07-15-99 01:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[Spider... Spider... Spid... OhWell looks around as the echoes die away and sees Spider glaring at him]

�Oh well, sorry about that! It was just with the eight legs and the handle and all I guess that I got a little confused. Having my nose cut off always tends to distract me. Come, let me get you something.� [OhWell gestures towards the bar where Saras is standing]

M_ashwell posted 07-15-99 01:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
M_ashwell gets out a pipette and gives his mouse a drop of his drink
"one for you..."
then he gulps the rest down himself
"the rest for me"

he then ordres another one ond attempt to put it on MangoBreeders tab (hell he's got enough energy!).....

OhWell posted 07-15-99 02:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[Spider walks over to OhWell and grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him]

�You nitwit! I only have TWO legs! Two! Count �em! One! Two!�

[OhWell stares down at Spiders legs]

�Humm, well there are only two. How could I have made such silly error?�

[OhWell check his log files]

�Hummm.... Ah here it is; When I first counted your legs I was operating in Binary mode and counted 10 legs. When you cut off my noise, that caused a temporary buffer over run and I shifted to Octal mode, but the value �10� was not changed. So, when I converted that value to Decimal for communication to carbon based life forms I got �eight�. Quite simple really, could have happened to anyone.�

[OhWell turns to the bar and, grinning, orders a Pholus Mutagen for Spider]

Spider posted 07-15-99 02:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider: That's kind of you, OhWell; here, try a "Pseudo-Pholus", something I whipped up in a parallel dimension. And, actually, only someone like you could have made that error. How many times has that happened before?

I picked "Spider" because it sounds good, and "Wolf" because it meshes well with the last name Spider.

OhWell posted 07-15-99 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell thinks a minute]

�Well, actually, it happens everytime someone cuts of my nose! Do you have any idea how many spiders I have squished? That�s why I hate spiders... They keep cutting off ny nose!�

[OhWell sniffs suspiciously at the Pseudo-Pholus]

�Uhhh... What�s in this thing anyway?�

Exile posted 07-15-99 03:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Exile  Click Here to Email Exile     
(Steps out the restroom in his recently stolen Adv. Powered Armor Mk. II)

Exile: God, this thing's chafing me...ah well

(Exile walks up to the cheap Pokemon, grabs it, and rips it apart and throws the halves into dark corner 6573)

(He then knocks out the bouncer, walks out to a beat-up looking car, opens the runk and pulls out his Gauss Rifle)

Bouncer 2: I'm gonna have to ask you to put your gun away

Exile: No! I will not put my gun away!

(Smacks the stock into the Bouncer 2's skull then walks to the bar, picking up a Psuedo-Pholus)

OhWell posted 07-15-99 03:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell looks up at the commotion by the door and ducks as Bouncer 2 flies past]
Spider posted 07-15-99 10:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider: It has the standard ingredients for one of Q's Pholus Mutagens, plus a secret ingredient for flavor. That help?

"We eat Azugal tonight!"

Victor Galis posted 07-16-99 01:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Victor: I was rather reffering to the newbies in Game... geez, you wouldn't believe what they posted after something I said was quoted out of context... ugh...
Spider: Ok...
Victor: Now, the occasional dark templar and human watching me-
Newbie #1: Are you calling us inhuman?
Victor: No.
Newbie #2 (rasing a cross to ward off evil): Back, fiend, back!
Victor: But I...
Newbie #3: Quick while he's confused!
Victor: Commputer, activate SMAC combat settings.
(The newbies once attacking together now are forced to attack one by one.)
Victor: Fools!
(Victor draws a shotgun, and fires at the first newbie. The newbie falls, and Victor drops the shotgun, drawing a pistol, which he elimnates the second newbie. Lastly, he draws a katana, and swings it, taking the last newbies head off.)
Victor: All too easy!

"They're going to flame me for this one."

Saras posted 07-16-99 02:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Wheewwww! What the hell was going on here? Give me a phol...noo, give me a Bombay Sapphire martini, shaken, but not stirred.
Dreadnought posted 07-16-99 03:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Dreadnought slowly steps into the crowded area, each footstep kicked up a fair amount of dust. With an almost cocky confidence, he slowly strides through the weapons detector.


Two burly bouncers, each almost completly covered with bandaged and Neosporen, approach Dreadnought and exaustingly search him for waepons of any kind.

"Sir, please remove that lightsaber from your belt."

Dreadnought complies, and in almost the blink of an eye, ignites the blade and brings it down to the bouncer's neck.


At the last second, Dreadnought halts the decent of the saber at the sound of an unknown voice.

"Over here."

Dreadnought glances to the small booth in the corner of his eye. A short portly man rested in a folding chair behind several inches of as it seemed, bullet-proof glass.

"Go on in, just don't kill my guards, I've already lost three tonight, and good help is ever so hard to find."

"Thanks," Dreadnought replies, withdrawing the dark blue blade back into the handle of the lightsaber, "I'll try to stay out of trouble."

"I really wish I could belive you. Have a good time."

"I will."

The gaurd quickly reverts his attention back to the small holo-screen and pays Dreadnought no further attention. With his typical stroll, he slides into a booth against the back wall and instintaniously shoves a handful of complementry pretzels from the basket on his small table into his mouth, and immediatly a strong thirst arises in his mouth.

"Would you like something to drink sir?"

An attractive waitress attentivly stands by the table, awaiting Dreadnought's order.

"Yes, I'll have a Coconut Monkey, and I'll give you 25 energy credits if you bring my drink here within two minutes."

"Yes sir!" The waitess eagerly replied."

"Remember, table 454232.55." But it was too late, the waitress had already dashed to the bar, and was making the drink in an almost frenzied state.

Dreadnought glanced around the club, taking in the strange sights that this place always had to offer.

Immediatly the watiress had returned with Dreadnought's beverage.

"Here sir, that'll be 7 Joules.

"Of course." Dreadnought pulls a 100 from his pocket and gives it to the waitress. "Kepp the change."

"OH WOW!!!" The waitress screams, attracting the attention of almost everyone in the club. With a red face, she quickly dashes back to the bar and busies herself with whatever else she did here.

Taking a sip from the cold, bright blue beverage, Dreadnought takes another look around the club. This was giong to be an interesting night, he though to himself.......

MangoBreeder posted 07-16-99 06:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     


OhWell posted 07-16-99 07:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell takes a tentative drink of Spiders Pseudo-Pholus. Smoke comes out of his ears and his face turns red and he begins coughing. After the coughing stops he turns to Spider and says;]

�Smooth, but it doesn�t have much bite! Oh well.�

[OhWell looks down as blood from Newbie #3 splatters on his shoes and then looks over at Victor]

�Man... I wish you wouldn�t do that! These are brand new Nikes! Do you know how hard it�s going to be to get them clean?! Besides, Newbie souls are out of season.�

[OhWell turns back to the bar and orders a Bombay Sapphire martini for Saras]

Saras posted 07-16-99 07:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
The name's Saras. Saras Saras.
Saras posted 07-16-99 08:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Cheers, OhWell. I hope you enjoy the new setting of the I Club with an additional zillion corners.
SnowFire posted 07-16-99 10:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Exile et al: In response to your question, the Firaxis boards, which lamentably have a bad color scheme (According to Saras). But they do have edit post and other niceities.

Mango: Please don't long strings without spaces, and makes those of us at 800x600 resolution have to scroll back and forth to read everything.

In other news, our Big Burly Bouncers(TM) were eaten by the Attack Toilets(TM) after a merchandising competition. It looks like the AT's have a monopoly on bouncing less-than-one-post people again. On the downside, with only one group protecting the place, things will get slightly looser than normal.

Random I Clubber: Look! It's chrisk!

Chrisk is engulfed in a fire from illegal weapons smuggled in

Bouncer: See, the Attack Toilets need us! We- *BLAM* *BLAM* *FLUSH*

Attack Toile #34: Anyone else care to express an opinion?

OhWell posted 07-16-99 10:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell turns back to Saras]

�Cheers! Well, to tell the truth, I just dropped in to get some lunch. All the corners are nice but after about 4,294,967,295 I kind of lose count. Some of the clientele seems a little rough, but it�s far from boring.�

[OhWell takes another sip of Spiders Pseudo-Pholus but this time no coughing]

Dreadnought posted 07-16-99 04:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Dreadnought reaches his hand into the pretzel basket, but feels only greasy, greasy paper and salt crystals.

"Dammit." He mutters under his breath. Looking towards his glass, he realizes he still has a half cup of Coconut Monkey left. Apprehensivly, he gulps down the concoction with a mighty swig.




Unfortunatly, the drawback of the Coconut Monkey is if drunk to quickly, you begin to hallucinate. Bright green monkeys and panda bears begin to enter the club and sing a merry song about 19th century aristocrats.

Dreadnought smacks his head repeatedly with his lightsaber handle, to the point in which blood begins seeping from his nose and ears. The animals dispear, but he has attracted the unwanted attention of the patrons around him.

"What, you've never seen bipeadal apes with opposibal thumbs? Of with ye, you troublemaking ratcatchers!"

The patrons return to nursing thier ill-gotten alchohol.

M_ashwell posted 07-17-99 04:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
M_ashwell notices that the same song has been on for 16 days so decides to put "turn-around" on
M_ashwell shouts at corner 3.141592.... "MangoBreeder that was cruel!!!"
m_ashwell strolls back over to the bar and grabs a few napkins
cleans the blood from his shoes
apologises to the manager for his earlier intrusions
the manager says "aww fcuk it everyone in here has weapons planets not as safe as it used to be"

M_ashwell gets out a pipette and gives his mouse a drop of his drink "one for you..."
then he gulps the rest down himself
"the rest for me!"
he ordres yet another one (against zaphods advice) and puts it on MangoBreeders tab (will he notice this time?).....

OhWell posted 07-17-99 11:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell walks over to where M_ashwell is standing at the bar]

"Say... That's a nice mouse."

Victor Galis posted 07-17-99 12:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Victor: I wonder how long it is until they notice the drinks are free...
Q Cubed: Yes, Exile could never afford to keep himself that drunk otherwise.
M_ashwell posted 07-18-99 04:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
yes he is kinda cute do you want to see some of his tricks?
OhWell posted 07-18-99 09:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
"Uhh, it�s not gonna eat through my head is it? I mean I just go done growing this new nose and it would be a shame to waste all that work. After all, it�s such a fine nose."
M_ashwell posted 07-18-99 04:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
martyn says
"no he only bites on my command
i picked him up from the UoP labs
he's a crossbreed genetic information from a mind worm has been implanted into his genes
they also needed a slightly more advanced animal to provide a few nurons so he didnt eat every thing he saw so they implanted
human genes also he understands basic commands but he can not reply watch..."
M_ashwell puts hus mouse on the floor
"bob jump"
bob the mouse jumps
"bob walk to the corner of thr room"
bob looks around and decides to return to my side
"damn too many corners! ok bob roll over "
bob rolls over
" bob play dead"
bob curls up into a ball
"bob sit"
bob craps all over the floor
"bob speak
bob the mouse posted 07-18-99 04:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bob the mouse  Click Here to Email bob the mouse     
OhWell posted 07-18-99 07:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    

[OhWell offers Bob a can of cheese whiz.]

Dreadnought posted 07-18-99 08:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Dreadnought looks arcoss the club and spots a man with the nicest nose he'd ever seen............
Imran Siddiqui posted 07-18-99 11:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Imran walks in, and just as quickly realizes he made the wrong turn to Apolyton, and walks out...
bob the mouse posted 07-19-99 04:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bob the mouse  Click Here to Email bob the mouse     
squeek squeek
bob takes thecan of cheese whiz
bites it open and starts eating
MangoBreeder posted 07-19-99 04:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
MangoBreeder shouts from his corner only to be blanked, so he strolls up to the bar and rembering that the drinks are free demands his money back, but to no avail.

my god thats a nice nose he says to Ohwell
u better watch out dustin hoffman is about.
MangoBreeder goes to stroke the mouse but what he had seen before just made him wiser.
and slips the mouse a chezzie puff instead.

p.s. where the fu@k is that waitress??????

M_ashwell posted 07-19-99 04:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
see i told you he was smart!
M_ashwell picks up the can with the mouse in
and puts it on the bar

Barkeeper: "i'm sorry i dont allow animals in here"
M_ashwell: "erm is someone else going to tell him or shall I?"

MangoBreeder posted 07-19-99 05:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
MAngoBreeder just shakes his head a says to the barman no, i would just leave it alone if i were u. That small furry body is just a deciptive faccard he is a trained killed, taught personally by the shoilan monks of earth. so make like a tree and leave
M_ashwell posted 07-19-99 05:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
the bartender walks away. slowly.
bob finishes the cheese whiz.
bob burps jumps into M_ashwells pocket and curls up
OhWell posted 07-19-99 09:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell turns to MangoBreeder]
�Hi, MangoBreeder, what brings you to town? Do you really like the nose? I grew it myself. Spider cut off my old one. Well, he really wasn�t a spider and it turned out that he really didn�t have eight legs. Uhhh, this Dustin Hoffman guy, how many legs he got?�

[OhWell shows bartender his ASPCA and ACLU cards]
�You just tried to discriminate against Bob the Mouse in a clear violation of his Civil Rights. If his name had been �Mickey� would you have attempted to deny him service? I don�t think so. Normally this would result in a $4,294,967,295 lawsuit.�

[OhWell turns to M_ashwell]
�What do you think, should we sue him, flame him, or just make him buy another round?�

MangoBreeder posted 07-20-99 06:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
MangoBreeder (*turn to ohwell)
Dustin hoffman big ugly nose obvisually an amatuer not a professional like your self... how long did u say it took to grow, and that nosestud is it a REAL planetpearl????
M_ashwell posted 07-20-99 06:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
[M_ashwell turns to face OhWell]
"hmm tough one but as he is not an actual person just a sub-character it would be hard to flame him and as the drinks are FREE him bying a round is out of the question ( thanks Victor for pointing that out!) and sueing him isn't my style but as he is a secondary character i think Bob could eat his brain out unfortantly those cheese snaks have filled him up

i can only see one alternitave.
[M_ashwell draws a light-sabre]
we could [i]operate[i/]
[ a demonic grin spreads across M_ashwell's face]
but I have Killed too many sub-characters
[puts his L.S. away much to the releif of the watching bartender]
what to do?
what to do?
hmmm well i'll leave it to you OhWell

OhWell posted 07-20-99 11:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
"Thanks Mango. I�ll keep an eye out for that Hoffman guy. Wouldn�t want him stealing my nose. Well, it took almost 4391.33 nano seconds to grow this nose. Most of that time was spent on design, I�m not too good with organic material, but I�ve had lots of practice on noses! And yes, that�s a real Planet Pearl!� [OhWell pulls out a very large mind worm] �My pet here, Lowly Mind Worm, makes them for me. Lowly used to belong to Richard Scarry, but I squished Richard after he cut off my nose (Ha ha. You�re not so scary now are you, you lousy spider?). Lowly didn�t mind at all though �cause Richard made him dress in funny outfits and drive around in an �Apple Car�.�

[OhWell turns back to M_ashwell and the bartender]
�Well, since they made those new rules for �rights� lawsuits it�s hard to get a Lawyer to take on a new case. The rules are; If you win the case, you have to cut off a finger. If you loose, you have to cut off something else. Lets just say that if your Lawyer has all of his fingers and talks in a high squeaky voice, your screwed! So that�s out. You�re right, flaming sub-characters isn�t very satisfying and drinks are already free. Hummm... Well, I guess that we could make him clean the Attack Toilets(TM). Or we could make him play CTP for the rest of his life, naaa cruel and unusual punishment that. Hummmm...

Spider posted 07-20-99 02:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider (in Darth Vader-like voice): Bring him to me...I've been waiting for this opportunity....

"You underestimate the power of the dark side."

OhWell posted 07-20-99 03:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell turns to the bartender]

�Here is someone I would like you to meet.�

[OhWell gestures at Spider]

�His name is �Spider� and he always nose just what to do! Buwhahahahaha!�

Dreadnought posted 07-20-99 03:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Recovering from his hallucination, Dreadnought observes a short, odd looking man with a razor blade and the worst looking nose he'd ever seen. He seemed to be walking toward the man with th amazing noze. It only be one person, Dustin Hoffman!!!

Raising the razor blade to other man, Dustin apparently planned to slicec of the good nose, replace his with it, and be out of there before anyone noticed.

He slowly raises the razor blade, but Dreadnought wouldnt have any of it, with incredibly speed, he ignightes his blade, dashes across the bar, flies into the air and stabbes Dustin Hoffman through the head, killing him instantly.

"That's for Wag the Dog!" Dreadnought mutters, withdrawing the blade back into it's handle.

"Dammit Dreadnought! That's the third celebrity you've killed this week! YOu keep this up and Hollywood will be a Ghosttown!" The Bartendeter shreikes.

"Well Jeff Goldblum shouldnt have mouthed off like that."

OhWell posted 07-20-99 05:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell watches as Dustin Hoffman�s body hits the floor]

[OhWell looks up at Dreadnought in awe]

"Wow, I�ve never seen anyone move like that before. That was amazing. Are you a Jedi? Say... Would you be interested in a job as nose guard? With speed like yours I wouldn�t have to use my Really Big Shoe to kill the damn spiders (uhh no offense Spider) after they have cut off my nose!"

[OhWell thinks a minute]
"Three celebrities in on week. hummm. Say, Isn�t that John Travolta sitting over there?"

M_ashwell posted 07-20-99 07:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
[M_ashwell walks over to john travolta draws his light sabre and kills him]
"thats for saturday night fever"
[M_ashwell calmly walks back to the bar]
OhWell posted 07-20-99 07:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell looks back and forth between M_ashwell and Dreadnought]

"Are you guys both Jedi�s? Wow! Let me buy you guys a drink."

[OhWell orders another round of Planet Busters for everybody]

Spider posted 07-20-99 08:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Just to annoy OhWell and M_ashwell, Spider removes OhWell's nose and gives M_ashwell's lightsaber the fish treatment...slicing it open and removing the internal equipment.

I performed a little espionage on Exile, and I now have my own Dark Templar-class PCD; that's how I got close enough....

OhWell posted 07-20-99 09:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell jumps up]

"Spiders... Ahhh spiders! Damn! Where's my Really Big Shoe!"

Spider posted 07-20-99 10:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider (from right beside OhWell, instead of at the corner he was sitting in): It's scattered across corners ex in infinitely small pieces; I just threw it in there and math did the rest. (suddenly, from Spider's corner) You should really be more...careful....

Not a transcend here, but powerful anyway.

MangoBreeder posted 07-21-99 05:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     

looks up from his drink sees hoffman on the floor, smiles and quietly says, have i missed much, boy those pholous mutagens are strong..

(In a Darth Vader voice) OhWell i'm your Father....

MangoBreeder posted 07-21-99 08:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
(IRL)Well i have to go for a while i see all u kids in september i'lkl try and post the odd msg. but dont hold your breath, blame the RAF i do, bloddy sending me on a tour of duty for a month and a half.
OhWell posted 07-21-99 08:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell grins at Spider]

�Ah Ha, Spider! The jokes on YOU! I have TWO Really Big Shoes!�

[Really Big Shoe #2 materializes directly above Spider]

�Now, you gotta ask yourself one thing; Do you feel lucky. Well, do you? Now gimme back that nose!�

[OhWell in an aside to MangoBreeder]

�Sorry Mango. I am really a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101/A2. Uh... see you in September?�

M_ashwell posted 07-21-99 01:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
erm spider have you met bob?
martyn pulls out a small cute rodent
"bob fetch the nose"
[bob jumps out of M_ashwells hand grabs OhWell's nose steals the crystal from spiders light sabre and returnt to my hand]
[M_ashwell returns OhWells nose]
"erm how r u going to re-attach it?"
M_ashwell then constructs a new lightsabre from the crystal he "borrowed" from spider
Exile posted 07-21-99 01:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Exile  Click Here to Email Exile     
(Seeing that the I-Club had fallen into irrepearable disconinuities and weirdness. Exile activates the all-purpose I-Club contingency plan, the overload of the I-Club Singularity Reactors)

Computer: You have, 50 seconds, to reach minimum safe distance...

OhWell posted 07-21-99 02:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
�Thank you for activating the I-Club Self Destruct Mechanism.�
�This I-Club will self destruct in 50 seconds. Have a nice day�
�49... 48... 47... 46... 45...�

[OhWell takes nose from M_ashwell]
�Thanks! [Sticks nose back on face]
�That�s much better. Good job Bob The Mouse!�

�39... 38...�

�Computer... Compute the value of pi to the last decimal place, priority override.�

�33... 32... 31 errr 3.1 ahhh 3.14 working... 3.141 working... 3.1415 working...�

�There, that should keep it busy for a while!�

[OhWell turns to Spider and sighs]
�You know, just because you threw away my other shoe, I have been forced to apply for a job as bartender over at the I-Club XLI over on the Firaxis forum to get money for a new one? Those Really Big Shoes aren�t cheap!�

Dreadnought posted 07-21-99 03:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     

How many number are in pi, exactly....oh yeah, infinite.....

Dreadnought takes a swig from the planet buster, foams from the mouth and convulses on the floor.

M_ashwell posted 07-22-99 07:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
[m_ashwell thinks how to use more cpu time]
computer draw a perfect sphere on the main moniter.
te he he.
as you know a computers work in pixals there for this is another impossibilty.
that should slow it down
erm spider, OhWell i am going to need your help in the reactor core are you up to it?
M_ashwell posted 07-22-99 07:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
bye andrew see u later...
OhWell posted 07-22-99 08:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell turns to M_ashwell]
�Sure, that new bartender job, over on the Firaxis forum, hasn�t come through yet so I got nothing better to do. What do we do?�
Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-22-99 10:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
Zenk materializes from a smelly cloud of smoke to the the corner 1986.
"Bartender, one Planet buster. And give me some xenofungus on it too".
OhWell posted 07-22-99 11:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
�I guess that I might as well get in some practice for that bartender job!�

[OhWell jumps over the bar and mixes up a Planet Buster for Zenk_Bongwater]
�xenofungus humm? Well that�s gonna cost you a little extra!� [OhWell figures that since this guy is new here he won�t know that drinks are free. he he he] �Oh, by the way, this is the non-smelly-smoking area. The smelly-smoking area is out back behind the dumpster!�

[OhWell hands Planet Buster to Zenk]
�That will be five Energy Credits please. he he he.�

Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-22-99 11:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
"What a great Buster that was."

"Now let's check the action in this joint."


"Kind of an silent place, this."

Zenk produces the book of taliesyn and starts to read.

"Damn. This corner is just a bit too shady. Well, there's one way to fix that!"

Zenk then rips the "NO WEAPONS" sign off from the wall and lights it with his rusty but faithful blowtorch.
"Just the light I need".

As Zenk reads his magnificiently old book the "No weapons" sign slowly burns and is, finally totally consumed by the flames.

There is a moment of silence and calm.


There is a peal of thunder.

Earth moves. Oceans boil.

A strange voice intones:" Zenk, thou hast done wrong and now thou shalt suffer".

"What in the name of the holy shroom god Xenophyatliatl is this", Zenk yelps.

"I said thou shalt suffer. Suffer, eteernaalyyy! Bwahhahahahaa!", booms the voice as Zenk is turned into a pink towel.

There lies, the former space time traveller Zenk Bongwater ( presently a pink towel ), in the corner 1986.

A small sign appears on the far wall.

"NO WEAPONS" it declares.

Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-22-99 11:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
[Creak of the swingin doors]
Zenk enters the bar yet again!!!
"Hell. That was some trip!"
[ Moves to the Bar ]
"I think i'll try one those Gargle Blasters mr. Bartender."
[ Throws Fifty trillion energy units to the table ]
"think of it again. I think I'll have one for everyone in the club."
Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-22-99 11:55 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
Zenk:"What's that?"

Zenk:"Bartender. You ever seen that towel here before?"

OhWell ( The Bartender ):"Which one?"

Zenk:"That pink over there. On the corner 1986."

OhWell ( The Bartender ):"Oh, that one. Nope, never seen it before."

"Interesting. I feels a strange familiarity."...

Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-22-99 12:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
[ Zenk has decided to approach the mysterious, but beautiful towel. ]

Zenk:"Hey Baby. I've seen that hue of pink before."


Zenk:"May I buy you a drink?"


Zenk:"What is it. Cat got your tongue?"
[ Sits down, close to the towel ]


Zenk:"Okay, sure! Just shut up then! But you don't know what you're missing!"

[ Jumps up and rushes off to the corner 4.0 the darkest worst-smelling corner in the whole galaxy ]

OhWell posted 07-22-99 12:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell picks up the pink towel and begins wiping the bar with it]
Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-22-99 01:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
[Zenk sees what OhWell is doing with the towel and pulls out Emma, his trusty old dektjarev light-machinegun]

"All right. Get your meathooks off the lady. You got absolutely no reason to do that!"

OhWell posted 07-22-99 02:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell looks down the barrel of the dektjarev light-machinegun]
�Maybe this bartending job isn�t all it�s cracked up to be...�

[OhWell looks up at Zenk]
�Ummm... Are you towelophiliac sir?�

Spider posted 07-22-99 05:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider: I didn't even know I had a lightsaber.... Oh well.
OhWell: What?!
Spider: I wasn't talking to you. Let's see now.... (Ten minutes later) Done! Exile can be really annoying at times....

"Blasted Dark Templar!"

M_ashwell posted 07-22-99 07:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
spider put this disk into the main computer core...
[M_ashwell gives OhWell a disk clearly marked SABOTAGE VIRUS V1.3]
select the A.D.U. that will stop that from ever hapening again.

if hes paying i'm having another pan galactic gargle blaster

OhWell: u havent finished the....
[M_ashwell gulps the drink without giving a drop to bob]
OhWell:Never mind
M_ashwell: ok bob u get 2 from this one!!!

OhWell posted 07-22-99 08:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
[OhWell stuffs the Pink Towel into the end of Zenk�s dektjarev light-machinegun and fixes a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster for M_ashwell and a tiny one for Bob the Mouse ]

[As OhWell slides the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster on an exclusive I-Club coaster, he slips the SABOTAGE VIRUS V1.3 disk into the I-Club computer�s disk drive.]

[OhWell looks back at the computer screen and sees:
"Error reading drive D:
Abort, Retry Fail?_"]

OhWell: "Oh crap!"

[OhWell removes exclusive I-Club coaster from the I-Club computer�s disk drive.]

[OhWell retrieves the SABOTAGE VIRUS V1.3 disk from under M_ashwell�s drink.]

[NOW OhWell slips the SABOTAGE VIRUS V1.3 disk into the I-Club computer�s disk drive.]

Dreadnought posted 07-22-99 08:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Still a bit typsy from the Planet Buster, Dreadnought stands up and does the funkiest dance you have ever seen.
Spider posted 07-22-99 11:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Spider, thinking something like this would happen, had replaced the normal virus which had been on the disk when he sto-purchased it at ExileMart (like Exile would've let him in!) with the most dangerous and hated of all...the AOL installer, linked to the autorun! Needless to say, this created a Lag Monster....

Letting the rest get out of this one.

M_ashwell posted 07-24-99 08:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
nice dancin' Dreadnaught
Eccles posted 07-24-99 08:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Eccles    
The little man in the corner, who seems to have lurked in this club since the begining of it, gets up.
He goes to the toilet, and whilst he is in the corner, puts down some fresh newspaper.

M_ashwell posted 07-26-99 03:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
"hey every1"
[M_ashwell changes the song on the dukebox to "lovestruck" by madness]
"I've Fallen for a lamp-post"
te he he

i will see u all tommrow

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