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  If you dislike America as much as I do.....

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Author Topic:   If you dislike America as much as I do.....
Dreadnought posted 07-06-99 12:01 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought   Click Here to Email Dreadnought  
....Post here why. I dispise America, even though I live there. If anyone actually replies, I'll tell why.

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!"

Dreadnought posted 07-06-99 12:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Ah shit. Double post bug plus an accidental doulbe click makes me look like a spammer.....

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!"

korn469 posted 07-06-99 03:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
personally i have no love for the american government almost all of the time, and i have a great area of disagreement and dislike for some americans, but even if i could suddenly switch from being an american to some other nationality i wouldn't. i think america fails when it comes to living up to it potential and it fails when it comes to fairly and completely intergrating people into the community of our society but i think that when compared to others we are about as good/bad as any other society.

we could definantly improve things but when compared with the alternatives i for one don't dislike living in america


OldWarrior_42 posted 07-06-99 05:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Well said Korn......
Luker posted 07-06-99 08:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Luker  Click Here to Email Luker     
It starts with the Pentium III, the government or hackers will be able to just disable your computer instantaneously with the privacy invasion of the Pentium III. This chip will come with a specific number electronically and digitally secured directly into the chip, due to privacy concerns Intel has agreed to send the chips with this feature "deactivated" but then again in order to participate in online commerce they might make you activate it, and who is to say what they will not be able to see in your computer. Remember to just use removable media like floppies to store sensitive data and don't even type your passwords in, you never know when big brother could be reading your screen.
Picker posted 07-06-99 08:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
I hate america, and have a strong dislike for the average american. Not that it's their fault but most of you are pretty dumb. You have to have the worst school system in the world.
4Horses posted 07-06-99 09:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for 4Horses  Click Here to Email 4Horses     
.....then you're a freakin idiot.

While I would not go as far as to say the USA is the greatest country in the world, it ranks right up there. Our people might tend to be a little snobbish which is unfortunate because it limits their worldly knowledge. Our government needs help, but hey, what government doesn't? At least we have a system in place where the people can change things through the government. The problem is convincing people that voting is important and taking an active interest in your community is important.

If a person doesn't like living here, they can always move.

Picker posted 07-06-99 10:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Bull****. The voting makes no difference. There are few politicians who care about the voters. They care about the people who give them money. Watch bulworth. So true.
EchoKnight posted 07-06-99 10:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for EchoKnight  Click Here to Email EchoKnight     
Not to insult humanity but WE ARE IDIOTS as a whole. Try to think. We are a race that can't think of any other better way to solve disputes than war. Killing ourselves really solves nothing. Look at this: WWI lead to WWII (Because the unfairnes to germany in that treaty of resigh or however you spell it) WWI lead to the cold war WWII lead to China, China lead to Korea, and Korea lead to Vietnam. This solved as close to nothing as we can get. If we didn't sighn the treaty of resigh than Hitler wouldn't have blamed all of the troubles on the Jews (but he might still be facsist). If we decided instead of humiliating Germany, to assasinate Stalin and save the world from the dictatorship style communism he ran we would had no Cold War altogether (No CHina korea or vietnam).


(for me and for you and for the entire human race.)
Sorry to quote michael jackson.

EchoKnight posted 07-06-99 10:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for EchoKnight  Click Here to Email EchoKnight     
And oh (sorry i forgot about this in the last post.) no wonder why no aliens come to our planet. They probably think the following:

1. "Earth is such a big cr**hole. These morons haven't even developed a way of communicating beyond making grunts and strange noises."
2. "Earth is a virus just like humanity (they kill off everything).They are a dnager to us, therefor we should kill off them."

Natguy posted 07-06-99 11:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Natguy  Click Here to Email Natguy     
I personally don't like American culture (or lack thereof) That is, both their apathy for fellow Americans and for the world as a whole. I'm okay with people that like America, I just don't like it for myself. I alos don't like how the government thinks that it should have power over all the rest of the world and decided what other countries should do, especially since we never solve anything. Korea? North is still communist and the borders anre still being patrolled by American troops. Vietnam? Hoo boy did we lose. Now it's ALL communist. Bosnia? nothing solved. Kosovo? It's been going on for centuries and now we think we can stop it? I especially don't like it when we fight for a commodity, like oil in the Gulf War.

And the way that the government says we're a democracy. Actually we are a Republic, and we don't even elect the president! I think that we should either become a total democracy, and let the people vote on everything, and stop trying to control the world.

Dreadnought posted 07-06-99 01:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
I don't like America for a few reasons. I really dislike that the citizens have too mucb freedom. Before you call me crazy, listen to what I have to say. America has easily one of the worst public schol systems. Why? Because of the taxpayers. Why should decisions as important as the education of our youth be in the hands of John Q. Public? He'd much rather not have to pay the extra bucks, especially if he doesnt have children. I live in Florida, and it is a haven for retired citizens. Florida has probly one of the wrost education systems in America. Education taxes here rarely ever pass, mainly beucase elderly retired citizens hold most of the voting sway here, adn since they don't have any children (either in the state or no children at all) they feel they shouldent have to pay for education, and schools suffer. I was reaised most of my life in St. Louis, Missiouri, which has average education funding, but compared to Florida, yeesh.

Some are proud of the fact that America has the world's largest and most advanced military. I am not. America spends 250 billion every year on defense. Education gets a paltry 11 Billion. Why do we need such a large military? Does America have a bit of paranoia?

Another subject I have wondered since I was in elementary school is this, why the hell does America allow gun ownership? There is no reason the average citizen should be able to to travel to his local pawn shop and pick up a weapon that was meant to kill. Damn right wing consevatists never fail to vote down bils that will limit gun ownership or force safety divices such as trigger locks to be sold with guns, simply because they feel it is a violation of thier 2nd amendmant rights. This makes me sick. Every year, thousands of children die from gun related injuries, yet citizens value the right to own a gun more than life itself.

In my social studies classes I am always told freedom is what made America great. This is completly wrong. Lots of expansion space and abundant resources made America powerful, not great. If, Japan, for example, had discovered North America before the English and set up colonies and eventually had the land the is America today, you better belive they would be the primary superpower.

I don't like America for a few reasons. I really dislike that the citizens have too mucb freedom. Before you call me crazy, listen to what I have to say. America has easily one of the worst public schol systems. Why? Because of the taxpayers. Why should decisions as important as the education of our youth be in the hands of John Q. Public? He'd much rather not have to pay the extra bucks, especially if he doesnt have children. I live in Florida, and it is a haven for retired citizens. Florida has probly one of the wrost education systems in America. Education taxes here rarely ever pass, mainly beucase elderly retired citizens hold most of the voting sway here, adn since they don't have any children (either in the state or no children at all) they feel they shouldent have to pay for education, and schools suffer. I was reaised most of my life in St. Louis, Missiouri, which has average education funding, but compared to Florida, yeesh.

Some are proud of the fact that America has the world's largest and most advanced military. I am not. America spends 250 billion every year on defense. Education gets a paltry 11 Billion. Why do we need such a large military? Does America have a bit of paranoia?

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!"

Dreadnought posted 07-06-99 01:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Opps, ignore the last two paragraphs please. I copied the message body in case something happended, and I seemed to accidently paste it......

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!"

EchoKnight posted 07-06-99 04:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for EchoKnight  Click Here to Email EchoKnight     
I completely agree. We should all have to pay for education (maybe some less than others). I have a cousin down in Florida who is in 4rth i think. He is an idiot compared to me when i was in fourth. Ohh, and i have a friend up here in NJ. SHe is in NINTH GRADE and doesn't even now any world history furthur than THE CIVIL WAR in the USA. Even worse, my mom grew up around NJ and she doesn't even know what any of the World Wars were about or who won!!!!


if we actually held students back, my 7th grade class would have about 1/3 OF ITS STUDENTS HELD BACK!

And when the teacher asked where Sumatra was, people thought it was in NORTH AMERICA!!!
Even worse, some people think that CHina is 200 miles away!!
The stupidity of america is nearly overwhelming.

Krushala posted 07-06-99 05:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
did you ever think what would happen if we didn't spend so much money on the military? The whole world hates us. We could be crushed like a bug without a powerful navy and air force. The army really doesn't need to be big. We have national guard. Anyway most school money comes from the local goverment not the federal goverment. A good school system will not help if our children have to learn to speak chinese. Yes our school system does need to be overhauled. Welfare money should be rerouted to the schools. I'm tired of paying people to sit on their ass and watch jerry springer.

I hate people saying how stupid americans are. We have millions of intelligent americans. And a good education can still be found in private schools. Not that would have helped a poor guy like me. But I'm sure your countries have no stupid people whatsover. True we have no culture. People where I live consider wrestling and south park culture. Scary. It's too easy to see the bad points and ignore the good aspects of this country.

Ambro2000 posted 07-06-99 05:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambro2000  Click Here to Email Ambro2000     
[sarcasm] No NO! You are doing this totally wrong! What the hell are you thinking? An American can't say this things about his own country (or Gods own country as you normally say)! I'm starting to loose my biased view of America for Christ Sake! You�re supposed to praise your country above all else! That�s why you have the pledge of alliance every morning in school god damnit! Stop it or I�ll go insane! Now, take down the American flag you have on your wall before you cause too much harm and repeat after me ten times: If it ain�t the American way, it sure as hell is the devils way!
note: it helps if you say it with some Texas dialect!

Ok! Back to normal mode. No I don�t dislike America. Sure I don�t approve with many things like the death penalties in many states etc etc�but life would be quite dull and gloomy if we poor Swedes didn�t get to hear about all the crazy stuff that is going on in America. There is just an never ending flow of amusing stuff going on in � the land of the free, home of the brave� .


walruskkkch posted 07-06-99 06:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Someone has to stick up for this country!

First of all on the subject of education. We spend more money per student than any other nation on earth. If the results are bad it's not because we aren't spending money it's because of how we teach our kids and how we expect them to learn. One major problem is that the state run school system is not responsive to its clients. People are forced to send their kids to bad public schools because to state, and the teachers unions have a monopoly. Where parents can afford to they send their kids to private schools which have repeatedly demonstrated better results. Parents without the means are forced by the government to keep their kids in bad schools. If you want to improve education in this country let the parents control the money for schools and let the public schools truly compete to keep students. Competition will make them better, being a non responsive monopoly doesn't.

As far as the second amendment goes, there has been a flood of words both pro and con written on the subject in numerous other threads. The question is are you for some gun control, or do you want to eliminate all gun ownership in America? One may be possible, the other certainly not. But if you are going to start infringing on the second amendment to protect children how do you then justify not doing a little infringing on the first amendment? Or perhaps the fourth and fifth when eliminating drugs or other perceived ills of society? You can't perfect society with government programs, intrusions or restrictions, it is too blunt an instrument and society changes too quickly for it anyway. Rather than looking for government to make citizens perfect everyone should live their own life as they would expect others to lead theirs, it many small steps to a greater good.

As far as the military budget is concerned it is the one thing that the government should be doing. The common defense is one duty an individual cannot carry out on their own. As far as the size of the budget, we are now expected to be the world's policeman. End conflicts, provide humanitarian support in troubled areas, on a large scale. Our defense budget, as a percentage of the overall budget, is the smallest it has been in decades. We are asking our military to do more with less, which puts the lives of our service men and women at risk. It is unconsciencable for a country to that. Is American foreign policy over reaching? Yes, to some extent. We have certainly involved ourselves in areas and causes we might have better left alone but most of the causes were worth fight for. Is Vietnam really better off under a communist government?(That can be debated elsewhere) Should we have unilaterally intervened in Kosovo?(Lord has that been debated!). In the end US foreign policy has always been a fertile ground for disagreement but I don't think the world would necessarily been better off with a totally isolationist US.

Finally freedom. Yes it's ugly. Yes people do a lot of crazy things. Yes people do things that I wouldn't want see be done to a rat, but what is the alternative? The government deciding what activities are permitted and which are banned? What words can be said, and what must be proscribed? What you can or cannot do with your lives? Freedom is ugly, but oppression is worse and oppression for the "greater good" is the most insidious of all. Do you really want someone else to run your life for you? Make the "hard decisions" for you? What would be left for you to decide? Before you say, "Well i'd be free to do this" remember someone may think you shouldn't be permitted to do that and then where does that leave you? Freedom means having to put up with alot of sh*t so that we are free to do the things nearest and dearest to our hearts. And America is the worlds best place to do this. Nowhere else is freedom cherished as it is here. We got problems, some of them pretty bad, but I'd take the USA with all it's faults over any other country.
(Well, maybe Tahiti but that's the only exception.)

Your faithful and obedient servant

Krushala posted 07-06-99 06:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
yeah, what he said. That's the best argument for the U.S. I've seen yet.
Krushala posted 07-06-99 06:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
He has a good point. Military should be one of the few functions of goverment. As it was in the 18th and 19th centuries. Sure times have changed. But social programs should rest on the states. The federal goverment had to intervene because some states were lagging far behind. I believe more power should go to the states. A lot of our social programs are relics of the great depression. The federal goverment is too broad to be used for this purpose. Local programs are much more effective.
Ambro2000 posted 07-06-99 07:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambro2000  Click Here to Email Ambro2000     
That's better walruskkrpxght, you could of course spice it up a little by saying(typing) � that�s what made this country great� a couple of more times!


walruskkkch posted 07-06-99 07:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
I'm sorry you don't think this is a great country, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But I do think that there is alot about this country to be proud of, even if there is also alot that isn't so great. I guess Europe would have been better off under Nazi domination, we didn't HAVE to get involved there, we had our own little spat with the Japanese to take care of. Or better yet, I guess they would have been better of under the Stalinist dictatoriship. We didn't really have to defend the democratic west now did we? Or did you want us to? You know how the Us could wipe out it's national debt? We could just ask every nation on earth to pay back every loan we gave them. Not foreign aid, everyone seems to have their hand out for that, I mean what we loaned. With interest from the various nations it comes to some 10's of trillions of dollars.(the only nation exempted is Sweden, they have in fact paid back their loans)
If celebrating the best parts of the USA is a crime then I do hereby confess. I like America, I love America and I'm proud to be an american. And I don't think that in anyway deprives anybody else of the right to think their country is great, or to love their country. The US is a great place to live, not perfect by any means, but no human endeavour may ever be.
By the way, who do you think is going to win the women's World Cup?

Born in the USA, I was Born in the USA!

Your faithful and obedient servant

Krushala posted 07-06-99 08:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
U.S women all the way. But that 5-0 victory by china is kind of scary. It should be a good game. At least our women can play american football. Our men's talent pool is divided up between football,baseball etc; hence, they suck.
Krushala posted 07-06-99 08:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I meant soccer not american football - DUH!. Some people don't know soccer though. In europe I get all kinds of strange looks.
Ambro2000 posted 07-06-99 08:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambro2000  Click Here to Email Ambro2000     
That's better walruskkkch! (you couldn�t have chosen an easier name to spell, could you?) Now we are getting somewhere! That�s what the American spirit is all about!

By the way, who do you think is going to win the women's World Cup?


PS. Where in my posts have I written that I don�t think America is a great country? I�m just curios? Not that I think it is though. I�d rather call

I just like too tease the extreme patriotism in the USofA.

You could definitely need some Socialism in the US


Darksider posted 07-06-99 08:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darksider  Click Here to Email Darksider     
I don't hate America, but I don't really love it either. I think most people agree that the worst thing about America is Americans. I mean, you can't even spell. "Civilization" my ass. Did the colonists forget to pack the travel scrabble, or is it some trick of the Atlantic that made them forget how to spell properly. Don't get me started on first angle projection.
And American football! Put on three metic tons of padding AND a helmet, walk around a field bumping into each other and you think you're well hard. Even then you have to substitute the entire team periodically for no aparent reason. Men's talent pool divided up between football, baseball, etc?!!! What talent? The only way you can win a world series is to not invite other nations! And I know why you hate soccer so much - you suck at it! One of the largest populations in the world, a large number of south american imigrants and you won't even win the COPA America!

walruskkkch posted 07-06-99 10:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Ambro2000 -
Sorry if I came across that way, I've been swept up in this thread abit. I didn't mean to suggest anything personally. By the way, I think we got MORE than enough socialism in this country as it is. Given our constantly expanding economy it's probably just the right mix, add much more and we'll kill the goose laying all the golden eggs.(If it helps to remember the name just think Koo-Koo-Kachoo, yes like the song)

The reason we stink at football(soccer)is that we simply don't play it as our sole and major sport. It will always compete with Baseball, Basketball and Football(our version) and we'll probably never develop the passion for it the rest of the world has and which leads it's best athletes to it. The reason our women do well at it is because for many growing up it was really the only sport they were allowed to play. I don't know how much young girls around the world play Football but are they encouraged as much as young boys?
If we were serious about a World Series for baseball, you would probably see the same results as when Olympic Basketball let in our Pros. Beating collegians or minor leaguers is one thing, beating the best professionals is another. It's much the same way in reverse for us in other sports, like cricket and rugby, for example.

USA 4 China 1 So let it be written,
So let it be done!

It's a small, small world!

Dreadnought posted 07-06-99 11:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Today on the news I heard Clin-ton is now giving the government blessing to firther escalate the witch hunt of violence being influenced by issuing a federal grant to research (read: further restrain our 1st amendment rights) the effects of violence on children. Bah!

On a sperate note, I think it's pretty sad that it takes the Littleton shooting to finnaly wisen up republicans to institute the bill that would force gun buyers to purchase a trigger lock with thier guns. This bill was shot down every time it was brought up by right-wing nuts who thought that it would "infringe on thier 2nd amendment rights". Sad......

P.S- Does anyone here know if Canada allows private gun ownership?

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!"

Dreadnought posted 07-06-99 11:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Walruskkkch- When people immediatly hear "despotism" (but not in America, most people don't know what that means) they think of oppression and fascism. But if properly established with truly the greater good in mind and not complete and total control, despotism could actually work. But when the government begins to turn corrupt and instists on making citizen's discions for them, then oppression begins. If only I was in charge........

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!"

walruskkkch posted 07-06-99 11:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
First Amendment, Second amendment What's the difference? We gotta "protect the children".
Once you establish a new principle on when you observe, or ignore the constitution you're going to have to live with all the consequences.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

-Barry Goldwater

Koshko posted 07-07-99 12:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Koshko  Click Here to Email Koshko     
This has to be one of the best posts to read here in a long time.

My opinions (at least at the top of my head) have been, more or less, expressed already.

Basically, the USA is trapped in a room running around in a circle. It's all the same. Whatever stride we try to make to get better inveribly gets lost in the shuffle, and we end up at the same place we started.

How quick we forget. Want proof? Latrell Sprewell. He, by all rights, should be in jail for attempted manslaughter (or worse). Now here he is getting paid millions for play basketball, and people everywhere are talking about how he should have gotten this second chance. No, he shouldn't have got it. We wouldn't have gotten it. If we choked our boss, we'd be in jail for many yrs, and afterwards, we'd be lucky to get a job at a fast food joint. This could only happen in America.

We will forget. All this fuss surrounding Littleton will be temporary. All new law ideas will sputter out and fade away. We will, as a mass, forget about Littleton and go back to how it was before the incident. A couple yrs later another Littleton will respark our interests. The process of eventual nothing will repeat again.

Nothing left for me to say this minute, so now I go.

Dreadnought posted 07-07-99 12:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Koshko- Yes, unfortunatly in America fame gives you such benifits as multiple get-out-of-jail-free cards. For example, that Robert Downy Junior charecter by all means should be siting is ass in jail by now, but since he's a star, he just has to take a few years off in a drug treatment center.

I remember this great line from Chris Rock's act where he says, "All I've been hearing about with this O.J shit is that it's about race, all about race, and that if he were white, he would be out already. This is'nt about race, it's about fame, because if O.J was a busdriver, he'd be sittin' his as

s in jail right now! They would'nt even call him O.J. It'd be Orenthal, he'd be Orenthal the busdrivin' murderer!"

Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics.
"This one goes there, that one goes there!

White_Cat posted 07-08-99 05:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for White_Cat  Click Here to Email White_Cat     
Every year, thousands of children die from gun related injuries

What the heck? What source are you getting these statistics from? Or are you just regurgitating what you heard some liberal activist say?

Re: Canada and guns. Our laws are far more strict than the US, and stretch far into the ludicrous. For example, there are laws that mandate how you have to store your guns in a well hidden/protected place. If someone steals a gun from you, that means that you didn't protect it well enough. So you get put on trial, the thief testifies against you, and you often get a harsher sentence than he does.

A new law (Bill C-68) just came into effect, which mandates the registration of virtually all firearms. (Oh gee, I can't figure out what their eventual intent is.) It also contains some other interesting (but somehow unsurprising) elements. For example, if a policeman has "reasonable cause" to think you have a gun on your property, he can search it without a warrant. Also, during a search or similar operation against you, you can be charged for failing to answer questions about the illegal guns you supposedly have (i.e. you no longer have the "right to remain silent").

Oh, and we had a high school shooting up here right after the Littleton one, and another that was only stopped because the perpetrator-to-be was bragging about what it was going to do ahead of time, so don't think these laws are actually doing any good.

"For the first time in history, a civilized country has gun control. Other nations will look to us as we lead civiliation into the next millenium!" - Adolf Hitler, 1935
(If someone could give me the exact wording of that quote, I'd appreciate it.)

Spoe posted 07-08-99 10:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"I mean, you can't even spell. 'Civilization' my ass. Did the colonists forget to pack the travel scrabble, or is it some trick of the Atlantic that made them forget how to spell properly."

Note my comments above. When we came over there was no such thing as 'proper' spelling. Before the 19th century there was no universally accepted system of English spelling(though there are English dictionaries dating back to late 16th century, until a few examples in the 18th they worked on the principle of including only words that most men would not know[1]) combined with universal education. Therefore there is no way we could have 'forgotten' how to spell properly, is there? Our schools used Webster's spellings, the British world used another. If the British Empire would have had the foresight to decide on a universal spelling system prior to our revolution and teach it to all, I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem today. Since they did not we can not be blamed for devising our own system.

[1] Introduction to the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1991. It is worthwhile to note that the first OED wasn't published until 1857.

"...if a policeman has 'reasonable cause' to think you have a gun on your property, he can search it without a warrant."
And I suppose you can be convicted of improper storage if he finds one?

"But if properly established with truly the greater good in mind and not complete and total control, despotism could actually work. But when the government begins to turn corrupt and instists on making citizen's discions for them, then oppression begins."
Yep. The problem with despotism: no checks and balances.

Saras posted 07-08-99 10:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Top ten oxymoron (There's a thread at Apolytons, some of them make me LOL)

Benevolent despotism

Noisy posted 07-08-99 05:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Noisy  Click Here to Email Noisy     
Sorry, but what is the issue about the spelling of 'civilization'? Don't the Americans and the British spell it the same?

My Oxford Paperback Dictionary (OUP, 1983) gives it as 'civilization'. (I'm a Chambers Dictionary man myself, but I'm at work at the moment, and the Oxford is to hand: I'll look in Chambers tomorrow.


macroburn posted 07-08-99 07:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for macroburn    
I think that I'll just go home, drink some beer, eat some hotdogs, and watch some WWF wrestling. All this America smashing makes me tired.
Darksider posted 07-08-99 07:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darksider  Click Here to Email Darksider     
Here in the civilised world we spell it Civilisation. Mind you I might have spelt that wrong, office seems to have negleted to install the English dictionary and I'm stuck with the U.S. one. Is this another of microsofts suttle ploys towards world domination? First our dictionarys then our minds.

No I don't own a dictionary before you ask. It's not the first thing you think of when you move house : "Must go out and make sure I have a dictionary. It would be awful to spell something wrong!"

White_Cat posted 07-09-99 02:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for White_Cat  Click Here to Email White_Cat     
Sid Meier spells it 'Civilization.' So there, nyah nyah.
Spoe posted 07-09-99 05:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"Must go out and make sure I have a dictionary. It would be awful to spell something wrong!"(sarcasm seems to be implied)

The why the big deal over a missing 'u' here and there and swapping 'z' for 's' in some other spots? You hate us because of something you can't take the trouble to make sure you do correctly in the first place? Sheesh. The nerve of some people.
The big question I have is why on Earth did you have to go and try to add an extra syllable to 'aluminum'? 'Aluminium', what a crock! j/k

sandworm posted 07-09-99 06:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sandworm  Click Here to Email sandworm     
I'm U.S. citizen (don't call us Americans, it insults Canada and all those other American countries I had to learn about on my own) I'm planning on staying right here with the devil I know. No system of government is perfect, but I understand more about how this one works than any other.

The US system of education isn't perfect, but we do make an attempt to educate everyone, not just the talented people. People sometimes slip through the cracks like water through a sieve, but our intentions are good, and things have the potential to change here faster than they do in other countries.

I think many people have a negative view of US citizens because we export the most obnoxious ones, we're in such a hurry to be rid of them we forget about what they do to our image elsewhere
I've done a little bit of traveling (maybe I was exported too!), and I'd have to say most of the tourists I've met are loud, boorish, haughty and just about anything else negative you can think of.

I'm not foolish enough to think that in the US, human rights are not violated, people aren't starving, people don't steal from and kill one another, and corruption doesn't exist in business, government, etc..., but things are better here than elsewhere. I don't have to bribe the DMV to get my drivers license, and I don't have to worry about being dragged out of bed and shot in the middle of the night for saying Bill Clinton's wife should be allowed to slap him silly.

But I do believe our country as a whole does as good a job as any other at fighting against domestic problems like these.

Now, if we could act to help people in other countries, with their consent, at times when there's no tangible benefit to the US, we'd really have something unique.

My country's government is a selfish, big lumbering, beauracracy; but its MY selfish, big, lumbering beauracracy (sp?) and if things get too unbearable, I know that we have a good chance of changing things through a vote rather than a coup.

There's a price to too much freedom, but there's another price for the lack of it. I'll take the former.

Noisy posted 07-09-99 09:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Noisy  Click Here to Email Noisy     

Chambers agrees with you, but it does give the 'ize' as an alternative. I really must throw that Oxford dictionary away!

Fowler's has quite a discourse upon the use of 'ise' or 'ize' at the end of a word, but of course that is at work while I am at home. Anyway, as I remember it, the main principle is if the word is derived from a Latin ('ize') or French root ('ise'), then the appropriate ending should be used. Thus, anyone who consistently uses the 'ise' ending is a Francophile and deserves to be shot .

From my time in the U.S. in the early eighties (lived in Clark and worked in Murray Hill, N.J.) I came away with the abiding impression that individual U.S. citizens are great people to know, but get two or more together and they start competing and become obnoxious. My twopenn'rth.


Darksider posted 07-10-99 09:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darksider  Click Here to Email Darksider     
I don't really hate Americans, although I do get really pissed off with them during tourist season!

Thanks for your support Noisy but I don't really care about how things are spelt. I really only posted to the thread cos I thought someone would find it funny. But hey who hates the French!

Krushala posted 07-10-99 12:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
who doens't get pissed off at tourists. I hate american tourists as much as anyone else. I'm from las vegas and we get many stupid american tourists there. I don't mind japanese tourists though, they are courteous. Ignorant americans travel overseas and wonder why they don't have the conviences of the U.S. They give others a bad name. I really enjoyed Spain, Italy, Greece, and even France despite the high prices. Rome has many beautiful things american can never artificially manufacture with neon lights and cement.
walruskkkch posted 07-10-99 04:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
How bad are the imitations at the new Venetian and Paris casinos?
Krushala posted 07-11-99 10:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Those are brand new casinos right? I haven't been back home in a year so I haven't seen them. The last new one I seen was new york new york. If only they had trash on the ground and profane graffitti it might seem realistic.
asenaw posted 07-12-99 01:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for asenaw  Click Here to Email asenaw     
i got about halfway through this thread when i decided that i only have one opinion on this whole thing


Wanessa Forever

MangoBreeder posted 07-13-99 06:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
The reason America sucks is that your all so stuck up. It annoys me how America only spends 23.2% of its total tax income on social welfare but a whopping 32.7% on the military. Were the armed forces in america only employ an fraction of the people who acutally need welfare. In glorious sunny britannia we only spend 12.4% of our budget on the armed forces with a whopping 45% on Social spending,
Not to mention our links with the EU and the Commonwealth which make us an ideal trading center.
M_ashwell posted 07-13-99 06:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
any chance that anyone can post the constitution so us non US citizens can look?
Wraith posted 07-13-99 08:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     
MangoBreeder, I don't care what you think about America, but at least get your facts straight before you use them as a basis for your attacks. Well over half the US budget goes to social programs. The single biggest budget item is (and has been for several years) Social Security, with the military running a far distant second.

If electricity comes from electrons, then does morality come from morons?

MangoBreeder posted 07-13-99 09:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
Wraith - My Facts are right according to budget published 1997-1998 inclusive. You can get the information by just popping along to the goverment services website, i just published a thesis on modern american social programming u want a copy i mail it to ya be warned it weighs in at about 18 Mb zipped up

At least here in england we can get our budget bill passed.

And wuld the padantic people who always critizise spelling - GET A LIFE

Tolls posted 07-13-99 09:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
I think you misspelled "pedantic"...
MangoBreeder posted 07-13-99 10:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     

I know i can't spell i'm a programmer as long as i spell incorectly consistently who cares???? ,language is suppose to evolve

n.b. no spelling errors.

sandworm posted 07-13-99 10:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sandworm  Click Here to Email sandworm     
Canada just got rated as the #1 country to live in on Earth. U.S. got #3.

I don't know what organization did the survey, but I thought some of you might find it... interesting.

Spoe posted 07-13-99 01:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
The Constitution of the United States of America

From a Congression Budget Office report(1998 actual spending):

Defense Spending: $ 270 billion

Medicaid: $ 101 billion
Food Stamps: $ 20 billion
Family Support: $ 18 billion
Supplemental Security Income: $ 27 billion
Child Nutrition: $ 19 billion
Earned Income Tax Credit: $ 23 billion
Social Security: $ 376 billion
Medicare: $ 211 billion
Unemployment compensation: $ 20 billion
Misc. Social Services: $ 5 billion
Total Social Spending: $ 820 billion

This is from total spending of $ 1651 billion. Defense is about 16% and social spending about 50%. Note sure where you got your figures, but they look wrong based on the CBO figures.

Note: This does not include either emergency funding, which totals and additional $ 5.9 billion($ 2.9 billion defense, $ 3.0 billion other) or discretionay social spending.

walruskkkch posted 07-13-99 01:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Following on what Spoe wrote those figures do not include spending on the state or local level for social services. Part of that defense spending is the cost of defending Europe, Japan, etc. from the, most recently, international communist threat. And, more currently, being the world's polieman. It's a role that is easy to hate us for, but who else is going to do it? Russia? China? the U.N.? If the Europeans want to spend more and more of their tax dollars supporting people who can't find work because their tax structure strangles growth fine. The less dependent we are on the government the better off we are in the long run, and if we have to shoulder our international burdens without the appreciation of the rest of the world than so be it.

Your humble and obedient servant

Krushala posted 07-13-99 06:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I would say canada is the best nation to live in. If it wasn't for the cold weather I'd be there. They don't have to maintain a massive military, the U.S. will defend them. They get the same influences as americans but crime rates there aren't that bad.
White_Cat posted 07-14-99 02:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for White_Cat  Click Here to Email White_Cat     
Actually, the crime rate here in Canada is higher than in the U.S. (I was surprised, too).
MangoBreeder posted 07-14-99 06:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     

Inferior British Textbooks
and LYing Scheming Webpages

i have learnt a valuable lesson never ever believe a website with lots of figures

I bow to your superior knowledge


p.s. what is a politeman????????

asenaw posted 07-14-99 08:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for asenaw  Click Here to Email asenaw     
sandworm I think its the UN who does that..... i remember seeing it on the news

Wanessa Forever

Misho posted 07-15-99 05:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
I am not American but I hate America because of few reasons.
I think all Americans are greedy and they are only interested in prophit, money, bussiness and all that ****.
I mean that's ok, money can make you really happy, but hey...??!
I can't all my life think only about money, I can't talk only about stocks and all that stupid stuff.
I don't need to be rich. I would like to be, but if I can't - ok. I won't be rich and that's it!
Why you people only think about making more money when you don't have time to spend the money that you already have?
You work all day and what do you really have from your money? I'll tell you: nothing!
I don't have much, I'm lazy, I live in some ****ed-up European country, but I am happy.
Without some fortune or something...

And I also hate Americans 'cos they are bunch of hypocritic liars. They are always smiling those fake smiles, and the are never telling what they really mean, just that what is in their best interests.
Look at Bill Clinton, he's the worst liar who ever lived!

And # 3: why did you destroy communism?
Communism maybe wasn't good for you, but for some european countries the communism was much better that capitalism now.
We had much more in communism!
We want our communism, you can have Adam Smith for yourself.


Krushala posted 07-15-99 06:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
If you came here you would realize that most americans don't only think about money. We have a large underclass here that prefer to think about jerry springer and wrestling. Trust me these guys aren't to worried about the stock market.
Of coarse we are liers, but no more than people from other countries.
communism? It isn't destroyed. Their still are billions of people living under communism.

Any other questions?

ZRand007 posted 07-15-99 07:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ZRand007  Click Here to Email ZRand007     

There we go right there... another stereotype. The lower class isn't the only one who enjoys professional wrestling. I happen to like it myself, and many of my friends like it to. None of us are lower class by far. Professional wrestling is a form of entertainment, not a sport, and people from all sorts of ethnic, social, and political backrounds enjoy it.

Ok, for all those Europeans who hate the US: I am American. I am proud to be an American. I love my country, and would die defending it if necessary, just as millions of Americans in history have. But, not only did they die for their country, they died for YOU. We have given up so much for the good of Europe, and all that we get in return is complaints. Maybe we haven't done a perfect job of helping you guys out, but we are only human, just like you.

Yes, America should be spending more on education, social problems, health care, etc, but I also believe we should spend a little more on defense.

The reason most Americans are "snobbish" is because we are decadent. But it isn't our fault that we have been successful for 220+ years. However, I believe that we should share this abundant wealth with those less fortunate. I personally donate a substantial amount of goods to the Salvation Army and Goodwill. My parents sponsor a child in India. We donate money to World Vision and other help organizations. In school, where I am a member of the student council, I spent 12 hours making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for needy people in my community and surrounding area. I wrapped dozens of toys for poor children at Christmas. I clean up local parks and plant new trees and flowers. But the one thing that I am most proud of is the fact that I help out people whenever they need a hand. So don't go saying that you hate the US just because we are "greedy", or "snobbish" or "liars". Not all of us are.

ZRand007 posted 07-15-99 07:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ZRand007  Click Here to Email ZRand007     
Darksider, by the way:


And as for spelling...
Apparently you hate us because we misspell a word or two. Apparently you are looking for an excuse to hate us. No one is perfect. Maybe you Europeans have forgot your grammar. This is directly from one of your posts in this thread:

Did the colonists forget to pack the travel scrabble, or is it some trick of the Atlantic that made them forget how to spell properly.

Let's see... "travel scrabble" is a proper noun, so it should appear "Travel Scrabble". and "... or is it some trick of the Atlantic that made them forget how to spell properly." This is obviously a question, and a quesion requires a QUESTION MARK.

You aren't perfect either, Darksider, nor is anyone else that exists or has existed. You can hate us just because we don't like to break our appendages or damage vital organs when we play sports. But to me, that is a limited and bias view.


Valtyr posted 07-15-99 08:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Norway was second in that survey. They sure as hell didn't ask me ! Nah, I'll stop complaining. My problems are all my own (and my family's).
Dreadnought posted 07-15-99 08:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Hmmm......After reading some of the other anti-America posts, I can detect one common bond - jealousy. I personaly don't like the way America is run, but for the time being it's the best government weve got. Who would you rather have as the world's only superpower? China? Now before you non-Americans make the broad stereotypes such as "I hate Americans because they are all greedy." Please don't assume that becuase our economy is diong so well that we are all money grubbing social-climbers. Just remember, if it werent for America, you Europeans would all be speaking either German or Russian.
Krushala posted 07-15-99 09:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Yeah you are right about wrestling zrand007. I don't like it, but long as people don't take it too seriously. I have seen some of them do that. I shouldn't be making stereotypes. I was using stereotypes of our underclass to show how far off european's stereotypes of us are.

Anyway I'm curious why europeans feel this way. For most americans I know family is always more important than money. Work comes second. Perhaps some of you are just looking at some of the actions of big american business. Yes they are very greedy, but they do not represent most americans.

Spoe posted 07-16-99 01:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
I think that an unfair stereotype of Americans. I know a number of people that could easily find jobs at a 15-20% increase(in one case almost 50%) over their current salary, but remain where they are because of the freedom at their current job(be it dress code, scheduling, etc.). And for the most part these people are not at the top of the scale, but in the $20k/year range. My personal interest in money ends at making enough for a comfortable life and provide for a decent retirement.

Now, I'll admit that we probably have more than our fair share of money-grubbers(just wander the halls of any business school), but it is by no means endemic.

As for our general dislike for communism could it possibly be that we did not like the gulag, the responses to the protests in Hungary, Poland, and Czechslovakia(to name a few)? I'm sure these policies were just great for those that wished to speak their minds, eh? Personally I couldn't care less about the economic system in another country, but when governments start infringing what I think should be pretty basic human rights, I'll support efforts aimed at changing these regimes.

Saras posted 07-16-99 03:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
You knew I would show up, didn't you?

Misho, fuck you. I always start with insults

I don't really care about #1 and #2 (not that I like US; I don't, because it's becoming more and more socialist). It's number three that bothers me.

First, the US did not destroy communism. It was destroyed by itself and the freedom loving people.

"for some european countries the communism was much better that capitalism now"

Which ones? Russia and the rest of CIS never had capitalism. They had and have chaos. Capitalism is not chaos - it's a functioning system, that protects the rights of freely interacting individuals.

"We had much more in communism!"

Of what? Crappy food products, long lines for toilet paper, three types of cars that all SUCKED, no freedom of speech, pseudo-sciences at universities (except for natural sciences - they were needed to make better weapons to kill the free world's people. What the heck are you talking about?

MangoBreeder posted 07-16-99 03:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MangoBreeder  Click Here to Email MangoBreeder     
Dreadnought -What what what.... if it wern't for the americans we would all be speaking russian or german.
Typical Ameriacn who thinks that America woin WW2 what a load of BOLLOX.
VIETNAM - who lost that?????????
had we british come & helped u then u would ahve won
Misho posted 07-16-99 08:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
To Saras:

why don't you go **** YOURSELF?! OK?
What do you know about communism? Tell me?
What do you know about it? I'll tell you what do you know. You only know what Ted Turner and CNN told you. And that's a piece of propaganda crap, buddy!
You see, there are many kind of communism:
bolsevism, stalinism, chinese communism,titoism (ex-yugoslav communism).
I have lived in the last one for 15 years (in Croatia) and I had very good life.
What do I have know? I have mobsters in the goverment, I have clerics as intelectual elite, I have the worst kind of human trash who decide about my life and about my future.
You see, the democracy is not for everyone.
You can share democracy with the cattle, 'cos isn't right that cattle with its votes decide about you.

And yes, USA DID RUIN COMMUNISM convinceing people that they'll live much better in capitalism. What ex USSR have now in capitalism? I'll tell you: the worst nightmares that one can imagine
I am not saying that communism is perfect, actually I prefer social democratism, but communism had its positive sides that no one can deny.
So back off, ok. You don't even know what are you talking about.

Saras posted 07-16-99 08:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     

fuck you twice. If you were not so obsessed with your hatred of something you don't understand, you'd look up my profile. It says I'm from Lithuania. In case you don't know what that is, it's the country that kicked you wussie Croatian asses at the European Basketball Championship.

Plus I lived in the USSR (Lithuania was part of it, in case you are a failure in history; a rather high possibility, judging from your post) and believe me, I know what I'm talking about. And that was not a very good life. In fact, it was a life of slavery and misery. I'm not saying everything's perfect now, but at least you have SOME basic freedom. But for an irrational person as you apparently freedom is of no value. Why don't you go and live in North Korea?

Always look up my profile before saying "Communism is great"

DCA posted 07-16-99 08:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Saras: How come you can say **** and I can't? Unfair!!
DCA posted 07-16-99 08:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
See? I get censored by the evil orbital mind control lasers. Fvck!
Saras posted 07-16-99 08:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
The closer you are to transcendance, the more HTML magik (sic) you know. Look up page source and you'll discover...
DCA posted 07-16-99 09:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Ah, sneaky tricks. Fuck you!

A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.

Tolls posted 07-16-99 10:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
I would hesitate to call Tudjman's cult of personality a democracy...
If you prefer social democracy then vote for parties that hold the same views...campaign for know, all the stuff you couldn't easily do under the old system.
Dutch Boy posted 07-16-99 10:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dutch Boy  Click Here to Email Dutch Boy     
How many times do I have to tell people on this board ??????? The US had little or nothing to do with the defeat of Nazi Germany !!!! I mean, neutrality until 1942 (with the exception of the lend/lease act), give me a break, I'll state the facts once more: 80% of the German army was defeated (destroyed) in the USSR, not by Private Ryan and Tom Hanks!!
Just ask any college professor who teaches History.
Tolls posted 07-16-99 11:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
"little or nothing"...Blimey, that's going just a little bit too far in the other direction...
Spoe posted 07-16-99 01:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Dutch Boy:
True enough. It's pretty certain that the Soviets could have handled it themselves. But who do you think would have been the power in Western Europe if the US hadn't entered the war? Do you honestly think the Brits could have forced their way into occupied Europe alone(well, with the free French, Poles, etc.)? I think it pretty likely that Stalin would have tried to grab continental Europe to the Atlantic.

"pseudo-sciences at universities (except for natural sciences - they were needed to make better weapons to kill the free world's people)."
As I understand it, biology(specifically genetics) was pretty much a pseudo-science) for a good period of time(Lysenko ring a bell, anyone?). Similar political review of physics was attempted but discarded due to the importance of the atomic bomb. Shows the problems with placing political restrictions on scientific truth, no?

As I stated above, I don't really care what economic system you decide to live under, but when you start restricting free speech, etc., that's when I'll condemn your system. I've not heard of a communist system that tolerated criticism of the 'system', regardless of the flavor.

Krushala posted 07-16-99 02:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I don't understand why you all bring up our loss of vietnam. That wasn't even a war. The military had no control over that. Yes the soviets could of handled hitler by himself. So what. By some of you guy's logic, because we did nothing to win ww2 we have the most worthless miltary in the world. Or becasue we lost 1 conflict in say 50 we have a worthless military. Just look at your logic. I don't go bringing up russia's defeat in afghanistan to show that they have a worthless military. You guys have no clue what the american military is capable of. If we were allowed to actually use it. But public support controls our actions. So we haven't really used our full capacity since ww2.
Krushala posted 07-16-99 02:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
and that post above shows that the british are more arrogant than the americans. If the british had helped us with vietnam we might have won. We didn't need no help. We could of taken over n. vietnam easy. But how would china feel if we rolled thousands of tanks right up to their border? The politicians made sure we lost that war.
Dreadnought posted 07-16-99 02:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
fuck shit, hehehe. Anyway, Mango, what makes you think USA didnt win WWII for the British, I suggest you brush up on your history lessons. Most likely, though, the USSR would have conquered Germany, and then the rest of Europe would have fallen under it's Iron Curtain. I ask you to tell me what you think would happen.
Krushala posted 07-16-99 02:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
arghh! 2 mistakes. A double negative on one sentence and I called vietnam a war, which it wasn't. If they cared about us they would fix this forum.
walruskkkch posted 07-16-99 03:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
OK, gotta jump in here with a divergent opinion on WWII. The Soviets would not have defeated Hitler without our help. Several reasons.
1)We gave them aid, both materiel and financial, which helped them tremendously in keeping up their war making capabilities.
2)Without a second front(Which Stalin begged and begged us to start)the German army could have been concentrated in Russia to a much greater extent then happened. A lot of the fighting in Russia was touch and go, Hitler almost made it to Moscow by the end of 1942. Stalingrad may have turned out differently if Hitler had say, 1 to 1 1/2 million more troops that were being "occupied" in the West. The Soviet contribution cannot be understated. In shear numbers the fighting on the Eastern front dwarfed what went on in the East, but it doesn't mean they would necessarily have been successful.
3)A further point on why "we" were necessary for the defeat of Germany was our Air Forces degradation of the German war making capability. By destroying or damaging factories in Germany we slowed armament production which helped aid in shortening the war. The Russians never bombed Germany like we did and they never really had the capability until very late in the war.
4)We helped take out German special weapons research. How well would the Soviets have fared facing V-1's and V-2's, as well as, fleets of M-262's?
5)If the war lasted 2-5 more years it could have been the Germans who got the bomb first,
and then were would the Soviets have been?

On the seperate subject of Vietnam, I do believe there actually were some British forces aiding us.(My history background didn't really cover as much recent history so I may be wrong). We could have won, but we were never willing to pay the full price for it which may have been a confrontation with the Chinese(Even though they had little love for the vietnamese themselves, remember 1979?)Vietnam was Korea II waiting to happen.

On the communist question, Why are we still arguing about a failed totalitarian system?
The communism practiced in Europe today is just socialism, which has its own faults as a system of government and economic policy. Whether people are better off under a government lead by socialists is something for them to determine. But if appearances or statistics are any judge then the more capitalist a system is, the better off the people living under it tend to be. For some people, that's enough, for others, no.

Overall I think the United States has made a much more valuable contribution to the world then any of its supposed faults may have hurt it. I just wish any argument of the relative merits wouldn't slip into simply name calling and publicly traded explitives.

Your faithful and obedient servant

Krushala posted 07-16-99 03:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I don't know why I'm arguing this as an american. But I feel that a ground invasion by the U.S./U.K./Canada was not necessary for hitler's defeat. I failed to mention above that of course russia needed our supplies and loans. They needed our bombing raids too. We put a hard blow on hitler's warmaking machine, before d-day even occured. That was a tremedous impact on russia's ability to push germany back. So yes russia could have defeated hitler with help from our bombimg raids and supplies. But he couldn't have done it with no financial or material help from the other allies.
Dreadnought posted 07-16-99 04:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Without USA, wouldnt Germany had to have fought on two sides anyway? Between Britain and Russia? Well, I read that a reason Russia did so well was becuase Germany was so ill-equiped for the Russian cold, and because Russia knew the landscape so well. ANYWAY, I was wrong, without US help, Europe would be speaking German, not Russian. What I want to know is this, what were the US leaders thinking when they began isolationism? Perhaps they were planning to get in the war the whole time, they just wanted to reap the benifits from wartime trading as long as they could? Whateva.
Spoe posted 07-16-99 04:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
I think you'll find that it was the Aussies that helped out in Vietnam.

There's very little doubt that had the politicians back in DC let loose the reins and let the military go for an all-out conventional war that North Vietnam would have been occupied fairly easily. What would happen if the PLA came down across the border(a la the Korean War) is a somewhat different matter.

Spoe posted 07-16-99 04:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Meant to add that late in the war the distribution of Wehrmacht and Waffen SS divisions was heavily lopsided to the eastern front(something on the order of 10-1 or so). Also, the troops garrisoning the Atlantic wall were hardly crack troops. In many cases they were captured soldier pressed into service(IIRC, two Korean soldiers were captured by the Allies on D-Day -- they had been previousy captured by the Japanese, Russians, and Germans). Most of the crack troops were on the eastern front.

Also, even had we stayed officially out of the war, we were already well on the way to keeping Britain supplied and we could probably done a good job with the USSR(especially if you assume that we never went to war with Japan and had a straight shot across the north Pacific).

ZRand007 posted 07-16-99 04:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ZRand007  Click Here to Email ZRand007     
The US did win WWII in West Europe. We may have been neutral until late 1941, but don't you even know what the LEND-LEASE PROGRAM is? We gave billions of dollars worth of military material to several countries, mainly Britain. Hell, it should have been called "THE GIVE ALL OF AMERICA'S SUPERIOR WEAPONS TO THE EUROPEANS AND SOVIETS" program. I agree with Krushala on the Russian-winter theory. If Hitler had timed his invasion better, their is little doubt in my mind that Germany would extend to the Pacific today. Just look at how far he got before the winter- STALINGRAD. That's pretty deep into Russia. Also, the Russians didn't have very good military equipment until they had a break from Hitler's onslaught. Only then did they develop the T-34 and the Stutka.

On to the Vietnam subject...
Ok, so the US lost one war. We lost because too many people were taking so-called "mind-expanding" drugs and had dillusions of bad intentions on the part of the government. If it wasn't for all the protests and rallies, the US could have exercised its full military muscle.

Hey, we beat England two times, Spain once, and Germany twice... now that's American resolve and patriotism.

Always a patriot of the US, but a fan of British literature (aka Ian Flemming)

Krushala posted 07-16-99 04:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
actually that wasn't my theory, but I agree with everything you said. The war was won before we even declared war. I know some may feel differently, but hitler had no real chance at winning after he attacked russia. America could have just continued the lend-lease program to keep russia strong, and england and canada could have liberated france. But none of this could have occured without american war goods.
JohnIII posted 07-16-99 04:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
All I can remember at the moment is the moment in Not The Nine O' Clock News, where a newsreader says:
Analysts have discovered the source of America's recent military activity. It appears that, after being late for the first two World Wars, they are determined to be really punctual this time round.

ZRand: I thought you lost Vietnam because of poor planning?

John III

walruskkkch posted 07-16-99 04:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
In regards to the troops in western Europe they weren't all concripts and dregs. In fact the allied planners were extremely worried about the Panzer division in the north of France and went to great lengths to convince the Nazis the attack was coming from the Pas de Calais to pin them down. One of the greatest blunders of the war was Hitler not releasing those divisions until after the Allies had estabnlished a beachhead in France. Even so we had an extremely difficult time fighting through hedgerow country and almost saw it all go for naught with the Germans winter offensive in 1944, the "Battle of the Bulge". Also there was the Italian campaign and the troops involved there. The Germans had many crack troops engaged all along the western front so I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the import of their not being available for the eastern front. While the Germans were unprepared for the cold the first winter in Russia, that was not exactly the case for the subsequent winters. By that time Russian numbers, emerging technological equality, and in some cases superiority, where finally showing up. But a larger German army could certainly have made a difference, certainly at least slowing the Soviets down if not achieving victories. The Soviet generalship was not always tacticly the best.
Also any Soviet advance would help elimante some of the stategic problems facing the Germans, mainly extended supply lines and an overextended front. More than likely a static front would have developed in the East, with the war giving over to trench type warfare rather than the bold sweeping mobile tactic kind.

I wish I could go on more but I gotta leave work, I'll continue this at home.

Misho posted 07-16-99 04:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
To Saras guy:

I don't know any HTML, and bloody scripts do not allow me to write it in English, so I'll write it in Croatian:


This was very juicy Croatian sentence which has something to do with me and your mom and F-word.
Ok, now I am starting for real:

Above all, you suck my friend. Very deeply.
I didn't read your profile 'cos I am not in love with you and I don't care about you at all. Who are you to me anyway?
Nothing and nobody. If you want to know more about myself go to my site and you'll get all informations that you want. You can sign my guestbook if you want but don't write any faggy messagges. I am not faget and I hate ones.
You said something about Basketball Champioship and Lithuania...
You are from Lithuania? Lithuania sucks more than Croatia. Perhaps twice more.
So that' too bad for you. At least we have beautiful coast. What do you have?Bears?
So Lithuanian baskettball team won Croatian?
Ok. How about Toni Kuko�, Dino Ra�a, Stojko Vrankovi� etc. Do you know who these people are? They are Croatian basketball players who play in NBA. Kuko� is with Bulls.
I live in Split where is Kuko� from, and believe or not I sew him before 20 days ago.
Who from Lithuania plays in NBA?No one.
Usa? Germany? Lithuania? No asshole.
I don't like sports and I never watch it but don't bull**** to me with sports, ok?

So you was part of USSR and you lived badly?
Did you ask yourself that that might have something to do with Lithuanian nazi troops during WW2 who supported Germans?
Buddy, you are lucky that you still have your country at all.
If I was Stalin I would burn it to the ground. So don't bull**** about democracy either. Nazists don't deserve democracy.

And finally, you can kiss my ass with your conservatism and your anti-communistic poetic. Communism is dead, I agree.
Communism wasn't perfect, far away from being perfect, I also admit that.
Bud as idea, communism is briliant,much more human than capitalism.
At least real communists (such as Marx, Lenin, Guevara, Lorca..., not Stalin) tried to change something to better, and what capitalists tried to change?
Only the size of its wallets.

Ok asshole, bye now :>

Dreadnought posted 07-16-99 05:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Misho, if I were you, I would stop typing your mindless and insulting posts before you embarass yourself ever further. It appears you have run out of intelligent (and when I refer to you as intelligent, I am being very, very generous) replies and must therefore revert to childish name calling.
Misho posted 07-16-99 05:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Thank you for understanding my situation.
I can't tell you how much I hate that nazi bastard Tudjman (croatian president).
Nobody in Croatia likes him any more and he falsed last elections. He leads goverment, parlament, judges, policy, army...all that.
He likes call himself "european Franco".
Only Feral Tribune (satiric magazine)is very bravely against him, everybody are so scared. You can find link for Feral Tribune's page at my site.
Tudjman has a cancer and he'll die soon. Thank you God for that beautiful gift, hehehe.

To ZRand 007:
"The reason most Americans are snobbish is because we are decadent."

You see, Charles Baudelaire (famous French poet) was decadent. He screwed whores, he smoked opium, he died from tripper, and he was writing beautiful poems.
Americans are decadent? You make me really laugh.
Americans are just Americans - the nation of greed. Most are them are greedy snobs,indeed. When all aspects of life (even arts - look at your movies) are connected with money than that's greed and nothing else.
I have spent 4 months in New Jersey,enough to realize that.
So long...

Misho posted 07-16-99 05:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     

Why don't you go feed your chicken redneck?!
Did I ask you for your stupid opinion?
I don't think so. I am not interested in exchanging opinions with person who declares America as the only world liberator of Nazi threat.
How many American cities were destroyed in WW2? How many civilians were killed?
You went into war only 'cos of your greed (greed and greed again).
You were affraid that Great Britain won't be able to pay off all that debts and loans so you wanted to secure your money.

You are more ashamed than even Hitler.

And about war-crimes... what happened with von Braun, the nazi inventor of V-2 rockets?
Nothing! Guy killed a few thousands civilians and ruined a half of England and you didn't prosecute him. Why?
'Cos he was useful for your space race with Russians. You even payed him a fortune.
To the war criminal!

So go share your crap with someone else, ok hillbilly?

Wraith posted 07-16-99 05:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     

And yet... for some reason no one ever complains about the fire-bombing (Dresden, wasn't it?). A lot more people -- yes, civilians -- were killed that way than by the nukes.
In view of the reasoning ability shown in the rest of the post (ie. none) I'm not even going to bother with the old "more would've been killed any other way" arguments.

Please, learn a fact or two before you get on your high hobby-horse.

Freedom of speech is wonderful - right up there with the freedom not to listen

Spoe posted 07-16-99 06:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Did I say they were all conscripts and dregs? No. But they tended to send them to the west because there wasn't active fighting there and because for there to be active fighting there would have to be some large amphibious landings. The points were:
A) There were many more German divisions on the eastern front than the western.
B) These weren't all crack troops.

re: von Braun
He was researcher in a country at war. There is nothing wrong(or illegal) about him trying to develop the best weapons he can for his side(no matter how repulsive its leadership). Were the owners of Krupps or Bofors war criminals for building guns? No. How then is it different to build a ballitic missile?
His only liability to war crimes would be the use of slave labor in the production of his rockets and it is not clear that he is responsible for it.
As to our use of von Braun's knowledge after WWII, why shouldn't we have?

The bombing(and yes, killing of on a massive scale) civilian populations was standard procedure in the total war of WWII. Tokyo, and has been mentioned, Dresden both suffered losses of the same order of magnitude as Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the incindary bombings. I see the atomic bombings as no different, except from a psychological perspective(i.e. "All this destruction from one bomb." opposed to "All this destruction from a thousand bomber raid.").

"How many civilians were killed?"
Not many. A few up in the Pacific Northwest from the Japanese baloon bombing. A couple down in California for shelling from a Japanese sub. Probably some on sunken ships.

Oh, and we entered the war because we had an embargo on Japan because of their actions in China and Manchuria(Rape of Nanking, etc.). This led to their attack. If Germany hadn't reacted to our declaration of war on Japan by declaring war on us, I think it would still have been difficult politically for the government to involve us in Europe(perhaps even harder that before Pearl Harbor).

Dreadnought posted 07-16-99 06:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Misho, I am curious to know how you were able, from my few lines of posting, that you were able to asertain that I am redneck who must immediatly attend to my chickens. I have a question for you, when you type your posts, do they make sense to you? Although, your complete lack of logic whatsoever never fails to boggle the mind, and by reading your posts, my IQ likely drops several points, putting idiotic fools suchas yourself in their respective places is one of life's little pleasures.

Oh, and about the A-Bomb, look at this from America's perspective, Japan refused to surrender even though their army and navy had been decimated and Russia had agreed to assist in the defeat of Japan. The only option was an invasion, and this was likely to cost both armies thousands of lives, not to mention civilians. When the A-Bomb was created, the government immediatly dismissed it's use, but after further consideration, we came to the conclusion that this would be the only chioce which would result in the least amount of lives lost. While the loss of so many civilans is regretable, it was the only reasonable choice when compared to the alternative. I know you are so narrow-minded and set in your ways nothing anyonw could say would change your way of thinking, I thought you should at least know the facts about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings before you dismiss our governemt as cold-blooded murderers.

Krushala posted 07-16-99 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I'm losing IQ reading his posts too.

I guess he doesn't think any civilian lives would have been lost by invading japan. More civilians were killed by conventional bombing. I guess it's easier to make up history as you go along than reading a book.

Krushala posted 07-16-99 09:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Oh I forgot the big one. Germany declared war on us before we declared war on them. Any other interesting theories you got?
walruskkkch posted 07-16-99 11:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Well, I finally get back on line to finish some thoughts and WWIII has broken out. And imagine, it starts in the Balkans! It's way too late to start any sensible discussion tonight. Peace.
itdoesntfit posted 07-17-99 01:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for itdoesntfit    
If only I knew Japanese...........


Come on, think of what America has and any other country doesn't.

White_Cat posted 07-17-99 02:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for White_Cat  Click Here to Email White_Cat     
ZRand007: What was the second time that the U.S. beat Britain? You're not referring to the War of 1812, are you? No one won that, it was a tie. No territorial changes or anything.

- White Cat, who has been defending the U.S., but gets rather annoyed when Americans start claiming that they won the War of 1812.

Misho posted 07-17-99 07:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Ok,I agree with your remarks about my IQ and my inteligence and everything...
Allright, I'm stupid, I'm primitive, I don't know nothing...Fine. I respect your opinions about myself and my mind.

I just wanted to ask you (you smart and inteligent people) this:
If use of nuclear bomb is justified by circumstances of war, then would it be moral from the Nazi side to blow away entire USA, England and USSR if they discovered A-bomb first? And they have so much chance to disvover it before allies.
You see, your arguments are so low and imoral.You think you are smart but you are not.
You talk like politicians - they'll justify all bull**** that they do.
There are always right reasons for everything - even for use of nuclear bomb!
I don't think so.
Bombing Dresden has purpose to destroy industrial capabilities, and targets where factories and infrastructure.
Droping A-bomb has only one purpose - of DESTROYING EVERYTHING THAT LIVES.
So there is no excuse.

And about von Braun... He knew where his rockets were aimed and what they did.
He was high nazi officer and that's and that's enough for being covicted.
Like Karl Doenitz...His U-boats sunk so many UNARMED SHIPS with civilians, but he wasn't prosecuted. Why? Only 'cos he agree surender of Germany to Americans.
That stinks too.

So long my smart friends...

P.S. And I didn't start with insults first.
Do you remember that Saras guy and his words to me? I just fought him back.

Spoe posted 07-17-99 10:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"If use of nuclear bomb is justified by circumstances of war, then would it be moral from the Nazi side to blow away entire USA, England and USSR if they discovered A-bomb first? And they have so much chance to disvover it before allies.
1) THe Germans weren't likely to discover the bomb. Their atomic program was focused on power, not bombs, on the advice of their leading scientists(Heisenberg, for one, told the leadership that a bomb was an impractability).
2) As much as anything in war is moral it would have been moral for Germany to use the atomic bomb, if they had it. Of course, had there been a treaty in place that prohibited bombing of civlilian populations or the us atomic bombs it would be a different situation(for us, as well). When you are at war it is perfectly moral to use whatever means at your disposal(i.e everything you have not prohibited) to advance the cause of your side.

"Bombing Dresden has purpose to destroy industrial capabilities, and targets where factories and infrastructure.
Droping A-bomb has only one purpose - of DESTROYING EVERYTHING THAT LIVES.

False. The blast and heat damage radii for the first two a-bombs were much greater than the lethal radius for radiation(it's a bit of an oddity that the bigger the bomb, the smaller the proportion of radiation injuries). Hiroshima was chosen because it was a relatively untouched harbor and barracks city. In Nagasaki the bomb was dropped over the Mitsubishi(IIRC) torpedo works. They were targeted at industry just as much as any of the other raids.

"And about von Braun... He knew where his rockets were aimed and what they did."

I fail to see how this makes him immoral. He was a scientist providing weapons to his country in a time of war.

"He was high nazi officer and that's and that's enough for being covicted."

He wasn't very politically active. He likly joined the Nazis in much the same way many joined the Communist party in Communist run countries -- it was the way to advancement. In any event, he wasn't anywhere near the level of an Eichmann, Speer, etc. in the party -- he was the technical director of a weapons program(one of many).

"Like Karl Doenitz...His U-boats sunk so many UNARMED SHIPS with civilians, but he wasn't prosecuted. Why? Only 'cos he agree surender of Germany to Americans."
This was a legitimate, if distasteful, plan to interdict war supplies flowing across the Atlantic. Must we remind you that these ships were, for the most part, also carrying war material and were therefore legitimate targets? It has always been a valid tactic in war to interdict your opponent's logistical train.

Misho posted 07-17-99 06:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
"Hiroshima was chosen because it was a relatively untouched harbor and barracks city."

What a crap.
Of course, after droping nuclear weapon it was "touched". Pretty hard touched.

So you also justify entire holocaust of 9 milions innocent jews?
Well Jewish mothers could bear sons who might go in fight against Germans, so killing Jews was also legal war action, right?

Nuclear bomb, my pal. You shoud read some different sources. Germans didn't make nuclear bomb first only beacuse of air attack on the secret facility in northern Sweden 1944. When supplies of riched uranium were destroyed, there wasn't any time to make enough for creating the bomb.
After that Hitler ordered to concentrate all scientific and industrial capabilities on making Messerchmidt jets and new versions of Tiger tanks. They have made a few jets, but new Tigers were existing only in Hitler's sick imagination.Lack of industrial sources.Etc.

I am tired of all this WW2 bull****.
I won't argue anymore. Sorry if I have insulted anyone,I apologize.
Goodbye to all of you and remember: you can always find nice decent links and pics (including the photo of myself) at Misho's World of Sanity:

bye bye (maybe you'll see me in while)

Dreadnought posted 07-17-99 07:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Misho, I hate to go for the hit below the belt like this but, that is the crappiest web page I have ever seen. What the hell is with that naked anime girl? I only spent about 6 hours total learing HTML, but obviously I know much much more than you.
Krushala posted 07-17-99 08:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Can't comment on the site. That hardcore link sucks. Yeah I checked. You need to read some more of those ww2 sources you mentioned. All of your 'facts' are really just theories by you. Some better than others.

But not everything america does is based on greed. Why would we enter a war and send our most productive workforce to war. We had to have women to fill in. I'm sorry women, but you are not more productive in heavy industrial jobs. A lot of plants had to switch production from products meant for sales overseas and at home to making war materials.

walruskkkch posted 07-17-99 08:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Ah, to fight the old battles all over again, I feel like a grizzled veteran.(Not to be confused with the Newbie vs. Vet contretemps)

The German nuclear program was nowhere near advanced as we feared during the war. It may have been different if the war lasted longer but information discovered after the war pretty much showed they were not close.

As far as Hiroshima as a target. It certainly was chosen because it suffered relatively little bomb damage prior to Aug. 6th but that doesn't mean it wasn't a strategic target. I believe the first target city suggested was Kyoto, but that was turned down by one of Roosevelt's advisors, Stimson I think, because of the Historic nature of the city. Concerning civilian deaths fromthe A-bombs, they didn't approach the total from a single incinerary(Webster's wasn't much help here) raid on Tokyo which produced some 120,000 causulties. Rather more than either A-bomb attack. The main reason for the A-bomb attacks was to save American servicemen's lives, we were anticipating 100's of thousand of causalties if we invaded the Japanese homeland. We finished the war that they started rather infamously at Pearl Harbor.

The Death camp analogy doesn't quite work. The Nazis were seeking to exterminate a race of people simply because of who the were, not what potential military threat their children may have posed.(By the way, the accepted figure is 6 million jews. Also there were additional deaths almost equalling that total made up of Russian prisoners, Gypsies, and other "Undesireables"). Spoe will probably be able to come up with the appropriate rules from the Geneva Convention articles to show why the Death camps were, and still are, considered an atrocity.

It's rather amazing how we started with "Why I hate America" and have ended up refighting the Second World War.

Your faithful and obedient servant

Dreadnought posted 07-17-99 09:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Yea, Walruskjks&jhg*(9#kj;klj54, I read they picked Hiroshima, beucase like you said, it was relativly untouched. They wanted to test to bomb to see exactly what it would do to a city. Have you seen some of the photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombs? They're downright creepy. You can see the shadows of civlians burnt into the buildings. One that I can think of was there was what appeared to be mother holding a little girls hand, and a man painting his house. I still shudder when they come to mind.
Spoe posted 07-17-99 09:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"Nuclear bomb, my pal. You shoud read some different sources. Germans didn't make nuclear bomb first only beacuse of air attack on the secret facility in northern Sweden 1944. When supplies of riched uranium were destroyed, there wasn't any time to make enough for creating the bomb./i>"

First, it was in Norway, not Sweden. Sweden was(and still is) a neutral country. Second, it was a heavy water facility -- not directly indicative of a weapons program. Hevy water can be used in a breeder reactor to produce plutonium, which can be used or either weapons of power applications.

re: the targeting of Hiroshima.

The following is a quote from the minutes of the Manhatten Project targetting committee:
"Hiroshima - This is an important army depot and port of embarkation in the middle of an urban industrial area. It is a good radar target and it is such a size that a large part of the city could be extensively damaged. There are adjacent hills which are likely to produce a focussing effect which would considerably increase the blast damage. Due to rivers it is not a good incendiary target. (Classified as an AA Target)"
Note the first comments, "This is an important army depot and point of embarkation..."; they were obviously looking at the military importance of the targets. Indeed, all five of the preliminary target(Nagasaki was not among these) were either heavy industrial centers, military depots/arsenals, or pointsof embarkation(usually a combination of at least two). Specific note is made that they are against placing the Imperial Palace on the list.

As for German thought on the practicality of atomic bombs:
Upon hearing about the bombing of Hiroshima,Werner Heisenberg(a captive in England at the time, and under surveilance), a highly respected physicist and key member of the German atomic research team, remarked that such a bomb would be impossible and, "Some dilettante in America,
who knows very little about it, has bluffed them.". His misunderstanding came from calculation he made concerning critical mass, years before. He calulated you would need on the order of 10 metric tons of uranium the result of misestimating the mean free path of a neutron in a block of uranium. It was not until after hearing about the Nagasaki bomb that he realized his error and made a statement(not knowing he had been recorded stating that such a bomb was impossible just a few day earlier) that they could have built a bomb at any time, but the atomic team was anti-nazi and didn't want Hitler to have the bomb.
So, the reason the Germans didn't build an atom bomb was that they didn't think it possible, due to Heisenberg's evaluation.

"Spoe will probably be able to come up with the appropriate rules from the Geneva Convention articles to show why the Death camps were, and still are, considered an atrocity."
According to persons not taking an active part in the hostilities
" are protected from:
(a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;
(b) Taking of hostages;
(c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;
(d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
-- Article 3

Under this Nazi-style concentration camps would be prohibited. However this only applies to treatment on individuals; eneral populations are subject to different protections. The parties to hostilities are allowed to, at need, designate hospital and saftey zones/localities to protect from the effects of war "wounded, sick and aged persons, children under fifteen, expectant mothers and mothers of children under seven -- Article 14"; basically anyone other than able-bodied persons of age for military service. Per Article 19 these zones are voided when "they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy" and after warnings have gone unheeded. Harmful acts include production of arms so any industrial area is fair game for bombing.

Now, admittedly, this treaty went into force after the end of WWII, but it is fairly representative of how this subject has been handled and represents the current regulations.

Spoe posted 07-17-99 09:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
D'oh. Screwed that link up a bit, eh?

That should be:
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 75 U.N.T.S. 287, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950

Sorry about that.

Krushala posted 07-18-99 12:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
How did the HTML and UBB get turned back on? Or is it something I did? Anyway it's about time.
Dreadnought posted 07-18-99 01:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
When were they turned off?
Krushala posted 07-18-99 02:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
my links didn't work for over a week. I just had to type in the site addresses.
Krushala posted 07-18-99 02:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
O.K. I'm a dumbass. They work here, but they don't work in strategies or the game forums. I could really use them there. I don't use them as much here for some reason.
Misho posted 07-18-99 04:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Spoe, you are boring.
I don't have whole day to read your 5 miles long posts. If you wanted to impress us with your superior mind then you could write some original thoughts of yours instead of citeing books (or maybe writing directly from ones).
Your words actually witness about lack of any critical thinking - what did you read or heard you took for absolute, and that's why you can justify even shameful use of nuclear bomb.
Like I said, some think they are really smart, but they are actually opossite of being smart.
I know many people just like you at my college. When you ask some of them what time is it, he'll tell you whole history of watch production, and also everything about Swiss industry,economy,population,language etc.
So that's why nobody wants to talk with them for real, and they are always standing lonely in the corner during student parties.
Air attack was in Norway, not Sweden?
Maybe it was 1945, not 1944?
You see, I don't care.
I read that book long time ago and I don't rememeber. I even don't remember of book's title. I didn't read it for memorize every single fact but for study it. And I think I have studied it well.
You see, the more important is to generate your own ideas from what you read, using inductive way of rational and philosophic thinkig and generalizing, then to memorize whole book.
You could be perfect politician.
You are dumb and you are immoral.
You judge some pornography links on my homepage, but you justify use of nuclear bomb
on two helpless cities?
That's called to be hypocrisy. False moral, pseudoethic...
Persons with pathetic mind like yours are very dangerous.
Like I said, you coud be the perfect politician. So long my friend...
Krushala posted 07-18-99 06:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Actually Misho you could be a politician. You just said you generate your own ideas from what you read. So basically you just make up what sounds good. Like your statement that america entered ww2 for greed purposes. When in reality germany declared war on us first. These people use facts to back up their claims. They don't just throw baseless theories out onto the forums.
walruskkkch posted 07-18-99 06:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
I don't know what is worse, not caring about the past, or simply misremembering it to further some agenda. It is of course useful to debate the use of atomic weapons, much better than using them, but you have to judge their use in WWII on what was going on then, not on what you believe now. Trying to place a modern day context on historic actions is fool hardy at best, disingenuous at worst. If you are going to argue about historical actions you do need to "remember" what you read. And you should read alot, to get all kinds of viewpoints. But if you can't logically argue a position simply dismissing anothers as "boring" or some such is simply pathetic. Having an opinion is one thing, having an informed opinion is something else. That will at least garner you some respect, even if people disagree with it. You want us to make a moral judgment on the use of nuclear weapons but you don't offer an argument consistent with the situation at that time. It is easy to sit back now and say "They should never have been used" but when you are fighting a war, a war which you did not start, and you have a device that could potentially save 100's of thousands of lives of your forces as well as perhaps millions of civilians lives you weigh your choices carefully. Using the bomb was not some off the cuff decision like PBing a Hive base. If we had to invade the japanese homeland civilians would have died, and given what happened in Okinawa the causalties could have been enormous. Have you not heard of what happened there, or was that something you "forgot" from your books?
Spoe gives wonderfully detailed information to support his positions, you give nothing but invective. Frankly I may not always agree with the conclusions Spoe comes to, but I do believe they are reasonably thought out positions worthy of debate and arguement. You have yet to provide much in the way of a counterargument outside of an emotional response which has more in common with your hated politicians usual responses then most of the debate going on here. I don't know what you are studying at University, I only hope it isn't history.
Hope this rant wasn't too long for you.

Your faithful and obedient servant

Dreadnought posted 07-18-99 06:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Misho posted 07-18-99 08:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
To my faithful and obedient servant Walrrusch or something:

He-he-he, I must say you all make me really laugh with your anti-Misho coalition.
No matter what I say I am always wrong.
Ok, using A-bomb was a beautiful act.
Would you now (just to opposite my statement)
Of course that nuclear bomb is invented for making war operations more easier.
Nobody deny that. And that's a whole point of it!!!
Let say that America wants to conquer Albania
because of some reason. You don't want to send your ground troops, some American soldiers might be killed. Will you drop A-bomb for saving American lifes? On Albania which by the way has 15 tanks?! Of course!
It's a war,you can do anything.
And finally it's all about American lifes, isn't it? You value one American life like 100 foreign.
I get sick by reading your sick explanations.
And by the way what are you doing here anyway? I hoped I'll find here someone who "DISLIKE AMERICA AS I DO", remember?
Can you create your own room? I suggest title like this: "Nerdy American A-bomb fetishists, we know everything,we are smartest".

About knowledge.You know nothing.Trust me.
Knowledge and books are not what you think.
Maybe you didn't have right professors to teach you about knowledge (by the why did you attend college at all?)
You see, Socrates was a brilliant philosopher. But he never wrote any book!
Plato did, Aristotel did, but not Socrates.
Why? Smart old man said "Book can't talk when you ask it something."
You are just like that. The living books that can't say anything when comes to discussion. You can only repeat what you have memorized and you think that's a knowledge.
Your knowledge is falsed. You might be useful as a hard disc on computer, memorizing all datas that are needed for operations. So why don't you connect your brains with your PC processors, you'll get some extra GB's of memory.
You'll speed your computers!! Wow!!!

And about history. There is an ancient Latin sentence: Historia est magistra vitae.
I am not saying that you don't know Latin (you know everything), but let me translate it for you: The history is mother of life.
You think you know about history, but history teached your dumb minds nothing.
Yesterday USA droped 2 nuclear bombs on Japan, tommorow maybe China or North Korea will send scud-missiles with nuclear war heads on your western coast and blow away the half of USA.
And they'll say "that was a need to preserve our best interests and lifes of our people."
And after that the entire world will go to hell (including myself) because of stupidons (my neologism) like you!!
Well pardon me if I want to live!
This is not Star Wars movie or Alpha Centaury, stupidons! There is no planet (at least not yet) on which we can escape!

And for the dear friend...I study Philosophy, Sociology and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb (Croatian capital).
And my knowledge is real. It has some sense.

bye bye american assholes...

Misho posted 07-18-99 08:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Misho  Click Here to Email Misho     
Beside "Historia is magistra vitae" (The history is teacher of life), here is another Latin saying (originally Greek) that might be useful for your minds:


When Socrates said that I believe he meant on you.




walruskkkch posted 07-18-99 09:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Well it just goes to show that anyone can get into university nowadays, even Misho. Dropping the A-bomb wasn't "beautiful" but it was necessary. I'm suprised you can't pick up on that subtle distinction.

I'm also glad that idiots like you don't have access to nuclear devices. I doubt your leadership would show the same forebearance that we've exhibited for 50 years.

By the way, yes I would save American lives first in war, second try to protect innocents. Besides I don't remember from my books who started WWII? Now who was it that bombed Pearl Harbor? Hmmm. Listen buddy boy, we didn't start the damned war, but we sure as hell finished it. And the only way that would have been bad for you was if you wanted to grow up speaking German and being a good little nazi.

Your claim of false knowledge? take a good long look in the mirror. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, and in your case it's downright fatal.

You say you study phiolosophy, better off you should be studying civility. No wonder you think people are out to get you, you can't have to many friends with your attitude.

I'm glad you admit to your lack of knowledge, you finally said something right. Maybe someday you'll actually understand what he meant.

Oh by the way, your a lousy cheap shot artist, get some better training.

Dreadnought posted 07-18-99 10:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     

If only we could belive you this time, if only we could belive you.....

Anyway, boy-o, it never fails to amaze me on how you continue proceiding with this anti-USA quest of yours in the face of overwhelming facts and statistics. Watch the movie Saving Private Ryan and watch the D-Day landing scene. Would you have liked to live through that? I would not wish that horror on my worst enemy, no one deserves to be put though that, not even you Misho. Point is, if America had taken the "moral" route and invaded Japan, thousands more troops would needlesly be slaughtered on yet another beach. That's about 40,000 more letters home to mothers who have lost thier sons. Four years earlier, the Japanese army pulled America into a war which it did not want to be involved in, just for the sake of having more territory. Hundreds if not thousands of American lives were lost in the Pearl Harbor bombing. I do not condone the use of the Atom bomb. I don't condone war. But if the use of the Atomic (note I say Atomic. Nuclear and atomic bombs are two diffrent weapons) bomb would mean the war would be over, and the killing would stop, I would have made the same decsion that Harry Truman made. Do you know why two cities were destroyed? Because Japan refused to surrender even after an entire city was wiped of the planet. America even warned the Japanese that they had developed a weapon of mass destruction. The Japanese government valued honor more than life itself. This foolish choice by the government forced America to annihilate another city. Only then did Japan finnaly realize the war was over. What did we do to the Japanese after the war was over? We let them keep thier land and whatever dignity they had left. The unique thing about the Allied campaign was that we were not in it for the goal of conquering new lands or more rescources, we fought to liberate Europe, and end the senseless genocide of the Jews. When Germany surrendered, we did not imprison the entire army and top German officials, we gave them something America valued, the right to a fair trial. If we would have persecuted officers such as Von Braun and Karl Deonizt, we would have been no better than the Nazis. Serving your army is not a crime. Sure, what they did may be horrible, but they had commitied no war crimes. Think about what the Nazis would have done if they had triumphed. All Allied soldiers and officers that could be found would be either jailed or killed without a trial of any sort. Misho, before you go spouting your twised and convulted "facts", please retake high school history. Your utter disregard to the truth is is nothing more than petty nationalism.

Saras posted 07-19-99 07:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
What is the difference bw nuclear and atomic bombs?
M_ashwell posted 07-19-99 08:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for M_ashwell  Click Here to Email M_ashwell     
atomic only refer to the urainum/plutonium bombs that were 1st designed
nucler refer to H-bombs and other forms of nukes

M E Ashwell

p.s. if i'm wrong please correct me

Saras posted 07-19-99 09:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
I think you're wrong. Atomic = nuclear, and H-bombs are thermonuclear.
Spoe posted 07-19-99 02:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
First, in my "mile-long" posts, I only quote from books to support the positions I have taken or to do something similar to the what I did with the Geneva Conventions on Civilians -- to show what they say. I do not read and simply regurgitate what was said.

Second, I didn't comment one way or the other on your web page.

Third, concerning what is moral in history. There are two ways to consider this. First, we can compare historical events strictly to our own ethical code. This can be a good way to judge a time period, but IMHO falls short in dealing with specific cases(individuals, specific actions, etc.); these should be judged compared to the mores of the time. To me it is false to judge the actions of men in history by the standards of today. For example, the Roman Republic was certainly much more brutal than what is acceptable today, but by the standards of the time it was quite enlightened.
Along these lines, I think today we might have accepted a conditional surrender from Japan similar to what they were offering at the time(i.e. basically unconditional except that the Emperor was to remain on the throne) to avoid using the bombs or an invasion of the home islands. But in historical context, it made sense. It was a time when mass bombing of cities was used by both sides, when Axis treatement of civilians was brutal, to say the least(Rape of Nanking, the ghettos and concentration camps, etc.). It was a time when entire cities were virtually destroyed by bombing raids(Dresden, Tokyo). It was a time when, only a few short years before, Adm. Halsey said "The Japanese language will only be spoken in Hell"(in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor). In short, it was a time when the use of the atomic bombs fit with the prevailing ethics and accepted conduct of war.

I subscribe to the view that the moral position of a country's military should be to enforce the will of the country while first protecting the civilians of the country, then limiting their own casualties, then limiting enemy civilian casualties, and finally minimizing casualties to enemy soldiers.
To me, this is the logical way to wage war, though some may argue than limiting civilian casualties on both sides should come before military casualties on either side. I feel the latter is incorrect, however. I think the jobs of the military is to preserve the country and that means both civilian and military portions.

And lastly, I don't think American use of nuclear weapons again is likely, unless we are attacked by other 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'(chemical and biological agents, along with nuclear weapons; personally, of the three, I think I'd rather be hit by nukes). I offer our records in the Gulf War and Korea to support this. How much easier would it have been to send a few Minutemen at Iraq and then pick up the pieces? How much easier would it have been to start with a high altitude nuke to wipe out much if Iraq's communications and power grids by EMP? How many American lives would have been saved if we nuked the PLA soldiers pouring into Korea? We didn't then, and we won't, as long as we abide by our 'no first use' policy.


re: atomic vs. nuclear

Both mean the same: a bomb that works on atoms themselves and specifically their nuclei. Uranium and Plutonium bombs by fission, Hydrogen/Lithium by fusion. Thermonuclear refers to fusions bombs because of the immens temperatures needed to ignite the fusion burn.

Zenk_Bongwater posted 07-20-99 10:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zenk_Bongwater  Click Here to Email Zenk_Bongwater     
One good thing in all you americans is that you don't accept all the crap fed to you.
Spoe posted 07-20-99 02:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
Dunno. Seen the lines at McDonald's at lunch time lately?
President Korian posted 07-21-99 05:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Although there are definetly some things America could work on, we are without a doubt the greatest nation in the world.

Now on topic, if we hadn't used the bomb, it was estimated that Japanese and Allied casaulties would have been much greater, due to the Japanese training civilians to fight and their complete unwillingness to surrender.

luzerKing posted 08-02-99 08:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for luzerKing  Click Here to Email luzerKing     
I've said it before and I'll say it guys are idiots and morons. I have a bag of rocks at home with more brains. I am ashamed to have read this trash. Stoopid iddyuts...yuze gize ar reelee
fuqin ignurrant assholz.
SMACTrek posted 08-03-99 12:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SMACTrek  Click Here to Email SMACTrek     
Some fishing trips are more successful than others...
SeanStrategonWagner posted 08-03-99 07:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SeanStrategonWagner  Click Here to Email SeanStrategonWagner     
Having read all these posts *tap on my shoulder*, I will add my bit:

Dreadnought: In Switzerland, we can vote on anything if enough (it doesn't take many) signatures are collected, and yet we have a good public school system and relatively free judiciary; id est, democracy does not breed mediocrity. (Funny that - it's exactly what I dislike most about the U.S.A.)

Misho: Gawd. Maybe you dislike seemingly all Americans because - as opposed to you (Viz: "I think that the corner-stone of our world is injustice.") - many PREFER to view the world in terms of opportunity.
They even have the temerity to assert their individual pursuit of happiness! That must me galling to a communist.

No matter how many faults Americans have, as long as they most value freedom, humanism will have a safe haven.

Now let me return to my fields...

Dominikos posted 08-03-99 02:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dominikos  Click Here to Email Dominikos     
There are also neutron bombs.

China apparently has developed its own neutron bomb.

Neutron bombs kill all lifeforms but buildings remain intact.

Hey, look at the bright side, at least they don't make a mess! :-)

Dominikos posted 08-03-99 02:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dominikos  Click Here to Email Dominikos     
...and H-Bomb refers to hydrogen bomb.
Spoe posted 08-03-99 04:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
"Neutron bombs, more formally referred to as "enhanced radiation (ER) warheads", are small thermonuclear weapons in which the burst of neutrons generated by the fusion reaction is intentionally not absorbed inside the weapon, but allowed to escape. This intense burst of high-energy neutrons is the principle destructive mechanism." -- The Nuclear Weapons FAQ, off of So it is not really a separate class of weapon. Also from the same source, "he common perception of the neutron bomb as a 'landlord
bomb' that would kill people but leave buildings undamaged is greatly overstated. At the intended effective combat range (690 m) the blast from a 1 Kt neutron bomb will destroy or damage to the point of unusability almost any civilian building. Thus the use of neutron bombs to stop an enemy attack, which requires exploding large numbers of them to blanket the enemy forces, would also destroy all buildings in the area.

The US, PRC, Russia, and France are all known to have developed neutron bombs; all US neutron bombs have been retired as of 1992.

And yes, H-bomb means hydrogen bomb, but is a pretty loose term refering to any bomb that gets most of its energy from fusion(the other primary fusion fuel is lithium, generally in the form of lithium deuteride(LiD6).

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