Topic: [HAL VOX]This is Q[/HAL VOX]
Q Cubed |
posted 07-03-99 12:55 PM ET
I have to say that in the light of recent events, I have decided to restrict my own posts here.I haven't been a presence at Apolyton, and have no intention of becoming one. I am dismayed at all the ruckus that the banning of trippin' daily has caused. While his language may have been offensive, I believe he was banned not because he was a vocal critic of Firaxis, but because he finally generated a fair number of email complaints due to his behavior. Now, I have one request. Drop it. tdie will continue to post under various handles, and this banning may just as well end up as a pr disaster for Firaxis. I grieve for what I perceive to be the loss of the original quality that these Alpha Centauri Forums once had. As one of the few that remained here and have been here prior to September of 1998, I must say that I do not feel like these Forums are what they once were. They have become like a strange place for me, rather than a peaceful and friendly place where long discussions could be held without frequent spammings and flamings. So, without further fanfare, I am retiring this handle here. I'm sure many of you will be thinking to yourself: "Good riddens," or some such, thinking I'm a pompous veteran. If that's what you wish to see, go right ahead. I'm giving up here. ------------ Q Cubed Renaissance Q, Q-of-all-trades "This conversation can no longer serve any purpose. Goodbye."
posted 07-04-99 05:56 AM ET
You'll be back. I know it. It maybe under a completely original name, like Q^4, but you'll be back. John III |
posted 07-04-99 06:11 AM ET
Run! Before they catch you.They will grab you and drag you back here and make you post. Even against your own will. On a sad note, yet another good poster leaves the forum and is replaced by morons. Ho hum... |
posted 07-04-99 07:20 AM ET
I quit too. I don't like invisible moderators and I don't like forums where a whole lot of fuss is made about a stupid little word. I also don't think there is a forum out there I will ever like.jig ban me dammit! |
posted 07-04-99 02:21 PM ET
You'll be back before you know it.... You never get rid of the thirst.... Shame to see you go, Q, even if it is only temporary...which I hope it will be.Spider This comment is at half-mast in recognition of the lurking of a friend. |
posted 07-05-99 01:25 AM ET
I quit three. Lack of quality threads and posters and also pure lack of interest. Bye all i'll now go into lurking mode and hibernate until something interesting happens. Now to remember all my silly, wierdo, pre/post/current SMAC release titles.-Talon Chief of Staff-Airforce, Brotherhood of Sid Member, I-Club Founder, Z-Club CWALer A Vet Member, IIIS Knows of and speculates the meaning of NIM,FNORD,etc. Founder, Hive Club A not so snappy dresser 
posted 07-05-99 02:16 AM ET
Like so many others, I will lurk here...hopefully, only until Korian returns...but if he's still somewhat mad at me, or thinks things are better with me gone, I'll simply fade away....Spider Activating lurk mode.... |
posted 07-05-99 07:43 AM ET
Talon, you know the meaning of fnord? I don't believe you...DCA, Fnord is the sound of one-handed clapping. |
posted 07-05-99 09:55 AM ET
Bub Bye Q, see you at firaxis forums. |
Hugo Rune
posted 07-05-99 04:03 PM ET
I find the firaxis forums more hip and happening at the moment. Why don�t we crash their server (again)? |
posted 07-05-99 04:07 PM ET
These forums are quite obviously grinding to a halt, which is surprising given the 46-ish replies to jig's thread. Perhaps some new threads would increase interest? John III |
posted 07-05-99 04:40 PM ET
There's one good thing about the state of this forum, and that is that I could finally get rid of my forum addiction, thereby saving a lot of money . |
posted 07-06-99 06:11 AM ET
Is this the end?? |
posted 07-06-99 01:22 PM ET
Merely the end of the beginning, but the Greater Saga goes on... John III |
posted 07-06-99 02:47 PM ET
This place fades, does this "Spider". Another there is...but not here.Spider "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...." |
Victor Galis
posted 07-11-99 07:54 PM ET
Yes, I too must make public my decision to move on to the Firaxis Forums (as my primary discussion area.) We lack the critical mass of posters there, although that may be good. |