hako |
posted 06-26-99 07:30 PM ET
posted 06-26-99 07:35 PM ET
I do something that involves thrusting motion. : and )  |
posted 06-26-99 07:36 PM ET
I totally misread that |
posted 06-26-99 07:37 PM ET
I am sure that YOU fly in your dreams lol  But, as for me...well...uhhh...arghhh...i mostly fall in my dreams, off buildings in particular. MiKaeLe |
Q Cubed
posted 06-26-99 10:26 PM ET
No.But I do dream in 3D Surround THX Sound, with over 1024�768 resolution and 64bit color or above.  |
posted 06-26-99 11:35 PM ET
Q, two words, shut up!  No, I don't think I fly in my dreams but I do fly whenever I listen to goa/trance music. |
posted 06-26-99 11:55 PM ET
Sometimes I fly, but rarely. Unlike some people. My dreams most likely mean nothing psycologicly. My dreams are bizare conurations that represent the madness and insanity that goes on within my twisted cerebral cortex. Symbolism is not a concept that my brain is familiar with in the quasi-sentient state. |
posted 06-27-99 01:24 AM ET
Some Dream Analysists say 'Flying' is a sexual metaphor. Of course you could say that about pretty much everything in your dreams. How did they figure that out anyway?Anyways, you can't spell Analyze w/o Anal. |
posted 06-27-99 04:50 AM ET
No, but I usually dream during my flights.  |
Sir David
posted 06-27-99 11:16 AM ET
I fly sometimes in my dreams, but not high up in the air, normally just one metre over the ground... (those dreams are very irretating..) |
posted 06-27-99 11:56 AM ET
I notice that I do not so much fly as plummet. |
posted 06-27-99 11:36 PM ET
No, but then I don't remember many of the dreams I have...Last night was not a good one... I think I was on a game show where you had to walk across a rope bridge with big snakes crawling around on it (I have a big fear of snakes) And I think I ended up crossing it sort of like they did in Mattimeo if anybody ever read that, aka sliding down along the bottom. Now that I think about it, that's impossible...but then, what kind of demented game show would do that (they were poisonous, by the way) |
posted 06-28-99 12:21 AM ET
A Japanese game show Nat. Have you seen the crazy stuff they do over there? Kee-rist! |
posted 06-28-99 04:14 AM ET
It happens to me every now and then... An exhilarating experience ! The best flying dream I had, I was standing on the balcony of an apartment building, and about to join those birds up there, and I did not... I took off [b]with[/] the building. Amazing.Aredhran -anybody tell me what's the sexual connotation, please - |
posted 06-28-99 04:56 AM ET
nah, i only fly in other people's dreams |
MikeH II
posted 06-28-99 08:29 AM ET
Sir David, I've had dreams where I floated about 1m above the ground, walking but not touching the ground. Not for a few years though. |
posted 06-28-99 08:33 AM ET
When I was a child I regularly dreamt of flying/floating around my local neighbourhood (usually at the end of a road than runs off perpendicular to the road I lived on, for some reason).None of that type of dream, that I can recall, for many years now though. Why the interest ? |
posted 06-28-99 09:52 AM ET
Flying in dreams...I think every human had this experience. Anyway, I've read somewhere that some things (fly, run, fall) in your dream occur because of your body position/state during sleep. For example, you know when you have a dream in which you try to run, but you can't or do it very slow. That is because your legs are crossed or are "trapped" under the bed covers, or something like that. I forgot the body position/state when you fly in your dreams, but it's pretty interesting. |
Q Cubed
posted 06-28-99 10:06 AM ET
has anyone ever read some of Freud's ideas for dram analysis?I don't recall him ever takling sense, and the majority of everything is a metaphor for sex. |
posted 06-28-99 10:22 AM ET
the majority of everything is a metaphor for sexSounds right to me. I give the forums a right going over every morning  |
posted 06-28-99 01:32 PM ET
Flying? Hardly ever. In my dreams I run really fast, and only on roads. I usually run home to where I lived in my childhood. I want mommy! |
posted 06-28-99 01:50 PM ET
Yea, and sometimes that�s really a problem. Like the time that I flew into O�Hare and someone woke me up before I could fly home!  |
posted 06-28-99 01:52 PM ET
You mean you guys remember your dreams? I never do  John III |
posted 06-29-99 05:08 AM ET
I only rarely do either JohnIII. But I think it is a case of habit. I've read that you can train yourself to remember. (Don't recall the details but I think it concerned insisting to yourself you will remember the night before, and making a conscious effort to do so next morning. apparently it gets easier after a few days.) Can't say I'm bothered enough to try though. |
posted 07-01-99 01:44 PM ET
I almost always remember my dreams. Making sense of them is the tricky part. Just be quiet and enjoy the show. I sometimes fly in dreams, mostly after falling. The "me" that's observing the dream (as opposed to the "me" that's in the dream) says: "oops, I fell. don't wanna do that. let's fly". And I float around, over waterways, streets, buildings and come gently to the ground. It's very handy, so I rarely have bad dreams -- "I" just decide: who wants to dream about THAT?! and shift to another scene. My absurdist theater of dreams . . . |
posted 07-02-99 12:29 PM ET
Ah lucid dreams eh ? Not had one of those for years either. |
posted 07-03-99 12:46 AM ET
John III and GaryD, You are more prone to remember your dreams if you wake up suddenly during or right after you are dreaming. It's fresh in your memory.threeover, Does that mean if you sleep on your stomach, you'll have a sexual fantasy? |
Philip McCauley
posted 07-04-99 12:54 AM ET
I hope not. It would mean I'm missing out. I sleep on my stomach with my arm around a pillow and don't dream about sex. Well, not often.  My dreams really ARE a mish mash of whatever my brain absorbed during the day (hence the lack of fantasy dreams ). Once I watched a stunt show on TV involving falling, and a show on roller coasters...that night I dream about being thrown a long way off a roller coaster (in a forest, dunno where that came from) and having a safe, if bumpy, landing. |
posted 07-04-99 02:41 AM ET
I had a pretty bizzare dream the other day, where I was a Jedi trainee, and I was in the process of constructing a lightsaber. There were three days of training in the dream to be a Jedi Knight. Day one was making the lightsaber, day two was some crap in the swamp I don't specificly remember, and day three was something, it was a little fuzzy, but I do remember Mark Hamill singing in a hot tub, I'm serious. This is easily the most fucked up dream I've ever had, and this should make it clear to everyone who reads this post, I am a complete and total nerd. Besides, I'm too out of shape to pass those physical training Jedi Tests anyway.....Take THAT FREUD!! |
posted 07-06-99 09:58 AM ET
Thanks, GaryD. Forgot the term for it.Just remind Mark not to work on his lightsaber while he's in the tub. Yeeouch. |
posted 07-06-99 09:14 PM ET
Ever have the Tyranousaur outside your house one? I had it twice, once after reading Jurassic Park and once ofter seeing the movie. |
posted 07-07-99 01:26 AM ET
'Lightsabres' and a guy singing in a hot tub? Frued is checking into this.Actually, that's probably no wierder that any other dreams. |
posted 07-08-99 03:11 AM ET
yeah, I can fly. Not just in my dreams. But don't tell anyone. He-He  |
posted 07-13-99 09:59 PM ET
Fly, no. Open rifts in the fabrick of space that allow insantanious travel to anywhere, yes. |
Asphyiaxted Demon
posted 07-13-99 10:00 PM ET
god i am more pathetic then i thought i was i see me sleeping in my dreams |
posted 07-13-99 11:55 PM ET
Koshko, why must you turn an innocent word like lightsaber into a harsh euphamism for penis? Nooooooooooooooo........ |
posted 07-14-99 12:27 AM ET
When I was younger. They actually say it means your growing or something. People tend to have flying and falling dreams between 15-21 years of age. |
posted 07-14-99 02:26 AM ET
How do I get the red angry face?�oki
posted 07-14-99 04:14 AM ET
1. find it in another post 2. view the source code to see the address the gif has been picked up from 3. use the same html in your post |