Topic: Worst movie ending
Bishop |
posted 06-25-99 05:16 AM ET
The ending of "Long kiss goodnight" *gak*, or "Total Recall" *unbelivable-factor 10*, or...Bishop
posted 06-25-99 05:50 AM ET
I think that Total Recall was one very long bad ending! What about Hercules in NewYork? Arnolds first movie. Horrible ending.... Ambro2000 |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-25-99 05:54 AM ET
I thought Primal Fear had the worst ending ever... |
posted 06-25-99 12:13 PM ET
How about Armageddon? "I need to sacrifice myself because we can't figure out how to work up a timer."Blue Steel (flick with Jamie Lee Curtis) "I am super psycho. You can shoot me, run me over, but I still keep coming! HA HA HA." Escape from L.A. "I just destroyed civilization, because it annoys me." |
Raven of Despair
posted 06-25-99 01:13 PM ET
For honorable mention, this bit from L.A. Confidential:"Some guys get fame and fortune, others get an ex-hooker and Arizona." (Kim Basinger's character) Someone in the theater where I saw it actually blurted out, "Oh, THAT'S deep." The audience laughed a lot. |
posted 06-25-99 02:42 PM ET
Wild Things - Everytime it seemed to end they toss out another plot twist. The first two were interesting, when it got to five I was saying "Just put an Amen to it Padre!"Your faithful and obedient servant (T-minus 870 and counting) |
posted 06-25-99 02:46 PM ET
The Empire Strikes Back. C'mon, give us a real ending! I pity those who had to wait 3 years for the rest of it. |
posted 06-25-99 02:47 PM ET
Great marketing IMHO  John III |
posted 06-25-99 03:41 PM ET
Frodo: Nope. Depends if you like unfinished endings that leave you room for more. In order to be a truly bad movie ending, it needs to tie up it's loose ends really really badly and leave important ones completely ignored.Like, though I haven't actually seen Armageddon, I know how it ends, and whew... if they bothered to have a "scientific check" department hired, they probably committed suicide. God help us if we just train some oil drillers to be astronauts in a week (you'd think that it's easier to learn to be a driller in a week than to learn how to use a million bits of high science in a space craft), let a shuttle get destroyed and NOT have the mission a failure on the spot, as well as split a bigger asteroid than we ever found by drilling a lousy 250 m inside it and putting the equivalent of a cap gun shot inside it, and not just split it but split it perfectly. Um, no. I'm going to have to say, since I haven't seen a lot of movies that my friends have told me have terrible endings, Independence Day. Alien computers are Macs? They really let a craft with humans in and didn't destroy it easily once it was inside? And how long were these shields disabled downstairs? Why didn't the separate ships simply sever contact with the mothership and reboot the system? I can understand the loss of the ship near Area 51, but even without shields, those beasts are formidable. Simply don't open up your superweapon with anything threatening nearby and use your fighters to frag anyone who gets too close. And please, please, please spare me the sappy speech at the end. |
posted 06-25-99 03:45 PM ET
Anyone ever see A Simple Plan? It wasent a bad ending, just really depressing..... |
posted 06-25-99 04:02 PM ET
Hope this isn't too much of a sidetrack but in regards to asteroids there was something in the paper of few months ago about some research on the nature of asteroids(It may have been comets though) which said that a nuclear explosion wouldn't be able to destroy one because they are not necessarily solid but made up of more loosely grouped solid material. Blowup one and you have thousands and thousands of large chunks. You also wouldn't be able to nudge it off trajectory for the same reason. Never saw armageddon so I can't comment on it's bad ending. As always, I remain, Your faithful and obedient servant |
posted 06-25-99 04:23 PM ET
Ahh hemmm. Back on topic. This is an oldie but baddy . Have any of you poor victims seen Ralph Bakshi's animated "Lord of the Rings?" How did you like that ending? I'm still pissed.
Raven of Despair
posted 06-25-99 04:26 PM ET
Urgh. Don't remind me. And then there was that horrible "Return of the King" done by Rankin-Bass. |
posted 06-25-99 04:28 PM ET
You mean the unfinished one? John III |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-25-99 05:38 PM ET
Alien computers are Macs?This is, in fact the case. Haven't you always wondered why Mac users are so smug about their awful computers? Why they insist on using outdated, incompatible machinery? They are Aliens, that's why! They have to use the Macintosh to stay in contact with the mothership. They're here! |
posted 06-25-99 06:43 PM ET
Ambro What about Hercules in NewYork? Arnolds first movie. Horrible ending....Horrible movie altogether I�d say... jsorense & Raven of despair Arrghh, just when I managed to forget it�s existence  Bishop |
posted 06-25-99 07:32 PM ET
How about *Sphere*. I came out of the cinema wondering if the movie is over or not.  |
posted 06-25-99 07:42 PM ET
Worst ending. Return of the Jedi. Come on, pot smoking Ewoks kick stormtroopers ass. come on. I know they are bad shots, but surely they can strangle the litte Sh*ts. |
posted 06-25-99 07:45 PM ET
Argh! Krushala, don't remind me .Valtyr President, Citizen(s?) Against Sci-Fi |
posted 06-26-99 11:32 AM ET
I disagree about the Star Wars films -- I just can't.Anything by Michael Crichton is going to have a lame, deus ex machina ending. Andromeda Strain: Oh, good, it mutated to something safe just in time. Sphere: Let's just say it didn't happen. Jurasic Park (the book): They're artificial, so they can't raise their young and will die out. What about Waterworld? We've found dry land, but I'm still a fish out of water (HA!). Showgirls just sucked, period. Strippers struggling for the top, yeah. Reminds me of Roadhouse, the stupid story of a bouncer fighting to save his bar. Patrick Swayze at his low point. |
posted 06-26-99 11:42 AM ET
On Jurrasic Park: Umm, no! In the movie, they just happily leave an island full of dinosaurs behind with not a care in the world. In the book, they escape to the mainland after the island is firebombed and survive by eating those soy products. And it was put quite scarily and in a subtle way, too.I agree with you on Sphere and the Andromena Strain, though. The people in the Terminal Man were idiots from the start. I still think that Crighton's best book was his first, The Great Train Robbery. |
posted 06-26-99 11:44 AM ET
What about soylent green? Oh wait that probably should be the best ending. |
posted 06-26-99 04:48 PM ET
DerekM Patrick Swayze at his low point.Did Patrick Swayze have any high points ?  Bishop |
posted 06-26-99 04:54 PM ET
DerekM Your comment on Waterworld wa not in place. This was realy a nice movie, and the ending had much more to say then the words you posted here.MiKaeLe (Drowning in beer, not in water) |
Khan Singh
posted 06-26-99 06:48 PM ET
The worst ending of a movie comes at the end of the worst movie ever made. I refer of course to "Monster A Go Go", a piece of Grade Z tripe so low on the rankings of bad movies it has to look way up the list to see where "Plan 9 from Outer Space" is. At the end of this little glob of cinema the director reveals that the monster that has been terrorizing everyone in the film for the last ninety minutes never really existed at all. No explanation is given for how such a non-existant monster could kill five people and terrorize dozens of others. The director just leaves little details like that to the audience's imagination. |
posted 06-26-99 07:06 PM ET
Bishop: Yes, but the ending was bad too.. Ambro2000
Imran Siddiqui
posted 06-26-99 09:46 PM ET
quote: Andromeda Strain: Oh, good, it mutated to something safe just in time.
The movie ended like that? I thought the book had a cool ending. He had to prevent the place from being nuked because the Strain turned energy into matter. Then you just let it die down there. |
Q Cubed
posted 06-26-99 11:52 PM ET
Acutally, if I remember correctly, the book Jurassic Park ended with Grant implying that Isla Sorna would be bombed by Costa Rican 'copters, but several raptors or compys escaped on a boat and were eating their way (intelligently, eating the nutrient they were provided by the humans by themselves) to the isolated mountains.Not exactly dues ex machina, i'd say in this case. For Sphere movie, it was boring enough that i just decided to occupy myself by doing something else. |
posted 06-27-99 12:01 AM ET
Just out of curiousity, how did the ending to Sphere go? The movie, that is. |
Eternally Exiled in PG
posted 06-27-99 04:11 AM ET
I can't believe nobody's mentioned RONIN. Terrible movie altogether. I really wanted to know what was in that case. I could accept a clever sub-plot to avoid it, but there wasn't one. As for Jurassic Park, read the book. It's really a great one. |
posted 06-27-99 09:41 AM ET
I don't remember the ending of sphere entirely. But I remember the team holding hands in a pact to keep the secret. I can't remember what happened to the sphere though. I just don't see how they could have written the ending any different or better. It was a book that didn't translate well to film. |
posted 06-27-99 12:49 PM ET
Imran: You're both right on the Andromena Strain. It mutated to something safe just in time, and to prevent it from mutating into something nasty (which would happen if you nuked it), he had to save the day.Q^3: Exactly what I said, the dinos escape. I mean, they had to- if you read the beginning of the book, you know that some took a boat ride already. It's Isla Nublar, by the way. |
posted 06-27-99 03:02 PM ET
Eternally Exiled: I liked Ronin. The contents of the case were immaterial to the story, because to the characters, it was just the case. Knowing what the contents were would have made it less mysterious, and would have reduced the dramatic impact.
Khan Singh
posted 06-27-99 03:31 PM ET
How about the end of "The Wizard of Oz"? It was all only a dream? Yeah, right. What a rip-off.  |
posted 06-28-99 01:26 AM ET
This is a risky statement to make, but I absolutely hated the Jurassic Park book compared to the movie. Malcolm sits around injured the whole time, just so he can preach at the reader on whole bunch of silly subjects. (So cavemen only spent 3 hours a day working, hmm? Just how the heck you know that, Mr. Crichton?) Also, the old guy who led the development (forget his name, started with an 'h') was your typical overused stereotype. I was quite surprised and impressed with the movie, which actually had the Big Corporate Leader as a good guy. |
posted 06-28-99 06:40 AM ET
Jurassic Park pissed me off because Crichton was simply rehashing Westworld...Starfire: Why should the aliens in Independence Day even bother using their Big Gun at all? I mean, their forcefield seems pretty effective...why not simply sit on anything you wanted destroyed...those ships are so big anything would get flattened. |
posted 06-28-99 06:52 AM ET
I feel very suspicious about alien races that take their time (weeks, actually) to destroy *cities* when we can incinerate Earth four times over in a matter of minutes. |
posted 06-28-99 08:32 AM ET
OK, wasn't there a part of the NOVEL Jurrasic Park where the characters have stumbled upon a velociraptor hatching ground, and the babies are all being ignored and stepped on because, apparently, raising young isn't instinctual but learned?In the book version of Sphere, the three survivors with their "superpowers" all agree that nothing happened -- of course, they weren't nice enough to bring back all of the people who died during the book at the same time. Are you joking about Waterworld? Costner's acting was so wooden, he should have bobbed up to the surface. The ending was very lame. Why did he have to leave? Primarily, it was the old cliche about the tragic hero, but watered down with 90s family values. Boo hoo. Read "Beyond the Physics of Trek." The author talks about how ships the size of the ones in Independence day would have caused massive devestation just from flying over the cities. The mother ship (if it was as large as it was supposed to be) would have played havic with the Earth due to tidal forces, or some such thing. They could have just flown in, let the Earth fall to pieces, and THEN invaded. |
posted 06-28-99 08:36 AM ET
On the book: I like Hammond as a bastard far more than the friendly grandfather figure in the movie. Hammond pissed me off to no end in the movie. Aside from a little preachiness, the book was superior to the movie in every way."StarFire?" I'm going to assume that's me. Exactly, I've said the exact same thing on other threads (like the fact that considering the size and speed of the thing, the cities would be flattened by sonic booms before they'd even need to use their weapon). |
posted 06-28-99 08:37 AM ET
Now that I think about it, The Matrix had both a really good and a really bad ending. The good ending was Neo (K.R.) coming into his powers. The bad ending was the bizarre telephone call at the end, with the unresolved question of what the free humans were going to do with all of those billions of human batteries still living within the Matrix. |
posted 06-28-99 10:02 AM ET
Ooops...don't know what I was thinking, cos I even went throught the thread to double check I had the right poster! That's Monday mornings for you I suppose.I remember sitting in the pub after seeing ID with my mates and we hashed through all the absurdities in that film...the chief ones being: 1) The dumb Big Gun... 2) Alien tech compatible with Macs... 3) Aliens needing to use our satellites to stay in touch with each other...(I might have that last one wrong...) Anyway...bad endings. Hmmmm...I know I've seen loads, but I seem to have blanked them all from my memory. |
posted 06-28-99 11:42 AM ET
1.)South Park (huh?) 2.)Wild Wild West: bad actors + good story + good effects = bad movie = bad ending.
posted 06-28-99 01:47 PM ET
Also, about ID4, couldnt the aliens have just ecclipsed our sun with those massive ships? And why would they target major cities? What is the strategic importance in wiping out massive numbers of civilians. And ANOTHER thing, why did the moon dust shake at the very beginning of the movie? The vibrations from the mothership couldnt have done that in the vacuum of space! How the hell was Will Smith's F-A/18 going MACH ONE in that damn canyon and still was able to preform those tight manuvers??? *deep breath* *deep breath*......... |
posted 06-28-99 04:22 PM ET
Khan Singh, What movie did "Wizard of OZ" ripoff? It was made in 1939 and while other things have ripped it off(Dallas comes to mind) I don't recall any movies prior to 1939 that used that particular device. Can yo tell me which ones have? Your faithful and obedient servant |
posted 06-28-99 07:16 PM ET
This proves my point that independence day was not a science fiction film. It was a big budget blockbuster action flick. The aliens weren't interested in strategic targets anyway. They just wanted the natural resources. I suppose they felt that humans would get in the way of them taking the natural resources (whatever they are). Was will smith's ship supposed to be going mach one. I don't remember. I think he slowed down in the canyon. But he certainly learned how to fly an alien ship pretty fast. Completely different physics of flight. |
posted 06-28-99 07:35 PM ET
Ya, if you look on his little guage, it says mach one. And the aliens should be taking out strtigec targets no matter what reason they wanted Earth. And why the hell would they let the goddamn PRESIDENT fly a plane??? Yeesh! |
posted 06-28-99 07:42 PM ET
Despite its many flaws I thought ID4 to be pretty entertaining. I did like how they stole from, I mean paid homage to, just about every good SciFi movie ever made. |
posted 06-28-99 07:57 PM ET
I wouldn't say they let him fly a plane. He's the president he can do what he wants. Pretty much. If I was president I would want to fly the stealth bomber. Or or the blackbird (I know they are retired). |
posted 06-29-99 02:40 AM ET
One of the all-time classics for bad endings (and bad advertising) was a video I say once - "Final Approach". It had heaps of pictures of a SR-71 on the front and seemed to promise a great flying movie - there was a 2-minute flight sequence at the start and a few flashbacks through the movie. The rest of the time was spent with the pilot in a Psychiatrists office discussing his life. At the end you find out the Pilot's dead and the psych is actually God. *blecchh*James |
posted 06-29-99 05:43 PM ET
Are you kidding about that movie Final approach. I have to see a movie that is that bad. I'll look for it at the video store. Sometimes I like torturing myself with crappy movies. |
posted 06-30-99 06:19 AM ET
Zombie Flesh Eaters.Horrible ending  Ambro2000
posted 06-30-99 08:36 AM ET
walrus: The movie "The Wizard of Oz" ripped off the book called "The Wizard of Oz."Alice in Wonderland is definitely the worst in that category, though, "It was all a dream!" Well then why did I read the darn book? |
posted 06-30-99 12:28 PM ET
Is it ture that in Wizard of Oz, if you look carefully into the background when they are in the forest, you see a guy hanging himself? |
posted 06-30-99 12:28 PM ET
Is it true that in Wizard of Oz, if you look carefully into the background when they are in the forest, you see a guy hanging himself? |
posted 06-30-99 04:41 PM ET
Sorry, still a bit confused. How is a movie based on a book a ripoff? Is Sir Laurence Olivier's Hamlet a ripoff? I'll admit that a movie may BADLY reproduce a book but I would think a ripoff is claiming something is new or your own invention when in fact it was done before. And of course there is always the fine line, Homage - Ripoff, Homage - Ripoff."I'm Ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille!" Your faithful and obedient servant |
Rex Little
posted 06-30-99 06:29 PM ET
Walrus - I think what KS meant by "ripoff" was that the "it was all a dream" ending was a disappointment; it didn't live up to the expectations created in the viewer's mind by the rest of the movie. "Letdown" might perhaps have been a more accurate term. I don't think he meant that it was copied or stolen from anything.
posted 07-01-99 01:32 PM ET
SPOILERS below (naturally, since this is an Endings thread)I agree with Octopus on Ronin. Not a bad ending. The Abyss has a goofy ET kind of ending and a very fake looking spacehip. I thought it would have been much better had Ed Harris died down below while saving everybody. A sacrifice. Too many movies are chicken about killing off main characters and instead pull punches for a tidy, happy ending. The Rapture took an okay movie and gave it an utterly silly ending which was opposite in tone from the entire film. But the big prize goes to a 1950's version of 1984 that completely missed the boat. Winston and Julia are convicted and shot by a firing squad, shouting "Down with Big Brother". A flag-waving voiceover came on before the end credits about the need for vigilance against communism. Very sickening what they did to the book. Most summer blockbusters (ID4, Armageddon) should get automatic entry on this list. |
posted 07-01-99 02:15 PM ET
I am satisfied. |
posted 07-02-99 04:41 AM ET
I think, essentially as Earwicker says, that a truly bad ending is one that is bolted on the end of an otherwise half-way decent film...the sort of ending where it's clear the producers (not the director) thought that the film needed a happier ending to it, for instance. The big summer films have a tendency to be ****e throughout, so a crappy ending is only to be expected...Of course, having said that, I still can't think of a good example. |