posted 06-23-99 01:28 AM ET
Vision 7: "The Magic Theatre"If the voyager was unable to maintain the passive serenity necessary for the
contemplation of the previous visions (the peaceful deities), he moves now
into a more dramatic and active phase. The play of forms and things
becomes the play of heroic figures, superhuman spirits and demigods. [In the
Tibetan Handbook, this is described as the vision of the five "Knowledge-
Holding Deities," arranged in a mandala form, each embraced by Dakinis, in
an ecstatic dance. The Knowledge-holding Deities symbolize "the highest
level of individual or humanly conceivable knowledge, as attained in the
consciousness of great Yogis, inspired thinkers or similar heroes of the
spirit. They represent the last step before the "breaking-through" towards
the universal consciousness - or the first on the return from there to the
plane of human knowledge." (Govinda, op. cit., p. 202.) The Dakinis are female
embodiments of knowledge, representing the inspirational impluses of
consciousness leading to break-through. The other four Knowledge-Holders,
besides the central Lord of Dance, are: the Knowledge-holder abiding in the
earth, the Knowledge-holder who has power over the duration of life, the
Knowledge-holder of the Great Symbol, and the Knowledge-holder of
Spontaneous Realization.] You may see radiating figures in human forms. The
"Lotus Lord of Dance": the supreme image of a demi-god who perceives the
effects of all actions. The prince of movement, dancing in an ecstatic
embrace with his female counterpart. Heroes, heroines, celestial warriors,
male and female demi-gods, angels, fairies - the exact form of these figures
will depend on the person's background and tradition. Archetypal figures in
the forms of characters from Greek, Egyptian, Nordic, Celtic, Aztec, Persian,
Indian, Chinese mythology. The shapes differ, the source is the same: they
are the concrete embodiments of aspects of the person's own psyche.
Archetypal forces below verbal awareness and expressible only in symbolic
form. The figures are often extremely colorful and accompanied by a variety
of awe-inspiring sounds. If the voyager is prepared and in a relaxed,
detached frame of mind, he is exposed to a fascinating and dazzling display
of dramatic creativity. The Cosmic Theatre. The Divine Comedy. If his eyes
are open, he may visualize the other voyagers as representing these figures.
The face of a friend may turn into that of a young boy, a baby, the child-god;
into a heroic stature, a wise old man; a woman, animal, goddess, sea-
mother, young girl, nymph, elf, goblin, leprechaun. Images of the great
painters arise as the familiar representations of these spirits. The images
are inexhaustible and manifold. An illuminating voyage into the areas where
the personal consciousness merges with the supr-individual.
The danger is that the voyager becomes frightened by or unduly attracted to
these powerful figures. The forces represented by them may be more
intense than he was prepared for. Inability or unwillingness to recognize
them as products of one's mind, leads to escape into animalistic pursuits.
The person may become involved in the pursuit of power, lust, wealth and
descend into Third Bardo rebirth struggles.
If the guide senses that the voyager is caught in this trap, the appropriate
instructions may be used ==|==>> INTRUCTIONS FOR VISION 7: "THE MAGIC
MiKaeLe )