Topic: Coffee...
Roland |
posted 06-22-99 06:00 AM ET
Ahh... coffee... life support substance...Time for a coffee thread, like coffee related quotes: "Good coffee has to be dark as night, hot as hell and sweet as sin." (some french politician)
"Make it sit up and bark!" (Garfield on the question "How do you want your coffee?") Roland, off to the coffee machine...
posted 06-22-99 07:27 AM ET
Yet another caffeine addict... You know, it's actually better to use pure caffeine capsules. I did that when studying during those last nights before the final exams. |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-22-99 08:08 AM ET
Whenever there's thirst there's always the real thing!Coca-Cola is the only caffeinated drink I touch. |
posted 06-22-99 09:18 AM ET
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shaking; the shaking becomes a warning... It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.Eris (Kooooooona coffee... must go visit friend with Kona beans...) |
Raven of Despair
posted 06-22-99 10:28 AM ET
It not just the caffeine; the whole experience of drinking a good cup of coffee is wonderful. . . no capsule can touch it.And on that note. . . . (Steps running away, door slams) |
posted 06-22-99 11:33 AM ET
I have mine black. No cream for me! Unless it's a latte, which is really espresso and not coffee, right? Cafe au lait is good sometimes when you're on vacation.  |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-22-99 03:19 PM ET
I drink expresso. Two packets of equal, and it retains all the flavor, and none of the bitterness. I usually have one or two cups (two shots to a cup). When I really want to celebrate something, I have four cups. That's 1100 mg of caffiene, I believe. (it might be double that). Zing! |
posted 06-22-99 03:59 PM ET
Addicted To Coffee ------------------------------------------------------------ You know you are addicted to coffee if ... You grind your coffee beans in your mouth.You sleep with your eyes open. You have to watch videos in fast-forward. The only time you're standing still is during an earthquake. You can take a picture of yourself from ten feet away without using the timer. You've worn out your third pair of tennis shoes this week. Your eyes stay open when you sneeze.You chew on other people's fingernails. The nurse needs a scientific calculator to take your pulse. You're so jittery that people use your hands to blend their margaritas. You can type sixty words per minute with your feet. You can jump-start your car without cables.You don't sweat, you percolate. You walk twenty miles on your treadmill before you realize it's not plugged in. You forget to unwrap candy bars before eating them. You've built a miniature city out of little plastic stirrers. People get dizzy just watching you.Instant coffee takes too long. You channel surf faster without a remote. You have a picture of your coffee mug on your coffee mug. You can outlast the Energizer bunny.You short out motion detectors. You don't even wait for the water to boil anymore. Your nervous twitch registers on the Richter scale. You help your dog chase its tail.You soak your dentures in coffee overnight. Your first-aid kit contains two pints of coffee with an I.V. hookup. You ski uphill.You get a speeding ticket even when you're parked. You answer the door before people knock. You haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
posted 06-22-99 04:59 PM ET
I'm addicted to Coca Cola. Please help me! |
posted 06-22-99 06:49 PM ET
I'm so addicted I drink coffee while working inside very hot machinery spaces. Although there are some that say drinking hot coffee actually cools you off. It seems to work better than cold soda though. |
posted 06-22-99 06:56 PM ET
I was caffeine's b*tch for quite a while.Then I got a kidney stone ... I love water! I go now. |
posted 06-22-99 10:08 PM ET
Coffee is dangerous to your health. Really. It causes pimples. |
posted 06-22-99 11:26 PM ET
Just keep it coming No sugar please! |
posted 06-22-99 11:51 PM ET
I too am addicted to Coca Cola. |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-23-99 12:59 AM ET
Coffee? Bad for you? A few cups a day significantly lowers your chances of a heart attack. Really. And who told you it causes pimples? Unless you wash your face with it or something, I can't see how. |
posted 06-23-99 03:57 AM ET
Or maybe washing your face with coffee helps against pimples ? Who wants to try ?  Nothing better than a cappuccino (sp ?)... (for drinking, not washing...) |
posted 06-23-99 02:04 PM ET
My stomach doesn�t like coffee anymore (sob), I�ve been drinking coffee every day for the last 17 years, now it�s only tea for me. Aaarrrgghh ! It�s not the same, a cup of tea after a good meal just doesn�t do it  Bishop
posted 06-23-99 02:45 PM ET
mmm, coffee.Don't spill it on the floor of your car, it stains. Its also a waste of coffee, the worst of crimes next to waste of alcohol. 3 1/2 cups, black with a pinch of sugar in a big insulated mug, every weekday morning  |
posted 06-28-99 12:00 PM ET
They just anounced that cofe help to fight kanker, but it redjuces the abiylity to spell words, but I dont beleve them! |
posted 06-28-99 01:49 PM ET
That could have been our forum problem child's defect, although he definitely had some OTHER problems. |
posted 06-28-99 02:00 PM ET
it's true...moran |
posted 06-28-99 05:18 PM ET
I don't drink coffee, tea, pop, or almost any other caffeinated beverage. (Hot chocolate, however, I do drink) |
posted 06-28-99 05:39 PM ET
Coffee also protects you from radiation!Story |
posted 06-29-99 05:03 AM ET
I don't think I could cope with 100 cups. Perhaps if I smeared it on, all over, instead ? |
posted 06-30-99 10:08 PM ET
sorry but I'll take my Earl Grey over that guy with the donkey any day... or nightCarny |
posted 07-01-99 02:44 AM ET
I'm with you, CarniveaN. Much prefer tea. Thoguth chocolate covered coffee beans a good. |
posted 07-01-99 11:10 AM ET
Coffee, coffee, coffee starts with 'C'!!!I adore the stuff, but the caffeine started giving me migraines. Grrr. I have found wonderful herbal tea substitutes, but nothing compares to the full experience of a cuppa coffee. Thank heaven for decaf (and the occasional fall onto the caf-wagon) Earwicker, former caf-fiend. |
Philip McCauley
posted 07-02-99 07:29 PM ET
Earl Grey? AIEEEEE!!! That stuff causes migranes.  |
posted 07-02-99 07:58 PM ET
Myself, I prefer my caffeine sweet and cold, not bitter and hot. Give me a Coke any day. |
posted 07-02-99 09:37 PM ET
Yes, the day's first swallow of cold Coca Cola, I just got to have it! The rest is just a bonus. |
posted 07-02-99 11:26 PM ET
Actualy, I've discovered that if i have one EX Pill every morning, i don't need coffee.  MiKaele -just a thought- |
posted 07-03-99 01:05 AM ET
I don't drink coffee. No real reason why i posted this. Just felt like raising my total. |
Philip McCauley
posted 07-04-99 12:42 AM ET
Geez, I can't believe you guys. Caffiene in Coke? There's something like 80 mg in 16 oz of Mountain Dew. There's 550 in a double expresso. Coke is refreshing, (pepsi tastes like rust, btw), but it isn't the caffiene. And hey, if you want cold and sweet, drink a frappuccino.  |
posted 07-04-99 04:21 PM ET
I have never experienced caffiene shakes in my life. I've never experienced a "sugar rush" either. I'm convinced they're a myth spread by the impressionable.It takes weapons-grade amphetamines to perk me up these days.
posted 07-04-99 09:10 PM ET
Try certain antidepressants, then you'll experience a "sugar rush" like you've never had before! |
posted 07-04-99 10:27 PM ET
I've found that I get headaches if I stop drinking caffinated beverages for a day. I'll have coffee if I'm in a restaurant, but I'm too damn lazy to make my own.Yeah, I'm pathetic. See if I care. |
posted 07-05-99 04:46 AM ET
Someone has actually tasted rust ???I don't know about the shakes, but caffeine can certainly mess up your heartbeat. I was getting a few palpitations a few years back, and didn't pay too much heed to them. Then I went through a period of my heart actually skipping a beat ! Real scary. Turns out it was a bad idea to be drinking the best part of a large bottle of coke whilst playing on the computer each night. Well I was trying to keep the weight down, and Diet Coke was the only lo cal drink the local corner shop sold. So I went caffeine free for a while, and now drink the leaded stuff in limited quantities, just in case. |
posted 07-05-99 09:31 PM ET
Philip: That's why Coke usually comes in much bigger glasses. I agree about the Pepsi, though. |
posted 07-05-99 09:48 PM ET
Surge almost has 100mg, if I remember correctly. |
posted 07-05-99 09:55 PM ET
Surge? I havent had that piss water in about a year. The newness wore off, and it was back to coke pretty soon. "Coke! Teacher! Mother! Secret Lover....." Or was that T.V?__________________________________________ Dreadnought- acting president of the AUWM, Associated Union of Wookie Mechanics. "This one goes there, that one goes there!" |
posted 07-06-99 09:50 AM ET
HolyWarrior: those headaches are a withdrawal symptom. Body says: where's my caffeine?!?! Scary stuff. The headaches are even worse the second day but no prob after that. Every so often I detox and stay caffeine-free for a couple of months just to reset the stimulant counter back to zero. That way, when I stay up too late SMAC'ing, a cup of coffee is available as a serious pick-me-up (instead of being necessary for normal existence). Best time for kicking the habit is when you're already sick, so your system is so full of medicines that you hardly notice the withdrawal. |