Topic: Earth is approaching perihelion. Native life will increase for the next 20 days.
Provost Harrison |
posted 06-18-99 09:27 AM ET
It's summer again and the weather is lovely. I am enjoying myself thoroughly. Who else is enjoying the weather, wherever you are?
Resource Consumer
posted 06-18-99 09:29 AM ET
Alright for you (ex) students. Make the most of it for later you will be be qualified to sit in some airconditioned prison with no sunlight.Education. I ask myself was it worth it? Resource Consumer - considering defection to the Gaians - |
Provost Harrison
posted 06-18-99 09:33 AM ET
Please don't remind me, Resource Consumer. It's my last bout of freedom. |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-18-99 09:54 AM ET
Make the most of it, Provost, turn of your computer - put on your Zak sunglasses and go out into the light.Dance naked in the forest with Deidre Pray with Miriam Keep the peace with Lal Train with Santiago then go and make a fortune with Morgan and hen you've done that - send for Yang to PB the company Resource Consumer - well it's Friday - |
posted 06-18-99 01:12 PM ET
Good thing I'm a native then, eh? |
posted 06-18-99 03:45 PM ET
Bt this is an English summer, so it won't last. John III |
posted 06-18-99 04:36 PM ET
The weather? You ask about the weather? It's pouring! As usual. Bergen is not called "Rainbow city" for nothing! |
posted 06-18-99 04:37 PM ET
posted 06-18-99 04:45 PM ET
Another odd summer here in D.C. Normally, it's about 95 degrees and sticky for about half the summer. The other half is at 90 degrees and sticky.Today we had 70 degrees and cloudy. What's up with that? In the Midwest I hear that it is a scorcher. Not that I'm complaining about the cool weather... |
posted 06-18-99 05:30 PM ET
Actually, hate to bring reality to bear, but the Earth's perihelion is during the northern winter... |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-18-99 08:25 PM ET
Sod the Australians and the South Africans that's what I say.Resource Consumer - frustrated English cricket supporter - |
Professor Gonzlles
posted 06-18-99 09:44 PM ET
YO Resource Consumer: See a DOCTER!! AND FAST!!!! |
Professor Gonzlles
posted 06-18-99 09:48 PM ET
posted 06-18-99 11:10 PM ET
You..."Pseudo-Professor"...are the one who should see a doctor...specifically, a "shrink." Or, failing that, go have a talk with...Kazz....Spider Idiot.... |
JT 3
posted 06-18-99 11:26 PM ET
DanS: You live in DC?! That's where I live! What part?Yeah, the weather's always weird around here. Yesterday, 89 degrees. Today, 74 degrees. |
Provost Harrison
posted 06-19-99 06:59 AM ET
Well, I spoke too soon. it's now cloudy. Anyway, the earth has two perihelia: winter and summer. It reaches these points at (almost) exactly opposite points in the year (the orbit is slightly off).Going punting (again). Should be a laugh, although there is no chance of working on my tan today |
posted 06-19-99 07:21 AM ET
It's freezing here in Sydney. Well, by our standards at least. It's cool enough that some people wear wool gloves in daytime, with the sun out. |
posted 06-20-99 02:49 PM ET
Actually, each planet has one, and only one, perihelion(closest approah to the Sun). The other, apohelion, is the farthest point in the orbit. |
posted 06-20-99 02:53 PM ET
Unless it has a circular orbit ... John III |
posted 06-22-99 12:55 AM ET
My suspicions were confirmed. This weekend had the rainiest day in June in 138 years! That's right, not since 1861 did we have so much rainfall in June. And in Bergen, that's saying a lot! |
posted 06-26-99 01:15 PM ET
Actually, the Midwest has been cooler than usual, although today should get rather hot. |
posted 06-26-99 04:05 PM ET
Hey Valtyr! Is that Bergen, Norway? My Parents lived there for most of their lives. I went there once, nice place. |
posted 06-27-99 04:18 AM ET
Yup, that is Bergen, Norway.Finally: SUMMER IS HERE! |
posted 06-27-99 07:09 AM ET
And then it disappeared...Go away, clouds! |
posted 06-27-99 05:17 PM ET
DanS, I'm in the midwest, and 70 sounds nice. Hot is in the 80s, 70s are nice. Of course, I like it cooler than most, so lower 70s upper 60s are my range. Incidently, I was born in DC and lived in a Maryland suburb of DC until I was 6. I remember on my 5th B-Day it was like the 90s or something, but here in MN, my B-Day is still in the snow.