posted 06-17-99 04:48 PM ET
1) Is this you first forum survey?
Here.2) Do you hate forum surveys?
3) Are you just gonna cut n paste this into you post?
4) Where are you loggin on from?
5) Is there a poster on your wall?
It's not my wall.
6) Whats on it?
Could you please give me a referent for 'it'?
7) Do you like nudie pictures?
Yes, I get off on nude cats.
8) Do you like nudie bars?
Much better than painted ones.
9) Have you been to a nudie bar or are you just trying to sound adult by answering 'yes' to the previous question?
I'm probably older than you anyhow.
10) Are you a weirdo newbie?
Damn straight.
11) Do you have the sound muted on your computer?
What sound?
12) Why / why not?
OR did you mean at home?
13) Do you ever use your computer in total darkness?
It is impossible to use a computer in total darkness without switching off the screen, thus making it damned hard to use a computer, you see what I'm saying? (If not, you may have the screen off.)
14) If 'yes', do you ever get scared?
Of the dark? Or of the people on these forums?
15) Are you aware of all the local forums?
I don't know them in a biblical sense.
16) Is the SMAC forum degenerating rapidly?
Doesn't seem to be.
17) If 'yes', what can we do to stop it?
Ignore stupid people.
18) Are you actually part of the reason it is degenerating?
Define 'degenerating'.
19) If 'yes', aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Rarely, if ever.
20) Do you know what a bushpig is?
21) Whats your wildest fantasy involving bushpigs?
I imagine tatooing the word on your forehead.
22) Are you perverted?
23) How often do you masturbate?
Often enough.
24) Do you enjoy it?
25) Do you feel guilty afterwards?
26) Are you blushing cos someone is next to you looking at the monitor while you answer these questions?
27) Do you know what an Alpha is?
There are a lot of answers to this question. In a wolf pack it would be one thing. In the alphabet of a certain language another.
28) Do you know how an Alpha can become a man?
There's a game by your name, did you know?
29) Do you post one liners just to boost your post count?
30) Are you a pussy who looks at his post count every five minutes?
There's a way to look at your post count? Oh, right, there is.
31) Do you know there is a guy on Apolyton with over 3000 posts?
No. Nor did I care.
32) Do you have the Alpha Centauri Technology Tree poster on your wall?
33) Why / why not?
I ripped it.
34) Do you have a joystick?
Neither type.
35) Why do they call it a "joy" stick?
Because computer programmers are perverted.
36) Is this the best forum survey you have ever done?
I didn't do it.
37) Do you make lots of spelling mistakes when you type?
Yes, but they get backspaced over the majority of the time, so y'all don't realize... whoops.
38) Do you have ICQ?
39) Do you wanna chat on ICQ?
40) Whats your ICQ number?
41) Mine is 38950972. Are you gonna chat to me now?
42) How many questions are too many?
43) How many do you think Allod did?
44) Do you think I can make more than him?
45) Do you think posting lots of questions is macho?
46) Do you go to the beach often?
Yes. I live a block away.
47) Do you go to the beach just to perv on chicks?
No, although puppies are another matter.
48) Do you have small genitalia?
You know, women have a problem answering that question...
49) If you did, would you admit it on a forum survey?
50) Do you go out to nightclubs?
51) Have you ever picked anyone up at a nightclub?
52) Are you too ugly to pick anyone up at nighclubs?
53) Do you like huge breasts?
No, and neither would you if you had to live with them.
54) Do you like fondling huge breasts?
55) Have you ever fondled huge breasts?
Do mine count?
56) Really?
57) Whose breasts were they?
58) Are you lying?
59) Do you take pep pills to keep you awake?
What's a 'pep' pill, Ray?
60) Do you have a job where you need to take pep pills?
61) What is the time right now?
1543 Central time.
62) How many computer games do you own?
3 or 4.
63) When you masturbate do you find it hard not to get it all over everything?
64) Bet you didn't see that one comin, right?
Thankfully, no, but you did get it all over everything.
65) Am I grossing you out with some of my questions?
66) What do you think the question will be at number 69?
Gee, I wonder.
67) Do you think I will ask a sexually motivated question?
You already have.
68) Do you like spanking monkeys?
See earlier answers.
69) Do you know what 69 really means?
70) Have you ever done it?
71) Do you want me to answer these questions too?
If you must.
72) Why / why not?
73) What is your favourite radio station?
All of them.
74) How many TV channels do you get?
75) Do you like Indo-China?
It has its good points.
76) Are you talking to me?
No. I'm typing.
77) What car do you have?
I can't afford a car.
78) Is it all souped up with cool stuff?
79) Do you ever cruise around picking up chicks?
80) Do you have voices in your head?
81) Do you think people are watching you?
Of course they are.
82) Do you have Win95 or 98?
I do.
83) Do you think Win98 is just a cash cow for Microsoft?
84) Do you ever play with your pubic hair?
85) Do you think these questions have too much sexual content?
86) Do you think I am a grotty pervert?
87) How old do you think I am?
18 +/- 3 years.
88) How do you know I'm not a chick?
I don't, but then, you don't know I am. Seems fair enough.
89) Do you ever get dressed up as Batman and run around the block shouting stuff in Brazilian?
No. But sometimes I say things in Spanish.
90) Do you know how to do Ubb?
Not offhand.
91) Do you think people using Ubb are morons?
Not offhand.
92) Are you a lonely computer nerd who wanks off over X rated web sites when his parents are out?
I haven't lived with my parents for > 10 years. (Age clue!)
93) Are you glad that you bothered to answer these questions?
94) How many people do you think will bother to fill out this survey?
Only the realllllly bored ones.
95) Do you think I should stop writing questions now?
96) What the hell is the III in JohnIII?
Presumably the numeral 3.
97) Do you watch Baywatch?
98) Do you smoke marijuana?
99) Do you do your own washing?
100) Is this the last question?
I don't know. Is it?