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  I start feeling sorry for the Serbs

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Author Topic:   I start feeling sorry for the Serbs
CrackGenius posted 06-14-99 07:44 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for CrackGenius   Click Here to Email CrackGenius  
I know, I know... The Serbs (and Milosevic in particular) are the impersonation of evil.
But still, the last couple of years, after the demise of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, they have been 'ethnic cleansed' from Croatia (Crajna), Bosnia and now from their own country (Serbia).Now, this is really harsh. Somehow it could be OK being thrown out by one country, maybe two, but from three? I know that they are partially to blame; but isn't everyone for his fate? That doesn't prevent us for feeling sorry for people.

These thoughts came to me as I was reading some articles on The Times and The Guardian. They said about how the Serbs flee Kosovo and how ethnic-Albanians throw stones on them and loot their homes and shops; all in front of German peacekeeping forces. I mean, NATO was supposed to protect everybody, irrespective of ethnicity.

Oh well... back to studying for the exams...


"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame
upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those
conscience-soothing falseties, and will diligently study them, and
refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by
convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the
better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception".

Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, end of Chapter 9

walruskkkch posted 06-14-99 07:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
It's always dangerous to generalize about a large group, especially an ethnic one. Yes Slobo is bad, yes many serbs committed atrocities, but many are just regular people trying to get by the best they can. They don't hurt anyone and are probably powerless in trying to change how things are done. I feel sorry for the Serbian people too but, what was done had to be done. The leaders and those that carried out their orders are the ones who should be blamed and prosecuted.
As far as the German Peacekeepers are concerned(Why does that still raise a bit of a chuckle? ) they should have done something but you can't always be sure what their "rules of engagment" were.

As always, I remain

Your faithful and obedient servant

Tolls posted 06-15-99 05:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
They weren't cleansed from Bosnia...that place is split between the Muslims and the Serbs isn't it?
Roland posted 06-15-99 05:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
While Bosnia is split, the serbs have been expelled from the croat/muslim controlled areas and vice versa.

If you look at the Serbs' fate over the last 10 years, about 200-300.000 people have been expelled from the Krajina, about 500.000 from areas in Bosnia and now many are leaving Kosovo. The economy has been cut in half before the Kosovo war and is now even lower. 10.000s have been killed or mutilated in the 4 wars of that period. But this is Milosevic's record, and when the Serbs want to hold him responsible (which they will IMO), this could be very ugly...

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