Topic: Why do you guys suck?
MiKaeLe |
posted 06-13-99 09:20 AM ET
posted 06-13-99 09:32 AM ET
!!!  |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-13-99 10:17 AM ET
Its due to the trans-perambulation of pseudo-cosmic anti-matter. |
posted 06-13-99 11:13 AM ET
It's because I have this horrible 'supernevrokostiskadiafragmakontravibrations' or hiccup which is a more commonly used word  I think a glass of water would help though  Ambro2000
posted 06-13-99 12:31 PM ET
Suck what? |
posted 06-13-99 10:22 PM ET
The homofobia can be shown in multiple fragment sintesis as seen in the ilustrious examples above.  Ciao MiKaeLe |
posted 06-13-99 10:35 PM ET
Oops..forgot to tell you why you suck. This is why: A word to the moderator: Please don't ban me for putting this pic on. It is a completely innocent pic, and i will even allow myself to say-a pic that serves the education purposes just as well as it server it's emotional purposes. And BTW, i realy don't feel like changing my nick so..Please!  MiKaeLe |
posted 06-13-99 10:42 PM ET
I doubt anyone reading this will be offended.  |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-13-99 11:10 PM ET
Completely innocent? You could call that PG-13. Of course, if someone is mature enough to understand SMAC, then they can probably see a pair of breasts without irreparable harm. Um, you still haven't told us why we suck. Unless it's because we don't look like that. (Of course, being masculine, if I looked like that it would be frightening.) |
posted 06-14-99 09:20 AM ET
Now don't get me wrong. That is a nice pic. But what is your point?I like posting pics as much as the next guy (or maybe a bit more) but there is reason behind it. Care to explain yours? Answering Phil's point might also be useful. |
posted 06-14-99 10:25 AM ET
OK, while I wouldn't be offended by posting such beautiful cut-and-pastes straight out of some art student's extracurricular portfolio, there are good reasons why this is a bad trend.1) Some of us access this forum from work. In my situation, for instance, every request for an image or html page is logged for management's review. will pass the censors any day (I was at lunch, etc.). or whatever will raise some eyebrows. 2) Some people may find this kind of stuff objectionable (I don't--although the other pic probably was objectionable--that's why it was mercifully killed). This could have a couple of effects. Diversity. Some who find it objectionable, may leave the forums, thus killing the debate threads especially. HTML. The other possibility is someone from Firaxis deciding to check out the off-topic forums one day and finding quite a surprise. HTML could be disabled. 3) Those who aren't adults may access these forums from home. Perhaps there are nosy parents out there. Want to see what little Johnny has been taking a look at the last couple of days? Just check the browser cache. Oh, isn't that jpeg interesting? See, there are reasons why you shouldn't post these types of things, even though you have the power to do so. No moderators involved. |
posted 06-14-99 10:41 AM ET
I like posting pics as much as the next guy (or maybe a bit more) but there is reason behind it.Aheahhehhehhahehae. ROTFLMAO. jig |
posted 06-14-99 06:32 PM ET
Sure DanS, i can understand all of the reasons you mentioned, but don't think that a couple of nice looking tits would offend a person in such manner so that he/she would never return to this forum...nor that a kid passing through here would get more sexual education then it would get by watching TV every day. Also this, and the other pic were taken from my server, so no contraversial URL's can appear on your file. What i sad now is concerning this pic only..i know that the other one was a bit excessive and stuff..and i assure you that the only reason i did that was 'couse i got REALY pissed from the conversation that was taking place in that homophobics thread. So if some Firaxis official decides to turn HTML off, all i can say is: Go get some good workers Sid!Phil: As you might have noticed from the topic of this thread, I am not trying to explain you why you suck. It was a question. And concerning my words: quote: Oops, forgot to tell you why you suck. This is why:.
well i must admit i sad that only to keep the thred on top. That was the pics only purpose too.Alphaman: I realy like your way of going through threads and explaining others psychological differences, but, i realy don't think you ought to get that much involved in a matter that doesn't concern you or you might end up with a lots of people that just adore you. And yes, i had a point for putting this pic on, although the text attached to it was maybe inapropriatte for personas of your kind who have a problem with some of the more endulged English poetry thinking. So Take Good care. jig: Get a life fella  Cheers
MiKaeLe |
posted 06-14-99 06:35 PM ET
I beg your pardon for every mistype or spelling error that i might have commited, but as English is not my primary language, i hope you would gather the strength to forgive me  MiKaeLe |
posted 06-15-99 02:13 PM ET
"I beg your pardon for every mistype or spelling error that i might have commited, but as English is not my primary language, i hope you would gather the strength to forgive me"There's no need to even mention it. Not everyone has English spell checking on their word processor. "Also this, and the other pic were taken from my server, so no contraversial URL's can appear on your file." Thank you. It's the trend that's important, though. You are smart about it, but what about some jerk-off who gets careless? He thinks to himself "well if MiKaeLe does it, why can't I", not knowing that you put the pic on your server. I am not offended by this pastie. If I remember correctly, she has larger tits in real life.  "So if some Firaxis official decides to turn HTML off, all i can say is: Go get some good workers Sid!" If Firaxis had seen the other picture, HTML and UBB would have been turned off faster than you can say "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri." For heaven's sake man, kids access this forum! |
posted 06-15-99 02:17 PM ET
To clarify: all it would take is one parent looking through the cache on little Johnny's browser. They ask Johnny where he got the pic. He answers "on the SMAC forum." The parent calls Firaxis demanding an explanation. Firaxis shuts down off-topic. FAST! |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-15-99 03:43 PM ET
The picture is objectionable because it is simply a device for the sexual enjoyment of men, and therefore degrading to women.DanS: You write your posts in a word processor first? Whoa. Good idea. (Looka at my last post in the EP thread and you'll know why, or rather you won't because you have free local calls. Whatever ) |
posted 06-15-99 03:54 PM ET
Hugo: you'll be happy to know that I can sit on the internet over 6 hours a day and not be charged extra. Eat your heart out...  |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-15-99 05:38 PM ET
Hugo, if she were in this room she might be a device for the sexual enjoyment of men. As is, she's a picture on my screen, and her beauty (and assets) only interest me in the same manner a stunning landscape might. How is admiring the female form as a work of art and natural beauty objectionable?(In reality, I'm only practicing this argument to use on a militant feminist I know. But it is a good one, don't you think?) |
posted 06-15-99 05:58 PM ET
Just getting it back on top |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-16-99 11:43 AM ET
............................................. ............................................. |
posted 06-16-99 11:45 AM ET
sickos...  |
posted 06-16-99 11:49 AM ET
"The picture is objectionable because it is simply a device for the sexual enjoyment of men, and therefore degrading to women."Speaking as a woman, I don't feel degraded by a picture of a half-nekkid woman. There's nothing wrong with guys thinking women's tits are pleasant to look at, and the pose itself is just a show-off pose. Eris (if I'm going to wear stuff that shows my cleavage, I should expect it to be looked at...) |
posted 06-16-99 12:19 PM ET
Eris, I find your enlightened approach refreshing.  |
posted 06-16-99 03:01 PM ET
DanS: Sorry for not having the time or will to type my posts in a word processor first...but i don't think i am that bad at English spelling, soo, i guess no one should have trouble understanding it.. lolAnd BTW, not much bigger (her tits in real life that is) If Firaxis had seen the other picture, HTML and UBB would have been turned off faster than you can say "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri." For heaven's sake man, kids access this forum! Kewl kewl...the next time i put a pic like this around here gonna make sure it's censored properly 
Cheers MiKaeLe
Hugo Rune
posted 06-16-99 03:52 PM ET
Eris, I find your disgraceful and shallow attitude towards human relationships disgraceful. |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-16-99 03:53 PM ET
Did I just use the word "disgraceful" twice in the same scentance? Disgraceful. |
posted 06-16-99 05:33 PM ET
Disgraceful? I don't think we were talking about a long-term relationship with this picture. You don't look at this picture and ask yourself "I wonder how big her IQ is..." Or "I wonder if she's a good conversationalist." The fact of the matter is, this picture could be entitled "Breasts on Digital Canvas."If it weren't a pastie, I might be more offended, since she's a good actor (as opposed to other eye candy actors). Clearly the other pic was degrading to women, since, among other things, it showed a woman in a... uhm... "subserviant" position. As a feminist, wouldn't you agree? |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-16-99 08:37 PM ET
Hey, I've been thinking about it, and the female body really can be considered art. For example, I'm white. I have virtually no sexual attraction toward black women. However, I can see a nude painting (or clothed, for that matter) of a black woman, and say, "Wow, she's pretty." I'm not degrading her, implying, "Wow, bet she'd be great in bed." (but that would be a complement, too...)I'm implying that the structure of her body is artful. How is that debasing women?And on another note, how would stating that a woman is sexually desirable detract from her other qualities? I don't assume that an intelligent woman whom I've never seen is ugly, so why would it be different the other way around? |
posted 06-17-99 06:22 PM ET
White males have virtually no sexual attraction toward black women? That must be something specifically American. |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-18-99 06:12 PM ET
I was speaking only of myself. Black/white relationships are rare in america, but not unheard of. |
Black Dragon
posted 06-18-99 07:26 PM ET
Err... How do I delete this from my browser cache? |
posted 06-18-99 07:42 PM ET
Black Dragon: Depends on the browser you're using!If using IE5 go to tools/internet options and click on delete files under Temporary Internet Files This will do for most vers of IE.But it might happen that internet options are not under tools in the earlier vers. For Netscape Communicator, open Windows Explorer and go to: Program Files/Netscape/user/your Name/cache and delete everything. Cheers MiKaeLe |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-18-99 08:22 PM ET
Do any of your guys have a close relation (like interbred) called HARDMAN? |