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  Im Bored (can you tell)

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Author Topic:   Im Bored (can you tell)
Wyarian Pryde posted 06-12-99 01:31 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Wyarian Pryde   Click Here to Email Wyarian Pryde  
Whats your favorite game??
Favorite CD??
Favorite type of floor?
Most hated game?
Type of floor?
Wood or Brick housing?
This statement is a lie
Is this statement a lie?
Assuming that both are a lie, what is the first statement?
Why aren't there many women on this board?
Sorry for taking Allod's Idea, but Im bored.
Do we all exist?
Was the universe created?
If the universe was never created, how can it exist?
Does the universe exist?
Do you exist?
If we don't exist, how can we be comunicating?
Assuming both the sack and the orage exist, how many people can you sack with it?
Provost Harrison posted 06-12-99 01:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Provost Harrison  Click Here to Email Provost Harrison     
Cheese pork scratchings and whooo.
JohnIII posted 06-12-99 01:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Brian Lara Cricket.
A level one.
Mr. Blobby.
A lie.
Aren't there?
By pure fluke.
I'm undecided.
Dodgy keyboards.
John III
walruskkkch posted 06-12-99 01:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for walruskkkch    
Railroad tycoon II
Dave Edmunds greatest hits
All the ones i don't play
Anything by Madonna
The spinning ones when I'm Drunk
Brick, best defense against wolves
You tell me
A paradox
They have lives.
no kidding
more than one concept of "universe"
are we?
as much as a woodchuck could
jig posted 06-13-99 03:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jig  Click Here to Email jig     
John III: How can you like a cricket game that lets you score 100+ runs in 10 overs?
jig posted 06-13-99 03:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jig  Click Here to Email jig     
Whats your favorite game??
Championship Manager 3.

Favorite CD??

Favorite type of floor?
One that won't freeze your foot.

Most hated game?
Quake 3. Because I can't play it on my computer.

Wood or Brick housing?

This statement is a lie
Is this statement a lie?

A question cannot be a lie.

Assuming that both are a lie, what is the first statement?
A trick.

Why aren't there many women on this board?
Don't ask me. Ask a forumologist.

Sorry for taking Allod's Idea, but Im bored.
And so am I.

Do we all exist?
I know I exist, maybe not in the way I think I exist but I do exist. Don't know about you or anyone else.

Was the universe created?
It was never created.

If the universe was never created, how can it exist?
Because it always has.

Does the universe exist?
I know something exists.

Do you exist?

If we don't exist, how can we be comunicating?
Because some cruel dick is deceiving me or you.

Assuming both the sack and the orage exist, how many people can you sack with it?

JohnIII posted 06-13-99 03:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
jig: When I bowl, the opposition do the same
John III
Alphaman posted 06-13-99 04:55 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
Whats your favorite game??
I don't really have a fave, but I like most turn based games. eg Civ (all of them) SMAC Master of Magic & MOO etc as well as things like Xcom (all of them) and Jagged Alliance which was a neat little game. (JA2 coming out soon - I hope)

Favorite CD??
Rammstein. The Matrix soundtrack is also cool.

Favorite type of floor?

Most hated game?
All shoot 'em ups.

'Girly' music. eg Spice girls, Boy Zone (or what ever they are called)

Type of floor?
Wood. Its no good.

Wood or Brick housing?
Wood house? Yeh right. This is not the middle ages anymore.

This statement is a lie

Is this statement a lie?
This is a question.

Assuming that both are a lie, what is the first statement?
Your idea of being funny.

Why aren't there many women on this board?
Women dont generally use computers as much as men. Why, you wanna get lucky?

Sorry for taking Allod's Idea, but Im bored.
I'm sure Allod wont mind

Do we all exist?
Nope. 90% of the people here are computer generated personalities.(CGP)

Was the universe created?
No, it just happened.

If the universe was never created, how can it exist?
Cosmic fluke.

Does the universe exist?
Of course.

Do you exist?
Nope. I'm a CGP (see above)

If we don't exist, how can we be comunicating?
No, You exist. But you are typing stuff into a computer, not knowing who you are typing it to.

Assuming both the sack and the orage exist, how many people can
you sack with it?
Depends who you sack. And how fast you can run.

Valtyr posted 06-14-99 08:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Well, I suppose I must live in the middle ages then, because I live in a wood house. In fact wood houses are the most common here in Norway. At least my town existed in the middle ages unlike those colonial ones without much of a history.

Koshko posted 06-14-99 10:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Koshko  Click Here to Email Koshko     
1)Strategy RPG games
2)Rock and Roll
3)Any that doesn't hurt your feet while you walk
4), 5), 6) Stuff
7)Brick and wood are Evil!
etc) I'm tired of typing.
MikeH II posted 06-15-99 06:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
Whats your favorite game??
Half Life

Favorite CD??
(At the moment) Prodigy Dirtchamber sessions.

Favorite type of floor?

Most hated game?
Warcraft II

Anything by Alanis Morrisette.

Type of floor?
Sloping or curved

Wood or Brick housing?
No thanks, I already have a house.

This statement is a lie

Is this statement a lie?
Only if it isn't a question in which case I'm not going to answer.

Assuming that both are a lie, what is the first statement?
It doesn't matter whether either statement is a lie or not the first statement is still "This statement is a lie"

Why aren't there many women on this board?
They've got better things to do.

Sorry for taking Allod's Idea, but Im bored.

Do we all exist?

Was the universe created?
Maybe but I didn't do it!

If the universe was never created, how can it exist?
If I knew that do you think I'd be spending all my time on these forums?

Does the universe exist?
Only if I exist and my perceptions are accurate.

Do you exist?
No, I'm a figment of my own imagination.

If we don't exist, how can we be comunicating?
We aren't this isn't real.

Assuming both the sack and the orage exist, how many people can you sack with it?

Zekkei posted 06-15-99 06:44 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
2.One which has been liberaly smeared with eggplant
3.ermm.. dunno, not egglplant though, wouldn't want it to squelch under my feet.
4.The one which had the giant killer eggplants
5.I have no feelings of any kind for a mere flat bit of plastic (or whatever they're made out of)
6.The sort which attempts to bite your foor off you when you put your foot on it.
7.Composite materials it? previously stated, that statement is actually a question.
10.The first statement is an act of agression..
11.why not?
12.we are all actually brains in mugs.
13.the universe was created from two marshmallows, and of course an eggplant (goes a long way in explaining why the universe is such a mess eh?)
14.It can exist in potentia
15.only if you want it to
16.You call this communicating?
17.� an orange can be sacked by two self-flagellators riding giraffes, but only if they are juggling eggplants and three muddy boots.
Provost Harrison posted 06-16-99 03:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Provost Harrison  Click Here to Email Provost Harrison     
My particulars:

Favourite Game: Civ II
CD: Smiths, The Queen Is Dead.
Floor: Shagpile carpet (naturally )
Hated Game: Anything to do with football.
Hated CD: Any of the Spice Girls back-catalogue
Hated floor: Concrete
Brick House (all you get in Britain, generally)
Probably again
They've probably got more sense
We exist. It's all a matter of perception.
No, nothing was 'created'
Why should anything need to be 'created'. Don't be constrained by the bounds of the human mind.
Again, all a matter of perception.
Yep, do indeed.
By the internet thingy, silly

jig posted 06-16-99 05:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jig  Click Here to Email jig     
Don't be constrained by the bounds of the human mind.

Haha. Now, THIS is a paradox.

Provost Harrison posted 06-16-99 03:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Provost Harrison  Click Here to Email Provost Harrison     
Alright, don't be picky. It is a good example of a paradox, though. I knew one of you smartassed bastards would pick me up on that
Provost Harrison posted 06-16-99 03:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Provost Harrison  Click Here to Email Provost Harrison     
...bound by convention...that's what I mean...bound by convention...doh
Hugo Rune posted 06-16-99 03:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
Whats your favorite game??

Micro Machines 2.

Favorite CD??

See above. Oh, music CD! Surfin' Bird by the Trashmen.

Favorite type of floor?


Most hated game?

Quake, in it's day. I've since reconciled. I was really into Duke3d back then. Oh, and I remember hating Postman Pat on the C64 so much broke it to pieces and binned it. But I was only seven at the time...


See above. Oh music CD? Load by metallica. Drivel.

Type of floor?

Carpet. Fluorecent pink with grey flowers.

Wood or Brick housing?


This statement is a lie
Is this statement a lie?

Is this statement a lie?

Assuming that both are a lie, what is the first statement?

A lie.

Why aren't there many women on this board?

SMAC doesn't appeal to women, so not many have found their way here. Also all of the "ladsy" characters scare them off. And the porn pics. And the intolerance toward homosexuals.

Sorry for taking Allod's Idea, but Im bored.


Do we all exist?

I have doubts about some of you...

Was the universe created?

No. It's always been there, always will be.

If the universe was never created, how can it exist?

See above.

Does the universe exist?


Do you exist?


If we don't exist, how can we be comunicating?

But we do, my dear watson, we do.

Assuming both the sack and the orage exist, how many people can you sack with it?


Hugo Rune posted 06-16-99 03:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
MikeH: Aaaargh!!! I love Alanis Morisette! In fact that's why I hate metallica: Until It Sleeps beat Ironic off the No.1 Spot in the charts.
Provost Harrison posted 06-16-99 03:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Provost Harrison  Click Here to Email Provost Harrison     
ALANIS MORISSETTE. She's bum dribble!
Provost Harrison posted 06-16-99 03:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Provost Harrison  Click Here to Email Provost Harrison     
The only woman who can cause mass suicides just by singing. She's so goddam miserable. Why doesn't she do us all a favour and just TOP HERSELF?
Stasis Archon posted 06-16-99 04:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Stasis Archon  Click Here to Email Stasis Archon     
The Machines
No floor at all
No, it isn't, it's a paradox
It's not a statement, it's a question
It's still aparadox
I have no idea
It's okay with me
As long as we think we exist it's the same as actually existing, but if someone proves we don't exist we'll all cease to exist
See my answer to the question above the previous one
See above
We only think we are communicating, when in reality we are not
One, assuming you sack yourself first

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