Alpha Centauri Forums
Non-SMAC related The face of Frodo? |
Author | Topic: The face of Frodo? |
JohnIII |
posted 06-09-99 03:15 PM ET
This is unconfirmed, but Elijah Wood is said to be cast as Frod in The LOTR Movie And here he is: John III |
Valtyr |
posted 06-09-99 04:00 PM ET
When my brother told me that they were going to make that movie he asked me to guess who would play Gandalf and I immediately said Sean Connery. Now why did I guess him ? |
Alphaman |
posted 06-09-99 04:03 PM ET
So they are making a LOTR movie huh? Never did like hobbits myself. |
Valtyr |
posted 06-09-99 04:06 PM ET
What's wrong with us, then? |
JohnIII |
posted 06-09-99 04:06 PM ET
Valtyr: Here are some poll results. John III |
JohnIII |
posted 06-09-99 04:10 PM ET
Valtyr: Are you a hobbit? Because I am the Nazgul Lord, and will KILL YOU! John III |
Valtyr |
posted 06-09-99 04:14 PM ET
Nah, I'm just a short Norwegian guy (5'4") . BTW, who's Sir Ian McKellan? |
Provost Harrison |
posted 06-11-99 12:47 PM ET
People used to call me Frodo because I have hairy toes (?!) |
Frodo83 |
posted 06-11-99 02:29 PM ET
He looks kinda like me...except for the ears. |
Hugo Rune |
posted 06-11-99 02:32 PM ET
I voted: Sean Connery. Definately Not nore sucessful than TPM. TolkIEn. |
DanS |
posted 06-11-99 02:40 PM ET
Toll-kin is the way I've always pronounced it. I wonder what the origin of that family name is... |
Valtyr |
posted 06-11-99 02:50 PM ET
Wasn't he born in South Africa? |
Natguy |
posted 06-11-99 03:05 PM ET
Hey, that looks how I always pictired him! And Sean Connery would make a reat Gandalf. (I want to play Saruman, possibly one of the coolest characters but only because he's really evil and the Ents sing that song: To Isengard! Though Isengard be, um, be..cold and bare...um..let me go get the book...ah here it is..page 104 ::ahem:: I love that! By the way, am I correct in thinking that the name Took is pronounced like "I took an apple"? Because we read the Hobbit in class (4th time for me) and my English teacher kept pronouncing it like in "Toucan" |
Frodo83 |
posted 06-11-99 08:46 PM ET
It's Took as in "I took an apple." And I'm pretty sure Tolkien is pronounced "Toll-Keen", because "EI" is always pronounced "I". |
Valtyr |
posted 06-11-99 10:09 PM ET
My English Pronouncing Dictionary (Daniel Jones, Cambridge University Press) says "IPA": ['tolki:n] or tolkeen if you want. |
MikeH II |
posted 06-14-99 11:23 AM ET
It's Took as in took an apple or rook or book or hook or look. I'm bored aren't I? |
JohnIII |
posted 06-14-99 01:12 PM ET
Sean Connery as Gandalf- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Unfortunately, I doubt that anyone exists who could do the character justice. Oh well. John III |
Valtyr |
posted 06-14-99 04:53 PM ET
Yeah, I know, JohnIII, a Hollywood picture wouldn't do the book justice, anyway . |
JohnIII |
posted 06-14-99 04:55 PM ET
Who could be... Radagast? Aragorn? Faramir? Sam? Any ideas? John III |
Valtyr |
posted 06-14-99 04:58 PM ET
Don't ask me, I can't even remember the name of any Norwegian actors at the moment (not that I would want to ). I'll come back to you on that one. |
JohnIII |
posted 06-14-99 04:59 PM ET
WOW! Check this out: And this is soooo annoying: John III |
Valtyr |
posted 06-14-99 05:02 PM ET
Huh? |
JohnIII |
posted 06-14-99 05:04 PM ET
The first one is a TPM spoof, and the second is a job offer to help on LOTR- in New Zealand! John III |
Valtyr |
posted 06-14-99 05:11 PM ET
Have they picked the location spots yet? |
SnowFire |
posted 07-09-99 11:12 AM ET
A good guess, JohnIII. http://www.dailyscifi.com/news/1820.html |
JohnIII |
posted 07-09-99 01:03 PM ET
Guess?! It was from the LOTR movie site. John III |
Natguy |
posted 07-09-99 11:42 PM ET
I wanna be the crazy Steward guy whose name escapes me at the moment. I'd go look it up but I'm too lazy. (You know, the one that sees the black ships coming and kills himself and tries to kill Faramir?(I think... better reread it...)) |
JohnIII |
posted 07-10-99 04:23 AM ET
Denethor? John III |
Natguy |
posted 07-10-99 02:33 PM ET
Yup...It's Denethor, all right. Although I would be cool to be Aragorn, I just don't look the part. I'm too tall for a hobbit...Maybe an elf? How about Legolas? If I grew my hair longer and wore Spock-ears I could look just like Legolas! |
Ambro2000 |
posted 07-10-99 04:26 PM ET
I'd be a great Tom Bombabill(sp?) |
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