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Author Topic:   Total Annihilation vs StarCraft
JohnIII posted 06-05-99 09:29 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII   Click Here to Email JohnIII  
I prefer TA, because of it's better interface and "feel", but this is open to discussion.
BTW, I have both, so I know about them.
John III
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-05-99 09:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Hmm... another one of these. I've had enough of these to fill something that can hold a lot. Better hope TA RULEZ doesn't show up.

That having been said...


JohnIII posted 06-05-99 09:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
No, TA does. More units, better graphics, bigger maps, flammable trees, the D-Gun, unlimited resources (Red Alert's main problem), to name but a few of it's charms.
John III
Alphaman posted 06-05-99 10:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
Major faults of TA:

1) too many units
2) too many units which are identical to each other
3) both sides are essentially identical
4) runs a bit slower due to all the 3D (which doesn't look as good as the box made it out to be)
5) Non-existence of a story. (other than "core attacks arm. arm retaliates." woohoo)
6) No cool cut scenes in between missions (like the brilliant ones in SC)

Other than that I enjoyed the game immensely. However SC simply is more involving. It draws you into the story better (via: three sides totally different, units are unique and interesting [not just Med Tank, Huge Tank, Monster Tank, like in TA] and the cut scenes are really cool) SC over TA any day, though both are good games.

JohnIII posted 06-05-99 11:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
"not just Med Tank, Huge Tank, Monster Tank, like in TA"
Or KBOTs, Millenium battleships, Lurkers, The Commander, Hawks, Brawlers... SC just can't compete.

"runs a bit slower due to all the 3D (which doesn't look as good as the box made it out to be)"
It looks and feels better than SC's sprites, and runs fine on any modern system. What do you use, a 486?

too many units which are identical to each other"
NO Core unit is identical to another, ans the same goes for ARM.

"both sides are essentially identical"
I must admit SC did this much better.

"Non-existence of a story.
No cool cut scenes in between missions"

Again, SC is better at this.

"units are unique and interesting"
What? 3 different types of Peon? That's unique?

Major faults of SC:

1) Sprites. Sorry, not in today's world.
2) Not enough units.
3) No true line-of-sight.
4) Limited resources.
5) Story is unoriginal and boring.
6) Hackneyed cut-scenes.
7) No flammable trees!
8) No D-Gun!
9) Tiny explosions.
10) Pitiful nukes.
11) No proper order-stacking.
12) Music not as good as TA's
13) It won't lead to TA:Kingdoms!

John III

Ser_Olmy posted 06-05-99 11:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ser_Olmy  Click Here to Email Ser_Olmy     
They both have good points, TA's Graphics are great, Starcraft has well balenced and different sides. I don't prefer either.
Dreadnought posted 06-05-99 11:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreadnought  Click Here to Email Dreadnought     
They are both good games, but TA just didnt have the hold on me that StarCraft did. It was the first game to *succesfully* have balanced sides without using miror units. I also like the fact that the SC untis all have little movie type things when you click on them, and actually have voices instead of mechanical whirring. The endings for TA really sucked too, but the music kicked ass!

10) Pitiful nukes.

How are they pitifull? They acutally require skill to use. I hated in TA you just made the nuke, pointed and BOOM!, you killed 70% of the other base. Besides, it's much more rewarding to carefully sneak a cloaked ghost into the opponents base, get in a spot where they won't find you, and imagine the look on his face when he notices the little red dot on his peon line right before the nuke falls.

JohnIII posted 06-05-99 11:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
"How are they pitifull? "
In that they are WEAK, like Red Alert's.
John III
Alphaman posted 06-05-99 12:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
Well nuking half a base out of existence is little fun. Do you want one big mutha weapon or a truly involving RTS?

Ok, the music in TA was good.


1) Sprites. Sorry, not in today's world.
They look good. thats all that matters

2) Not enough units.
ok fair enough. more IS better but only if they are truly different units (Kbot = walking tank)

3) No true line-of-sight.
I'm not a 'true to life' fanatic.

4) Limited resources.
You get more than enough to finish the map

5) Story is unoriginal and boring.
You call the SC story unorig? not in my book

6) Hackneyed cut-scenes.
the scene with the Amerigo self destruct is soooo cool.

7) No flammable trees!
i can do that in my local park

8) No D-Gun!
the d-gun is way too powerful anyway

9) Tiny explosions.
ok. bigger IS better.

10) Pitiful nukes.
i dont like nukes anyway

11) No proper order-stacking.
not for the zerg anyway. the others had it

12) Music not as good as TA's
Yeh I know. oh well, put the radio on.

13) It won't lead to TA:Kingdoms!
SC: Brood Wars

Alphaman posted 06-05-99 12:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
JohnIII - BTW thats one of your longest posts I have seen.
Hugo Rune posted 06-05-99 12:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
Neither. Red Alert, any day.

TA: Too many indistinct units, lack of balance, similar sides, crappy water stuff, Boring Graphics, No humour, No distinct characters, no memorable story.

SC: Looks crap, too many weird areas, steep learning curve, stupid units, indistinct sides (They might have looked different, but palyed about the same), No Quirky units, Crap Infantry, No Humour, Doesn't suck you in (Very on-the-surface), Standard Sci-Fi Story, Not enjoyable like WarCraft was.

Red Alert: Fun Units, Great Story, Good Learning Curve, Cool Missions, Great Multiplayer, Love the graphics (quirky infantry, among others), High Fun Factor, Tanya! (Che-Ching!), Cool Intro.

I'm waiting for Tib Sun. TA:Kingdoms looks great too. Seems they've solved the "Indistinct sides and units" problem.

JohnIII posted 06-05-99 12:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
That's because I know many are wrong, and I must convert them

"Well nuking half a base out of existence is little fun"
TA encourages making everything bigger, so it shouldn't be half their base.

"Kbot = walking tank"
Have you seen the Sniper KBOT? Or the really fast ones?

"I'm not a 'true to life' fanatic."
In this case it is better than a "flat" map with barriers.

"You get more than enough to finish the map"
Not in a huge skirmish.

"You call the SC story unorig? not in my book"
Have you seen many SF movies, or read many Sci-Fi books (especially the older ons)?

"the scene with the Amerigo self destruct is soooo cool."
That's only one example.

"i can do that in my local park"
Not with an artillery shell

"the d-gun is way too powerful anyway"
But your Commander has it, and so it is rarely used.

"i dont like nukes anyway"

"the others had it"
No they didn't. Can you order an SCV to go build 3 supply depots and let him get on with it? CAN YOU?

"SC: Brood Wars "
Is crap.

John III

TheScientist posted 06-05-99 12:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheScientist  Click Here to Email TheScientist     
Don't forget that SC has the best scenario editor in the whole genre.
JohnIII posted 06-05-99 12:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
"Great Multiplayer"
Have you heard of the tank rush?
I am afraid Red Alert is too old, but I do remember Tanya fondly In fact, I might give it one last chance....
John III
Alphaman posted 06-05-99 01:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
I don't know how you ppl can say that SC's story is crap. The three sides are intervowen really well in that what you fought for with the terrans is what you are fighting against with the zerg or protoss.

more stuff:

1) Big huge base (like you need in TA) becomes unmanageable and hard to keep an eye on.

2) The reason the base building is one at a time is because you dont need that huge a base in SC. Just a well designed one.

3) Other cool cut scenes: Arcturus's victory speech. Very cool.

4) Combat in TA = click and drag a huge mass of tanks and then click. sit back and watch a million things blow each other up. hope that you win.

5) Combat in SC = use each unit to its strategic advantage. ie guardians are dead it attacked air-to-air, therefore must use brain and find a way around this.

6) . . . Enough said

7) The tree burning thing is a bitch when your base is in the middle of a forest.

8) Insert pro-SC propaganda here: _________!

Hugo Rune posted 06-05-99 01:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
Actually, I never used the tank Rush. I preferred using a combination of great defense, Ships (Yes I play Allies) and Nukes/Tanyas. Fun!
JohnIII posted 06-05-99 01:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
"Big huge base (like you need in TA) becomes unmanageable and hard to keep an eye on."
You obviously haven't discovered map bookmarks

" . . . Enough said"
Boneyards......Galactic Wars...... Enough said.

"Other cool cut scenes: Arcturus's victory speech. Very cool."
Incorrect use of a plural there.

"The tree burning thing is a bitch when your base is in the middle of a forest."
So, you play like Deirdre, do you ?

"4) Combat in TA = click and drag a huge mass of tanks and then click. sit back and watch a million things blow each other up. hope that you win."
WRONG. You use a mxture of carefully co-ordinated land, air and sea (remember those? SC doesn't have them) to crush your foe.

"Combat in SC = use each unit to its strategic advantage. ie guardians are dead it attacked air-to-air, therefore must use brain and find a way around this."
That is the same for any half-decent RTS.

John III

Ser_Olmy posted 06-05-99 01:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ser_Olmy  Click Here to Email Ser_Olmy     
You lot just wait until Homeworld comes out it will walk all over SC and TA.
JohnIII posted 06-05-99 01:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
If the controls can handle 3D properly...
John III
Valtyr posted 06-05-99 06:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Well, I'm not a huge fan of "build as many units as fast as possible"-games, but I did buy Starcraft because of Blizzard's name (Diablo, I love you !). I have also tried Red Alert.

The coolest thing about Starcraft is the messages you get when you continually click on the units (e.g. many Diablo references .). I do not really care much for sci-fi stories anyway, so I can't say if it was good or not. It seems fairly balanced, though, and there wasn't that big a difference between the races (However, I did have some difficulties with early Zerg development.). What irritated me most was that I didn't get to kill that moron Arcturus Mengsk .

As for Red Alert, I didn't play it long enough to make a judgment, but I can remember being annoyed when I found out that only the Allies had a navy and only the Soviets had planes . Tanya was cool, though .

I have heard many praises of TA, but I felt I had enough RTS games for a guy that really don't like them too much (Hey, I need relaxing games !).

Wraith posted 06-05-99 09:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     

Although I thought the storyline in StarCraft was better, I much prefer the gameplay in TA. I really liked the ability to have truly useful artilery pieces, even if they weren't mobile (Big Bertha, baby).
StarCraft was okay, as far as it went, but did seem a bit too limited in diversity of units, even counting TAs near-duplicates. I really can't wait for TA: Kingdoms to come out (Zhon is already looking to be my favorite).

As for the StarCraft unit quotes, they were pretty pitiful. Compared to the ones in Warcraft and Warcraft 2, they seemed to just have been put in cause they were trying to keep it as a "feature" rather than from any good jokes. (I loved the goblin sappers: We've got explosives.... Kabooom! Oh, it's beautiful...)

"Don't you have a kingdom to run?"
Warcraft 2

Plasmoid posted 06-05-99 10:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Plasmoid  Click Here to Email Plasmoid     


Runs WELL in WINE. nuff said

Zekkei posted 06-06-99 12:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
They all suck! Seriously, I think game producers are all a little slow when it comes to coming up with better games, they tend to be all just a little better than the previous lot. Oh well, I should stop complaining and go make a game myself eh?

Unlimited resources is good? I like limited resources a lot better. I suppose it's really just a question of what you like rather than a question of which one is better.

Red alert? boring boring boring, and totally unoriginal... it was almost exactly like the first one.

The terrain in TA was pretty good.
Starcraft had 3 levels of terrain or so. Bah!

No water units in Starcraft. Bah!

Ta - both sides too much alike.

Red Alert - rush rush rush, what more can I say? (And I don't just mean tank rush).

Fun? Red alert? what fun.. if you call that fun, well, lets just say that a rock has more fun compared. And being able to create a few-thousand tanyas.. what do they do? Clone her?

" "Combat in SC = use each unit to its strategic advantage. ie guardians are dead it attacked air-to-air, therefore must use brain
and find a way around this." That is the same for any half-decent RTS. "

Well, in that case there are NO half-decent RTS'

Ser_Olmy posted 06-06-99 04:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ser_Olmy  Click Here to Email Ser_Olmy     
I aggree with Zekkei on that most RTS games don't improve much on the last one but if Homeworld can pull off all it's suppost to it should be refreshingly different :^)
Alphaman posted 06-06-99 05:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
What is Homeworld? Haven't head of it.
The next RTS as far as I know is C&C: Tiberian Sun.
4Horses posted 06-06-99 11:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for 4Horses  Click Here to Email 4Horses     
I haven't played TA but this I have to say about SC:

1. The ghosts were the best part of the game. And the nukes were just the right size. Other than that, the game was pretty average in my book.

2. Good intro.

3. The cut scenes sucked! Like watching a soap opera. And I hate soap operas.

4. If you played the mission you were usually ok...but if you played one of the misc. scenarios you were quickly overrun by the enemy(ies).

5. Not enough diverse units. Not enough weaponry.

6. Doesn't compare to Command and Conquer or even Warcraft for that matter.

Jay posted 06-06-99 02:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay  Click Here to Email Jay     
SC rules. I have played TA, and *I* think it is inferior compared to SC. The graphics may be 3d, but they look awful. Still it is a good game, SC is just better.
Battlezone. The king of build&bash RTS'es. Cool graphics, superior gameplay.

Anyhow, none of those is the true king of RTS'es. The best RTS ever is Myth 2: Soulblighter.

TheHelperMonkey posted 06-06-99 03:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheHelperMonkey    
1 of 2 things may happen if try to make a lot of units.

1. Half of them will be useless
2. The game would be unbalanced.

Both things happened it TA.

I can't remember the last time I built a spider mine, it was useless. And the Korgoth was very unbalancing. And the Annihilator, 'nuff said.

IN SC there about 10 units per side each. Only one of them is the same (the peons, duh). The game is balanced and a blast to play on For me, TA's mp code was full of bugs. Only 10% of the games actually got going.

Another thing, TA's unit sounds where really annoying.

That's all I have to say.

Dark Nexus posted 06-06-99 03:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dark Nexus  Click Here to Email Dark Nexus     
#d. Whoop-de-do. The only thing that the 3d engine did for the game was to add real-physics to the game (some of the arieal manouvers are really cool), but the graphics SUCK. The models are horrible, with a few (very few) exceptions, the texturing sucks (also a very few exceptions). The terrain isn't that bad though.

TA is far too hardware intensive, where Starcraft will run smoothly on anything above a 486. Large games of TA are unbearable on anything below a 200.

Starcraft has fewer units which are more useful. No unit becomes obsolete later in the game, where in TA there are a number of units that are all but useless except in certain situations. BTW, last I heard, that's what Cavedog is going to do with TA:K. Fewer, but more diverse and useful units.

Multiplayer. They both have some good features. I like the ability to give resources to your allies that TA has. I like shared vision in SC. I like all the different game types in SC. I like all the different map types in SC. All the stuff you can do with the triggers is cool.

Frankly, I think TA has some nice features (able to select more than just 12 units, for example), but it isn't anywhere near as good as Starcraft.

Dark Nexus
"Sanity is calming, but madness is more interesting."

Shining1 posted 06-07-99 12:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
To be brutally honest, T.A is just a little dull when compared with Starcraft. Though it has better units, INFINITELY better dynamics (the fearsome phoenix when compared with SC's stop to shoot Scouts and Wraiths), loads more variety in the available units and is hugely more varied from a tactical perspective (Nukes are great, but they take ages to get up and running. If you don't cover yourself, it's your own fault.) I like the battleships too, and Krogoths just make me drool ("ARM are a pack of soft boys!").

Having said that, there are several flaws that make T.A somewhat inferior. Except for the sight of couple of advancing Krogoths, the game has virtually no personality (click, whirr, buzz, etc) to it. Secondly, the top down perspective, and the small field of view, require that the units themselves be very small and inconsequential. There is also little variety in unit size - a couple of PeeWee units (human size infantry robots) take up about the same space as a Goliath tank. This leads to the commonality of all T.A units - they look different, but they're all more or less the same size.

SC excels in its visuals and unit personality - the quality of presentation of the whole game, from the registry onwards, right up until the final scenes, is unmatched. Moreover, the vareity of gameplay gives it a dimension that T.A lacked. Example:

T.A mission template:
"(flashy landscape) You are here. ARM is here, doing stuff. We don't like the arm or the stuff they're doing. Now go kill them."
"(map appears with commander unit and some other stuff standing in today's theme world)."

SC mission template:
"(flashy picture) You are here."
"Listen to stuff. Be shocked and appalled. Feel cunning and ravenous. Feel honored and dutybound. Feel afraid."
"Read the mission objectives in the corner."
"Begin the mission. Listen to more classy dialogue. See new areas open up. Start building a legion of Peons."

Red Alert mission template:
"(Allies: Roll on the floor laughing at the actors in the cutscene)"
"(Soviet: Enjoy the amusing and well acted cutscene.)"
"Start the mission and discover which of the terrain types you are on. Move your harvester."
"Forget the cutscene and read the in game instructions to find out the mission."
"Change the music to something good."

As for the fighting, while the common SC based criticism of TA having 4-5 units to do one job (missile vehicle, missile kbot, missile tower, missile hovercraft) isn't accurate, it did suffer from a steep learning curve and the units' tendancy to do futile things, like firing missiles at blocking terrain and wreckage, and to keep walking around when inside attack range but outside retaliation distance). The lack of any firm ingame stats on damage, armour, or effect didn't help at all either. And the sheer number of buildings needed for an average base tended to crowd things (not to mention the radar map problems with invisible buildings - things you can see on radar but can't record on the main map? They weren't going to move or anything...)

Finally, the T.A resource model wasn't the best. Building slowdowns were no fun, constantly rebuilding metal extractors was a pain, and the whole metal patch idea seemed a bit dumb (infinite patchs of metal in the ground?? Not at all well explained).

NOW - having said all that, it wouldn't take too much of a change in T.A to make it a much better game than Starcraft. Kingdoms has just gone GOLD and is to be released on the 25th of June. I can't wait.

Zekkei posted 06-07-99 02:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
Tiberiun Sun looks good so far.. I hope it is not just Command and Conquer all over again though. However, it isn't the only RTS coming out.. there is Black and White, Homeworld, and a few others which I can't remember .

take a look here,

Shining1 posted 06-07-99 02:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
RTS's due out this year:

T.A Kingdoms (June 25): nuff said. Probably the best RTS ever.

Homeworld (third quarter): A revolutionary RTS, 3D space combat and all that. Potentially the Half-life of the RTS genre.

AoEII (??? this year ???): Better combat, same basic idea as the original. HUGE maps, great atmosphere, etc.

C&C2 Tiberian Sun: C&C gone 3D, but with voxhals, which can't be accelerated (the first reason for slow SMAC). Will probably be great for the singleplayer campaigns aspect alone.


DiabloII: Which might be an RTS or might not, depending upon the definition (RTRPG?) used. But is good all the same.

Bishop posted 06-07-99 07:44 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bishop  Click Here to Email Bishop     
I must say I like TA sooo much better than SC, yes SC does have some nice features, but you can�t compare them with the utter carnage in TA. I like things that blow up ! And boy, does things blow up in TA !!! TA ROCKS !!!

If I�ve counted correctly it�s TA 3 - SC 9

JohnIII posted 06-07-99 01:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Zekkei, are you on the forums at ?

"Kingdoms has just gone GOLD"

"Ta - both sides too much alike."
And people say they're unbalanced ?

"Big Bertha, baby"
Oh yeah. Not so useful on 7 Islands, though...

"Listen to stuff. Be shocked and appalled. Feel cunning and ravenous. Feel honored and dutybound. Feel afraid."
WTF? The only things that scared me in SC were the terrible quotes and apalling storyline.

"The coolest thing about Starcraft is the messages you get when you continually click on the units"
1) I think the whirrs in TA make the units feel more "solid".
2) You don't play many RTSs do you?

"can't compare them with the utter carnage in TA"

That's all for now.
John III

CrayonX posted 06-07-99 01:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX    
I just got Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries at the bargain bin the other day. Haven't played it yet, the reviews seemed to be very good overall.

I didn't really like Starcraft or TA. Mind you, I only played the Shareware versions, but there's something about most RTS games where strategy goes out the window.

TA formula: build units/bases, select units, massive attack (or rescue), return to base, rinse and repeat

Starcraft: pretty much the same thing, except there's a storyline in there.

I don't like no brainers where you have to click as fast as you can or get caught off guard because you're too slow.

Ser_Olmy posted 06-07-99 02:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ser_Olmy  Click Here to Email Ser_Olmy     
Just to set Alphaman striaght, Home World is a RTS set in space (in 3D), you start with a big mother ship and have to mine asteroid belts and planets and destroy the opposition, visit for more info.
Valtyr posted 06-07-99 10:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
JohnIII: Nope, I don't.
Shining1 posted 06-08-99 02:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
No, the storyline in T.A was appalling (god DAMN the narrator sucks, man!), the one in Starcraft was a little bit tame. I loved the Kerrigan plot twist though - a great way to learn the ropes in the Zerg section. And it made for some great cutscenes (I'm with Alphaman on this, the scene onboard the Amerigo is just hilarious).

As for the Quotes, I take it you must have missed Tassadar's:

"In the face of Total Annihilation they still cling to their failing traditions!"


ONE thing that T.A undisputably did better than anything else in the RTS genre is the music. I play that CD nearly as often as a commercial one. I take it on holiday, cunningly disguised in an old mozart case. Starcraft was good, but Blizzard make the unfortunate mistake of leaving the C.D unenabled. Bad idea - especially after WarcraftII.

Shining1 posted 06-08-99 02:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
P.S Does anyone else think that the T.A storyline and general setting would make a kick ass TBS/RTS combo. Say as a prequel to the original game.

Oh, and I forgot to mention - SC has nothing to match the feeling of having a fully powered rapid fire plasma gun at your disposal. Virtually impossible in multiplayer, I know, but SO MUCH FUN! Better than Nukes, better than Krogoths, just goddamn great.

Like I said, it wouldn't have taken much to make T.A a much better game than Starcraft.

Zekkei posted 06-08-99 05:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
You can't really say "Like I said, it wouldn't have taken much to make T.A a much better game than Starcraft. " ...well, you can, but then I can say, "it wouldn't take very much to make Starcraft a better game than it is at the moment". The point is about what they are like now, not what they could have been like. I agree with Crayon.. they're really just click click games, mouse speed counts a lot (I know it does it SC anyway)... or maybe that's just me whinging coz by the time I click all my units go charging off in the wrong directions.

JohnIIIIIIIIII - yup, I'm there.. currently masquerading under Kezsc. I noticed you there.. I think.. unless that was someone else using JohnIIIII?

JohnIII posted 06-08-99 01:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Zekkei, please don't abuse my Is Yes, that is me.
John III
Tintelpe posted 06-08-99 02:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tintelpe    
Well, I have to cast a vote for SC. TA didn't do it for me, mainly because the differently coloured little blocks (sometimes called "units") have little change of purpose. Alot of them could be consoldated into just one unit. (Whats the purpose of having both a PeeWee and a Flash Tank? Why not just have one or the other and cut down on the extra junk.)

Another thing I really didn't like about TA was the "slower than molasses" tank bullets. Any time my eyes can follow the cource of a shell fired from a tank, somethings wrong. Faster units shouldn't be able to "outrun" tank shells. Inaccuracy is frin (though no RTS has put in the concept of inaccuracy, AFAIK) but the ability to "dodge" most of the large bore shells. Come on.

What really does it for me in SC is the spells. They add a whole diminsion to the game for me (Though Psi Storm can go and I'd be happier.) Dark Swarm and plague make for intresting defence breakers and tacticle weapons, as the Ghost Lockdown, Science Ves Irradiate, etc. The handful of useful spells which can really turn the tides in your favour make for much more intresting battles. (Although, Psi Storm was their big mistake, since it requires little planning and skill, you just throw it out there and all is good.)


Valtyr posted 06-08-99 04:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Starcraft: Rednecks in Space vs. Bugs in Space vs. Psionic Honourbound Warrior-Type Alien Clich�s.
Q Cubed posted 06-08-99 11:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
i think SC adds in inaccuracy, but only when you're firing up.

units firing up towards higher terrain or to air units suffer a 30% penalty or something like that.

i like Tiberian Sun's concept of verterans...i hope they can pull it off well.

As for the TA-SC debate:
Personally, having the full game of SC and only the demo of TA, i have to go with SC.
TA is nice, and I may get that later...after i get the other games i want this year.

And keep smac. methinks CTP is not as good.

Alphaman posted 06-09-99 02:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
Ser_O: I appreciate the link, however there is two things wrong with what I saw.
1) Sierra - IMO the crappest game developers ever.
2) The site is next to useless in telling you what Homeworld actually is.
JohnIII posted 06-09-99 02:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Sierra are publishing Homeworld, Relic are developing it.
John III
Valtyr posted 06-09-99 04:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Could somebody tell me if Sierra has ever produced something worth playing?
JohnIII posted 06-09-99 04:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
John III
Valtyr posted 06-09-99 04:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Worth playing i.e. not a FPS .

Just kidding, haven't tried it yet. My brother is going to buy it soon, then I'll see.

JohnIII posted 06-09-99 04:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
You must get it.
John III
Wraith posted 06-09-99 06:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wraith  Click Here to Email Wraith     

Half-Life takes rather more thinking (tactically, at least) than the average FPS, and it certainly has one of the best stories for them (System Shock still has it beat, tho... can't wait for System Shock 2).
I was also partial to Sierra's Space Quest adventure games

For those of you looking for a new RTS, TA: Kingdoms should be out in a couple weeks (25th, I believe). To address earlier arguments: it's supposed to have a really good story-line (the authors know and admit the TA storyline was just sort of there to justify robot wars); it's got four unique sides with different abilities, should run fairly well on low-end machines, and has some truly awesome firepower (a god can show up in some circumstances... big enough booms for you?), and will have over an hour of between mission animation.

Don't know about you, but I've already reserved a copy I'm really looking forward to playing the Zhon (no fixed structures at all!), since I'm a very air personality, and the thought of hit and run raids with my entire army, including "builders".... oh my

I have not yet begun to procrastinate

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