Topic: How to make lots of money with as little work as possible
Alphaman |
posted 06-02-99 11:02 AM ET
No sorry. I'm not gonna tell you how to do it. Not because I don't want to but because I don't know. Thats why I made this thread.Anyone got any (realistic) ideas on how to make a few (read: 'lot') bucks without working your ass off? I mean have you heard of things like the 14 year old kid who runs a multi million dollar computer company. How the hell do people do stuff like that?
posted 06-02-99 11:03 AM ET
They do a hell of a lot of work. Trust me. |
posted 06-02-99 11:07 AM ET
Who? The 14 year old kid? He's still in school. Or supposed to be.How the hell does a kid know how to make millions anyway. |
posted 06-02-99 11:12 AM ET
He doesn't. He started his company because he enjoyed what he was doing. He got lucky and found that it is also very useful. |
Rex Little
posted 06-02-99 11:13 AM ET
I can't verify this first-hand, but I've read that people are paying hundreds of dollars for built-up characters in Ultima Online. (This is definitely God's way of telling you you have too much money!) So at least until the market gets saturated, you could start a new character, build it up, sell it off and repeat. I've always said that my dream job would be to get paid for playing games! |
MikeH II
posted 06-02-99 11:28 AM ET
Alphaman if you send me a cheque for �10 I'll tell you how to make money with very little work.  |
posted 06-02-99 11:44 AM ET
Alphaman, I know a better idea - send me a check for 9.50 pouds and I'll share the idea with you.Saras Capitalism@work |
posted 06-02-99 11:44 AM ET
Cheque is in the mail Mike.  I know what you mean Rex. I wish there was some way to combine the fun of games with the reward of getting paid for playing them. The only thing I can think of is a game tester. |
posted 06-02-99 11:56 AM ET
Rex Little & Alphaman, There was a short piece on NPR (National Public Radio) this morning about New Zealand trying to rate computer games as to violence/sexual content. The problem the review committee is having is that no one is skilled enough to get into the upper game levels. They have proposed two solutions: the game publishers will have to provide the committee with cheat codes or the committee will hire skilled gamers that will play through the games. How does that sound? Better act fast before Shining1 gets the job.
posted 06-02-99 12:10 PM ET
jsorense: Sounds good but;1) I'm not in NZ. 2) The games they would want rated would not be games like SMAC but probably things like Quake. ie arcade style shoot 'em ups. Not really my style. |
posted 06-02-99 01:39 PM ET
Not that you have style  Rex, I think you are right, something like $500 for a few accounts. Madness. John III |
posted 06-02-99 03:47 PM ET
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but how about online stock trading? These teenagers are buying thousands in cheap startup company stock (eg. start at $1 or less/share), then sell when it doubles within a week. (almost all stock that is made public at $1 or less will double or triple in a few weeks). Of course, you need to pick the right companies, so that requires research and a little ingenuity and brains.....Actually, now that I think of it, that's too much work. Never mind.  |
posted 06-03-99 05:52 AM ET
Or if you're in the US or Canada you could join the PGL and make money for kicking other people's asses in games.I wanna cry every time I see the word Thresh. Lucky bugger. jig |
posted 06-03-99 05:33 PM ET
Yeah, how does he do it? I hear he's pretty good at Warcraft 2/ Starcaft as well. DAMN HIM TO HELL! John III |
Philip McCauley
posted 06-03-99 10:46 PM ET
How to make money with no work? Make and sell cocaine. You'll get roughly a 40000% return if you grow it, refine it, and bake it up into crack. More if you cut it and sell it on the street, instead of to a dealer. Does that answer your question?  |