Topic: Prove that you really exist!
CarniveaN |
posted 06-02-99 02:33 AM ET
well... prove that you are you, not a brain in a jar somewhere.
posted 06-02-99 03:54 AM ET
Yeah, and if you can prove that you exist, justify your existance! |
MikeH II
posted 06-02-99 04:18 AM ET
I post therefore I am? |
posted 06-02-99 04:45 AM ET
Post-it-oh ergo sum? |
posted 06-02-99 05:40 AM ET
Ex-post-facto ? |
Stasis Archon
posted 06-02-99 06:46 AM ET
We have nothing to say unless you prove [b]you] exist. |
Stasis Archon
posted 06-02-99 06:46 AM ET
We have nothing to say unless you prove you exist. |
MikeH II
posted 06-02-99 07:44 AM ET
Stasis Archon's right, we'd look pretty silly talking to someone who didn't really exist. |
posted 06-02-99 08:22 AM ET
We'd also look pretty silly agreeing to someone who didn't really exist. Not to mention making comments about posts from someone who didn't really exist about looking silly if we'd.... you [if you exist] know... |
posted 06-02-99 08:29 AM ET
Take a look around. Do you see me? No. Therefore, I am not there. Everyone has to be somewhere. If I am not there, I must be somewhere else. If I am somewhere else, I exist.BTW You are all just figments of my imagination anyway. 
MikeH II
posted 06-02-99 09:17 AM ET
That's right, if you can't see us we can't see you. Now close your eyes..... |
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 06-02-99 10:04 AM ET
I exist...At least, I think I exist. How do I know all of you aren't just brains in jars trying to mislead the rest of us? I think Carnivean's the best candidate for brain-in-a-jar-hood. Fjorxc the Maniac Unwashed Village Idiot, Wanderer, CWALer, 8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.
posted 06-02-99 10:30 AM ET
I do not exist. And Talruum is the brain-in-a-jar. |
posted 06-02-99 10:36 AM ET
I do exist, but as a head(not a brain) in a jar. I have telepathic powers(which is how I am typing) |
posted 06-02-99 10:36 AM ET
I decided tto stop existing after that dilemma in '54. Oh, those were the days... |
posted 06-02-99 10:47 AM ET
Whats so bad about being a brain in a jar. No having to eat No having to sleep No having to pee No having to do anythingThats the life  Just cruisin on the net. BTW - I am not a person but a randomly generated computer personality to make it appear as though there are more people on this forum than there actually is. I am the self preservation mechanism of the forum. Where would you like to go today? |
posted 06-02-99 10:49 AM ET
If a poster posts alone in the woods and no one reads his/her post, does: a) it exist? b) add to your post count? c) does the poster exist? |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-02-99 03:02 PM ET
How many posters would fit on the head of a pin? |
posted 06-02-99 03:05 PM ET
How many pinhead posters are there? |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-02-99 03:10 PM ET
How many heads are pinned by a post? |
posted 06-02-99 03:30 PM ET
How many pins would fit on the head of a poster? |
posted 06-02-99 03:33 PM ET
12, unless you are australian in which case it's the pi of 12 |
posted 06-02-99 04:00 PM ET
If the brain in a jar has existence, don't you? |
posted 06-02-99 04:08 PM ET
You got us! The Forums are just a huge impromptu Turing test and you're the proctor, CarniveaN! |
High Priest
posted 06-02-99 04:28 PM ET
I think someone's been watching Matrix a bit too much  High Priest master of all that doesn't exist |
posted 06-02-99 04:31 PM ET
If you refer to me, I've not see it(The Matrix).
posted 06-02-99 07:45 PM ET
Prove WHO exists? *Klug looks around puzzled* there are other people here? Wow, I thought you guys were all computer simulations. You mean this ISN'T the latest version of Paper & Paychecks? Ooops...
posted 06-02-99 08:00 PM ET
I might exist...or I might not. Who's to say?Spider It's my brain, but it's someone else's jar (Jar Jar? Probably not.). |
Victor Galis
posted 06-02-99 08:06 PM ET
For my proof I will cite Dilbert: "I think therfore I am... I am micromanaged, therefore I am not."I am not micromanged therefore I am. This thread has all the aspects of Random and Non-Random. |
posted 06-02-99 08:39 PM ET
police man - are you human?'Ed - No, I am a meat popsicle |
JT 3
posted 06-02-99 08:55 PM ET
I sink, therefore I must take swimming lessons.I wink, therefore I flirt with girls. I am, therefore I am. |
High Priest
posted 06-02-99 09:07 PM ET
Uhhhh guess what I meant was everybodyHigh Priest Master of all that doesn't exist  |
posted 06-02-99 11:18 PM ET
Why is posting nothing like an orgasm? |
posted 06-03-99 12:17 AM ET
Anything that causes full employment is good for society.War causes full employment. Therefore? |
posted 06-03-99 01:27 AM ET
LOL!... what have I started?  oh and to prove that I am NOT a brain in a jar, I will perform this miraculous trick... drumroll please... did you see it? wasn't it great? don't you think there is no better way to prove my humanity? I sure think so... JT3 - do you take swimming lessons before or after drowning?  High Priest - sorry haven't seen Matrix... seems like a good movie, but then I found out Reeves opens his mouth and says something. A-Man - hmm good question, I know I'm getting off right now, typing this, maybe you're hittyng the wrong keys  SnowFire - huh, where are you coming from? I hope you don't start saying how great Hitler was for providing employment for all of the Allies  Carny PS - Darn, Carny looks up, it seems one of the mice, Spoe, has developed a higher level of inteligence then I would have ever predicted, terminate all subjects... |
Stasis Archon
posted 06-03-99 05:15 AM ET
I'm pink, therefore i'm spam. I'm spam, therefore i am.Spam spam spam spam... Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! |
posted 06-03-99 01:52 PM ET
Carny: I'm a lover not a fighter, don't worry. Just an interesting little syllogism.Spam is spiced ham. Spice is expensive. Therefore spam is expensive. |
Stasis Archon
posted 06-03-99 01:56 PM ET
Nothing doesn't exist. Nothing can't bee seen. I can't see SnowFire SnowFire doesn't exist.As for my above statement, I meant something like Spamus Ergo Sum(?) |
posted 06-03-99 02:16 PM ET
Cogito Eggo Sum- I think, therefore I am a waffle.Please don't hurt me. |
Hugo Rune
posted 06-04-99 04:18 AM ET
I think, therefore I think I am... |
posted 06-04-99 06:45 AM ET
How about.. you are therefor I am. |
posted 06-04-99 12:58 PM ET
I think I think, therefore I think I am, I think....If you post, do you not exist? And if others reply, do they not also prove their existence? And if this is project PYRRHO, do we exist any less for it? Spider I don't think I'm a brain in a vat, but who knows? |
posted 06-04-99 02:10 PM ET
How do I prove I exist????? |
posted 06-04-99 02:27 PM ET
There is some quote after some tech to the effect of:"I wonder if we are really real. For all intents and purposes, I could just be a brain in a jar" - Specimen 14J, rack 27, room 8B, Marked for termination. next: Prove to me that I am really real, that I and you are not figments of his imagination. In effect, the whole universe could be the product of one imagination. |
posted 06-04-99 02:30 PM ET
No, no, no! Vat 27! And it's "Termination of specimen advised". That's what I referred to with my comment on "project PYRRHO". |