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  Civil War: 2023

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Author Topic:   Civil War: 2023
President Korian posted 06-01-99 04:40 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian   Click Here to Email President Korian  
In the year 2012, European NATO, facing severe oil shortages, did the unthinkable, and declared war on the newly formed North American Alliance, composed of Canada, Mexico, and the US. The war was devasting to both sides.
The US, Canada, and Mexico all collapsed, and although the European nations held together, their alliance did not.
Who will you chose to be? A new superpower, trying to replace the US? Or a European nation, aiming to regain her lost colonies and start new ones?
I am President Korian of Pacifica, a democratic nation composed of Alaska, the Yukon, British Comombia, Oregon, Washington, California, Alberta, Nevada, Arizona, and Baja California.
We aim to provide a stable government and wealth for all our citizens.
1. No strategic city nuking, although EMP is allowed.
2. If you begin a project, i.e. tech, prototype, space station, you must announce begining and end.
3. No harming any person who is the leader of one of the nations in this board.
4. Each real day= 3 game months
5. Black Dragon is not allowed. JT, possibly.
6. No making a 3rd, NPC country attack any other country, PC or non, without the consensus of a majority of posters.
7. No making a revolt in a country unless the poster whose country it is has specifically said there is a disssident movement in his nation.
If you have any other rules, feel free to post them.
JT 3 posted 06-01-99 04:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
sigh.....the unfairness of it all......

I don't particularly see why I'm being half-kicked out... I mean, if there were four nations ganging up on you, wouldn't you join up with your ally?

Anyway, supposing Korian has a little heart....

Down south.....blah blah blah(I think you know the drill by now). The TF owns:

Northern Mexico(incl Mexico City)
New Mexico

We focus mainly on production and controling outer space. We would like a treaty with Pacifica.

PS: I'm sorry! I just like being Texas! I want production and outer space to be my goals, and it seems the TF is the only way to get it! I'm sorrrrryyyy!

PPS: To any newcomers, if you own the southeast, don't call it the Confederate States of America, it seems that you will be prejudiced.

JT 3 posted 06-01-99 04:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oops... I take back Nevada and Arizona, as I just saw Korian has it.
Victor Galis posted 06-01-99 05:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
I will lead the French Republic:

Name: Victor Galis
Title: President
History: Rose to power in 2019 under the banner of peace and end to a pointless conflict. In free elections he became president of France. Signed the peace deal with the North Americans for France.
Country Name: R�publique Francaise
Territories: France (1999 borders, plus colonies) and Quebec (1999 borders.)
History: In 2012, sent troops to the North American front, where they fought for seven long years. French forces came in originally to support the breakaway province of Quebec after its first successful "yes" referndum. Popular support in that region allowed the Europeans to maintain control of Quebec. Local nationalists continue to view France as the motherland. Other territorial gains were given up in the treaty to ensure peace and protect Quebec.
1. Revuild Quebec.
2. Ensure safety of Quebec.
3. Contain German agression.
4. Expand its territories for national security.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-01-99 05:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Okies, I'm bored... why not. I'll shamelessly rip off Victor's style for my own thing too.

Name: Fjorxc Daystar
Title: Archon
History: Was elected in 2021 over promises of restructuring, rebuilding, and the reunification of the continent under one government. Currently concerns himself with upgrading his military and industrial capacity.
Country Name: New Canadian Confederation
Territories: Ontario, Manitoba, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, North Dakota, South Dakota (all 1999 borders)
Current Capital: Lansing, Michigan

Whoops... I must go. Damn. I will complete this when I get back.

President Korian posted 06-01-99 05:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We accept the peace treaty with the TF and would like to propose one to the French Republic. We would also like an alliance with NCC. I would lastly like to tell you of the commencement of our space stations, the New Beginning. It is designed to hold 500,000, and should be completed in 1 year and a half. (OOC: Monday.)
JT 3 posted 06-01-99 06:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
We, too are building a space station to be launched from the resurrected space center of Houston. We found some plans from the old US government(no parts, just plans) and have made some changes. We expect it to be complete within two years.(OOC: Wednesday) It will hold 600,000 people and will be named Freedom.

We would also like to offer Pacifica a joint research project on the laser. We have made a breakthrough in this field, but have not refined it to be small enough to fit into anything smaller than a semi. We would have one lab in each of our countries. Please consider this offer.

Victor Galis posted 06-01-99 06:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The French Republic accepts the Pacifican offer for a treaty.

Also the French have begun a rapid laser improvement program. In 6 months (OOC: Thursday) we excpect to imporve 2023 laser technology to the point where we can shoot down ICBMs with them.

Date is currently: Spring 2023 (OOC: Tuesday)

President Korian posted 06-01-99 06:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We accept the TF offer. Let both our militaries be strong enough to destroy any aggresion.
President Korian posted 06-01-99 08:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Any ideas for a OOC-orchestrated war, or should we wait for things to take their natural course?
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-01-99 09:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
The New Canadian Confederation accepts Pacifica's invitation for alliance. But as for the Texan Federation, the NCC will continue to maintain the military installations along the border, especially the one between Illinois and Missouri.

Our scientists are currently working on restoring several powered armor prototypes from the early 2020's and putting them into production. This should be complete by Spring 2024 (OOC: Friday). In the meantime, we will continue to use the inferior types which we have already put into service. Laser hand weapons are also in development, and should be done by Winter 2024 (OOC: Monday).

I would also ask the R�publique Francaise for an alliance. We share a common border, and only a few decades ago, your province of Quebec was a part of our country. Such an alliance can only make things for the better.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Sheng Ji Yang posted 06-01-99 11:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sheng Ji Yang    
I would also like to participate. I claim the Anglo-Saxon Federation

Name: Lihcruhc Notsniw
Title: Comrade
Personal History: Was elected in 2018, but then dissolved the House of Commons and Lords, appointed military officers in all Judicial positions of power, and basically made himself dictator.
Personal Objectives:
1. Remain in Power (duh!)
2. Keep riots/revolution movements at bay
3. Convince citizens that I better than an elected leader ever could be. (I�m the smartest man in the nation, and if I was only Prime Minister I couldn�t enforce my �wisdom� effectively)
Country Name: Anglo-Saxon Federation
National History: Was the coordinating force in the European NATO force, and as a result was able to keep the appearance that they were contributing to the war effort when in fact they did very little. This has left us as rather undamaged after this war that was so devastating to others.
National Objectives:
1. Protect national borders
2. Encourage and heavily fund research with military and industrial application
3. Establish military and economic treaties with as many other powers as possible.
The UK and Ireland

Picker posted 06-01-99 11:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
We have two in this style, why not three?

Name: Denny Pick(Picker to my friends)
Title: Kal(I couldn't resist it)
History: A software developer who eventually gained enough cash to buy his own mercenary army. After the fall of Nato I announced my intention to remake Europe in a more citizen oriented way. Gained the peoples support and has become Kal of the Shu dynasty(a dictatorship)
Territories: Germany, Checkoslovakia(I know thats wrong, but hell I never said I could spell), and Austria.

I would offer a peace to treaty to Victor Galis(the one the only da da dum) and an alliance to Sheng Ji Yang.

P.S. Dictatorship may sound bad and Kal(it's from a series of books by david eddings, means king and god) may sound worse but I'm really good to the people.

CarniveaN posted 06-02-99 02:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CarniveaN  Click Here to Email CarniveaN     
Carny takes controll of Nunavut.

Name of Empire: Nunavut
Leader: Carny the (insert inspirational word here i.e. great, fearless, prophetic etc)
Title: dictator/ to foreignners, democratic leader
Territory contolled: Nunavut.
Goals/Aspirations: none, happily living in igloos, and icefishing, and drinking Molson Canadian (mental note: negotiate beer trade pact with Kal of the Shu, for some of that C Z E C H O S L O V A K I A N fine beer)... perhaps will entice the native peoples' to uprise their dictators and join whatever cause i make up.

current news: CNN has learned that democratic leader Carny the allmighty may be behind the recent mlitary actions of ethnic clensing in Nunavut. Appearantly a rumor is going around that air strikes will begin soon.


Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-02-99 09:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
The New Canadian Confederation proposes a peace treaty towards Nunavut and its august leader Carny the Uber-Something. I would say more, but I have nothing to say.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Victor Galis posted 06-02-99 04:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
(OOC: What happened to the British monarch?)

The French agree to the NCC's alliance offer. They also agree to the Kal's proposal to a peace treaty. We propose a Free Trade agreement with the Texans and Pacifica.

To NCC: We will begin sharing our research data with you. I hope you will reciprocate.

Our laser program has 3 months left. (OOC: I will stress these lasers are no good for actual combat, but only against large incomming missiles (and possibly bombers). They are designed to be space-based.)
At the completion of that program, we will start a 3 month program to adapt our lasers for ground batteries to use (still only missiles and large flying targets).

The French Republic has moved troops for the Hull area and its NCC border to its border with New Brunswick. Some small potentionally invasionary forces were seen in the Hudson Bay.

We have begun a 1.25 year project to upgrade our small space station (100 people) (built in 2009-2012) to a much larger (though unarmed and unarmored space station for half a million people.)

Date is: Summer 2023

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-02-99 05:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
The New Canadian Confederation accepts the offer of the R�publique Francaise to share our technology. We were, in fact, considering to propose the same deal to you. Information on space sciences and technology would be much appreciated, as our space program is severely lacking in comparison to the other nations. We would also like to negotiate an agreement making the St. Lawrence an international waterway, allowing the NCC's Great Lakes Fleet access to the Atlantic.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

President Korian posted 06-02-99 06:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We accept the trade pact with the French Republic. I would also like to propose the foundation of the Coalition of Free Societies, composed of my factions, the French Republic, and the NCC. We would aid each other militarily if attacked and if all 3 members agree on a attack against another nation, they will all declare war on that nation. This alliance would also include a trade pact and research treaty. Since all 3 of our nations seem to be concenrating on space, we would also like to include space cooperation in the CFS.
Victor Galis posted 06-02-99 07:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Pacifica: We agree to the CFS.

NCC: the St. Lawrence wil now be an international seaway open to all nations except those at war with the French or our allies. Also, you have the Hundson for access to the Atlantic. I suggest we begin on naval bases on the Hudson.

The French have begun a 1 year project to create a massive seabase at Waskaganish on the Hudson. In addition a 1 year project to link the river that Waskaganish is on to the Ottawa River has been started.

To NCC and Pacifica: I suggest an open border pact. This would allow any one from one of these countries pass to the others as if they were passing to another state within that nation. All three nations would have inspectors at the outer borders of this region checking anyone comming within the region. All flights from one French, NCC, or Pacifican city to another would qualify as domestic. (i.e. Paris to Toronto would be a domestic flight, as would Vancouver to Montreal.) this agreement could be called the Hull Treaty (as I propse our representatives meet in Hull, Quebec to sign it.)

The French have sent out ambassadors to all nations with which they have peace treaties. From now on this action will be implied every time we sign a new treaty.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-02-99 07:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
To President Korian and Pacifica:
The NCC agrees to your CFS proposal. As I've said before, our space program is lacking, and this could be just the thing to boost it up.

RF: We thank you internationalization of the St. Lawrence. It's simply a matter of location and industries-- most of our population and shipyards are located around the Great Lakes. Meanwhile, the Hudson Bay area is relatively unpopulated, and the bay itself is predominately ice-covered for approximately half the year, and icebreakers for an extended Hudson Bay fleet would be prohibitive to maintain.

We also agree to the Free Border Policy thing.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Picker posted 06-02-99 10:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
We have begun research on cold fusion. I hope to have the first working cold fusion reactor in 1 1/2 years(OOC: tuesday) although this might be overly optimistic. I have also made a minor change in the school curriculum. I have made a mandatory 1 year course in military training. I am hoping that this will make it easier to defend our territory (OOC: these people are defensive reserves, I will not draft people to fight a war on another nations soil). I am also hoping this will boost the militaries recruitment.

OOC: How does attacking an NPC country work, cause I would like to expand east eventually.

P.S. Carny, what do you want with Czechoslovokian beer, you control part of the country with the best beer in the world.

President Korian posted 06-03-99 03:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
French Republic: We agree to the open border pact, and we are sending our ambassadors to Hull now.
NCC: If you provide us with the minerals we will teach yor space-engineers how to create space stations and we are willing to further help you in the process.
OOC: Picker, I think 3 European nations is enough.
Picker posted 06-03-99 03:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: I'm not saying right away, but eventually I will want to expand(that's probably 20 years away from now, game time obviously), I'm just curious how that would work. Also I am curious about multiple research topics. Cause in real life governments frequently do research multiple things.
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-03-99 04:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Pacifica: We appreciate your offer. We have plenty of raw minerals in the Canadian Shield that could be put to good use for this.

In addition, I am constructing several forts along the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border, as there are plans to annex this as-yet unreclaimed province. They should be completed with the first divisions of troops arriving in Winter 2023.

Current date is: Autumn 2023

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Victor Galis posted 06-03-99 05:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The French announce their first breakthrough! Space based lasers can now shoot down incomming ICBMs (launched from over 1000 km away from the target).

The satellites to carry these lasers into orbit will be completed as part of a 1 year project (OOC: Monday.)

Date is: Autumn 2023

President Korian posted 06-03-99 05:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Picker: Multiple research projects would be fine. I still think that you should be limited to 3 European countries because even with those 3 you are the nation with the highest population. If you had any more it would give you an unfair advantage.

IC: NCC: We predict that if you wish, you would be able to begin construction of a space station in 9 months. (OOC: Saturday.)

El Presidente posted 06-03-99 07:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
I hope you don't mind me joining the game. I claim the Southern Seas Trade Association as my domain.

Leader: Secritary General Nicolas

Territory: Antarctica, where there are four million people spread over 20 or so subterrainian ice mining bases. These bases are made possible because it is cheaper for a country to buy water from use then build expensive desalinization and treatment plants. We also have the Falklands, Bouvet, Prince Edward Island, McDonald Island, and Macquarie (all are islands or island groups relativly close to Antartica).

Treaties: We have water deals with Saharan Africa, India, and the former American West. There is an open offer to export ice to any country, which can raise the standard of living and end a water crisis.

Research has been started on advanced small squad tactics at Freezing Point Military Academy. We would like to license the French Republic's laser technology for use in Heavy Laser Drills. These drills will speed water collection, base expansion, and allow mining the shallowest of Antarctica's seas.


Become a water monopoly.

Discouage reasearch into desalinization, teatment, and water conservation.

Expand into the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia Island, once territory of the UK and now stubbornly held onto by the Anglo-Saxon Federation.

Spider posted 06-03-99 07:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
I'm here, I'm a bit late, and I'm Emperor Spider of the ASE (Atlantic Submarine Empire). I have mobile bases near the major subsea faultlines, and plan to disrupt the SSTA's water monopoly, as we can purify all the water we need, and more! We have all we need, thank you, but we will only go to war with the SSTA over water sale rights.

Emperor Spider

President Korian posted 06-03-99 08:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We would like an alliance with the ASE. We also wish to prevent the SEAS from gaining a water monopoly.
Picker posted 06-04-99 12:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
ASE: I would like to have an alliance with you.

SSTA: I offer you a peace treaty.

FR: I would like to get your laser technology. Perhaps I could give you a new technological advancement in return, when my scientists come up with something(OOC: Cold Fusion perhaps?).

I have finally incorporated the armies of my four countries into one fighting force.

We have 1 million infantry, 300,000 tanks, 100,000 artillery, and 500,000 mobile attack units(OOC: Jeeps, trucks and such).
We have 50,000 destroyers, in our navy as well as 30,000 submarines(20,000 hunters, and 10,000 missile) and 7,500 aircraft carriers.
Our airforce consists of 500,000 fighters and 100,000 bombers.

We have begun to research VR in a hope to make our military sims so realistic that our army will not only be well trained but experienced as well. We hope to have VR implant tech researched within 1.5 years(OOC: Wednesday).

I would like to propose a treaty banning the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

Spider posted 06-04-99 12:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To Pres. Korian: An alliance would be valuable. I greet you as an ally, and will provide all the purified water you need free of charge.
To the World Public: The free water deal was a one-time bonus, and will not be repeated (unless the SSTA cuts prices so much that anyone competing with them has to give away water to stay ahead).
To Kal Denny Pick: I both accept the alliance and support the treaty.

Messages originating from:
Emperor Spider of the ASE

El Presidente posted 06-04-99 01:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Picker: The SSTA accepts your offered peace treaty. We also offer you a trade agreement of water for metals needed for the expansion of our mining bases. We cannot sign a treaty banning chemical and biological weapons as they are essential to the defence of our nation. We would consider signing a ban on nuclear weapons, however.

Spider: (OOC, how many bases do you have and where are they located? It's a really big ocean.)

The ASE's desire to disrupt our water export through economic means is harmless as mined water is costs approximatly %85 less then distilled. If you resort to piracy we will treat it as a declaration of war.

In other news, rumors of an internal power struggle in the SSTA have been denied by the secretary general. The Intelligence Department will now be under Nicolas's direct control until the missing Minister is found.

El Presidente posted 06-04-99 01:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
(OOC, sorry Spider, I didn't see your last post. I didn't think you were serious about compeating with our water. I guess we should set prices as my water costing %85 less as I stated seems a bit unbalenced)
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-04-99 09:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     

Picker, I'm just kind of curious, how exactly do you maintain your military? A modern US CVN costs somewhere in the area of aboot fifty billion dollars (correct me if I'm wrong), and a sub costs a few billion as well. Not to mention the costs of missiles, repairs, fuel, and the training of the crews, paychecks, feeding, et cetera. How can you afford this? In addition-- where would you be able to port a fleet numbering 87,500 units? And an air force of six hundred thousand... how many airfields do you have? Where do you keep all these things? Where does the crew for them come? You'd need several million people in your military just to crew these things, and that's not to mention logistical support and other things. I just think that having an army that size is extreme overkill. Plus, why would you maintain a military of that incredible size unless you intend to conquer most of the universe?

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Spider posted 06-04-99 11:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the SSTA: My bases are mobile, and we have one or two per faultline, plus the additional five along each tectonic boundary. Our water is not distilled, so it will always cost less. I really don't think you comprehend the depths we live at. To give you a hint, our bases are designed to primarily crawl along the abyssal plains. That help?

Emperor Spider of the ASE

Imran Siddiqui posted 06-04-99 02:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
The depression hit hard in Italy and Spain. The time was ripe the leader said. He sent the word to Spain, and began to build up his accumulated forces. In two hours they'd march on Rome.

The men went in there lines, dressed in stunning black uniforms, supported by the workers. Word came from Spain that their allies had taken over Madrid and had gained control of Spain. Now it was there turn. Rome would be theirs.

The people followed the troops and the Rome government knew that they were coming. The people revolted in the streets and the black-shirted army walked right into the heart of Rome. With people revolting to support them, the army walked into the Parliament, with their guns out. With the army were prominent Italian generals, who fought WW3 with honor. They now turned on their government. The Parlimentarians were forced to sign the treaty.

Imran Siddiqui was now the leader of Italy, and Spain, if the reports were true. He walked into the Vatican with his troops and climbed up to the podium where the Pope usually delivered his sermons (the Pope fled when the army arrived).

"My people we have triumphed! Capitalism has failed us, and we must rectify the lie we have been living for years! The government has been making life safe for the elites, while the True Italians are being forced down! My people, we have also taken Italy in our revolutionary struggle, and Portugal has capitulated to us as well. May the Fascist Republic live forever!"

New Rome

Name: Imran Siddiqui
Title: Il Duce
Territories: Italy (1999 borders), Spain (1999 borders), and Portugal (1999 borders.)
Capital: Rome
1. Rebuild Italy and Spain's economies.
2. Build up the military
3. Establish the first True Fascist State
-unify the people
-abolish capitalism and begin state run economy
-abolish all other parties
4. Expand territories for national security and resources

Imran Siddiqui

Spider posted 06-04-99 02:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To New Rome: Greetings from the ASE. We offer a non-aggression pact, and (if needed) water, for a lower price than the SSTA sells it at.

Emperor Spider of the ASE

President Korian posted 06-04-99 03:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Some new rules, since it seems neccessary:
8. The population of all countries is about the same, due the 3rd World War and severl plagues.
9. There need to be some limits on sizes of armies. Perhaps a maximum of 500,000 men in each branch during peace? That's more than the US had, so it should be plenty. Not sure about war, since many countries have a reserve, citizens' army.
IC: New Rome: We wish for a non-agression pact with your nation. If you have any dissidents you feel the need to "dispose" of, my country would be happy to provide for them instead of you killing them. We also warn you to not try to unite your territories by attacking the French Republic, for we will not hesitate in attacking your empire.
Talon posted 06-04-99 03:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Hi, i'm back from a long absence. What happened to the old Civil war thread? Also what places are left? Can you join someones Country as a general or do you have to be a leader.

former GLA leader

President Korian posted 06-04-99 04:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Well, Talon, I decided to start a new Civil War thread without BD. Your thread isn't dead or anything, it's just I started a new one.
Land Taken in North America: Alaska, the Yukon, British Comombia, Oregon, Washington, California, Alberta, Nevada, Arizona, Baja California, Northern Mexico(incl Mexico City,)Nevada,Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nunavut.

Territory claimed in Europe: France, The UK and Ireland, Germany, Checkoslovakia, Spain,Austria, Italy, and Portugal.
Other: Antarctica
All territory in Africa, South America, Asia, and Australia is open.
I suppose if someone wanted you to join their faction as a general or something you could.

Talon posted 06-04-99 04:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Thanks Korian
Seeing that individually the south was weak they formed a new country. Under the leadership of Overseer Talon, The Southern United Republic(SUR) is formed.

Name:Talon Shrekk
Country:Southern United Republic(SUR)
History:Former Secretary of State, Talon from Richmond, Virginia gained popoular support from the southern states with his policy of a better life for all, and the reunification of the old USA.
Territories:Kentucky, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennesee,N+SCarolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Bermuda, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, D.C.

President Korian posted 06-04-99 04:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Sorry Talon, but it looks like I missed stating that Kentucky was already claimed. My fault. The rest of your territory is fine.
IC: We would like to offer a non-agression treaty to the SUR. I also would like a trade pact.
Victor Galis posted 06-04-99 05:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: "We have 1 million infantry, 300,000 tanks, 100,000 artillery, and 500,000 mobile attack units(OOC: Jeeps, trucks and such).
We have 50,000 destroyers, in our navy as well as 30,000 submarines(20,000 hunters, and 10,000 missile) and 7,500 aircraft carriers.
Our airforce consists of 500,000 fighters and 100,000 bombers."

-Yeah right.

IC: We offer the SUR a peace treaty and a free trade pact. A agree to the exchange of the laser for Cold Fusion.

A large group of French air force and navy personnel landed on Prince Edward Island (the one in the Mouth of the St. Lawrence.) Settlers accomplnying these forces pointed out that they outnumber the natives 2 to 1. The new colonists demanded union with France immediatly. The locals called this an invasion, but were defeated in the Referndum. The island is now known as Isle du Prince Edouard.

Rapid construction of a naval and air base has begun on IPE, and the naval/ airforce personnel will man the base when it is complete in 1.5 years (OOC: Thursday.)

We propose the New Romans a peace treaty.

Date is: Winter 2023

El Presidente posted 06-04-99 06:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
SSTA research into advanced small squad tactics has been completed. 10% of the 12,000 member South Seas Armed Forces has been re-organized into small special forces squads under the control of the Secretary General. Frozen Point Military Academy has begun research on applied terror tactics such as bombings, chemical and biological attacks on civilians, and assassination. Such general research is expected to take at least a year to complete.

State labs have begun a laser program emulating that of the French with intent to use these advanced lasers for construction an drilling. This is expected to take 3 months more then the French's own research as the SSTA has less resources at it's disposal.

SSTA plans have been hindered in the past by Antarctica's small population(4 million on the mainland, 750,000 on the islands). To remedy this the government has launched an advertising campaign to increase immigration. The ads promise a work to all immigrants, as well as government provided food, water, and housing. 2 million new citizens are expected within a year, and two million more in a year and a half.

Spider: OOC, I'd like to know how many bases you have as well as your total population. If your water isn't distilled, does that mean you're selling salt water?

Spider posted 06-04-99 07:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the SSTA: You idiot! Our water is not distilled; you obviously didn't read my previous post to you, or you wold have known that 1) I clearly stated the base counts per fault and per plate boundary, you can look those up on a chart; and 2) My bases are deep enough that distillation is unnecessary. I use micro-porous membranes to purify the water for consumption and use at no cost to me or to the outside world if you force me to set my prices that low.

Emperor Spider of the ASE

Victor Galis posted 06-04-99 08:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: Aren't Na+ ions smaller than H2O molecules, or am I forgetting my Chemistry already?
El Presidente posted 06-04-99 08:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Spider: OOC, I did indeed read your previous post. I'm asking you to tell me the number and population of your bases because I don't know the number of fault lines or tectonic boundaries and am unaware of where I can learn this. I was also unaware of the condition of seawater at the depths you say your bases are. You state that you can provide water at no cost, but I think it would be quite expensive to maintain bases and machinery strong enough to withstand the high pressures on the ocean floor as well as a fleet of submarines to act as a transport network. I would like you to take the time to describe your nation in more detail, as most of the information provided is quite vauge.
El Presidente posted 06-04-99 08:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Forgot to add this in my last post.
Spider, would you send me your e-mail adress? If we are going to have a discussion (read: argument)about this I'd rather do as little as possible on this board. You can reach me at [email protected]

Victor: You would know more about chemistry then I would, but if you're right then spider's micro-porous membranes might have a serious (fatal?) flaw.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-04-99 08:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
After much deliberation, the Central Parliament of the New Canadian Confederation has unanimously voted to condemn the French Republic's invasion of Prince Edward Island. And I do mean invasion. Your settlers had no right to be there, and you had even less right to displace the natives. Whatever claim the French ever had to PEI, however tenuous as it ever was, has been lost to the mists of history. In addition, the NCC demands that you cease construction of any and all military bases in the region, evacuate any and all French military personnel, and surrender your claims to PEI. For that is all that they are. Claims. I intend to reunify Canada, sir, and I will not stand for your blatant lack of decency in these dealings. Remove your forces NOW or suffer the consequences. Even now, New Canadian troops with the just-recently deployed Vanguard powered armor are taking up positions on the Ontario-Quebec border, and the Great Lakes fleet is either preparing to sail or is already at sea. President Galis, I beg you to reconsider your actions and withdraw from Prince Edward Island immediately. I would hate to see your shining jewel of Quebec be pummeled into dust.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Victor Galis posted 06-04-99 08:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
TO NCC: I should hate to think that our relations are this fragile that you should threaten us, but even as we speak, our armored columns are collecting to defend the city of Hull. We will temporarily stop the building of any facilities on l'IPE, but we will not remove our colonists. They have a right to emigrate anywhere. If you want the island you will have to purchase it from us. I suggest you back down before any blood is shed.

The St. lawrence is closed to all NCC ships until the situation is resolved. All locks on the St. Lawrence will be self-destructed before they would be surrendered.

France has asked that Pacifica mediate in this situation, meanwhile French forces in Quebec will mobilize defensively. More troops are being brought over by plane and transport.

Spider posted 06-04-99 09:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To those doubting my claims: Who says I can't use more than one membrane? Referring to the costs, I also get minerals with the water and salt. Referring to the matter of transport network, I use remote probes for materials transfer. Bases: Assume two main tectonic boundaries, and about four other colonized faults, @ 1-2 bases/fault, plus 4-5 add'l bases for tectonic boundaries. ABP=3 or 4, using the Civ2 method (ABP: Average Base Population), + 2 or 3 for capitol. That answer your questions?

Emperor Spider of the ASE
BTW: I can be reached at [email protected]

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-04-99 09:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
To the French Republic:

I have no problems aboot the presence of your colonists on Prince Edward Island. What I do have a problem with, however, is the blatant disregard of the rights of the Islanders. I see many problems with several thousand French colonists marching onto a foreign shore and declaring it part of their empire, regardless of the wishes of the natives. I was under the impression that we left these attitudes behind us in the seventeenth century. Ah well, I guess some nations never do change.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Victor Galis posted 06-04-99 10:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The island is of strategic value, should a hostile foreign power gain control of it, it could cut off Quebec from France; again we will sell it to you for a token fee, but we will not surrender it to where anyone can simply do the same thing we did.
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-04-99 10:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Well, since you seem to be set in your ways, I guess there's no reasoning with you. Nevertheless, I remain committed to the liberation (yes, liberation) of the Islanders.

But bear this in mind, President Victor. If a war is to come, I will not start it. I will merely finish it.

President Korian posted 06-04-99 10:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I was intending to mediate this situation even before you requested it, President Galis. First, I would like to ask the NCC and the French Republic to demobilize their forces, so no "accidents" occur. I think we have 2 choices in this situation.

1. The island is allowed to govern itself in internal affairs and in trade, although the French Republic is granted exclusive rights to military posts on the island.
2. The island is jointly administered by the 3 nations of the CFS.
NCC: While we recognize your Canadian patriotism, we suggest you direct your patriotism towards behind the New Canada, and not the old. It would be impossible to unite the old Canada without declaring war on both me and the French. What you have has already far surpassed the old Canada in every measurable statistic.

Victor Galis posted 06-04-99 10:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
I would much more rather take option 1 than 2. I am even willing to conceede the military posts, as long as the island is in friendly hands (mine or Pacifican or NCC(the latter two as a join administration)).

To NCC: Noble words from someone that was about to do the same to Saskatchewan. Come, you can not truly be for Canadian unity if your capital is Lansing, Michigan, former USA. Were I truly nationalistic I should demand the Ohio valley, but I won't.

Picker posted 06-04-99 11:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: You're right. After looking at it again my army seems a little excessive. I just figured 4% of my pop could possibly be in the army(considering they seem to be more militaristic nations). I then said 2 in a jeep or truck, 5 in a tank, 2 in a jet, 5 in a bomber, and I think 50 in my ships. However, I was thinking we should have two caps, a % pop. cap, and a standard cap, and you use whichever is lowest. I will recalculate my army for the next thread.

IC: As a side benefit(?) to our research into VR my scientists have found a new way and to distort guitar chords, giving a much greater range to the music.(OOC: If this is ok. I don't think it would matter cause it isn't doing nothing special, I just thought it would be a nice addition, besides I would like such a thing myself, since I play guitar).

NR: I offer your nation an alliance.

SUR: I would extend a peace treaty to your nation.

Zekkei posted 06-05-99 04:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
In the last world war, Australia tried to remain impartial, considering both sides to be friends. This attitude however, resulted in both sides asking Australia to aid their cause in the war, and assist by providing military bases etc. (assistance from Australia being possible due it no longer being a hopeless apathetic nation by that time). Australia, torn between the two, couldn't comply with either, and ended up twiddling it's collective thumbs. Both sides by this time were desperate not to let the other have an advantage, and decided that Australia could not be swayed over in time, thus, within a few months, nukes were launched by both sides,causing vast tracts of Australia to become radioactive wasteland. The whole coast of Australia is now uninhabitable, and unreclaimable with current levels of technology (and will remain like that for several hundred years).
However, prior to the nukes, a program had begun in Australia's interior to lower the land level, and create a narrow channel to the South China Sea, thus recreating the inland sea that Australia once had. In the early days of the war, this program was completed, and the sea populated with marine life. The land around the sea was then forested, and settlements set up around the sea, and in it. Nearing the middle of the war, the interior of Australia became a lush fertile place with a fairly high rainfall resulting from the nearby body of water and the forests and the fact that any water evaporating found it near impossible to escape the interior of Australia. This cycle also kept the salinity in the sea to a reasonable level.
After the accident, while the coast of Australia had been rendered dead and lifeless (due to the fact that only the major cities had been targeted, and there were no major cities in the interior at that time), the interior still remained untouched, though some areas mutated considerably due to the radiation from the blasts. The interior is now governed by 6 people (these people being the heads of the various sections of the inner sea program who came into power after the rest of the country was nuked), of which Zekkei is the head. The level of enmity this council holds towards Europe and America reaches almost fanatical levels, but, being reasonable people, may be persuaded, after a long time, to calm down a little.

Name: Zekkei
Title: High counciler
History: see above
Country name: Australia
Territories: the interior of Australia
1.Make sure that Australia is never made use of for others gains again.
2.Continue with research begun before the war
none, the council has no centralised headquarters, but operates in whatever area is neccessary or convenient at the time.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-05-99 09:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Okay then.

First, dealing with the Saskatchewan point. Yes, there were plans afoot to try and bring it into the NCC. This would not, however, had gone in any similar way to the French invasion of Prince Edward Island. Where I come from, it's not very nice to drop a few thousand colonists on the shore and claim you own the place. By that logic, I could have twelve million of my people step over the Quebec border and claim that since they outnumber Quebec's population, Quebec is instantly part of the NCC. But I digress.

And as for the capital. The only reason for choosing Lansing was its already existing governmental infrastructure and its relative invulnerablility. Toronto and Chicago were also candidates for the capital, but they were both rejected for being too close to what one day could be a hostile border.

I also agree with the options presented by Pacifica. All I ask is that the Islanders have some say in what governs them, rather than be subject to a bunch of colonists walking onto the beaches and claiming this shore for the President.

OOC: I admit the only reason I did this was to make stuff a little more intresting. Plus, I was getting kinda bored, and I actually did get kinda angry at what Victor did. Go figure.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Picker posted 06-05-99 05:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Zekkei: I apologize to you and your people for the hasty decision of those who preceded me. But know that I did not and do not condone their actions. They have paid for what they have done. I would seek an alliance with you and yours and perhaps together we can find a way to restore the once beautiful coastline of Australia.

OOC: By the way, what happened to all the extreamely poisonous snakes that inhabited the interior of Australia?

Imran Siddiqui posted 06-05-99 06:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
New Rome accepts all offers of peace!

New Rome today has begun a massive conscription campaign to protect our borders from those who would harm us.

That is all.

Imran Siddiqui

Talon posted 06-05-99 08:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
All offers of peace and/or trade pacts have been accepted. The SUR withdraws its claims on Kentucky.

An alliance with the TF has been requested. Also a research alliance offer has been sent to the French Republic.

An expirimental aircraft design that was in the works for 20 years by the former USA government has been analyzed by SUR scientists. This design boasts a complete cloaking system which can remain operable for up to 10 hours until its charge is used up. A breakthrough has enabled us to start manufacturing them in 6 months while a prototype is built.

El Presidente posted 06-05-99 08:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Talon: Is the cloaking system just a radar evasion system or some sort of star trekish folding the fourth dimension style cloaking device? If its the later, it might take a wee bit longer then 6 months to get working...
Picker posted 06-06-99 12:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
NR: And my offer of alliance?
Zekkei posted 06-06-99 12:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
Picker - we are currently in the process of considering whether or not we should consider your offer.

OOC - those extremely poisonous snakes were all drowned, as were several other species, but the advantages of having an inland sea were considered to outweigh the disadvantages, like the loss of the aforementioned poisonous snakes. However, since it was largely desert, these losses were kept to a minimum. Also, some effort was made to relocate various species to the remaining desert in Australia. Unfortunately, most of those areas are heavily contaminated with radioactive fallout.. and who knows what's happened to those venomous snakes now..

Research continues into terraforming and meteorology. Sattelites contributing to this research will be completed and launched 1 year, having already passed the design stage. (OOC - Thursday)
Research into genetics (as concern about the effects of nuclear fallout increases) has begun, but it is unclear when any breakthroughs in this area will be made.

Picker posted 06-06-99 12:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Zekkei: If this might help in your consideration of an alliance, I would like to point out that I proposed a world wide treaty banning the use of nuclear weapons, as well a biological and chemical ones. Although so far I have been ignored. Also I do not use such weapons in war.
El Presidente posted 06-06-99 01:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
I thought I'd make a list of countries, their rulers, and their territories. I got tired of scrolling up to see who has what acronym so I could follow the diplomacy. If I make a mistake feel free to amend it.


Leader: President Korian

Territories: Alaska, the Yukon, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, California, Alberta, Nevada, Arizona, and Baja California.


Leader: JT3

Territories: Northern Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas

French Republic

Leader: President Victor Galis

Territories: France and its colonies, Quebec

New Canadian Confederation

Leader: Archon Fjorxc Daystar

Territories: Ontario, Manitoba, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, North Dakota, South Dakota

Stated Capital: Lansing, Michigan

Anglo-Saxon Federation

Leader: Comrade Lihcruhc Notsniw

Territories: UK and Ireland

Stated Capital: London

Picker's place (name not stated in post)

Leader: Kal Denny Pick

Territories: Germany, Checkoslovakia, Austria


Leader: Dictator Carney the Great

Territories: Nunavut

South Seas Trade Association

Leader: Secretary General Nicolas

Territories: Antarctica, Falklands, Bouvet, Prince Edward Island, McDonald Island, Macquarie.

Atlantic Submarine Empire

Leader: Emperor Spider

Territories: 18 mobile bases on the Atlantic sea floor. Relics of American ocean mining attempts and UN population relief through submerged arcologies.

New Rome

Leader: Il Duce Imran Siddiqui

Territories: Italy, Spain, and Portugal

Stated Capital: Rome

Picker posted 06-06-99 01:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: Sure I named my empire. It's the Shu dynasty.
Talon posted 06-06-99 09:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Oops missed me.

Southern United Republic

Leader:Overseer Talon Shrekk

Territories:Maryland, West Virginia, Viginia, Tennesee, N+S Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Wash. DC, Bahamas and Virgin Islands

It's a new kind of cloak. All top-secret though
I said it was in development for 20 years, with a breakthrough coming in possibly 6 months. I'll try to make it more acceptable.
SUR scientists have managed to find the 75% complete plans for a cloaker in recordsin Washington DC. Chief Scientist Harold Swift has reported that a breakthrough should be reached in 6 months.

Victor Galis posted 06-06-99 10:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The French miltary personnel off PEI were withdraw along wioth most of the colonists (some remained because they wanted to, not gvernment orders.) The island has been made a territory (no say in Nation Assembly), but mostly self-governing (like Puetro Rico in 1999 and before).

The French have begun a year of research for improvements on the satelites. These should raise the chance of hitting a missile from 25% to 99.9%, and the number of shots per satellite (on a full battery) from 200 to 500. The recharge time is expected to fall from 30 minutes per shot to approx. 17.6 mins/shot. This program also includes the upgrading of said satelites.

We accept the SUR's research alliance. (We are sending plans for orbital lasers now.)

Our space station program has been modified (and extended by 2 years). The station will not house more people, but be armed with missiles, chaff rockets, a nuke or two, and lasers (like the satellites, except they can be used as a defnsive weapon against an attack (since we don't have to allow for athmosperic conditions, and our targets are bigger.)).

Date: Summer 2024

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-06-99 11:44 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Thank you, President Victor. I'm currently demobilizing my military forces along the Ontario-Quebec border and moving them into interior bases.

In addition, the NCC is currently working on building an Atlantic Fleet, operating mainly oot of Philadelphia and New York. The first major ships should be completed by the spring of 2025 (OCC: Wednesday). Until then, patrol boats and other small, easily constructed ships will be used.

I would also like to offer the SSTA a peace treaty and a trade treaty as well.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-06-99 01:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
BTW, I think I'll make a Civ2 scenario oot of this. It'd be rather intresting, I think.
El Presidente posted 06-06-99 01:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
OOC: Sorry, Talon. I don't know how I missed that.

The SSTA has spoken out against Imran Siddiqui's new facist state in Europe.
The Secretary General denounces the government and its forced military service as a brutal throwback to the previous century and demands a return to democratic rule. Nicolas does, however, support Imran's policy of making the pope run like a scared bunny. Plans of arming opposition groups are being discussed in Assembly.

A Indian defence contracter has won a contract to build 9 Ultra-Light destroyers for the SSTA Navy. These new ships will be fast and heavily automated, but only lightly armed. The Assembly has promised to order at least 20 more if the original ships are finished within a year. There have also been talks of building a new type of firearm for issue to all SSTA armed forces.

Picker posted 06-06-99 02:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
He's doing that sort of stuff, damn.

NR: I withdraw my offer of alliance. I will not allow you to terrorise your own people.

SSTA: I support your actions with respect to the NR.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-06-99 03:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
The New Canadian Confederation joins the SSTA in condeming the evil fascist government of Imran Siddiqui. In fact, we are currently considering freezing all trade with New Rome, as miniscule as it already is (sort of a "screw you for your stupid government"). I also propose an alliance with the SSTA and Pickerland (OOC: Sorry, I forgot the name of your nation, and Pickerland just sounds so... odd.) to deal with the New Rome situation, possibly including arming freedom fighter groups or even a blockade and/or seizure of Spain and Portugal.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Victor Galis posted 06-06-99 05:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
French forces on the NCC border demilitarize and are returned to their home bases.

Construction has begun on a Hudson Bay fleet. It will consist of ice-breakers, freighters, Anti-submarine ships, an aircraft carrier, and some smaller warships, along with a few submarines.

Invasionary troops on the Hudson will demilitarize, and assurance made to the citizens of the NW territories that no attack will be made.

Philip McCauley posted 06-06-99 09:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
To all governments of the planet Earth: We announce the formation of the Lunar State. The orignal two colonies attempted in secret by the North American Alliance in 2010 have prospered greatly as Earth fell into war and confusion. Our population now exists in several self-sufficient cities, connected via underground tunnels, on both the Sun and Night sides of the moon.
We now annex the entire moon and surrounding fifty thousand miles of space in any direction. We also reserve the right to annex any asteroid, comet, or similar celestial body passing within our borders, because such an object may represent a great danger to public safety and national security.

Name: Philip McCauley
Title: Chairman
Country Name: Lunar State
Territories:The Moon
Captial: New Chicago
Government Type: Frontier democratic

We are somewhat nervous about the TF's stated desire to control space, but are confident that JT will respect our borders. We recognize that the colonization of Mars may require the use of the Moon as a stepping stone, and offer our assistance to such an effort by any nation.
We have in place defenses designed to shoot down nearby asteroids. Modifications to these adding anti-shuttle and anti-missile capibility will be complete in roughly three months (OOC: What's the current date?). We have also begun research on Earth tide control, however we do not see a usable product developing within the next thirty years, if that.
We are seeking trade agreements with all nations, particularly with the South Seas Trade Association and Atlantic Submarine Empire. Although our colonies are self-sufficient, we wish to begin stockpiling water, in the form of ice. We are also short of luxury items. We are willing to trade metals and minerals that would be extremely rare on Earth.
Representatives from all countries are invited to the 2026 Lunar Olympics, to be held in what would be the winter.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-06-99 09:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
LANSING, MICHIGAN: At 1547 Eastern Time today, the New Canadian Confederation officially entered the Space Age. From the rebuilt United States rocket launching facility near Minot, North Dakota, the NCC shuttle Adventurer ascended to low Earth orbit. It is to remain in space for the next four days, conducting various scientific experiments, and will be landing at the Traverse City Rocket Base.

In addition, the launch of the Adventurer has officially begun the NCC's space program. Over the next three years, supplies and equipment will be ferried up to orbit, where the new NCC space station, code-named Death From Above, will be constructed. This will be primarily a scientific post, with a permanent crew of sixty-four.

In other news, the NCC has entered into trade negotiations with the Free State of Iowa. One of the few former States which has not yet joined any of the new nations, the NCC-Iowa trade treaty will include, among other things, trading ores mined in the Canadian Shield for some of Iowa's plentiful food crops. A military alliance is also being worked on between the two nations, to the effect that any nation attacking Iowa will find the NCC at war with it as well. Similar overtures are being made to New England, mainly involving purchasing some of the remnants of the North American Alliance's submarine fleets, based oot of Groton, Connecticut.

OOC: I don't know why I chose Death From Above as the name for the station. It's just kinda... weird. Yeah, that's it.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Victor Galis posted 06-06-99 09:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The French Republic has accepted all treties offered it. We have begun an actual space freighter construction project. In 2 years, our space station will have the first freighter built, as well as a dock for such construction.

French forces were seen moblizing in Savoie, Loire, Gard, Gironde, and Garonne departments. Nearby departments are also suspected to be mobilizing. This may or may not be a massive training exercise. We invite both Pacifica and the NCC to participate in a set of training missions in that area.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-06-99 10:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
R�publique Francaise: Thank you, but the NCC respectfully declines your offer to proceed in training exercises.

OCC: Heh... the main reason I'm not participating is that my paranoid and suspicious tendencies just kicked in. Where are those departments you mentioned, BTW?

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Philip McCauley posted 06-07-99 02:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
The newly formed LS, in the interest of establishing friendly diplomatic relationships, extends an offer of a peace treaty toward all nations with a working space program. Because we will never need to wait for a launch window, we also extend an offer of aid to any space station needing immediate assistance in an emergency.
Our defensive weaponry now prepared to deal with any threat, we have begun working on a 'targeted EMP' weapon (OOC: Ala the weapon in Goldeneye) which should be ready within one year. (OOC: This is more a tool of diplomacy than something I'll ever use. Sort of like building one single Planet Buster. And what's the friggin date as of now?)
We've also begun construction of a massive land based Hubble-like telescope. It should be complete within six months. This device will, of course, be used for stellar observation and not for spying. (OOC: Yeah, right. )
In other news, an unmarked probe was discovered on its way to the outer planets. It ceased transmitting when hailed. If any government wishes to claim it, please contact us.
Zekkei posted 06-07-99 02:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zekkei  Click Here to Email Zekkei     
OOC - you missed me too (

Well Picker, you seem to be making a genuine effort to be friendly... your offer has been accepted, however, be warned that we are watching you very carefully.
An offer of friendship has also been extended to the SSTA, being our near neighbours, and not having participated in the little fiasco in the war.

Picker posted 06-07-99 08:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
My scientists would like to study the probe if that is alright.
Philip McCauley posted 06-07-99 01:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
Since there is obviously no other way for you to decide it's yours, your request to study the probe is perfectly acceptable. A shuttle for your team, and any other interested parties, is waiting in orbit for acceptable landing conditions.
We also congratulate the Pacifican and French on the (OOC: anticipated) completion of their new space stations, both capable of holding a truly amazing 500,000 people.
Philip McCauley posted 06-07-99 02:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
The LS has just noticed the extreme military armament being built on the French Republic station. (OOC:Oops. Didn't see that post! Damn frenchies.)
The LS formally encourages all nations to look at space as a new frontier to be explored and studied, rather than as a place to store your nukes.
The LS has begun construction of moon-to-planet nuclear missiles. Prototypes will be complete in nine months, a small stockpile complete in one year. We are also designing a cloaking device to make these missiles look like innocent space debris, to be complete in 1.5 years. (OOC: Hypocritical? You bet. )
In addition to that, we are building a stockpile of moon to earth Thor missiles. (OOC: For those who don't know about them, Thor missiles were big orbital rockets designed in the 70's. You pointed them somewhere on the ground, and they accellerated all they way there, hitting with God knows how much force. Essentially man made meteorites. They didn't even need warheads.) Because the design is so old and simple, we will have a large stockpile built in six months. (OOC: I think it's reasonable for me to have all these projects going because I have no standing military whatsoever. If you guys disagree, I might cancel the nukes.)
The Lunar State intends to hold the Lunar Olympics in the winter of 2026. However, if few other countries wish to attend, they will be cancelled. We would appreciate it if you all would express your intent to attend or not as soon as possible.
President Korian posted 06-07-99 02:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Our space station, the New Beginning, has recently been completed. It is in orbit around the Earth, at approximately the same distance from the Earth as the moon. It holds 500,000 people and is amed with 1 nuclear missile and several of our recently prototyped laser batteries.
FR: We will gladly join you in training exercises. This will provide an excellent oppurtunity to test our lasers.
LS: We will agree to your peace treaty, and to the Lunar Olympics.
Australia: We wish for a peace treaty with your nation, and we are willing to provide you with a substantial amount of aid.
Date is: Fall 2024
OOC: McCauley, I think your research is a bit excessive. Thor missiles, cloaking device, moon-to-planet nuclear missiles, 'targeted EMP' weapon, and Modifications to defences adding anti-shuttle and anti-missile capibility. All of this complete in 1.5 years? No way. Also, would you please state your approximate population?
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-07-99 02:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
The construction of the NCC's space station, Death From Above, has begun. Due to the small size of the station, we have recently reexamined our figures, and have determined that construction of Death From Above will be completed in only one and a half years, by Summer 2026.

LS: We agree to participate in the Lunar Olympics.

El Presidente posted 06-07-99 03:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
I am pleased to announce the alliance of the SSTA and Spider's undersea mining group the ASE. We will be forming the WCC (Water control consortium) to regulate prices and optimize distribution. Our interest in doing this purely humanitarian in nature, of course.

You may have noticed I was ignoring most diplomacy over the past several months. This was only to simplify our WCC negotiations with Emperor Spider. The WCC offers trade pacts to all nations excluding the fascist New Rome. Furthermore, we offer permanent peace and friendship treaties to Australia and the LS.

As for New Rome, the SSTA Navy will now begin patrolling the area between the Falklands and the Antarctic Peninsula for NR shipping. All NR ships will be turned back. As a further precaution, we will be planting naval mines in the area. All non-NR ships will be transmitted plans for safely passing the mine beds after reaching Cape Horn. I ask that the international community establish a similar patrol for the Straight of Gibraltar, and that the Panama and Suez canals be closed to the NR fleet. We are still considering arming Spanish and Italian freedom fighters.

SSTA advanced laser research similar to the french's has been concluded. A prototype laser drill is expected to be completed in the next several weeks. This drill will speed expansion of residential areas to house the immigrants who are already flooding the SSTA in response to the Population Expansion Initiative. Trade Partners are welcome to borrow this technology

Philip: SSTA athletes will be attending the lunar olympics. I ask that fascist New Rome be banned from the event.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-07-99 03:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
The NCC agrees to the points made aboot New Rome by the SSTA. We think your naval mining of the Falklands-Antarctica gap is a good solution, though there may be accidents there, even if the utmost care is taken. The NCC also offers to begin and maintain a blockade of the Strait of Gibraltar, using the bulk of the NCC Atlantic Fleet (2 AEGIS cruisers, 4 destroyers, 12 patrol boats, and 7 SSNs purchased from Connecticut). I also put a general blockade of New Roman ports in Spain and Portugal up for consideration.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Spider posted 06-07-99 04:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the NCC: Fjorxc, we appreciate your assistance with the Straits of Gibraltar, and will give you a map of the positions of our (recently installed) "altitude charges". Be warned that if you betray us, I will switch my charges to manual remote operation, and I think you understand what that means....
To New Rome: Imran, I apologize, but you never got back to me on that non-agression pact....
To the LS: The WCC will consider your offer.

Emperor Spider of the ASE and WCC

Victor Galis posted 06-07-99 04:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The French will attend the Lunar Olympics.

Our station is armed defensively. To prove this we will station it in a geosynchronous orbit above France. A plan has been made so that should its orbit rapidly decay (attack) it will crash into the mediterranean. We warn Luna, that should they try to pull something funny, we will return fire (not quite sure how yet, but we'll figure it out).

French scientists rumaging through Pacifican science archives have discovered NASA plans for an extra-solar probe (plans completed in 2003, OOC: I read a Popular Science article on this a week ago.) French scientists, will have a prototype antimatter plasma gun (OOC; Sound cool does't it? Well, it's only an ignition mechanism for the fusion reactor in the probe. It would take years to make it a weapon.)

In 5 years (OOC: the 27th of June), we will have the extra-solar probe complete. By then it will be able to achieve a max speed of .5c on its journey to the Alpha Centauri system.

The French Navy has begun intensive naval exercises off of Corsica. Pacifican navy ships are invited to participate.

Philip McCauley posted 06-07-99 06:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
(OOC: After due consideration, I see that I went temporarily insane. Nix the EMP, nukes, and cloaking device. They're all completely unreasonable. I'm keeping the defensive stuff because it was already in the works for some time...we were planning to secede from the NAA. They weren't going to let those billions in investments slip away, you know. Add a year to the Thor missiles. Sorry for the confusion. I don't think it unreasonable to put our population at that of Antarctica. We've got four million up here.)
The LS agrees that the current Fascist government in New Rome is unacceptable, however, as a newly formed frontier state we are unwilling to commit as agressive an act as banning them from the olympics. If the majority of the participants voted to ban them, however, we would.
In an effort to ease the anxiety of France, we remind them of our pledge of aid to any space station in need. (OOC: If you need weaknesses, remember that most of our transport is underground. Seismic activity is bad.)
The LS agrees to a treaty with the WCC. We propose that trade begin immediately.
Spider posted 06-07-99 06:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the LS: How would you like some small felines (housecats)? We have plenty down here, but we have to keep them out of the rimside and control/engineering rooms. The idea is (relatively) simple: fragile cargo is sent up a space elevator to orbit, where the pods get gently launched toward the moon, and I hope you can catch them. I will need to use the SSTA's facilities (hint, hint), but other than that, this should work.

Emperor Spider of the ASE and WCC

Imran Siddiqui posted 06-07-99 06:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Plans of arming opposition groups are being discussed in Assembly.

My soverignty is being invaded. Simply because of forced conscription, which was practised by Sweden (an extremely peaceful nation) in the late 20th Century! Deplorable!

May I also remind you that the SSTA is aiming for a water monopoly? They aim for global domination, by sea first!

Any ship denying us access to Gibralter, which is rightfully ours shall be fired upon! Every ship in the New Roman Empire is outfitted with guns. Do not try us!

Also, Morrocco has just agreed to join the Empire of New Rome. They will gain the security of our military. Any aggressive activities will be met with total and severe war!


Il Duce Siddiqui called for a blockade on the Canadian Federation. The mighty New Roman fleet.. dubbed the Masters of the Med, are moving into position.

Imran Siddiqui

Spider posted 06-07-99 07:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To New Rome:Imran, Imran, Imran! Once you beat back Fjorxc, watch out! The whole WCC is in this together, and, regrettably, Korian has been...unresponsive...meaning that you're in trouble...DEEP trouble....

Emperor Spider of the ASE and WCC

El Presidente posted 06-07-99 08:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Spider: Our scientist have been considering trade with the LS for some time, however we do not have the transport capacity. Shuttles are too scarce and expensive to use for regular exchanges, and the only two other options are some sort of rail launcher or your space elevator. There are problems with both: The rail launcher will not be possible until certain advances in semi- and super-conductors are made, and the elevator would simply collapse under its own weight if constructed of any substance available at this time. Also, both would be truly massive structures and take years to build. There are also some classified issues on this topic that I will share with you and the LS in private.


My sovereignty is being invaded

Your "sovereignty" was obtained in violation of international law.

May I also remind you that the SSTA is aiming for a water monopoly? They aim for global domination, by sea first!

Global domination has never been our goal. Our plans for water distribution are humanitarian in nature, as we have already stated.

Morocco has just agreed to join the Empire of New Rome. They will gain the security of our military. Any aggressive activities will be met with total and severe war

Morocco did not agree to join you. They were invaded! The brave Moroccan government, who are our friends and trade partners, only surrendered to end the atrocities committed against its citizens.

I am placing a group of the new SSTA Ultra-light destroyers under NCC control for use the in Gibraltar blockade. I urge all nations not participating in the blockade to send ships of their own. If we do not contain the brutal Imran Siddiqui, he could eventually try to unite all Europe and North Africa under his fascist state.

Furthermore, the WCC calls for two international votes; one to ban New Rome from the Lunar Olympics and one to indite Imran as a war criminal for his crimes against Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Morocco. I would also like to ask Korian to attempt to negotiate a peaceful solution, as he did so skillfully on the issue of Prince Edward Island, before a war erupts.

SSTA Votes Yea on both issues proposed for vote by the SSTA.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-07-99 08:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
FROM: New Canadian Confederation Fleet Command, Philadelphia
TO: NCCS Permanance, CG 245
RE: Blockade of Gibraltar

Reports intercepted by SSTA spies have revealed a New Rome fleet has made sail and is approaching your position. Seven SSTA ultralight destroyers have been detached to your command and sent to the Straits area. Maintain your blockade. If any ship flying a New Rome flag comes within probable attack range, do not hesitate to destroy it. That is all.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-07-99 08:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Communique to President Victor of France:

It would be much appreciated if you were to send a copy of all ship types currently in use by your nation to Philadelphia. I would not put it past the fascists of New Rome to fly a French flag so that they could close to within striking distance of my blockade fleet.

Imran Siddiqui posted 06-07-99 09:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Your "sovereignty" was obtained in violation of international law.

And which international law was broken? Making up lies about my nation won't help you at all!

And Fjorxc, the French are allied with New Rome!

People of the world, we are being prosecuted for our beliefs! The belief that only through the state, can the individual gain true freedom! To advance the Common Good, unhumanitarian nations wish to overthrow us. These hostilities must end!

CNN News

In the news today, it was discovered that the SSTA has been holding slaves and making them work under brutal conditions. These slaves are payed nothing and are given nothing.

Imran Siddiqui

Picker posted 06-07-99 10:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
My scientists completed the first working cold fusion reactor! My scientists have been studying the anti-missile lasers that Victor sent us and they believe they can make a smaller design with a faster rate of fire for use as anti-aircraft guns. The first prot-type should be completed in 9 months(OOC: Friday).

FR: Thanks for the anti-missile lasers, they should come in handy. I am sending you the specs for a cold fusion reactor.

Zekkei: I am sending you the specs for both these techs. I believe in helping mine allies.

ASE: I am also sending you the specs for these techs, although I don't know how useful you will find them.

OOC: OK 500,000 men in each branch seems reasonable but how many men does it take to run a destroyer, or a submarine, or a tank. I propose 5 in a tank, 2 in a jeep or truck, 2 in a jet, 2 in a bomber, 20 in a cruiser, 35 in a sub, 40 in a destroyer, and 50 in an aircraft carrier

Picker posted 06-07-99 10:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: For some strange reason, I thought it was tuesday. If you would just pretend that everything I said about finishing fusion tech was posted after midnight, I would appreciate it.
Spider posted 06-08-99 12:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the SSTA: Ah. I understand.
To the LS: The trade operation will have to be put on hold. In the meantime, plans can be made, and materials can be developed. For an example, read The fountains of paradise (if I didn't get it right, it's a novel), by Arthur C. Clarke; it has a particularly interesting concept.

Emperor Spider of the ASE and WCC

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-08-99 03:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
In the news today, it was discovered that the SSTA has been holding slaves and making them work under brutal conditions. These slaves are payed nothing and are given nothing.

Hmm. Where exactly did you get that information, Imran? Even assuming that it is correct, which it probably isn't, how would you get your hands on it? Besides, a fascist dictatorship accusing a democracy of something like that... well, I'd compare it to the pot calling the kettle black.

The NCC blockade force has been called to fire upon any New Rome ship attempting to run the blockade. In addition, part of the NCC's Great Lakes fleet has exited the St. Lawrence and is heading towards the blockade zone. Stats are as follows:

At Gibraltar
2 AEGIS guided missile cruisers (main gun armaments have been partially replaced by lasers)
4 missile destroyers
7 SSTA ultralight destroyers
12 patrol craft
7 SSNs

En Route
3 aircraft carriers (1 CVN, others conventionally powered, 75 aircraft each)
4 AEGIS cruisers
7 destroyers
6 SSNs

I call out to the Texas Federation, Pacifica, the Southern United Republic, Nunavut, Britain, Pickerland, and all other powers opposed to the brutal fascist rule of Imran, to join the NCC in blockading Gibraltar. Mussolini almost led Italy to ruin eighty years ago, and we cannot stand idly by and watch the same thing happen again. Imran must be stopped.

In other news, the Adirondack Canal project has commenced. Using a system of widening existing rivers and cutting new ones, the NCC aims to connect the Ontario portion of the St. Lawrence with Lake Champlain and eventually the Hudson River, thus no longer requiring us to rely on the French-controlled St. Lawrence locks. This should be completed by the winter of 2027.

Date is: Winter 2024

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

El Presidente posted 06-08-99 04:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     

These hostilities must end!

Hostilities will end when our friends and trade partners in Morocco's democratically elected government-in-exile are restored to power and you Promise to wage no more wars of aggression against nations in north Africa or United Arabia.

In the news today, it was discovered that the SSTA has been holding slaves and making them work under brutal conditions. These slaves are paid nothing and are given nothing.

This "discovery" was originally made and reported by Imran Siddiqui's state controlled media. That it was later picked up by CNN means nothing as that news agency lost all credibility after becoming an American propaganda machine in World War III and later degrading into little more then a tabloid news program.

Imran, you CLEARLY do not understand living conditions in the SSTA. There are an estimated 10 million available jobs at the moment, and populations are only just reaching 8 million. Pay is generous and workers have a bounty of water and food (mostly fish as seaweed) available at low prices regulated by the Assembly. The only thing close to "forced" labor is voluntary work by convicts who wish to leave the prison system (which, I might add, is focused on rehabilitation rather then punishment) with money in their pockets with which to start a new life. I extend an open invitation to anyone from any country, including New Rome, to come and see just how the people of the SSTA live. There is an offer I don't think we will be seeing from the tyrant Imran any time soon.

In other news, a series of small nuclear detonations occurred on a small, uninhabited island off Bouvet. This signals the completion of SSTA research into terror weapons. Scientists and police tacticians now have a much better idea of how biological, chemical, and tactical nuclear weapons are used in terrorist attacks. SSTA special forces squads, which compose 8 percent of the SSTA military, are now undergoing training based on the results of the research.

The semi-industrialized Nicobar Islands were acquired from India by the SSTA in exchange for a 750,000,000 interest free development loan and the promise of construction contracts in the future. The Secretary General announced plans of construction of a massive, modern port at Ross Island. The proposed port will act as a center for WCC trade as well as a center of industry and development for the surrounding countries.

Spider and Zekkei: I offer you an opportunity to assist in the construction of Port Ross, as it will benefit all of us in matters of research and commerce in the future. You are both in positions to shorten the estimated construction length (3 years) considerably.

Philip: I would like to buy several tons of metals from you to use in the new construction project. This will also speed port construction, and could eventually benefit you as Port Ross would be the ideal location for a spaceport, rail gun, or star ladder with which to engage in trade with you. You could transfer them by simply splashing down the loads in the southern Bay of Bengal where we could easily retrieve them.

Fjorxc: I am pleased with the fine job you have been doing overseeing the Gibraltar blockade. I am sending four more ultra-light destroyers and a medium cruiser to assist you. Our blockade at Cape Horn will continue, as will denial of canal access by our trade partners in southern Mexico and United Arabia.

Our researchers have begun a project to study certain advanced semi- and super-conductors. The end date is not certain, but we believe it to be relatively far off. Frozen Point tacticians have begun a study on advanced naval tactics.

Spider again: Could you pass along those plans for the cold fusion generator? It could assist us greatly in our quest for cheap and easy access to the moon.

Victor Galis posted 06-08-99 04:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
"20 in a cruiser, 35 in a sub, 40 in a destroyer, and 50 in an aircraft carrier"

-Most of those ships require at least 1000 men. Carriers over 5000. Also you could never have more than double digits of any (maybe a sub), and never many more than 20 carriers (assuming a buildup first).

The French Republic has declared itself neutral in the conflict against Imran. Unless shots are fired we will not plunge the world into war. We believe strongly in realpolitik.

The French have begun a massive navy building program aimed at making the French navy strong enough to defend North Atlantic shipping lanes from France to Quebec.

Negotiations have begun between the French and Iceland for the purchase of Keflavik AFB, the former NATO base and the territory around it. It is expected that the French will purchase this by the beginning of 2025 for a large undisclosed sum.

To Luna: Our space station weapons are aimed at the ground, not at you, and even so are more defensive (Our lasers are still ineffective against ground targets).

Date: Winter 2024.

Talon posted 06-08-99 05:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
OOC:Sorry, computer's been acting up lately. I'll try to fit as much as possible into this post, but not too much.

Completion of Cloaking technology has been finished. Although the exact details were not released, the main features of this cloaking technology is its ability to render it completly invisible as well as eliminate its RADAR and SONAR signature. Manufacture has begun at the *top secret* manufacturing plants in *top secret*. Already 5 prototype "stealth cloaker" naval ships have been sent into the Atlantic from Norfolk naval base.

Plans for the new tech have been sent to the French Republic with a stipulation that New Rome would not recieve them.
The SUR government announced that 2 new major projects have been started. Research on a "Supercomputer" has begun. This will allowing us the ability to research new technologies much faster. Time needed to finish this project is estimated at 4.5 years.(June 25th)

Also, a new massive spacestation is in the works. Going off standard spacestation technology, SUR scientists have announced some major improvements. It allows for 750,000 people to live onboard and has the ability to move as far as Jupiter. Time estimated:8 years to complete.(June 3rd)

Due to these massive projects military spending has been decreased.This allows for 300,000 troops, 5,000 ships, and 2,500 planes.

Sheng Ji Yang posted 06-08-99 06:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sheng Ji Yang    
Imran Siddiqui:

New Rome sounds like a nation most worthy of our glory. I propose a Pact of Brotherhood so we may crush all that oppose us!

President Korian posted 06-08-99 06:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I would like to take this oppurtunity to remind you all that a blockade is an act of war. Therefore, if you decide to blockade New Rome, you are in effect declaring war on that nation. And if New Rome does decide to carry out it's blockade against the NCC, it is declaring war against all of the CFS nations. What I suggest is that we sit back and let things go on their own way. Imran has, for the most part, been a benevolent dictator, so we might be able to expect democratic reforms. The former states of Montana and Idaho have recently voted to join our nation, and can now be considered part of our territory.

OOC: It looks like there will be a war, so I would like to ask Picker and Sheng Ji Yang to support Imran in this conflict, because 20 vs. 1 wouldn't be very much fun.
New England is still open for the taking, and I would like to ask that that territory is claimed by a newbie before any other. I am also growing to like the sci-fi aspects of this thread less and less, so if Luna of one of the water empires would like to be New England instead that would be appreciated. I would like to know what the other member's views of the Antarctic, underwater, and Lunar nations are, (meaning their plausibilty.)

Victor Galis posted 06-08-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Phantome-class destroyers (cloaked) have been added to the naval buildup.

A massive new flagship FRS Victoria has been placed under construction, completion one year. It is an huge dreadnaught (Victoria-class). It carriers two squadrons of vertical take-off planes, plus normal battleship armaments. It has the cloaking device. A variety of ASUW towed arrays and torpedo launcers were added.

Research into cloak detection has begun. Given the technology, detector should be invented within 1.75 years. They will analyze water and air currents and find cloaked units that would deflect air particles.

With cold fusion the French deep space probe, FRSS Cartier will be complete in 4 years (.75 years ahead of schedule.)

We have sent all of our tech to our research allies.

Work on a colony ship to a habitable system has begun. The new ship, FRSS Unit�, will be complete in 35 years (OOC: Unless someone else helps, or tech improves, not in this thread.) It's speed is estimated at .35 c, possibly higher if we discover more advanced tech.

Research has been begun on a vacuum rail gun, to be complete in 1.5 years. This will be able to hit asteroid-sized targets in space (when they approach the Earth) with nuclear warhead sized objects.

Victor Galis posted 06-08-99 06:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
French Armed forces began exercise in Haute Marne, Doubs, Moselle, Aisne, Seine et Mane, Jura, and surrounding departments.

French naval forces have rushed across the Atlantic toward Ste. Nazaire. Naval exercise have begun near Le Havre, Ste. Nazaire, and Dieppe. Live ammo is to be used in latter stages of these exercises and will be on hand.

OOC: What happened to the King of Britain?

French airforce squadrons (many, up to 10% of the force) have been spotted over Laval. Similar quantities have been seen near Montpelier.

French forces are in massive training exercises. The command structures are organized for massive three-front training exercises.

The French would like to re-extend the invitation to the NCC, Pacifica, and the SUR to join these exercises (preferably with whole divisions, so we can compare high level strategies in action.)

Spider posted 06-08-99 06:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the SSTA: I will assist with Port Ross, and send the cold fusion data. By the way, could you explain why an Antarctic-based rail launcher would not work? Aren't the temperatures low enough at and above the surface for superconductors? And can you not place the room-temperature systems seperate from the launch site? [OOC]Just some ideas, and constructive criticism[/OOC]

Emperor Spider of the ASE and WCC

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 06-08-99 07:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
French Republic: I accept your offer to participate in training exercises. A moderate number of troops will be sent to your proving grounds immediately.

In other news, New Jersey and Delaware have decided to accept the NCC's long-standing offer and become full member states. Similar offers have been extended to the governments of Iowa and Wyoming.

And in regards to Pacifica, the NCC will not lift its blockade of Gibraltar. The people of Italy have already suffered under one fascist state. I aim to make sure they do not suffer long under Imran's tyranny.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

President Korian posted 06-08-99 08:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
FR: We will send 5 infantry divisions over immediately to commence training immediately.
El Presidente posted 06-08-99 09:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Talon: Your original device could cloak an aircraft for 10 hours. How long can it keep a capital ship such as the French's new Phantome-class destroyers, with their considerably larger size and mass, cloaked? Also, would it not be easy to notice a large cloaked vessel due to the water it displaces?


Imran has, for the most part, been a benevolent dictator

He waged a war of aggression against the neutral and democratic country of Morocco, and has been occupying it for three months. We have evidence of considerable atrocities against civilians and freedom fighters alike.

Imran has, for the most part, been a benevolent dictator, so we might be able to expect democratic reforms

I would like to see the restoration of democracy to New Rome as much as anyone, but if you expect it to happen, you are a fool. May I remind you that the despotic Imran has all ready overthrown the democratically elected governments of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco? Why would he see fit to return any of his empire to civilian rule?


By the way, could you explain why an Antarctic-based rail launcher would not work?

It would work, and it would work better then one anywhere else on Earth. However, my people do not want a such a large, dangerous, and polluting device anywhere near them. I'm sorry. The most likely spot for a WCC rail gun is Port Ross.

Korian, OOC, in regards to the plausibilty of the SSTA, the ASE, and the LS: I thought my SSTA was pushing the bounds of realism, and that is why I gave it such a small military (24 ships and 4000 men in the navy, no air force, and a 12,000 solder army). I think that Spider's ASE is both shallow and unrealistic (sorry, spider, but it quite honestly is) and would reccomend he start over with a conventional nation. Finally, I don't know what to think about Philip's LS yet. Perhaps if he were to write some more details about it I could form an opinion.

Picker posted 06-08-99 10:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Due to the recent hostilities with New Rome the VR research has been delayed by 6 months (OOC: Saturday), in order to put more effort into researching anti-aircraft lasers which should be ready 6 months earlier(OOC: tommorow).

OOC: Victor, I was guessing. I know army and airforce, but I've never done any studying about navy. I think that underwater is more plausible than on the moon, but I think they are both a bit much at this time. Korian, I won't support a brutal dictator. If you are correct and he is benevolent, I would. But I am getting conflicting reports here.

IC: Imran, in the interests of peace, I would invite you to Berlin(my capital, since I don't think I mentioned), to learn from a benevolent dictator, ones who's people admire and respect him.

My army consists of 200,000 infantry, 50,000 artillery, 50,000 mobile attack units, and 20,000 tanks.

My Airforce consists of 3,000 fighters, and 1,500 bombers.

My Navy consists of 21 cruisers, 14 destroyers, 11 subs(7 hunter, 4 missile), and 5 aircraft carriers.

El Presidente posted 06-08-99 10:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Imran, in the interests of peace, I would invite you to Berlin(my capital, since I don't think I mentioned), to learn from a benevolent dictator, ones who's people admire and respect him.

Yeah, and when your through with him my boys from special ops can give him a personal demonstration of our new Indian-made sidearms. Only in the interest of peace, of course...

Philip McCauley posted 06-09-99 01:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
(OOC: I got a new computer today, and just now got the internet access working. Here's my in-game explanation for the brief silence on our part. )
A small, fringe group of terrorists calling themselves the Lunar Liberation Army planted copies of an old game, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, in government and idustrial computers across the LS, briefly crippling our government and industry as many workers stopped working to feed their addiction to the game. The LLA claims that the democracy of the LS is secretly controlled by a communist regime. Needless to say, these claims are false. We believe we have captured all members of the LLA, and all copies of the game have been erased. Because of the crisis, our tellisocpe will not be finished for another three months. As all members of the LLA have been captured, the Lunar Olympics will still proceed as scheduled. We state our firm belief that these were native terrorists, and that we do not wish to cast suspicion upon any earth-based country.

Spider, and El Presidente: We regret that current conditions prevent your shipping goods to us. However, there is nothing stopping us from launching a few shipments of ore down to you, as per the SSTA's suggestion. We are also donating one shipment of ore to each nation currently in military opposition to New Rome. We have faith that we will be compensated when whatever transport system you choose to build is complete. We also point out that trade with space stations should be quite simple. On a side note, the LS could REALLY use those plans for cold fusion reactors. A meltdown in one of our fission reactors would be catastrophic, and cold fusion would be much safer. The greater power generated would also mean that we would not need to rely so heavily on easily damaged solar power plants, which are obviously unavailable on the dark side of the moon anyway.
While the LS condemns the government and actions of Il Duce Imran Siddiqui, we are, as previously stated, unwilling to be overtly hostile to any nation. The LS abstains from both votes put forth by the SSTA. We fully encourage and request a peaceful settlement to the current hostilities. War on Earth can only be detrimental to the LS.
Vote Count
Boycott from Olympics:1 Yea, 1 Abstain.
Siddiqui a war criminal:1 Yea, 1 Abstain.

Philip McCauley posted 06-09-99 01:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
OOC: Here's the history of the LS as well as a few other details for your evaluation.

The LS began with two self-sufficient colonies on the moon attempted in secret by the North American Alliance in February 12, 2010. The small colonies were doing quite well when, later in the year, highly placed officials in NASA recieved a warning from friends in the CIA of the potentially nuclear war that seemed inevitable. Quietly, NASA began working with the CIA to begin evacuating the highly placed members of both organizations to the moon. The movement snowballed. NASA began cancelling long term projects, one after the other, and building 'spy satellites and orbital weapons' at a frantic pace. These 'weapons' were in reality jam-packed transports to the moon. The CIA devoted all its resources to covering up this exodus. By 2012, NASA was hundreds of billions in debt, and many people were beginning to ask questions that the CIA couldn't answer. Just before an NSA investigation was about to blow the lid off of the disappearance of hundreds of people, World War 3 began.
When the war began, the virtually ignored NASA no longer had to keep things quiet and just started launching as fast as possible. By 2015 several hundred thousand people presumed dead in WW3 had been evacuated to the moon. The remaining CIA had no difficulty altering reccords to conceal the tremendous operation.
The massive influx of people was barely housed by the eemergency construction of several more self-sufficient 'bio-domes'. Because of the extremely sanitary conditions and beneficial effects of low gravity, and a population consisting of almost entirely energetic young adults, there has been a 'baby boom'. These 'boomers' have greatly boosted the population of the moon yet again, and will be entering the workforce in 5-8 years. As-is, we have a population of roughly 4 million, with over one million in the workforce. (OOC: Yes, I have GREATLY inflated numbers that would be 'realistic'. But I couldn't come up with a more plausible story for the data I've already posted.)

Philip McCauley posted 06-09-99 01:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
OOC: Central time, that first post of the two was made before midnight. Plz count it that way.
Philip McCauley posted 06-09-99 01:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
OOC:After thinking about it overnight, I've decided that, screw what I said earlier, the first colonies on the moon were attempted in 2004. That way, the numbers become a lot more reasonable. 4 million, with 2.5 mil working.
Victor Galis posted 06-09-99 05:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Luna: We will trade you cold fusion reactors for several small techs (stuff you would learn by building space colonies.) If we could apply this knowlege, we could cut the build time on our deeps space probe by .25 years (to 3.5) and the FRSS Unit� by .75 years (to 34, still not in this thread.)

OOC: Petition to redefine all dates in this thread as 20 years later for more realism. For example the war happened in 2032 to 203?, and we started in 2043.

We abstain from both votes. We will not undertake openly hostile actions against our neighbors.

Foreign spies discover French plans to re-establish the Maginot Line. The plans are stamped with the word "Canceled" in big red letters. On furthewr examination, it would seem that the plan was voted 17 to 4 against by Victor's cabinet.

Victor Galis posted 06-09-99 05:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
"How long can it keep a capital ship such as the French's new Phantome-class destroyers, with their considerably larger size and mass, cloaked? Also, would it not be easy to notice a large cloaked vessel due to the water it displaces?"

_Our capital ships can remain cloaked indefinitely, ut the water they displace can be seen. You have to be close abnd aim wepons by hand. Or be really close and... actaully see us. If you have detection algorithms like those we are working on, a well equiped scout plane could spot the ship. Otherwise you would have to manually analyze the sensor data for a cloaked ship (by which time it would be in a different place.)

Our ships are invisible from as close as 625 m. The water displacement method, depends on weather conditiopns. Again the advanced algorithms will spot it as far as 40 km.

Talon posted 06-09-99 06:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Yes, the naval ships with nuclear reactors can sustain them longer. Infantry and Airplanes must use a "battery" of sorts and like batteries eventually run out of energy.
5 Elite SUR Infantry units have gone to the French sponsored training activities. they are equipped with the new cloaking technology. We are using this training missions to test this new technology.

El Presidente posted 06-09-99 08:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Out scientists are sending the plans for the cold fusion reactor up to the LS as payment for the ore. Also, it is the interest of the SSTA to prevent the French from gaining any advanced space technology from Luna, as we are already worried about how much more advanced the FS space program is over that of other nations. Also, I'd like to get feedback on a treaty banning armed ships past the astroid belts. How many people would sign?

Yes, the naval ships with nuclear reactors can sustain them longer

Oh well. At least I can still hope the cloaking field gives your crews cancer or something. I guess I'll have to send out the spys to steal me a copy of the plans...

El Presidente posted 06-09-99 08:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
I mean, of course, the FR instead of FS.
Victor Galis posted 06-09-99 08:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
A small French battle group (1 carrier, 2 battleships, 4 normal destroyers, and the second completed Phantome-class destroyer, along with smaller escorts) was positioned in the Kerguelen Islands. The SSTA was warned not to interfere with human clonization of space, or face the consequences.

French laser research is continued so that targeting can be refined further. A new set of next generation satellites will go up into orbit over the next 1.5 years. The satellite research will soon give the cameras intergrated in the satellites a resolution of .98 meters on the surface. Targeting on an ICBM is 99.9999% fail-safe. Targeting on a fighter flying at 10km altitudes is 6.8% successful (per shot).

El Presidente posted 06-09-99 09:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
Victor, call off your dogs (frogs? Hehe...). The SSTA is certainly not hostile towards the French. Although it's certainly your right to garrison the Kerguelens, I can assure you it is not necessary. We couldn't survive a war with a technological superpower such as yourself even if we had the desire to fight one. The Assembly simply thinks projects such as your colony ship are wasteful, and the resources would be better spent decontaminating the radiated wastelands of earth or raising the living condition of your citizens
Philip McCauley posted 06-10-99 12:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philip McCauley    
The LS, having already recieved the plans for cold fusion fromt the SSTA, sees no need to make the suggested trade with the FR. Perhaps there is something else you could offer?

Our current fission reactors will be upgraded to cold fusion reactors in 1.25 years (Summer 2026), rendering us immune to nuclear meltdown and rendering solar power obsolete.

The LS announces the completion of the known universe's largest reflecting telescope! In spite of the fact that we can read the lisence plate of a car with it, we will, of course, not use it for intelligence gathering. (OOC:It can see the earth for roughly 8 days in every lunar month. Atmospheric conditions block the view.) Because astronomical data cannot concievably be used to another nation's advantage, we will provide this data to any interested nation at no cost.

The Lunar State wishes to encourage other nations, particularly the FR, to attend to the problems facing Earth before bringing them to another planet. We would sign that treaty. We intend to concentrate upon expanding our bases on the moon before looking at the asteroid belt, or Mars. (OOC: Definately not in this thread.)

We are discontinuing research into tide control. Our preliminary experiments show that it is simply impossible with current knowledge, and that further research will be a waste of time until fundamental breakthroughs in understanding occour.

With regards to this 'underwater cloaking' technology...could one attempt to detect the radiation emissions from the reactor?

OOC:I vote to reset the date.

ban New Rome: 1 yea, 2 abstain.
Imran a war criminal: 1 yea, 2 abstain.
OOC: Advance the date: 2 yea.

OOC:I'm surprised you guys haven't done any research into ASAT capability for your satellites?

Picker posted 06-10-99 08:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Since this is getting a little lonf, I started a new thread.

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