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Author Topic:   The mind of a Pik(or some demented ramblings)
Picker posted 05-28-99 01:37 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Picker   Click Here to Email Picker  
The Mustard King

I used to live in hartford until the mustard king came along.
He found this manhole cover with a pound of rats on it, reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of capicola and threw it in the air yelling bodidi bododo.
My calculator is my food supply.
And then a T.V. comes on and says Asslips vs. Borthymyx Jr. battle to the death...bzzzzz bzzzzz, arararara, ayuken, high five for easter, haichacha, sonic boom, humbadalailai, come here, excellent, toasty, yundadalailai, noosquy, noosquy, finish him, Johnny Cage wins, flawless victory, Castrallity, right between the cheeks.
I have to go to K-Mart.
Yes, cause they sell frosted pictures there.
It's not K-Mart anymore, it's P-Trammers.
P-Trammers cause you have to buy goldfish, you wanna buy goldfish cause if you chop off all your fingers and staple the goldfish on you can breathe underwater.
But there's no water left in the world because seaworld is running on combined snakes.
Yes they took all the water and made it into fruit juice to feed the polar bears that won't eat combined snakes.
Rebuttal he says, tote bags in butter sauce.
And when your green fiery yellow jibobos fly up into saturn they excrete elephants for ants to eat.
And then they process the ants in the factory and make chocolate bar wrappers out of them, a.k.a. chocolate covered ants.
Five bucks is five bucks, therefore you have three eyes.
But 3 is an undefined number, therefore you have moustache eyes.
1+1=3 but 3 doesn't exist therefore, green is a banana while the world is transformed into a giant monkey brain.
But monkeys have no brains because toes have these little yellow dots on them called transisneaker, which serves as a second liver. Because of the second liver you grow eyes on your feet to check out the women as they walk by.
In conclusion, mash is a bastard and a gravy sauce used on muffins.
Picker posted 05-28-99 01:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Man aquas just a nasty color to use in here.
Valtyr posted 05-28-99 01:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
My eyes got tired!
JohnIII posted 05-28-99 01:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Just drag-select it.
John III
Picker posted 05-28-99 01:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Let's try it again in a better color.
The Mustard King

I used to live in hartford until the mustard king came along.
He found this manhole cover with a pound of rats on it, reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of capicola and threw it in the air yelling bodidi bododo.
My calculator is my food supply.
And then a T.V. comes on and says Asslips vs. Borthymyx Jr. battle to the death...bzzzzz bzzzzz, arararara, ayuken, high five for easter, haichacha, sonic boom, humbadalailai, come here, excellent, toasty, yundadalailai, noosquy, noosquy, finish him, Johnny Cage wins, flawless victory, Castrallity, right between the cheeks. I have to go to K-Mart.
Yes, cause they sell frosted pictures there.
It's not K-Mart anymore, it's P-Trammers.
P-Trammers cause you have to buy goldfish, you wanna buy goldfish cause if you chop off all your fingers and staple the goldfish on you can breathe underwater.
But there's no water left in the world because seaworld is running on combined snakes.
Yes they took all the water and made it into fruit juice to feed the polar bears that won't eat combined snakes.
Rebuttal he says, tote bags in butter sauce.
And when your green fiery yellow jibobos fly up into saturn they excrete elephants for ants to eat.
And then they process the ants in the factory and make chocolate bar wrappers out of them, a.k.a. chocolate covered ants.
Five bucks is five bucks, therefore you have 3 eyes.
But 3 is an undefined number, therefore you have moustache eyes.
1+1=3 but 3 doesn't exist therefore, green is a banana while the world is transformed into a giant monkey brain.
But monkeys have no brains because toes have these little yellow dots on them called transisneaker, which serves as a second liver.
Because of the second liver you grow eyes on your feet to check out the women as they walk by.
In conclusion, mash is a bastard and a gravy sauce used on muffins.
Valtyr posted 05-28-99 01:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
I still got tired .
Picker posted 05-28-99 02:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
fine then, I'll use something shorter.

The Tyndall Effect
Tony Randle eats sausage till books lose a more number of not even doritos or, two dogs/panties obviously.
Valtyr posted 05-28-99 02:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
My mind is numb!
Picker posted 05-28-99 02:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
You can find these and other demented ramblings at Pik's Rambling and Emulation
OhWell posted 05-28-99 02:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OhWell    
Must Save The Brain... Aguah! (pop)
Picker posted 05-28-99 02:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     

Dose Cornholes by Jimayotree Datsasky

Dat oversized cornhole
Dst overused cornbole
Dat reused cornhole
Dat "I'm a boxer" barbaric cornhole
Dat overreused cornhole
Dat de devil does indeed wear sneakers cornhole
Dat monday is a holiday cornhole
Dat table of elements cornhole
Dat underused cornhole
Dat 12 times a week cornhole
Dat 52 days a month cornhole
Dat native "in your face" cornhole
Dat I just ate corn cornhole
Dat vegetarian "do unto others" cornhole
Dem holistic meatballs cornhole
Dob Di Obo cornhole
Dat fresh/unfresh potata salad cornhole
Diz broken staleness cornhole
Daaaah cornhole
Dat stupid thumb cornhole
Dat rat in your brain cornhole
Dat clear, simple and plain cornhole
Dat glycerine "I like toddies" cornhole
Dat blisters on my sack cornhole
Dat covalence = 12 for extremely large values of 12 cornhole
Dat salad shooter cornhole
Dat my mom was eaten by barbecue tongs cornhole
Dat graphitic "let he who is without sin" cornhole
Dat get off my planet cornhole
Dat "more politically savvy than my husband" cornhole
Dat "our old friend Phil and you and me" cornhole
Dat blistered open cornhole
Dat nitroglycerine "6 pounds of butter" cornhole
Dat "I'm sinking in" cornhole
Dat AVU centrifical force cornhole
Dat bloody, purply, grease sticking out of the side cornhole
Dat SHUT UP don't argue cornhole
Dat "on a rainy tuesday" cornhole
Dat grainy remembered cornhole
Dat green potatoey socks cornhole
Dat riiiing "it's for you" cornhole
Dat bicycle tire cornhole
Dat no smile, action figure man cornhole
Dat cooler than, cooler than cornhole
Dat "Mikey likes it" but only in chicago cornhole
Dat chinese grabber boy or CGB for long cornhole
Dat priiiick cornhole
Dat crime kingpins on a shopping spree cornhole
Dat "your mom's big nasty" cornhole
Dat I used to live in hartford cornhole
Dat slowly, slowly, stopping, flattened on a rail cornhole
Dose Cornholes by Tom Flayotsis
JohnIII posted 05-28-99 02:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Dying rats clog burgers when used incorrectly in the preparation of nouvelle cuisine.
John III
Kefaed posted 05-28-99 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kefaed  Click Here to Email Kefaed     

Xenophobe Spork magnetic fried chickens all shove apple-diggers up the magtube to Tokyo, where Satan comes and plays pokemon with Napoleon, but since Neopolitan ice cream is not as good a cherry cordial, I stay at home and wonder if my dog has returned from the supermarket yet. I attempt to strike up a conversation with myself, but it's a bit one sided. The cops come and take themselves under arrest while the drugs wear off and I'm left on the floor in a puddle of funny smelling Kool-Aid, or cyanide, with sprinkles. The room fades to neon pink and Mick Jagger brings a couple of bratwursts and we have a cookout in the dead, once living room, but it died in vietnam, struck down by a sniper's bullet to the wall. Sad really, though since sadness is relative to happiness and happiness is relative to how many twinkies you've eaten, Ni.

Kefaed posted 05-28-99 09:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kefaed  Click Here to Email Kefaed     
'ed comes through the door and stands on the edge of reality and unreality, both of which are an odd shade of off-white, so they need to use crest, tooth whitener, to regain that natuural dental shine that attracts members of the opposite genus, I'm a genius really, one without a thought in his world, but this isn't my world because peanut butter doesn't grow on trees, son. A galloping herd of mongols come and decapitate my pet giraffe, and they yell timber while the neck falls down into a big vat of lysergic acid diethylamide. I dive in to try and find it, but cannabalistic plutocratic ketchup packets will not allow border crossing into Mexico, so I call the U.S. marshall and have him give me a led zeppelin cd while I try to collect my thoughts, which had escaped through the numerous holes in my head. Kiss comes on the radio and I paint my face fuscia and headbutt the robotic androids attempting to labotimize a tapeworm, which had failed to pass through customs because of some contraband martian fruit, Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, Intergalactic, and we all sit down to lunch at a hole in the wall deli shop on charon.
HolyWarrior posted 05-28-99 10:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HolyWarrior  Click Here to Email HolyWarrior     
Where's that guy who killed the 'blah' thread? This is far worse!
Picker posted 05-28-99 11:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Kefaed: Do you mind if I add that to the rambling section of my web page? It's pretty good.
Picker posted 05-28-99 11:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Oh, and to Holy Warrior
Alphaman posted 05-29-99 12:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
Insanity, I welcome thee.
Picker posted 05-29-99 12:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
I'm not suffering from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
JohnIII posted 05-29-99 01:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnIII  Click Here to Email JohnIII     
Not Faboba's signature at all...
John III
Kefaed posted 05-29-99 10:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kefaed  Click Here to Email Kefaed     
Go ahead man, consider it public domain

Picker posted 06-02-99 02:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
/Potatoes/Potats/Potash/Pot/Peanut butter puppies/Dem bald ladies from the Busy Bee restaurant/Soggy bags of dog heads/Dat crying black lady with the cocaine growths all over her body/Ungraterized dolphins/Broken crayon/6 watt snakes/Stokeyomotry/So many crying toolfish/I like beans/ 6*9=42/Wonko the Sane/Green chili/f for form feed of course!
Kefaed posted 06-02-99 09:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kefaed  Click Here to Email Kefaed     
Ode to chili

Chili, O chili
how delicous thou art
for thine havest ground meat
and beans that make me want to ....

No, no, no, this will never do! What are you thinking, putting that magenta lava lamp in a subliminal proctologist's office? Think about it man! Empires would fall, and rise, and fall to a bunch of chicken wielding garbage men! Poor children in Somalia would die of obesity! Governments would be dutiful and efficient! Big Macs would suddenly become healthier than brocoli and start to taste better than it too! Ohio would exist! All because you wanted to put an insignificant, yet trippy, accesory here! No, what we need is a pot plant. No, fool, I do not mean a "potted plant", you heard me. Now be a good non dentured servant and go to Mexico. Cops? Shoot em'. We'll be sure to give you a raise when you get back...


K e f a e d
o v r b m a
r a e u u m
n n e s _ n
_ g i e _ e
_ e n d _ d
_ l g
_ i
_ s
_ t

zoom bada chaka houm flong nard
The drugs have taken effect
zoom bada chaka houm flong nard
dogs are cats and the world is a tick
zoom bada chaka houm flong nard
where's my keys, I want some taco bell
zoom bada chaka houm flong nard
sanity, insanity >>discontinuity<<

thank you, this has been a public ser.. hey, you! What are y...*Bang* >>AGGHHH<<<

...we are in control now. You will bow before the almighty potatoe emporer. *NOW*
We declare Amerika a monarchy, and Dan Quayle as emporer! Long liv the holy potatoe man!

'ed, I apologize in retrospect

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