posted 05-27-99 01:42 PM ET
I am conducting research on the effects of the internet on the stockmarket and thought about opening an open discussion forum to get different people's views and opinions about this matter.I have just started, so I have little concrete evidence backing me up at this point, but I see a few issues uprising...
I know that the internet has given access for the common person to participate in the market. In a short-term perspective, this has add a new, volatile perspective to the stockmarket, with daytraders and such driving up prices at pheonominal rates. The resource of such companies has expanded immensely from the many trickles of money from the average person. But what are the long-term consequences? What will happen if a bear market suddenly turns up and all the average people start to lose faith in the market and pull their money out? Without broker restrictions, this is easier to do than, say, on Black Monday when brokers decided to just stop trading.
Well, I hope that people respond, I would appreciate your comments.