posted 05-27-99 10:15 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (CNN)-- In a statement from the headquarters of Industrial Light & Magic, famed director and producer of the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, George Lucas, announced that the character known as Jar Jar Binks is dead."Nobody has any idea what happened," Lucas said. "Jar Jar didn't show up for the Episode II merchandising deal with Pepsi and Boeing. When we sent somebody to Jar Jar's trailer, he had apparently been dead for some time."
Jar Jar Binks was rushed to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. Foul play is suspected in this case, as the body was found with several bullet wounds in the back and a large, blood-covered carving knife stuck through his head.
"We're all mourning for Jar Jar," said Lucas. "But we all know it's time to move on. Unfortunately, Jar Jar's unfortunate demise will require a complete re-writing of Episodes II and III."
According to a press release released by Lucasfilm, Jar Jar Binks was to have gone on to starring roles in Episodes II and III, where he would have spent two hours blowing up tanks, saying annoying things, and otherwise acting like a complete idiot. Lucas has said that he is now forced to write in that "stupid Force crap" and other material relating to Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Palpatine, the fall of the Republic, and others. Due to this re-writing, production of Episode II has been delayed until at least 2006.
Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.
Yes, the above isn't true. I wish it was, though, except the part aboot Episode II being delayed. Whatever it takes to get ol' Dumb Dumb Ass oot of the picture.