Topic: I have a small announcement =)
JB |
posted 05-26-99 07:35 PM ET
OK, I really don't know how to say this, so I hope you'll have to forgive me if this seems a bit weird =)I'm in love . With someone I met on these forums, none the less =) We met only about a week ago, but I already feel like a 'soul mate' The guy is none other than the other gay person here, Starchild . I love him so much He's made me feel more complete as a person, and put me in a perpetual good mood. He's the most wonderful person in the world to me, and I'm so greatfull I found him (Though greatfull to who, I don't know =) OK, I'm done with the sappy stuff Please return to your regular SMACing now. =)
posted 05-26-99 07:40 PM ET
You're wonderful, I love you |
posted 05-26-99 07:41 PM ET
omigosh, what are the odds?????!?!?!? |
posted 05-26-99 07:53 PM ET
JB in a perpetual good mood; there's a concept. :-) Well you guys keep up on the STD literature, ya hear? Seriously, dudes. Good luck and don't give up on these forums. |
posted 05-26-99 07:59 PM ET
JB in a perpetual good mood; there's a concept. :-)What's that supposted to mean? =) Well you guys keep up on the STD literature, ya hear? Seriously, dudes.
I know, and we're still both virgin and clean (Yes, still =) |
Brother Greg
posted 05-26-99 08:27 PM ET
I know, and we're still both virgin and clean (Yes, still =)Waaaayyyyy too much information there JB. Good luck to you both (though, I bet your teacher will be disappointed ). Ah, would this be the first love story of these forums? Can't think of another one... |
posted 05-26-99 08:34 PM ET
Congratulations. I feel the good vibes |
posted 05-26-99 08:38 PM ET
Hey, I wasn't explicit =) |
posted 05-26-99 08:54 PM ET
Er, congrats. Just, for the love of God (Science, Nature, Nietszche, Lenin, or all of the above), don't go into details . |
posted 05-26-99 09:06 PM ET
Well well, our first forum romance. I can see it now: the SMAC dating service. Ah well...Congrats JB & Starchild. However... no details. We'd expect no less from any other couple, or rather no more. And besides, you folks are more than a bit young to be worrying about STD's, IIRC your age correctly... right? (the correct answer is yes) |
Q Cubed
posted 05-26-99 09:07 PM ET
God is science. But, science is not God.Prove that through mathematical induction. ====== Congrats, JB. Explain to me, why JB would want to go into details? |
Black Dragon
posted 05-26-99 10:14 PM ET
Just a question JB, do you ever post about anything other than than your orientation?WARNING: Going into details will be considered a MAJOR atrocity, and will result in expulsion from the Forum council and cause every poster on the forum to declare vendetta upon you.
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 05-26-99 10:18 PM ET
It just wouldn't feel right withoot Albert Speer spamming with his ****, would it? Fjorxc the Maniac Unwashed Village Idiot, Wanderer, CWALer, 8th Canadian Faction of Humanity
posted 05-27-99 01:11 AM ET
Yes, BD, I do, but SC has been taking all my time lately =) |
posted 05-27-99 01:23 AM ET
What??? Is this some kind of sick joke? Has the whole world gone gay? Damn !! It seems that it's perfectly ok to be gay and infect everyone with AIDS, molest kids and sell drugs you sick faggots.And if that was a joke it is one extremely sick joke because homosexaulity is a harmful disease spreading like the plague. Though I am not christian, is a site I'd like to see you visit just to piss you off. Now I'm going to be the one gets flamed by everyone because of this! What a ****ed up world this is that I actually like members of the opposite sex and everyone thinks IM THE WRONG ONE!
posted 05-27-99 01:40 AM ET
k_shane,Boy, you're a real prince among men. First you cite a Serbian-sponsored website as proof that NATO is killing all the Kosovars (yeah, right) and now you flame someone you don't even know for their sexual orientation. Get a grip and get a life! Your statements regarding homosexuality are not only inflammatory, they are factually wrong. Most pedophiles are not gay; the vast majority (over 90%) are straight. While AIDS was spread in the US primarily by homosexual sex at first, that is NOT the case in Africa and Asia, where the normal mode of transmission is HETEROSEXUAL sex; further, the leading cause of the spread of AIDS in the US for the last several years has been needle sharing amongst drug addicts. And selling drugs? I'm never heard that particular attack before--is it the newest salvo against gays? I've been to, and I can say without any doubt that it will be Fred Phelps who burns in hell. His vitriol is so one-dimensional; he distorts a few oblique references in the bible into a screed that implies that the only qualification to be a good Christian is a hated of gays. Why should you care if two men (out of literally hundreds here) are gay? If you don't approve of their behavior, that's fine. As long as they don't attempt to force you to join them, they are not bothering you. Get over it. |
posted 05-27-99 02:59 AM ET
k_shane, clearly the whole world has gone gay. Do you really think that it is perfectly ok to be straight and infect everyone with AIDS, molest kids and sell drugs you sick hetero scum ? Do you want to spread heterosexuality, that harmful disease, like the plague ? I hope not.I'd recommend for your reading. If you really like members of the opposite sex, everyone _has_ to think you are THE WRONG ONE! What do you expect ? It's just sick. Disclaimer: Isn't it wonderful how "interchangeable" the ramblings of idiots are ?
MikeH II
posted 05-27-99 03:54 AM ET
Wow. Who'd have thought it. Good luck guys. |
posted 05-27-99 04:20 AM ET
Have fun!k_shane: please die. DCA, Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. |
Hugo Rune
posted 05-27-99 08:00 AM ET
Congrats, guys!k_shane: You're a shame to these forums. Please expulge yourself. Or die. |
posted 05-27-99 11:36 AM ET
Here too? Oh well.Lets spam away! |
posted 05-27-99 12:17 PM ET
k_shane:I can relate to how you feel. I once too felt the same way about gays. Being in the Army, the thought of a faggot next to me in the foxhole just pissed me the hell off. And then I started thinking. 1) We're talking about a small percentage of the population that are homosexual so who really cares what they do as long as they're not doing it to me or my family. 2) These people work, pay taxes, and are productive citizens just like me. Why shouldn't they have the same rights as me? 3) Lesbians are great in my book. So why should I be prejudice against gays? 4) I'm very comfortable with my heterosexuality, so I have no reason to fear gays. Now....with that said I have a couple of points. 1) I'm not gay. I think this is a hereditary trait. I equate being gay to being an alcoholic or drug user. Keep it to yourself and away from me. If you come on to me, I'm going to beat the crap out of you, shoot you, or both. 2) Keep it out of the classroom. We have no reason to learn about famous gays, just as we have no reason to learn about famous blacks, just as we have no reason to learn about famous whites. We need to learn about the people that made our countries great. We don't have to omit sex, color, or religion......but we don't need to harp on it either. -4Horses And that's what I think. |
posted 05-27-99 02:14 PM ET
JB, My "JB in a perpetual good mood; there's a concept. :-)" comment refers to your, AUH20 and Imran Siddiqui's many conservative Republican and nationalistic pronouncements posted in these forums in the past. IIRC, most of those posts did not sound as though someone wrote them in a perpetual state of good moodness. :-) Anyway, I was wondering if you have changed your mind on any of the social conservative issues you espoused. In other words, are you becoming more socially liberal as you grow older? ;-)
Hugo Rune
posted 05-27-99 02:32 PM ET
So, Do you have any common interests except Men and SMAC? |
Black Dragon
posted 05-27-99 05:28 PM ET
*BD and 2 police officers come up on k_shane"Black Dragon: Grab 'em, boys! Police officer 1: You are under arrest! You have the right to remain silent, which we strongly recommend you excercise! k_shane: WTF? What is the meaning of this? Black Dragon: You are in violation of the forum regristration code! Taken from the screen where you register: "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this BB." *Police Officer 2 handcuffs k_shane, and k_shane is hauled off to the SMAC forum detention center to await trial for breaking the forum registration code* |
posted 05-27-99 05:53 PM ET
I wish I were in love . Anyway, congrats to both of you .k-shane: Go kill yourself, you ******* pile of *********! |
Gord McLeod
posted 05-27-99 06:46 PM ET
Congrats, JB and StarChild! Way to go.k_shane: You're a prime example of the type of person I'd love to see left behind when the Unity takes off for the new world. Your kind is not needed. |
posted 05-27-99 09:12 PM ET
Has the whole world gone gay?Assumption 1: Homosexuality is genetic (possible). Assumption 2: Homosexuality is a plauge that needs to be wiped from the earth (not mine, but probably yours). Well, following your logic, it's best to get the gays out of the closet where they can't reproduce rather than shame them into the closet where they will pass on their genes. I second everyone else posting here. Please leave. Explain to me, why JB would want to go into details? Well, he seemed to be trending that way with the STD comment, and it's not like latent homophobia sprung up- again, I want to throw up when I see a heterosexual couple feeling each other up in public or rolling around in the grass, so.... and hey, it was Brother Greg, kafaed, Black_Dragon, and me who said it, so we can share the "blame." Hey, JB, do your parents know why you're being really friendly to StarChild? IIRC you said they were rather homophobic... and do you live fairly close, like in the same school district (hidable)? Or is this a long-distance romance (more difficult)? |
Q Cubed
posted 05-27-99 09:42 PM ET
k_shane: why? why must you be so...narrow-minded? being gay is not the mark of satan. being gay just means you have different preferences. isn't America a nation where you can show and exercise those preferences?oh well. |
Q Cubed
posted 05-27-99 09:51 PM ET
k_shane: why? why must you be so...narrow-minded? being gay is not the mark of satan. being gay just means you have different preferences. isn't America a nation where you can show and exercise those preferences?oh well. and because america allows freedom, you should not try to force your opinion on other people. in the future, only those who have an open mind, able to adapt to changes and differences in information and opinion will survive. |
posted 05-28-99 05:06 AM ET
4Horses: "If you come on to me, I'm going to beat the crap out of you, shoot you, or both." And I'm sure you won't complain when a woman you "come on to" does the same thing to you. After all, fair's fair, right? |
posted 05-28-99 09:33 PM ET
Snowfire: I agree. It isn't some homophobia (though homosexuality isn't exactly a topic I really like to talk about), it's just that this kind of thing is personal, not public. I don't go into details with what I do with my girlfriend when we're alone, and I would not expect anyone else to go into details with their personal experiences.~'ed, founding member of the "I LOATH K_SHANE " society. |
posted 05-28-99 09:48 PM ET
Tolls:I've been married 10 1/2 years. If I'm "coming onto" women, I deserve what ever harm comes to me. |
Black Dragon
posted 05-28-99 10:48 PM ET
Keafed: May I join the "I LOATH K_SHANE SOCIETY"? |
posted 05-28-99 10:57 PM ET
I had no idea there were so many gays or gay-wannabees on this forum.. Guess straight people are the ones who are the minority here, it's a bit depressing since male/male sex cannot accomplish anything except STD's.But whatever, I am still against gays because I don't want to see an increase in the homosexual population, it's bad enough as it is.
posted 05-28-99 11:08 PM ET
So ....there are narrow minded ,intolerant, ignorant fools in the non smac forum just like in the game forum. Amazing.....k_shane, please dont breed.And die young . Thanks for your consideration. |
posted 05-28-99 11:11 PM ET
Well, k_shane, that wasn't very nice, but at least you're not MJ or Albert Speer from Apolyton. =) |
posted 05-29-99 12:09 AM ET
Yes, k_shane Homosexuality spreads like the Common Cold. Watch out when someone sneezes, because it could make you Gay. Have you been to prison?Love is blind. Blind to race, blind to age, blind to sex, blind to stuff in general. Some people need to open up thier eyes and see this. |
Q Cubed
posted 05-29-99 12:26 AM ET
k_shane: it's funny, you know? you think anyone who believes in the ideals of what made america great, the belief in the Dollar and in the Freedom of Ideals, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom of Action, and supports these tenets must be gay or desire to be gay because they support the idea that people should be allowed their own preferences.personally, i think that you are quite a homophobe. but it doesn't matter what i think, does it? you're entitled to your viewpoint. i think that gays should be given equal standing with straights. but that doesn't matter much, does it? i'm entitled to my viewpoint, or i will be so long as Christian Fundamentalists and Exophobes don't start restricting and trying to control what I think as an independent minded person. So, now that I've said the rhetoric, do you understand what I'm trying to communicate? Let me say this in the most blunt way possible: I am not gay, I do not wish nor desire to be gay, and I will not become gay. I am a heterosexual person, and prefer members of the opposite gender (female, in this case). I do not dress up, nor do I try to mimic members of the said opposite gender. Rather, I enjoy the fact that I am male. However, I am willing to keep an open mind and allow those who seek pleasure in alternative methods and preferences to seek those pleasure in whichever pathways are available to them. so, please, do try to keep an open mind. ��intellectual integrity: ��the future is based upon the free flow of information. those who limit their awareness of alternative data needlessly and irrevocably cripple themselves over simple prejudices. |
Q Cubed
posted 05-29-99 12:28 AM ET
oh, k_shame:by the way: homosexuals can't reproduce. there's the small thing that's been termed, off-key: "More deviation, less population". So, gays can't procreate and let their genes be passed on through standard procedures. |
posted 05-29-99 03:04 AM ET
Yes they can! Don't you know that men have wombs? We've just been hiding them all along so we don't have to go through the pains of childbirth. k_shane... err, so you call anyone who disagrees with you on this topic a gay? You must have a very very sad life, if you can't accept that other people might have different views. |
posted 05-29-99 08:53 AM ET
JB&SC:I just saw this beautiful little Swedish movie called Fvcking �m�l (with a u, of course - �m�l is where the action takes place, and fvcking is the main characters' opinion about it), which is about two teenage lesbians getting to grips with their sexuality and relationship. I think you'd like it (even relate to it) - particularly the 'gay pride' ending. They probably won't show it in the US, of course, at least not without an NC-17 rating (hey, it's about little lesbian girls kissing each other, masturbating to pictures of each other and contemplating having sex - deeply immoral by American standards), but if it ever shows up, go see it. The movie's been wildly popular in Scandinavia, which sort of made me a bit happy - seems like the k_shanes of this world are getting a beating, at least in this issue. DCA, He sells contact lenses for a cubist world. |
posted 05-29-99 03:58 PM ET
jsorense- Conservartive, yes nationalist no.(on my part at least).Just so long no one is being injured, I don't think government should be concerned, so as such I have nothing against homosexuals. Don't misrepresent me. |
posted 05-30-99 04:37 PM ET
Howdy AUH2O, It has been a long time since you have posted here. Where have you been? I do apologize if I painted your, JB and Imran Siddiqui's politics together with too broad a stroke. It was not my intention to misrepresent your own personal views. I think that I am right in suggesting that most self-proclaimed social conservatives are less tolerant than you are when it comes to accepting gays and lesbians in society. :-) |
posted 05-31-99 11:46 PM ET
Oh Gawd, not here too. That's all I see anymore at Apolyton.Onepaul, if you're out there, kill this topic. |
posted 06-01-99 06:54 PM ET
Oh my, congrats guys ! Live long and prosper. k_shane GET STUFFED !Bishop Who also want somebody to love |
Provost Harrison
posted 06-05-99 01:11 PM ET
Oh my god, this is enough to make me vomit. GIVE IT UP! |