posted 05-26-99 01:33 PM ET
The year is 2016. In the year 2004 the U.S. depleted it's supplies of natural resources. The president made a fatal mistake. He declared war on Canada. The rest of the world was quickly drawn in on one side or the other. World War III was a reality. Luckily Nuclear arsenals were not put into play. Neither side could claim victory and the result was anarchy. Many small territories split of their respectives countries and the world was plaunged into chaos.Rules: 1. Keep the armed forces realistic. Although the world population would obviously have grown, many lives were lost during WW3 so keep that in mind.
2. You won't always win. If you the wars are always in your favor when you make the attack, the rest of us reserve the right to kick you out and divide up your territory. However a small force can defeat a larger through the use of superior strategy.
3. One day real time equals one month game time so keep your accomplishments relative to the time frame.
I claim Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Michigan, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
My armed forces are 50,000 infantry, 20,000 artillery, 15,000 tanks, and 20,000 support personnel.
My Navy has 1,000 destroyers, 500 subs (250 hunter subs, and 250 missile subs), 500 transports, and 200 aircraft carriers.
My Airforce consists of 1,500 fighter jets and 400 bombers.