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Author Topic:   Civil War III: Uprisings
JT 3 posted 05-25-99 09:39 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3   Click Here to Email JT 3  
Okay, the old one was way too long.

IC: We offer Pacifica a treaty.

We have begun work on a supercomputer called Colossus. The effects of the supercomputer are classified, but I will say that it will immensely help our space program.

Borodino posted 05-25-99 10:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
OOC: My dear Mr. Dragon, whatever happened to that rule about battles and one's own favor? Seems as though your Sino-German-Confederate alliance has made significant gains sans significant losses and there was a notable lack of room left for others to respond to those sweeping victories.

IC: Borodino, although still a resident alien in Switzerland, was today given the unusual double posting of minister-without-a-portfolio and ambassador-at-large.

OOC: I keep trying to leave, and sometimes certain posters nearly convince to do so, but I can't quite keep away.

Black Dragon posted 05-26-99 12:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Arrgh. You might actually try reading the posts Borodino. There is no German-Confederate-Sino alliance. In fact, WE ARE AT WAR WITH CHINA YOU GOOFBALL! We are not allied with Germany, and that victory came only after Victor made a Pro-France post. IF YOU WISH TO POST HERE, PLEASE READ THE POSTS AND STOP MAKING UP ALLIANCES THAT DIDNT HAPPEN.

That being said, no hard feelings, eh?

Talon posted 05-26-99 03:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Err okay lemme reposst here:

Black Dragon:
I meant that I controlled pennsylvania west(my mistake) of the susquehanna river. I meant that if I did hold New Jersey, then it
would be cut off from the rest of the GLA.

I DO NOT need access to the Atlantic! I have bases on Hudson Bay, and can move through the lock system on the St. Lawerence. I wonder, why you are trying to give me someplace to strike at your own people?

We would like to purchase Nova Scotia from you. We are offering as a initial bid of 4 billion dollars as well as some secret technology. Please respond soon.

Also, it seems you have been using Ottawa as your capitol. This is in my territory. I am willing to give you the area around the city. Just thought i'd clear that up.

Okay my territory:
Michigan,Ohio,Indiana,Iowa,Minnesota,Eastern Penn. west of the Susquehanna river, Ontario, Manitoba,Illinois,North and South Dakota


Black Dragon posted 05-26-99 03:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Korian: You dont control all of California, you said yourself you hadn't attacked Silicon Valley yet, and you only said you were going after Northern Calidornia. Please state excatly how much of California you conqured in such a short time?

Talon: OK, but your NW Maryland for South Kentucky is completley in your favor. And don't go thinking you are entilted to more than us, we captured more land than yours.

Lands we are willing to negoitate:

New Jersey
Possibly parts of South Africa

In addition, we may be willing to give up a little more if you and the NAF would agree to let me annex the parts of Pennsylvania you don't control.

I assume you are only willing to negotiate with Kentucky? Or are your Caribbean Colonies also on the table?

Anyway, how about Haiti for Kentucky? We managed to get some infrastructure built there, and they have more population than Kentucky does(I think).

JT3: I'd reccomend us making a joint peace treaty with China, as it seems you may need more forces here, as it seems Talon is insisting on making deals Vastly in his favor.

President Korian posted 05-26-99 04:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: I said I was elected President Of Pacifica. This includes all of California, except for the northern part and Silicon Valley. I said I conquered northern California but left Silicon Valley alone. This means I control southern California.

IC: We accept the peace treaty with the TF and would like to ask for an alliance with the GLA. We have also been able to purchase the territory of Arizona from the SWA for an undisclosed sum.

JT 3 posted 05-26-99 05:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

1. I own Arizona. I will not sell it, so don't even make an offer.

2. Who the heck is the SWA?

Victor Galis posted 05-26-99 05:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The Silicon Valley regulatory dispute escalates and northern Califronian troops atempt to sieze control of NAF and Pacifican corporation assets. Unfortunately, the security forces at the largest of these corporations Invisible Software, Inc. consists of a divison of NAF troops. These troops sieze the Valley area and declare it under the protection of the NAF as a territory.

Ottawa is NAF territory. Perhaps it was less than clear, but it is in the semi-circle of protective land around Hull. (Hull is on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river.) The ceneter of this circle, the Civilisation Museum is right across the river from the parliament building.

We will sell you the island part of New Foundland if you want it.

"Meanwhile, In Germany, the Germans won a decisive victory, knocking back the enemy 70 km in all directions and inflicting heavy casulties."

-I suppose I can accept 70 km, but no more, unless the Germans really want to lose to Soviet forces. I mean they can't fight on two fronts, and if the Sino-Russian treaty is real, then the Germans... well... they have more troops to deal with than they can take on their own.

"In China, the Navy won yet another Decisive Victory"

-Again, the Japanese/NDC/Soviet/Australian/New Zealander navy is far superior in numbers and quality.

", and the Soviet signed a Peace Deal with China giving China most of East Russia."

-Quite possible, Say east of the Lena, plus reparations.

"Pakistan and Afghanistan finally succeeded in capturing the Indian government, which today surrendurded to those nations."

-Yeah right! Afganistan and Pakistan could not in their wildest dreams do this. IGNORED.
Additionally, the Indians would nuke before surrendering.

"All Indian troops are pulled out of China."

-They'd already been pushed to the old border in a stalemate.

"Japan also signed a peace agreement fearing total annexation after a recent military defeat, giving China the Islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, as well as the city of Okyama and all land west of it. China hopes to launch an invasion of Australia soon."

-Again, unlikely with the navies being what they are.

OOC: All nations spy on each other, to say that there are no CSA spies in the NAF would be to say I could launcha surprise assault next post and you'd not have the slightest idea. They may not be sabotaging anything, but you are getting espionage reports.

Also, don't think the Ministry of State Security is blind. We can see a massive increase of espionage in Switzerland. We have infiltrators, you know.

To Pacifica OOC: You are closely allied to Japan and the NAf in a three-sided pact against TF agression. The crisis that brought this about is now over and NAF-TF relations are normal. Pacifica was planning its own moves closer to the TF, though your troops are ready to strike at Alaska (TF territory) should anything happen (i.e. sudden TF-CSA attack on the North)

IC: NAF forces have made more deployments. The NAF government is still awaiting the TF response on its question (Will you support your allies should they strike at us first?)

PM Victor moved his personal staff to the secret wartime capital.

CSA spies discover (unless you have none): Back-up general armed forces HQ for the NAF in Yellowknife, NW Territories.
General HQ for NAF forces: Hull, Quebec.
Naval Command: Quebec City, Quebec.
Air command: Montreal, Quebec.
Back up air command: Yellowknife, NW.
Several other secret HQs exist that you are not aware of at this time.

Talon posted 05-26-99 06:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
GLA declares war on CSA!!!!

4 armies poured over the MAryland border and caught CSA forces totally unaware. They made it to Annapolis and are in positoin to strike Richmond in trhee days.

The CSA main naval fleet was ambushed while on a training mission with no live ammo. several submarines launched missles and torpedoes at the 6 carriers involved in the training mission. 5 were sunk and the 6th heavily damaged. Also half of the main fleet was sunk by two GLA surface fleets.

A masive air raid into Kentucky and Tennesee eliminated 3/4 of the CSA supply depots and fuel dumps, along with the divisionial HQ. Immediately 2 GLA armies poured through the defences and pushed the confused CSA army back almost to the border of Tennesee.

3 paratrooper divisions landed at St Louis Missouri and took the city. 2 armies have advanced over the TF-GLA border and are moving to link up with the paratroopers in St Louis.

Talon:So you think this is an accurate simulation of what would happen under war plan 1?
(Talon watches the holographic presentation)

General Briggs:Well sir according to our data, this is the best possible result of a suprise attack on the CSA and TF alliance. I think our paratroopers might have trouble, and the armies entering TF territory might be to weak. I reccomend adding more troops to the TF assault.

Talon:This will leave us with only 3 armies in reserve. I was going to use them to make an attack on South Africa.

Shrekk:We will discuss this further. The use for this will most likely not be used. Now let's work on the defence plan.

Talon:Right, let's begin by placinmg these armies...

Black Dragon posted 05-26-99 06:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Russia just switched to Communisim, and needs to reform it's economy and "Stalinize", so it is a little busy to fight.

China has a sronger Navy than you think, the democracies had to cut back their navies when the world depression occured(which would happen with failing US government) to concenctrate on Social help. China with it's massive population would be capable of building a large navy very quickly, and it is currently(as in 1999) undergoing a massive military buildup, especially air force.

Nation spying on the CSA discover that the CSA is stepping up its already large ship building program, and is currently transporting South African Gold to the Confederate Mainland.

The SWA, made up of Arizona, New Mexico, and Northwestern MExico that is not part of CAR, demand the immediate withdrawal of troops by the NAF from the area.

Pacifica: We currently control the Panama Canal, we may be willing to let you use it if you negotiate for it.

NAF: Are you still trading with England?

And India sold it's nukes, and had nearly all of it's forces concentrated in TIbet, and Afghanistan and Pakistan used a suprise attack.

Black Dragon posted 05-26-99 06:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Talon, after your previous suprise attack, do you really think our army or navy would be caught by suprise?
And don't you think we have air defenses in those areas would have air defenses considering your previous agression?
And if you attack South Africa, you would have to fight our allies the FSA, and 3 divisions wouldn't be enough to take them.
Talon posted 05-26-99 07:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
To NAF:We accept your offer of the island part of Newfoundland. What is your price?

TO CSA:All of Pennsylvania is in NAF-GLA control exept for Philidelphia
Victor do you have ICQ?

Talon posted 05-26-99 07:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Gee why should you care? It was a secret meeting. My military planners can embellish as much as they want. Ye you would be suprised because of my air attack taking out your supplies and HQ. You wouldn't put AA defences near HQ's. Why? They are obvious to spot that way. Also please try to have fun in this thread. You have already made Borodino(which I thought was pretty fair and comprimising) and Snowfire leave. this is not like you're going to die or something.
Victor Galis posted 05-26-99 07:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The Red Army is still large no matter how you look at it. The Nationalists in the Duma never allowed it to be disbanded, whether or no it could be paid for.

To SWA: We do not have any troops in any area except the Silicon Valley area. The conflict in that area is only between ourselves and Northern California (I have been planning this for game time months, but the sudden appearance of the SWA has forced my hand.)

OOC: The SWA is a blatant violation of TF territory, honestly, rethink it.

Ottawa, NAF Capital Terr., The NAF has sold New Foundland for a large undisclosed (OOC: I don't feel lioke comming up with a number) sum of money. GLA military and NAF forces were seen participating in joint exercise in New York Province (NAF) and GLA parts of New York.

OOC: India would not sell nukes with Pakistan still owning them, maybe trim the arsenal, but if Pakisan really inavded like that Islamabad would be radioactive by now. Indian forces had been pushed out of Tibet into the Kashimir. Even if outnumbered those forces would not collapse and fall over 500 km in one post. Be realistic!

SnowFire posted 05-26-99 07:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
The British crown, after a mysterious plauge incapacitating all the members of Parliament and the roayl family, is suddenly and unexpectedly passed to Victor Galis as he comes forward with freak evidence proving himself the closest succesor to the crown. He now has the wealth and might of Britain for his own personal useage.

Since the entire government structure was temporaily down, but no one knew, no peace deals were made, by the way.

Victor Galis posted 05-26-99 07:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
LONDON, England. Earlier today, Victor was crowned king of Great Britain at Westminter Abbey. He denied any complicity in any coup or other such event resulting to his ascencion.

NAF forces, notified a full day ahead reacted swiftly. Some NAF fighter squadrons took to the skies and bombed most AA emplacements near the NAF/CSA border. The Air force then proceeded to nail quite horribly all troops defnding the border. A surprise ground assault swept all defenders back at least 20 km over the entire border (OOC: I will let the CSA complete the results, but remebre your forward troops are routed and will retreat until met by reserves.)

To GLA: We hope the element of surprise wasn't that critical in your plans, but we had to strike first, being at war with the CSA and all...

NAF fleets are in open ocean on the defensive, while a British surface fleet with heavy air cover sails towards the CSA. Submarines have taken up postitions along the CSA coast harrsaing trade in and out but not creating a full blockade, as this is not immediately possible.

Talon posted 05-26-99 08:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Today war was declared between the NAF and CSA. The GLA has yet to respond officially although troops have been moved to the GLA-CSA border. 5 surface fleets have been seen steaming into the Atlantic from bases on Hudson bay.

Negotiations have broken down between the GLA and CSA in Philidelphia. Hours before the NAF attack, President Black Dragon left by plane to his capital. President Talon commented that the CSA was "unwilling to comprimise".

GLA troops landed in France finally after many delays in transport. 2 out of 3 armies were sent to the german front immediately. With the arrival of fresh troops the Germans suffered a massive loss and was pushed back 30km from the front in disorder.

JT 3 posted 05-26-99 08:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
No, I will not support the CSA should they attack first.

"You are closely allied with Japan and NAF in a three-sided pact against TF agression."

Yeah right! I'm allied with Japan against China! Go read the old thread!



The TF has doubled all SAM and AA emplacements in their territory. The Space Fleet has sent down the fighters into the lower atmosphere. Word of NAF attacks is spreading through the country. President JT has released this statement: "We will not join the CSA in this war, as they were not attacked. However, if the NAF attacks, we are prepared to fight. We do not wish for a war between the Texan Federation and the North Atlantic Federation, nor between us and the GLA. We simply ask for peace, and a Continental Congress in the IFS."

Black Dragon posted 05-26-99 10:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
JT3: Forget about the SWA then, I didn't know you owned that territory.

AND YES THE NAF DID ATTACK ME! READ HIS POST! WE DID NOT ATTACK THE NAF! I will respond to VG's post later, I am tired, now, but please read his post, he did indeed attack me.

President Korian posted 05-27-99 07:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Our forces have pushed into Montana and Idaho and they are now under the control of Pacifica. We are calling up reserves on the TF border, although we have not declared war yet.
Talon posted 05-27-99 03:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
President Talon has sent a message to the CSA pretty much saying get out of Kentucky immediately.

When asked why he sent this letter he replied "I'm sick of the damn rebs being in the GLA. They don't want to negotiate, do this is what I must do. I think many of the citizens of Kentucky agree that life was better under Alliance rule." A local citizen added "Yeah that Preseedent Talon is 'un fine man. I hope w'll be freed soon."

Local citizens of Maryland have been urged to rejoin the glorious north. Local officials have been discussing the matter all week. It looks as if Maryland will join the GLA or maybe independant when the dicision is reached. The CSA government has forbidden Maryland to secede, but has it's hands tied with GLA troops holding 3/4 of Maryland.

Victor Galis posted 05-27-99 04:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Transcript of a pree conference given by Victor in London, seven hours after the attack.

Reporter: Why did you break the treaty with the CSA?
Victor: What treaty? We signed no treaty, thus none was broken. In fact, legally, we've always been at war with the CSA. The NAF, (and NDC and GDQ before it) have belonged in name to England. Now, we've decided to honor that commitment.
Reporter: How do you respond to allegations of wrongdoing in getting the crown?
Victor: No commemt.

The NAF-CSA fight is on time freeze until the CSA will react. At this time the following outcomes are likely:

1) NAF forces pushed deep into CSA territories taking heavy losses from CSA reinforcements.

2) CSA forces gave up another 20 km (or so) befoe digging in and meeting reinforcements leading to a stalemate on the front.

3) Some sort of cease-fire.

To TF: Our attack on the CSA was part of a longer UK-CSA war therefore, we did not strike first. By assuming the crown I was forced to carry on the war and stop dodging the responsibility of carrying on the war as a loyal sbject of his majesty.

JT 3 posted 05-27-99 05:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Korian: Why do you think I want war with you? I want a peaceful period, but it seems not everyone wants to meet for a Continental Congress.
Talon posted 05-27-99 06:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
The GLA accepts PAcifica's alliance offer.

3 Naval bases have been built on the recently purchased island of Newfoundland. Also an airbase is 63% completed.

Victor Galis posted 05-27-99 06:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Quebec infrastructure is now rebuilt after the Quebec Insurrection and general all around nastiness (about a year ago game time). Reinforcements from the UK began arriving (via North Atlantic) in Quebec City. At this point it is only a trickle.
Black Dragon posted 05-28-99 01:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
To the TF: Re-Read the old thread, Snowfire attacked my forces first. We never declared war, merely recognized a state of war existed between our two nations.

To the NAF: Very Well, but you inherit England's Sanctions too now, which have now grown more popular as a result of your agression.

OOC, to the GLA: You only control 1/4 of Maryland, Northwestern Maryland. Secondly, they have been under brainwashing for three years now, and have heard alot of mean propaganda about you, and hate you like the plauge. The parts you Control are Frederick COunty, as well as the are North of Baltimore, with the CSA having the MD land pass to the Delmarva Pennisula.

IC: Talon, if you incorporate any of Maryland into GLA control, know that we will do the same with Kentucky.

MEanwhile, the Confederate government reveals that they had secretly taped the peace talks. They give a copy of the tapes to the GLA media, who are shocked at Talon's willingness to use Kentucky as a bargaining piece, and at his admancy at taking Maryland, where they do not like the GLA. Talon is given the full LBJ treatment, with neo-hippies protesting the agression and everything. The opposition party looks to gain control of Congress unless something happens too.
OOC: You can't run a democracy that agressivley without hearing massive protests.

Confederate Soldiers decide to give up area in exchange for inflicting heavy casulties. They are moved across New Jersey to the Deleware river, where Confederate Soldiers are laying remote activated land-mines(meaning they won't hurt civilians or our soldiers), on both sides of the river.

On the Naval front, the CSA which has always put a focus on a large navy, defeats the smaller NAF navy of the Coast of New England in a decisive battle, as well as sinking two English troop transports, forcing reinforcements fom England to temporarily stop.

In Switzerland, Borodino was strangely absent from work today, and his children were also absent from school.
(Our agents[we sent our best ones] were very careful to leave no evidence about whatever we did there).
The Swiss government has launched an investigation.

The CSA agrees to meet at a Continetal Congress.

The CSA, which controls the Panama Canal, announced the Canal would be closed to Pacifican ships due to agressive actions against the TF(And don't think the Canal will fall easy their are massive fortifications their)

The CSA signed an official peace treaty with China, and has begun accepting Chinese goods again.

The CSA begins trading South African Gold for weapons and ships of Central and South American Nations.

President Korian posted 05-28-99 07:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We will meet at the Continental Congress. We do not care that the Panama Canal is closed. Most of our exports go to other places in North America or to Asia. Those few which go to Europe or Africa can travel north of Canada.
Victor Galis posted 05-28-99 09:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The NAF airforce, in the course of routine air ops (nothing major) sees CSA mines being planted in the area of the Delaware River. NAF troops sieze all land North of the river with some medium casualties and then stop 2 mi. north of the mine field and begin to entrench and build defnsive positions.

A NAF diplomat goes to the Continental Congress, but the NAF does not necessarily seek peace, but "we will consider it if it is offered."

A UK minor naval strike force in the South Atlantic detects a CSA convoy, not guarded too heavily. The strike force (consisting of a carrier and some escorts) uses its air support to pummel the convoy's escorts. A submarine in the area uses this as cover to sink the remaining escorts. The convoy surrenders revealing a decent amount of gold which is siezed and immediately sent by plane North. The gold arrives safely at Gibraltar, 9 hours later, and is taken by plane to London, where it arrives safely 3 hours later. A CSA spokesman downplays this as minor, while an UK spokesman admits the amount was not too big, but would hurt the CSA a little.

A CSA-owned oil tanker traveling alone in the Carribean is torpedoed and sunk by a British sub, which subsequently escapes.

The NAF airforce launches a major attack at the CSA fleet, which retreats to open ocean, neither side takes major losses (though the CSA might have had they not pulled back a bit).

Talon posted 05-28-99 02:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
President Talon responded to the recent CSA allegations in his speech at the New White House recently opened last week. He resonded to the allegations saying:

"Yes, for a short while, I did consider trading Kentucky. Eventually I decided that the loss of GLA citizens to the evil CSA would be something I could not do. Remember citizens of the alliance, fellow americans, I will not trade all of you for even a foot of land."

Err BLack Dragon, I took most of MAryland in one of the last assaults of the first war. Here it is and I quote:

"10 minutes after the command bunker was destroyed, 3 GLA armies which had moved into position in the last 2 weeks beagn an all out
attack on CSA positions near Bowie and Annapolis. When commanders found out that the General was dead they panicked and began a mass retreat in heavy disorder. Annapolis was abandoned. Even with naval support, GLA air power forced the navy to retreat to Norfolk.
Moderate losses were sustained, and the CSA force at Frederick was surrounded and then surrendered."

This clearly shows I now hold all north of Annapolis. This is lots more than just NW Maryland.

JT 3 posted 05-28-99 04:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
The TF will join in the continental congress.

On the battlefront, things are going moderatly well. The NAF has been knocked back a few miles in Maryland by some TF tank divisions. Also, APCs chronoshifted behing NAF lines have done extraordinarily well in surrounding their forces.

In the sea, however, things are not quite as good. 3 battleships have been sunk by NAF cruisers and subs. A TF civilian ship was also attacked, but managed to escape.

Victor Galis posted 05-28-99 05:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
A NAF fighter squadron launched all of its missiles into a remote portion of the Alaska pipeline, stoppung oil flow from Alaska for at least a week (maybe more if the weather is really bad) NAF subs still in position off the coast of Alaska form a blockade that shuts down all traffic (with the exception of well defended convoys, which they would let pass, because they don't feel particularly suicidal.)

Pacifica is notified that it is at war with the TF based on its treaties with the NAF-UK entity.

NAF paratroopers land in Pacifican territory on the border of Alaska and attack TF positions. All continental Alaska south of Juneau falls without too much fighting. A more northerey strike minor group hits Skagway taking the city with moderate loses. The TF commander curses himself for having to defnd such a large state with so few men.

Black Dragon posted 05-28-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
To Pacifica: If you agree not to intervene in this current war, we can offer you some territory/money if you wish to avoid war.

To the NAF: Of course we want peace, you attacked us first didn't you?

To the GLA: Entering the war wouldn't be popular at this point, considering it would mean very good chances of reinstatement of Sanctions. In fact, if you do not intervene, we may be willing to negotiate on your terms for the treaty.

My "War Post" will come later tonight.

Victor Galis posted 05-28-99 07:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
To CSA: For teh millionth time, we've always been at war since the day our country was created.

OOC: The Pacifican population has been fearing a TF attack for over a year now, ever since the alliance was signed. The bulk of NAF (NDC, and GDQ) propaganda was directed at making the TF seem like a threat in Alaska. It allowed us to occupy the Japanese Yukon and form an alliance. any attempt to not intervene in this war would meat witha general popular disapproval.

IC: The NAF propaganda engine broadcasts several news stories (slightly fictional) of TF troop build up on the Pacifican border. A TV station in Saskachewan airs a discussion forum which concludes that all CSA strategy relies on beating up the NAF first and then taking on Pacifica.

JT 3 posted 05-28-99 07:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: sigh. Why am I supposed to be on bad relations with Pacifica because they have an alliance with someone who I have bad relations with? Pacifica isn't a copy of the NAF.

IC: Seeing Alaska being attacked, hyperion hull sub transports shoot towards Alaska. Only one sub is discovered, the rest were too deep, and that sub is not shot because of its defense array. Tanks stream across the small brigade of paratroopers, easily defeating them with their 5 to 1 numerical superiority. They stop at the Alaskan border, however, as they are specificly ordered not to intrude on Pacifica territory. More transports are on their way to back the tank brigades up, with attack sub and destroyer escorts.

The Alaskan movement temporarily stops all attacks on other fronts from lack of reenforcements. The armies entrench themselves to prepare for any attacks, and wait for the new tanks and air forces to come rolling off the production line.

Victor Galis posted 05-28-99 09:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: Pacifica is at war with the TF as is Japan under the terms of their alliance. Failure to attack if able consists of breaking treaties, as the TF did in attacking us.

IC: News footage shows Victor in Trafalgar Square giving a speech...
"... and we shall punish the Texans for their treachery... We shall not give in to them even if our allies don't help. The United Kingdom will defnd its territory to the end as we have in World War II... Those fanatics in the CSA will never threaten the freedom of our subjects. We are prepared to defnd that freedom to the last man, and to the last nuke."

NAF spies in Texas blow up three oil fields (all other operatives taht were went out at that time were caught.) A Heavy NAF air raid detroys all bridges over the Delaware River. NAF forces push the Texans out almost to the river, stopping outside the mine field. A SAS strike team breaks into the CSA HQ and after assainating several hih ranking officers manages to break into the mine control center. There they hold out until they have detonated most of the mines, starting with those under the Texan troops. They are eventually killed, but there are now paths through the minefield.

The British fleet makes contact with the CSA fleet. The NAF Air force in combination with the British fleet make a joint assault on the CSA fleet, which is wiped out with severe losses to the British Expeditionary Fleet.

A computer virus launched from a NAF spec ops center downs most of the CSA's military computers for a day, but CSA forces solve the problem then.

The NAF calls on the GLA and Pacifica to react.

President Korian posted 05-28-99 09:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We declare war on the TF, but wish for continued peace with the CSA. Our troops have spilled across the Alaskan border and have cut off southeast Alaska from the rest of the state. We have begun a blockade of southeast Alaska, although we have already lost 1 Battleships and 3 Destroyers. Our submarines have been given orders to fire on any and all ships entering TF harbors in Alaska. On the Arizonan front, we have made very small gains with moderate losses, although we wish to only hold our own in the south. We would like to purchase some military equipment from the GLA to use in this operation. We have called up defense reserves and there are now .75 million troops guarding our southern front.

Victor Galis posted 05-28-99 09:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
To Pacifica: We thank our loyal allies for the declaration of war against the Texans, and we acknowlege that one against the CSA is unecessary. We will not force our allies to declare war on a country that they have nothing against.
Black Dragon posted 05-28-99 10:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
In response to the attack on the Texas Federation by Pacifica, the Confederate States of America declared war on Pacifica.

The CSA after recovering from the original sucsessful attack, takes the offensive against the NAF. They Charge agressivley againt the NAF and are able to force them on the retreat. With use of Chronosphere, the CSA place reinforcements in the way of routed troops, causing casulties to be heavy for both sides. The CSA finally manages to retake Trenton, altough NAF forces are still about 90 miles into New Jersey. With England becoming part of the NAF, Germany has begun attacking English ships, causing most of the fleet to battle Germany's evenly matched navy.

President Korian posted 05-28-99 10:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We have developed a technology which can "block" the cnronosphere and returns anything chronoshifted back to their original positions. We are transferring this technology to the NAF and GLA. We have also developed a basic design for a hovertank although we will need both scientific and manufacturing help. I think a triple venture between the GLA, Pacifica, and the NAF would be best.
Black Dragon posted 05-28-99 10:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
BTW, we find this war not nessecary, and propose an armisitce on all sides.

OOC: No gold is being SHIPPED to the CSA, we are transporting gold by plane. You might have captured a ship bringing food to the CSA though, which you will definitley need.

IC: The larger Confederate Navy(we were working on navy since beginning of game) defeats the smaller NAF navy again with most of England's navy facing trouble with the German Navy, which is about evenly matched with England's Navy. They are currently preventing English troops from landing and are beginning to set up a blockade.

Commerce raiding by NAF subs has caused much of CSA Trade to be Switched to Air Trade, seriously hurting the CSA's shipping industry.

The CSA has gone into the gambling casinos in Atlantic City, and has taken the Atlantic City casinos money for the government.

Much of the South Africa Expeditionary force is sent home to the CSA, relying mostly upon their allies the FSA to keep control of the area.

To the TF: China has offered you a peace treaty, you may want to take it to use against Korian.

Black Dragon posted 05-28-99 10:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Korian: You can not suddenly develop technology out of the blue like that! You must announce you are beginning research on it first.

The CSA and Germany are beginning to exchange intellegence information.

JT 3 posted 05-28-99 10:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

I assume the Pacifica war stands anyway, because of the NAF.

After quickly recovering from the strike on Alaska, TF forces with aid from the HH Sub Transports quickly push back the outnumbered Pacifica forces five miles beyond the Yukon border.

TF paratroopers have landed on the northwestern edge of the TF-Pacifica border. Aided by Chronoshifted tanks and Colorado air support, they quickly push back the small defending forces(remember: you have a lot of your forces in Arizona and Alaska). Guerrila teams and spy agents quickly get deep into Pacifica territory while the tanks and paratroopers drive deeper.

On the northern front, things are not going so well. The GLA has driven through parts of Kentucky and Maryland. Several Apaches have been shot down by SAM emplacements. An attempted siege on the major GLA-NAF Kentucky defense post failed miserably with heavy casualties. Luckily, the Federation has finished installing its new long-range laser cannon, giving us air support.

JT 3 posted 05-28-99 10:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, yes, forgot, the Japanese have signed a cease fire with China, and we have done the same. 4 battlefleets and several divisions of tanks, infantry, and aircraft have returned home to fight on the battlefronts.
Black Dragon posted 05-28-99 11:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
WE ARE NOT AT WAR WITH THE GLA! They have yet to attack us. I think you are mistaken, so we will ignore your posts about attacking the GLA unless you decided to suprise attack them, in which case we aren;t obligated to support you against them.

Talon: re-read the old thread

"Meanwhile, those still able-bodied in Virginia rush to join the army, and with the new recruits and the reinforcements that managed to survive the chemical assault charge into Maryland, and are able to retake Baltimore, Albeit with heavy losses."

This was before the Cease fire.

JT 3 posted 05-28-99 11:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, you aren't? Then disregard that. I was coming in and attacking because I thought you were attacked.

So, I am not at war with the GLA.

Victor Galis posted 05-29-99 10:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
On the eastern front in Russia, a heavy Russian offensive with heavy casualties breaks the German lines and tosses the Germans back to the Oder River, where the Germans rebuild their defnsive line. The German high command moves troops from the low countries and North Western France to puch the Soviets back.

RAF bombers hit the troop and armored columns heavily inflicting light losses, but more importantly interdicting their movement and immobilizing them. British paratroopers paradrop near Ypres amd Roulers. Royal Marines make an amphibous assault taht siezes Zeebrugge and Ostende on the Bellgian coast. These marines strike south seizing Bruges and linking with the paratroopers and Belgian resistance forces.

French forces attack north through gaps in the German front created by the troop movements east sieze Amiens. A side attack along trhe coast with some light RAF-French airforce support along with Royal Navy supportsieze Montreuil. The Germans, unable to defend the coast retreat, and Calais falls to the French. British forces are transported through the Chunnel to support the offensive and the Geemrans lose St. omer and Bethune. The city of Lille is attacked from two sides and siezed. A division of German forces surrenders after being encircled and with its back to the sea.

German forces in northwestern France are routed. In Eastern France the Germans make small territorial gains due to the Allies having shifted their forces to the Northwest. German troops in Holland were attacked by Dutch resistance forces ina guerilla campaign and are all occupied putting down the insurrection.

To TF and CSA: Do not use space forces unless you wish to lose them, we have no qualms about using our nukes in space.

OOC: The Uk did not become part of the NAF, it is the other way around.

LONDON, UK Today the parliaments of Ottawa and London ratified in a joint session, possible due to modern telecom technology, the Act of Union of 2027 unifying under a single government the mother country and the former colonies.

British transport to North America has been shifted north through Waskaganish. A rapid Canal Development project will link the River that flows through Waskaganish and the Ottawa river in Western Quebec. This new route is safe from CSA fleets as it is through Arctic waters all the way.

OOC: Do I control Keflavik or does the GLA?

JT 3 posted 05-29-99 12:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I won't hesitate to use space forces, as the Federation has an intercept anti-missle system using lasers. Your nukes won't get through, as either our space cruiser, space station, or space fighters will destroy it well before it can get to whatever is its target.
Black Dragon posted 05-29-99 02:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Same Here, our Space Station, the Nathan Bedfordd Forrest serves primarily as an observation station that lets us see what is happening on Earth, as well as an orbital missle launcher. It also has a system which allows it to use missles against anything shot at it, such as nukes.

(BTW, check rule #1 in the previous thread, Nukes are forbidden. And England would have had to sell it's nukes as well, as the US-UK economies are so intermixed England's economy would have crashed along with the US's.

JT 3 posted 05-29-99 02:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
In a secret lab near Houston....

Scientist1: Congratulations, Mr. President, Colossus is up and running.
JT3: Good. This supercomputer will help us immensly.
Sci1: This panel up here shows anything Colossus wants to send to us. Here comes a message right now.
JT3: What? Turn the voice-activation system on.
Sci1: It's on, sir.
JT3: Colossus, what do you mean by ALLIANCE?
JT3: What?! Colossus is the only supercomputer there is!
JT3: So..... the GLA has a supercomputer of their own..... I want to talk with them. Right now.

Black Dragon posted 05-29-99 05:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Meanwhile, in the Confederate White House at Richmond, Virginia:

(This is all being done very secretly, no other factions know about this, only BD and his most trusted advisors who were with him when the USA was still in existence)
Borodino is dragged into small interrogation room. Inside the room is Black Dragon, his cabinet, and 5 more armed guards, all carrying guns. In the corner lies a nerve staple.

Borodino: What is the meaning of this!? Why have you done this to me?(OOC: Read earlier posts, Borodino was captured by the CSA)

Black Dragon: Well, as I am sure you already know, we have been attacked by your good friend Victor Galis of the NAF. We would like to ask your former states to secede from the NAF.

Borodino: Your fvcking crazy if you would think I would ever help you! I shall never deliver my people into your evil hands!

Black Dragon: I thought you would say that, perhaps you will need a little more "convincing"

Guards, strap him into the nerve staple!

Black Dragon: Ready to cooperate?

Borodino: Never!

Black Dragon: I feared it would come to this.

Billy: Daddeee!


Black Dragon: Nothing, and nothing shall happen to him so long as you cooperate.

Black Dragon: Now, Borodino, I want you to understand fully the future I am capable of providing to your child. For the rest of his life his days could go like this:Get up, eat breakfest, be tortured, eat lunch, be tortured, eat dinner, be tortured, go to bed. If you wish for that not to happen, I would reccomend full and complete cooperation.

Borodino: All right, you dirty sonofabitch, I'll cooperate with you and youre fvcking country. But you better not hurt my boy!

Black Dragon: If you cooperate fully, you have nothing to worry.

Borodino: Greeting to all my fellow citizens of the North Atlantic Confederacy. As you already know, my government of which you have elected was thrown out by a coup d etat, and the persons responsible surrendured you to the NAF. I escaped to Switzerland, but there I was tracked by NAF spies who forced me to deliver a message supporting the nefarious NAF, and their leader who did indeed participate in the coup, Victor Galis. I then flew secretly to the Richmond, where the CSA has agreed to help me throw off the NAF, and I will be staying here for security reasons, since I have had trouble with Victor's henchmen more than once. I urge you to resist and throw off the shackles of this opressive government and support the Confederate States of America in liberating us. As supreme commander of NAC forces, I command all loyal troops to rebel against the NAF, and to cooperate with CSA troops who have agreed to help us."

Following the announcment, legislatures in the former NAC secede from the NAF and form the NAC. NAC troops in New Jersey rush home to protect their homeland, allowing CSA troops to flush the NAF out of New Jersey. Information given from NAC navy about the NAF navy coordinates allows CSA ships to defeat the NAF ships at sea.

President Korian posted 05-29-99 07:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: JT, how many troops do you have in Alaska? First you outnumber the NAF, and you still outnumber me? (I have about 35% of my professional army in Alaska.) Also, BD, just because I haven't announced a project doesn't mean I'm not working on it. BD and JT: Your space stations have to have some way of being destroyed.
IC: Our chronoshift blocker seemed to have a few design flaws. A completely functioning model ought to be working within a short while. (OOC: In a couple days.) In the northwest, we have been unable to advance into the Yukon although we have once again cut off southeast Alaska. We have been able to sink several transports trying to run our blockade. Several merchant ships transporting oil and gold out of Alaska have been captured. We have caught several spies and guerillas and they have all been executed at public hangings. The violent nature of the guerillas against civilians have inspired my defense reserves in Arizona to advance, and we now control the western 1/4 of Arizona and it is very heavily guarded. We have made several air raids on air bases in Colorado but only a few planes were destroyed before my bombers were forced to retreat. It has been estimated we lost more air forces than the TF did. We have hired hackers from Silicon Valley to upload a virus onto the Colossus, although so far they have failed.
Black Dragon posted 05-29-99 08:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
OOC: Korian says "Also, BD, just because I haven't
announced a project doesn't mean I'm not working on it."

The CSA today announced a new anti-choronoshift blocker, which will allow troops to chronoshift, even if a chornoshift blocker is in place. They have now shared this tech with the TF.

Seriously Korian, if you want to begin a project seriously say "Pacifica has secretly begun work on a project that will prevent soldiers from chronosphereing". You can not come out with such projects out of the blue. And considering you haven't even began developing Chronosphere yet, than you would know nothing about how it works, making attempts to block it rather difficult. Heck, when JT3 was developing it he waited until the war ended to announce it. Please be a little more realistic with your research and stuff. Your Chronospher blocker and hovertank is hence ignored.

Remember, JT3 controls Mexico, easily giving enough population to outnumber you. And how did you find out about Collusus being up and running?

And as far as our space stations, well you should have concentrated on space stuff before this war started if you wanted to destroy them. To destroy them, you would have to begin working on a space fleet now, altough since we are already in space you would be at a large disadvantage.


The CSA today secretly moved most all of it's spies out of Switzerland and into Pacifica.

Cruise Missles from the space station Nathan Bedfordd Forrest today managed to hit and destroy the larget Navy seaport in San Fransisco. They also inflicted minor damage to one in Seattle. Another seaport in Los Angeles was target but Anti Aircraft Guns in the City prevent damage to it.

President Korian posted 05-29-99 08:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC:I'm quitting this thread due to the one-sidedness of certain poster. It's not worth my time to come back and correct it.
IC: Koriandecides to resign as President of Pacifica. He convinces the Parliament that their military is too weak to deal with other nations and gives join control of Pacifica to the GLA and the NAF. He reserves the right to once again take command of Pacifica.
Black Dragon posted 05-29-99 09:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Korian: Go away, then. If I were to leave the first time someone disputed something, I would be gone a long time ago. One-Sidedness? You are perfectly entitled to post a decisive victroy for your side. Or did you expect to be competitve in space now while completley ignoring space entirely previosusly? Or were you so outraged with not being able to pump out technologies out of thin air? I'm beginning to consider leaving this thread myself because of all of this.
JT 3 posted 05-29-99 09:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: Korian: You have absolutly no way of having 35% of your troops in Alaska while having 7.5 million in Arizona and others on your border!(I'm assuming you're not a complete idiot and leaving your borders undefended) Heck, I have twice as many states as you, not to mention northern Mexico, including Mexico City, and I only have 900,000 total troops! Unless absolutly all your citizens are in the military, which would be insane, because then there is noone to run factories or business or police etc., you would be outnumbered if I sent most of my attacking force to Alaska!

Also, not only do you not know the position of Colossus, but it is not hooked up to the internet, and it would display a message saying that a virus has been inserted. Also, do you think we're going to leave our supercomputer totally exposed to viruses?

IC: The TF forces have regained all of Alaska, although they have been pushed out of the Yukon.

On the NAF front, NAF forces have been totally pushed out of Maryland. The NAC uprising has majorly crippled NAF military, and we expect a surrender within a week.

JT 3 posted 05-29-99 09:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, yes, forgot to mention that the anti-chronoshift thing is totally disregarded, as not only did that come from nowhere, but spent a llloooooonnnnnnggggg time developing the chronoshift, and the defense cannot just suddenly appear.
Black Dragon posted 05-29-99 09:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Oh yeah and Talon, I'd like to remind you that both Borodino and Snowfire did out of charchter bickering before me, so I don't really think it is fair to blame the bickering on this forum on me.
JT 3 posted 05-29-99 09:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
BD: Don't leave, you are a major part of this thread.
Victor Galis posted 05-30-99 09:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: The GDQ had nukes that it bought. I clearly said so towards the beginning of the first thread.

UK forces have put down the revolt completely in all former Canadian provinces (being the real mother country and all.) the provinces of New England and New York are governable but revolting. Pennsilvania is under strict martial law.

LONDON, UK Victor gave a speech today which marked an alarming turn of events.

"... Due to the all around nastiness in the Northeast we have revoked our no first use policy which we've had in effect for a year or so (OOC: since the beginning of the last thread). We warn the TF and CSA not to use their space force if they don't want us to use our Strategic Nuclear Forces. We will defnd what's ours. We will give a demonstration of this later today. Should we be forced to use these weapons later, there will be nastier consequences."

A squadron of fast interceptors takes off of the HMS Invincible which is stationed about 400 miles East of Richmond. They take light losses to AA fire (flying to fast and high) over Richmond the three surviving planes begin to circle. Within seconds, the official orders come in from London. The planes acknowlege with a the battlecry "For King and Country!" A nuclear blast engulfs the planes. Down in Richmond three casulaties are reported from the blast. An EMP shockwave destroys all electronics in the CSA capital. Richmond has been blasted back into the Stone Age. A massive air assault followed striking the Virgina coast directly East of Richmond and moving in. A corridor is opened through CSA airdefences into Richmond. (Richmond's own airdefenses were knocked out by the EMP.) Several SAS assault groups paradrop into Richmond, attacking now almost defnceless government centers. Hundreds of lesser CSA officials are killed. BD escapes with Borodino and his top officials. The SAS strike teams are pulled out (50% casaulties).

OOC: Alaska has .75 million troops on its Southern border not 7.5 read the post again. I hope you have more than half a million troops in Alaska JT, because otherwise you don't outnumber us. And if you do... well... say bye-bye to Texas. I will belive that a smaller number of TF troops could hold against more poorly trained Pacifican troops, but if they wanted you out of Alaska, you'd be gone.

An UK assault into Alaska cuts off the oil pipeline. (OOC: I hope you have a lot of tankers, JT. Because you can kiss your mechnized troops and planes in SE Alaska good bye.)

To: TF and CSA, once again I warn you against trying to win too quickly, you may have nukes upon your head if the fight turns unfair.

UK troops from Great Britain are pushed into Belgium and France in a major landing at Dunkirk (which is in French hands). (OOC: These are the troops you cut off from reaching North America.)

The afore mentioned troops suge forward through the German front outnumbering the enemy at least 2 to 1. Brussels falls in a day and the Allied assault breaks into two prongs. One strikes South catching Namur before Germans can redirect their forces to defend it, the othermoving towards Amsterdam. Forces from Namur push on into Luxemburg and Germans from Northern France are almost caught in the giant encirclement movement. A massive German retreat is underway. The Germans counter attack, but and in all the confusion puch friendly forces back from Luxemburg, but the Germans lose all land East and South of the Meuse.

JT 3 posted 05-30-99 11:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: I am henceforth ignoring Victor's entire post as not only was it completely in his favor on all fronts, but nukes were outlawed in OOC rules.

Also, I would be amazed to see how _interceptors_ are carrying nukes, let alone flying so fast with them that all the AA Guns miss.

I have also said about twenty times that I had fighters up over all major CSA and TF cities. You cannot say that you came when all of them were refeuling, as they obviously fly in shifts(even the stupidest military commander wouldn't bring down all his fighters at once).

Don't you think we just might have more than one oil pipeline from Alaska? Even though I'm ignoring your post, you need to think about this. I have lots of pipelines.

And, one more thing, they have .75 million on the Arizonian Border, not the Alaskan border. So, I have lots of troops down south. I took Alaska with more troops because they had so few up there to begin with, seeing as most of their army was on their southern border.

So, Victor's post is ignored.

Victor Galis posted 05-30-99 12:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: Nukes were banned because no nation had them, I acquired them.

I'll give you taht the Richmond thing never happened, but the part about France stands.

JT, there is only one major Alaskan oil pipeline. If there would have been more, they are all cut by now. Don't give me any BS, becuase you can't defend 400+ miles of pipeline in the middle of nowhere from air attack.

Again the GDQ acquired nukes, it was posted TWICE. The rules say no nation has nukes. It doesn't say they can't acquire them.

Now how high up is your station. I'd like to know taht before i take it down.

IC: A massive amout of refugees from Pacifican territory flows into the TF and similar amounts into the CSA from New Jersey.

Victor Galis posted 05-30-99 12:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Earlier today Victor signed an agreement with the leaders of the Arab world against the CSA the "fundamentalist heretics." Relations between West and Middle East seem to have imroved slightly, but the alliance is a more temporary pact against a common enemy.

Victor made a state visit to Russia where he formalized the Franco-UK-Russian alliance against Germany and their allies the CSA.

Black Dragon posted 05-30-99 01:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
1. The rules said blunlty: NO NUKES! Did you not understand the NO part or the NUKES part? All posts with nuclear weapons will hereby be ignored. Talon Banned them because he thought they made the game less interesting.

2. If you insist on using nuclear weapons, all nations of the world will launch nuclear weapons on you, see Snowfire's previous post.

3. WE ARE NOT ALLIED WITH GERMANY! We are cooperating with them but we have no alliance.

4. Germany had made peace with it's eastern neighbors,(see previous thread) and has no intention of attacking eastern nations until it finishes off France and England.

5. Russia made peace because it just switched back to communism, and is busy "stalinizing", which can take time.

6. The Arab Nations have nothing against us, but they hate you for supporting Isreal(See Snowfire's post, 1st thread). They are not at war with us.

7. Our Space Stations are high up in space, but do not expect to take them down easily after all the hard work we put into them, while you have ignored space thusfar.

8. No Canadian provinces revolted, only the former NAC. And New England would not be able to be governable that quickly, because the population of New York State and New England outnumber the population of Quebec. Fierce fighting between NAC and NAF troops are underway.

9. You never mentioned anything about developing EMP!

IC: The CSA rushes into NAC territory to aid the NAC against the NAF. Seeing as how NAC and NAF forces are about equal in the NAF, the Confederate Offensive is able to get most NAF troops out of New York. Borodino announces he is pleased with events, and he says that he hopes the NAC will be liberated soon.

The CSA begins a Naval blocakde of Canada, using the Space station to see naval transports, allowing fleets to move wherever they may be(we can bring our ships through arctic waters, you know.

JT 3 posted 05-30-99 03:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Due to the pipeline being cut, the oil flow has been stopped and all materials are being transported by civilian trucks payed classified amounts of money(in other words, the oil gets to the rest of the TF slower, but you can't say you destroyed all our trucks, as you aren't able to tell if a Coke truck really has Coke in it or if it has oil)

The TF has drawn back its forces from NAF territory because of the NAF forces being pounded. The forces on the Pacifica front are reenforced by the ones drawn back from the NAF front. They capture Nevada and lower California, and are pushing up farther. Pacifica is collapsing, and we expect a total surrender within a week.

Aid to the CSA and NAC forces comes from the Federation. Cruise missles can hit targets at will with most AA emplacements out thanks to the ground attacks. We have signed an alliance with the NAC against the NAF.

The naval war in England has not gone so well. Several battleships and cruisers have been sunk by German ships. We are withdrawing our forces from that war to ensure the Pacifica and NAF victories.

JT 3 posted 05-30-99 03:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Doh! I meant _English_ ships. Sorry.
Talon posted 05-30-99 09:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Ah Damn! I leave two days and this happens? Mother F***! Okay, as long as Victor is fine with it, the NAC stays. But Black Dragon, think they would agree to help from the
"cursed" CSA? Relations between the CSA and former NAC were shaky at best before Borodino left. They trusted Victor as there were no signs of dissidence before. Alas, here I go with rule explaining again.

1. NO NUKES!!!! Nukes can't be used ever against anything. If you hadn't noticed Victor used an EMP shockwave. totally non-nuclear. Not to mention 3 countem 3 casualties. Not 30,000 not 30 million but 3!
Okay Victor can't use nukes ever ok? But EMP is fine. Let us remember that these are in limited supply okay no "well I EMP'd all your major cities, then took them all with paratroopers" okay? This took to damn long to write. I hope I don't have to staighten out everyone again. And finally HAVE FUN! Let's try to stay realistic, while having a fun time also. Got it? I don't want any complaints.

As it stands:
-No nukes for any reason what so ever.
-Germany is finished, they will sue for peace soon
-European and Asian countries can and will not play a major role in this thread(with the UK being an exeption) like armies and fleets destroying a human players armies/fleets
-the NAF has a repectable army, as does the CSA. The CSA has weakened, but veteran armies, while the NAF has strong, green armies. The TF is a mix of both.

That is it for now. For all "veteran" players, try to not be as harsh on newcomers to this thread okay. It seems I have rambled on for too long. I will post an IC story after this.

Talon posted 05-30-99 09:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
THe GLA maintains its treaty obligations of mutual defence with the NAF. The GLA has annexed Montana, Idaho,and Colorado.

GLA reserves were called up today for training, should the GLA be attacked. All borders have been reinforced by veterans from the Heartland war.

GLA reasearch has been working and improving on Pacifica's Hovertank technology. Right now it is mostly in the testing phase with only one functioning prototype. Also plans have been set up to build a spacestation. It is still in designing phase also, but standard parts have been built and placed in warehouses at Des Moine Space Center.

JT 3 posted 05-30-99 11:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Talon: You never responded to my supercomputer message.

IC: We have pushed back the final Pacifica resistance. We now occupy all of the Yukon, California, and Oregon. They have unconditionally surrendered. They may never declare war on us again unless we declare it first, and must give any new techs to us.

We have sent all of the Pacifica troops, except a few divisions to keep the peace, to the NAF front. The NAF is falling and should soon collapse. We have given Maryland to the CSA, as they have much more need of it than they do.

Talon posted 05-31-99 08:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
There is a message waiting from the TF:
We see you have joined us in the ownership of supercomputers. Our supercomputer wants connection to your Alliance.
Well, open a transmission to JT3 then.
continue JT3

A breaktrough in anti-gravity technology has enabled the hovertank to become an actuality. Due to costs, only enough for 3 divisions could be immediately produced, but this could take 4 months to complete. Plans were sent to the NAF secretly.

The GLA would like to remind the CSA and TF that Alliance troops are in Maryland. ANd that they are not to be harmed unless those nations want war.

Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 10:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
3. WE ARE NOT ALLIED WITH GERMANY! We are cooperating with them but we have no alliance.

-We can say anything we want in a public statement, can't we? I mean that is the point of proopaganda.

4. Germany had made peace with it's eastern neighbors,(see previous thread) and has no intention of attacking eastern nations until it finishes off France and England.

-Not with Russia. Russia was not at war at the time. And commie-nationalist elements in the Russian government want to utterly destroy Germany.

5. Russia made peace because it just switched back to communism, and is busy "stalinizing", which can take time.

-No Russia made peace with China, not Germany, China.

6. The Arab Nations have nothing against us, but they hate you for supporting Isreal(See Snowfire's post, 1st thread). They are not at war with us.

-You're fundamentalist Christians, they're fundamentalist Muslims... 'nuff said. (And for all you know, there was a secret clause where we sold out Israel.)

7. Our Space Stations are high up in space, but do not expect to take them down easily after all the hard work we put into them, while you have ignored space thusfar.

-Nice chunk of debris like a chaff rocket might have them down for repairs.

8. No Canadian provinces revolted, only the former NAC. And New England would not be able to be governable that quickly, because the population of New York State and New England outnumber the population of Quebec. Fierce fighting between NAC and NAF troops are underway.

-the NAC did have the Maritime provinces, however being Canadian, they didn't revolt vs. the Ottawa govt.

9. You never mentioned anything about developing EMP!

-Nuclear weapons emit a strong EMP when fired miles above their targets (far away for no real blast damage to be done.)

Now, we totaly ignore the TF's defeat of Pacifica, considering that the TF has less troops than Pacifica (though better armed and trained). You can not in two posts take a quarter of a contintent.

TF troops push pacifican troops back from the Arizonan border and sieze LA and a little North of that. (I'll give you that, plus fleeing Pacifican routed troops.)

IC: With the CSA invasion of New York, NAF and NAc fighting stopped. The two sides reached an agreement to immediately fight against the common enemy. (Free elections will be held at the end of the war, according to the agreement.)

NAC forces commanders denounced the CSA invasion and the UK (NAF) propaganda engine has started discrediting Borodino's cooperation with the CSA. They made allegations, whihc ironically are quite mild compared to the truth.

The UK and NYR signed a mutual defense alliance and several divisions of NYR troops rushed to the UK-CSA front. Massive reinforcements from the Quebec Home Defense army joined them in a massive assault that pushed the CSA deep into New Jersey and Pennsilvania.

On the Alaskan front, operation Frozen North began and UK forces pushed hundreds of miles siezing Barrow and other wirthless small villages (OOC: don't try telling me you would have defnded that area better. It would require a garrison larger than the local population.)

Intercepted transmission by CSA Espionage: Home Base... this is ... all agents in position ... three days... request confirmation...

After tracing the transmission, CSa agents found a refugee camp. One UK spy was caught among them, and many others may be among the refugees which now scattered across the TF and CSA.

Ultimatum to CSA and TF: Withdraw all troops to pre-war borders. We are willing to make territorial concessions, do not make this war nastier than it already is. Our spies are in position...

Talon posted 05-31-99 11:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
Victor:I believe you own Keflvalik.
Plans for the new hovertank and supercomputer were sent under heavy guard from Detroit to Ottawa. A group of unidentified agents ambushed the convoy west of Toronto. The military escort managed to defeat the unidentified agents, and the armored truck managed to get away.

The attack is under investigation by the AIA(Alliance Intelligence Agency). Rumors on who was behind the attack range from the CSA and TF including Germany and even South Africa.

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 11:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
OOC: Btw, Victor, in case you ever think we are bein unfair, let's compare our territories:

CSA-TF-NAC(loyal, can be trusted to produce troops):

New Hampshire
New York(minus NYC, NYC is independent)
Rhode Islad
Maryland(minus areas controlled by GLA)
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Mexico
North Mexico

CSA-TF-NAC(disloyal, lands where ppl wish to be independent, can not be trusted to produce troops)

New Jersey
Panama Canal Zone
Washington State
British Columbia

New Brunswick
Northern Ireland(minus catholics there)
Remember, your colonies in North America are now independent

Northwest Territories
Victoria Island(mostly unihabitated)

And we are not controlling NAC land, we were merely helping them fight off you. They were seen as liberators, and were ordered in by Borodino. WHo do you think they would believe, the person they elected or the person trying to supress them. They continue to help CSA troops, and manage to liberate the homeland. Our troops were welcomed by NAC forces to help them liberate, and we fought alongside them to throw you off. OK, you could sign a mutual defense with the NYR, but since you attacked us first, they have no obligation to support it. Besides, the NYR is run by Tarot, he would have to sign it. About the middle east, we are not persecuting the few muslims in our land, and muslim fundamentalists have been at peace with Christian fundamentilists since fall of Roman empire, with a few conflicts(crusades is main one, but that was started by Christians). They would not declare war in 2025 just because we have different religons. And since you can not use nukes, no EMP.

IC post to come later.

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 11:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
OOC: And you can say we are Germany's allies, but don't think France and USSR would believe it, as we are not fighting them, have not delcared war with them, and have announced no alliance with Germany, so we remain at peace with Russia and France.
Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 01:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: I helped France now they'll help me, as soon as I get those CSA ships out of the way and destroy Germany.

The NAC is not fully loyal to you. Remeber NAC-CSA relations were not good. There were opposition parties, and there are people who will not take sides in a dispute. You can not say, I make them revolt, beisdes my propaganda is working against that too. it is quite plausible that the NAC will stop revolting based on an agreement that calls for a free referendum after the war, after foreign troops are off their soil (UK-NDC forces are not foreign, they might be seen as a dictatorial govt., but they are not foreign.) How are you going to put on a good revolt with one day's notice? The army is already organized. even if unready for the situation, they are more organized than a rioting mob, honestly.

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 02:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
OOC: OK, for one thing the NAC may not be loyal to me, but they are loyal to the government the democraticlly elected. I didn't make them Result, Borodino (unwillingly) did. Our relations were not that bad, we had a non-agression treaty and free trade agreement. You may be sending in propoganda, but do yu really think NAC TV stations would transmit it, or NAC newspapers print it? Secondly, we can send in proganda too. And a split between NAC and NAF troops would be easy, because the NAC had it's own military, and the divisons and regiments which were formed at the time of the old NAC could easily switch sides at fight for independence, so your forces split. Really, do you think anybody would listen to your propoganda, or have any sympathy for you considering you are a absoulte monarch that threw out their democratic government by means of a bloody coup d'etat and are now fighting to supress their independence?

IC post to come later.

JT 3 posted 05-31-99 02:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: I would like to know how the heck Pacifica would have more troops than me with five states!? Not to mention the CSA is helping me out! Also, where do you think all my production goes? Maybe.... oh, gee I dunno, TANKS?! Please, try to be realistic. With the government collapsing, me having armies attacking on two fronts, and spies doing some nasty things inside, I get more than some little bit of California. Let's say I have Nevada and all of southern California including San Francisco, San Diego, and LA. I'll take back the capturing the Yukon thing, they can have it. They surrendered when I broke through and got those cities in CA, though.

There, now that that's over...

IC: CSA troops were reenforced by the TF Pacifica army coming from the west. Stopping the NAF-UK assault, they gained a few miles before digging in and waiting for air support and more reenforcements.

Talon: we didn't attack your troops, just the NAF ones.

Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 02:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: The SF area does not belong to Pacifica. It is defended by several divisions of fresh UK(NAF) troops. I don't see TF-CSA troops taht have fought for hundreds of miles just overruning them. A siege would be required. Those 5 states are some of the biggest in the US and Canada. CA alone is probably worth as much as all your states minus Texas.

OOC: I was not an absolute monarch at the time of the takeover and completely and successfully denied all complicity in the coup.

IC: A more concrete agrement between the NLA (NAC Liberation army) and the Uk government has been signed. According to the agreement, a referendum will be held on a state by state basis as soon as the CSA war is over. The states will be able to choose their own fate (Independence or UK). The revolt ends completely, as this is basically a surrender by the UK govt. (You can be free if you want, if not why are you fighting us?) In exchange the NAC states agreed to fight against the CSA. Revolts in New Jersey and Pennsilvania crippled forward movements of CSA and TF counter attacking forces, but those revolts were quickly put down. Former NAC forces in the region demanded the same options put before them by the London govt.

Parliamentary elections were held across Canada and the UK. (80% or so of seats filled.) the Liberal (Labour in England) Party took a majority of seats, with 51% against the Conservative 25% and independent 4%. 20% (New England and New York remain to be decided.) Victor, Liberal Party Leader, and PM of Canada, was inaugurated PM after winning his seat (Hampstead). He abdicated in favor of one of the lesser lords left in England. Supporters in New England and New York cheered. Parliamentary elections in those provinces are to be held once "the CSA is safely back out of the way, and the referndum in union's favor." Early polls indicate rising pro-unity support, with Maine supporting union with UK (53%) and several other states almost undecided. referendum results in provinces that held it now:

PEI (96% Union)
New Brunswick (87% Union)
Nova Scotia (92% Union)

Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 03:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Retreating Pacifican forces reinforced San Francisco and were shifted over to the UK. The Pacifican home government signed its peace deal with no authority. The UK and Gla which control Pacifica during the present leadership's absence did not at first recognize this peace deal. The UK (NAF) annexed BC and Alberta peacefully (due to the latter two's being part of Canada and therefore belonging to Great Britain a few years before. Canadian forces bolstered the garrisons in the southern parts of those states while forces were shifted North to support the Alaskan front.

The rest of Pacifica was given the right to act according to the Provisional government formed from the foremer Pacifican Ministers and Army leader. This government entered negotiations with the TF.

A secret treaty was signed with Japan. The terms of this treaty seem to have something to do with the Yukon and Silicon Valley. TF officials were warned by the Tokyo government not to interfere with the San Francisco area. UK garrisons in that area now wear uniforms that label them as the British Expeditionary Force.

JT 3 posted 05-31-99 03:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: Okay, then I never sent extra troops from Pacifica to the NAF fight.

IC: The siege of San Francisco has begun. Bombardment by cruise missles has deteriorated the AA and SAM facilities in the area, allowing paratroopers and bombers to get through. Tank and artillery divisions pound the city from hidden locations, suffering only minor casualties.

Talon posted 05-31-99 03:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
GLA forces have moved into positions in Northern California for a training mission. They are to reinforce the new additions to the GLA from Pacifica.
Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 04:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
I am ignoring your post about the NAC helping you:

A. You may have denied involvement in the coup, but you gained possesion of the NAC because of the coup. While they may have liked your previous government, that doesn't mean they want to join you. A peace agreement I can see, but there is no way they would ever rejoin you.

B. Why would they declare war on me? I am helping them declare indpendence, and your forces are doomed in NAC anyway. They're independence would be threatened more by a war with us than with you, considering the naval blockade. And Borodino would veto this action! And you are an absolute monarch now, and hence they have no intention of joining you, they fought a war back in 1776-83 to prevent from being ruled by a monarchy. If you were, you would almost certainly be thrown out considering your lust for war. If the NAC wanted to join you, they would have after the split, not after you used gas against civilians. Another reason the NAC would never join you, is if you looked at "Future Aims" when the NAC was first created, it involved peaceful trading. Considering sanctions against you, they would never want to join.

C: You are treating this game as if you are a world hero with people joining up to help you left and right. Not realistic considering your "treason" arrests, as well as supporting the Use of gas against civilians. Japan has an alliance with the TF. You can not just go saying "this nations signs an agreement to help me" without good reason. Your posts about Japan, British Columbia, and Albert are all ignored.

D: How did you get troops to California? See rule #3, "fleets can not appear from nowhere. Ignored.

The CSA sends a peace treaty to the NAF with the following provisions:

1. Free elections in all NAC states conducted by local officials.

2. No interference in the Pacifica-TF war.

3. Peace will be made with the TF.

Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 06:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
BD: I will cmpletely ignore you last post (except for the peace offering). It was the most BS I've ever seen in a post.

We've always controlled San Francisco. (when Pacifica invaded Northern Californis we took San Francisco. Read through the posts.)

We were the first to help Japan in its war against China, before the TF. We've been allied with Japan, even before the war with China. The TF took Alaska from Japan, remember? We allied with Pacifica against the TF when war with the TF seemed unavoidable. While, relations improved afterwards the agreement was always there.

IC: Japan recalls its ambassador from the TF, and demands to know why the TF is attacking sovereign Japanese territory (San Fransisco area) After several hours of tense arguments it would seem that the TF finally understood the secret agreement between the Uk and Japan involved the exchange of the Yukon (occupied much earlier by the NDC) and San Francisco. Tf forces cease fire on the city of San Francisco and the surroundings. The UK forces in the area go back to being the Security Department for major corporations belonging to the UK and former Pacifica.

OOC: On NAC, the NDC and NAC were allied against potential southern agression. The NAC had sanctions against it for trading with Britain. Only the CSA and TF actually obeyed those sanctions(of the North Americans of course).

Ic: The Swiss government has concluded its investigation of the dissappearance of Mr. Borodino. The Swiss governement demanded that he be immediatly released by the CSA; and said that the attack on its soverignty and neutrality was intolerable.

The UK government called a cease-fire on all fronts with the CSA to discuss the peace deal. CSA and TF forces commanders await orders to actually pull back or continue attacking while the peace accord is signed.

The UN has demanded that the CSA explain its actions leading to the appearance of Mr. Borodino in the CSA and appointed a committee to look into it.

The French government has shown its support for the UK (thanks to the massive troops there) and expressed its "utter dissapointment" at the actions of the CSA in "abducting Mr. Borodino."

Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 06:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The Dutch resitance staged a massive revolt backed by RAF bombers and forced the German Northern front commander to surrender.

An assault more to the South broke the Geramn lines and penetrated into the Ruhr valley. German citizens revolted around Germany brining down that nation's dictatorial government. Germany sued for peace. Allied (minus UK) forces will occupy Germany indefinately. UK forces have pulled out.


British Royal Navy forces backed by Commonwealth forces now guard Trans-Atlantic Shipping lanes. RAF interceptors have established UK air supremacy over the Northern Atlantic. That OCean is now open to UK troop transports.

Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 06:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
The UK makes tis counter offer for peace:

1. Recognition by CSA and Tf of Japanese ownership of San Francisco (ceded to them by UK).
2. Withdrawal from sovereign UK territory including NAC territory (pending referendum).
3. Free referendum in all former-American NAC states. (Canadian NAC provinces have already held referendums.)
4. Free elections in BC, Alberta, and NAC states that vote "no" in their referendums.
5. Recognition of the anexation of BC and Alb. by UK forces.
6. Lifting of sanctions against Uk and trading partners.
7. TF gets CA (minus SF) from Pacifica.
8. The release if Mr. Borodino and his family.
9. TF and CSa recognition of Victor's democratically elected Liberal Party government.

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 07:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
"We were the first to help Japan in its war against China, before the TF. We've been allied with Japan, even before the war with China. The TF took Alaska from Japan, remember? We allied with Pacifica against the TF when war with the TF seemed unavoidable. While, relations improved afterwards the agreement was always there."

But the TF also helped Japan too.

About the NDC-NAC mutual defense agreement, well, that pretty much went down the drain when you illegaly annexed them, and fought their soldiers in the NAC. They hate your for gaining their land without their direct consent, but love us for helping to free them. Anything else isn't realisitic.

Rule #3, fleets can not appear from nowhere, prevents your sudden defeat of our blockade.We have air forces and AEGIS cruisers too, so sudden defeat of our Navy like that isn;t realistic, especially considering NAC ships fighting against you, the Defeat of former GDQ ships, and the UK navy having to fight Germany's navy. Blockade remains, you may have one naval battle, but immediate desruction of our entire blockade is completley unrealistic.


Borodino(OOC: under threat of his child being tortured) denied that he was forced into Virgina, but rather left Switzerland secretly with the CSA to prevent abduction from NAF spies, who had previously forced me to denounce our liberators, the CSA.

After the Press Conference, Borodino is secrelty taken to an operating room. There, he is forced to begin to undergo a brain transplant.

Germany's dictator, bitter at his attackers and realizing he may soon be tried for war crimes, makes a deal with the CSA. He agrees to surrendur his navy to the CSA, in exchange for allowing him to live a life of luxury in the CS of A.

The CSA makes its counter-counter offer:

All your terms, with these exceptions:

A. Observors from the CSA and NAF and NAC shall be allowed to observe the elections.

B. Recognition of annexation of BC and Alberta will happen only pending refferendum.

C. Six shall only be granted if:

1. An official apology by the English government for using Gas against civilians, as well as a pledge never to do such a thing again.

2. Payments of $1 million dollars per civilian killed by attack of poison Gas, to be payed to family of civilian.

D. Borodino wants to be where he is, so he can stay(OOC: This is true as far as you know)

E. Full recognition of Black Dragon's theocratic government.

How is this, Victor, JT3?

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 07:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
And by the way, the terms for ending the sanctions are not my terms but that of the UN. We do not control what they do.
Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 08:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: You cna't maintain a blockade off my coast or even open ocean more than 2000 miles from the nearest sea base under my air supremacy.

I control Keflavik AFB, Iceland (annexed by Borodino for the NAC) as well as airbases in the the UK and Quebec. I have air coverage of the area. You can inflict damage but not blockade, but that won't matter if we sign a peace deal, eh?

IC: The UK accepts the CSA's terms as long as the TF will sign as well.
(OOC: how many civilians did SnowFire kill again?)

Though the UK announces the following two more demands:

1) Banning of Mr. Borodino from running for election in any former NAC state, (due to the Swiss committee report. They found evidence of a kidnapping, and the UK suspects foul play. We will allow the CSA to get away with it, but not to use Mr. Borodino as their puppet.)

2) We suggest the treaty be signed in New York, on neutral ground in front of GLA representatives to act as mediators.

President Korian posted 05-31-99 08:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
With all the BS floating around, (mainly from BD,) all I have to say is I'm glad I left. Would any of the more rational and realistic posters here like to staer a new thread?
Victor Galis posted 05-31-99 09:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Sure PK, but we'll need a theater of war, set factions, and a set of rules to cut down on the BS.
JT 3 posted 05-31-99 09:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: Victor, the only BS I see here is coming from you. The only person that thought I took Alaska from Japan was you, and you even said that after I claimed Alaska. Therefore, I am still allied and on ood relations with Japan.

IC: Japan has receded their claim of SF for an undisclosed amount of money. The TF now controls SF. We also agree to the cease fire agreements(besides the one about SF).

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 10:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
Wow Korian, you really are something, you waltz in here and start actly completley irrealistic, than you blame it all on me, leave right after you started and be a rouge poster when you could see what this thread was like, than you propose to ruin this thread?

And by the way, look at the "great empires" thread for an alternative. There may be no BS in arguing, but there is plenty BS in the game. Atlantis, Time Travel and changing leader's IQ, taking all of Canada in a day, cornering the world beer market, Tanzania conquering all of Africa.... this thread is much better.

You posters of the Northern nations(Borodino, Snowfire, Talon, Korian, VG) should not be suprised if you run into OOC troubles when you choose your next one single nation to team up on.

Victor and Korian, it is not nearly fair to blame the bickering on this thread on me, Korian did those "science out of the blue" stuff and demanded for an easy solution to getting our space stations. And Victor thinking the NAC would support him after gaining them via coup d'etat, and trying to unite the Middle East, Soviet Union, NYR, and Japan against the TF!?

Snowfire used chemical weapons in the middle of our capital, and while it was originally estimated 2 million would die, thanks to heroism by CSA, TF and international red cross and UN doctors, it was limited to 74,119 civilians. (Most were women, elderly men, and children since most men were fighting the war).

(and by the way, Borodino's family has recieved brain transpants as well)


Upon hearing the new terms of Borodino not being able to run, NAC citizens are shocked and outraged. "How dare those bloody brits try to choose who our Prime Minister is? Their newsmedia suggests foul play, but he said he was not kidnapped, and gave reasons as to why it may have looked that way!", says an indignant NAC citizen. It seems as if the NAF will almost certainly recieve any American NAC states back now, however, a recent poll suggests British Columbia and Alberta will almost certainly join England.

Black Dragon posted 05-31-99 10:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon  Click Here to Email Black Dragon     
err, make that one single alliance to team up on, it was still 5 posters on the Northern side and 2 on the southern side.
Victor Galis posted 06-01-99 04:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
OOC: I took Yukon not Alaska. JT took Alaska by force, I moved to "protect" the Yukon. A TF-Japan peace agreement as plausible, as a Japan-UK alliance (with Japan refusing to attack TF forces).

IC: UK troops in San Francisco have reverted completely to their civilian jobs as they were pre-war.

OOC: Was Borodino Right-wing or Left-wing?

JT 3 posted 06-01-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

Which part of that can you not understand?! The "alliance"? Maybe the "have"? I'm hoping you understand "Japan".

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