Topic: Jar Jar Binks MUST DIE!!
Zero_Gauss |
posted 05-25-99 01:16 PM ET
Ok, I was really psyched for Star Wars. But uggh, that Jar Jar Binks should have been called Dumb Dumb Ass! I hate it when they try to make a movie that panders "to all audiences." I don't want all these stupid scenes that are supposed to be for lil kids, and all these damn tacky jokes and silly "cuteness" that only they like. GIVE ME AN ADULT-THEMED EPIC SAGA DAMNIT! Is that too much to ask? Arggh, what the hell was lucas thinking ... Jar Jar STINKS, indeed. the sentient magnetic entity, Zero-Gauss
Hugo Rune
posted 05-25-99 02:27 PM ET
GIVE ME AN ADULT-THEMED EPIC SAGA DAMNIT! I can think of hundreds of rude answers to this... I won't pull one, though. Obi-Wan Kenobi is stalking down a corridor in Altyr 5. He sees two guards up around the corner. Guard 1: Man, you should have seen what I killed last night. It was this major Xenomorph, you know. Bled like ****. Guard 2: Fuck you, man. Me, I gave some bitches down at the bar a good smacking. They were making moves, ya know? Dykes the lot of 'em.Guard 1: ****, I hate dykes. I'd like to screw a few of them gor breakfast, know what I mean? At this point, They are machine-gunned down by Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan: Bullseye! HAHAHAHA! |
posted 05-25-99 02:35 PM ET
Lucas himself said the whole Star Wars saga was made for kids. Don't expect anything "adult themed" unless you read more into what's already there. |
posted 05-25-99 02:37 PM ET
The Star Wars series has, and always has been, a family entertainment franchise. Thus you don't have Terminator or Aliens in a galaxy far, far away.To complain about the mere existence of a character like Jar Jar Binks is to criticize the very concept behind the Star Wars series. Yes, the original Star Wars was also targeted at the family audience, with the antics of R2-D2 to provide some of the slap stick appeal to kids. Now, I too have complaints. Namely that Jar Jar was a bit too overdone, but I think if Lucas had dropped maybe 5 of his lines it would have been a good mix. I also thought the shot of the lone Naboo fighter getting shot down on take off disrupted the flow of the battle. |
Hugo Rune
posted 05-25-99 02:39 PM ET
You mean the incestous suggestions between Leia and Luke? The phallic shape of the light sabre? The S/M hints dropped around Darth Vader? Or even the relationship between Han and Chewbacca? Or... |
posted 05-25-99 03:13 PM ET
LOL ... I didn't mean it quite like that Hugo. I wasn't requesting a porno, or even a ghetto version of star wars.I guess I just had false expectations since all of the role-playing stuff and background books were very well done, establishing a rich universe and setting that were pretty much just chucked out the window in favor of a nauseating character that would make Walt Disney beam with pride. R2-D2 I could handle, C3PO I could handle, but Jar Jar was just too much. That was the end of the line. I may not even see the rest of the movies now ... maybe I'll wait until video. the slightly cross, disappointed, sentient magnetic entity, Zero-Gauss |
posted 05-25-99 03:24 PM ET
I thought the original plan of the "new" trilogy was to darken the tone, as we know the good guys win in ROTJ. This would also satisfy those fans who have now grown up, but Jar Jar sounds WAY over the top. John III-Hanging on for the Clone Wars. |
posted 05-25-99 03:27 PM ET
I think the difference is that the comedy in the first three was very in genere (whatever). R2D2 didn't bumbel a blue bomb like some fourth stooge and accidently blow up a tank. Jar-Jar did some of the most stupid things imaginable and totally ruined the feel and mood of the movie.Good comedy in The Phantom Menace: Alien #1: "The droids will take care of them" Alien #2: "Sir, have you ever delt with a Jedi before..." Or my personal favorite Jedi: "Republic credits will do fine" Blue Bug Thing: "What are you, some kinda Jedi?" Tin |
posted 05-25-99 03:35 PM ET
"...sentient magnetic entity" -- Z.G.Sorry to nitpick but wouldn't that be "sentient non-magnetic entity"? After all a gauss is a measure of magnetic field strength so Zero Gauss would be no magnetic field. ---- I always figured the first prequel would have the good guys 'winning', as they did in this one. All they managed, though, was to put Palpatine/Sidious closer to his goal, becoming emporer. |
posted 05-25-99 03:41 PM ET
No, Spoe, I want to see the Jedi scum crushed by the Sith! John III |
posted 05-25-99 05:55 PM ET
Well, I guess it makes sense to make part one for younger folk, eg a thirteen year old watches EpI, he'll be 15 or 16 when EpII is out, then 18 or 19 when EpIII is out. They'll grow with the story. We also all know that II and especially III are going to have MUCH darker overtones. |
posted 05-25-99 08:20 PM ET
Who do you think will be the new Sith Apprentice?BTW, I thought Yoda was truly hilarious! "Mmm, you train Jedi, yes"
His voice is really hilarious and I love the way he talks backwards. |
posted 05-25-99 08:31 PM ET
If Palpatine is Sidious(which he is, IMHO), then either Anakin or some as yet unnamed character to fill the gap.If Palpatine is not Sidious then it will be Palpatine. |
posted 05-25-99 09:11 PM ET
Spoe: You are correct, zero-gauss does indeed mean null magnetism. Perhaps a bit of elucidation on the etymology of the name is in order ...A couple years ago I read an EXCELLENT hard science fiction book, by one Dr. Robert Forward. In it, there was a character (part of an alien race that lived on the surface of a neutron star!), who was dedicated to researching and implementing a way to manipulate magnetic fields to down to a state of null-magnetism or very low magnetism (this is in the THREE TRILLION GAUSS field of a neutron star, mind you). Her name was Zero-Gauss. She was cool. As I've used the nick for a while now (and liked it as it is NEVER taken , it's come to evolve some corny definition ... I was on once and someone asked what it meant and I didn't feel like responding with this whole spiel. So I came up with the lamest, cyberpunkish answer I could think of on the fly: "I am a matrix-controlled, variable frequency digital sentience; with the primary goals of research and the simulation of human interaction through electron manipulation." Sound cheesy enough for ya?  And, in truth, WE ALL ARE sentient magnetic entities. Especially if, like me, you happen to have a magnetic personality (har har). Seriously though, our central nervous system (and neuron brain functioning) operates primarily through chemical/electrical impulses, which is merely a fluctuation of magnetic field strength. =] Some have even argued that we have a soul, based on the fact that the magnetic signature of your nervous system (like all forms of energy) does not vanish when you die -but rather retains all of it's energy throughout time (while, admittedly, changing form a whole bunch). hope this clears things up, Zero-Gauss
posted 05-25-99 09:30 PM ET
Yeah, actually I knew that. I think when you first arrived on the scene I asked if you were a Forward fan(Dragon's Egg and the sequel Starquake, IIRC). |
posted 05-25-99 10:48 PM ET
Yes. Qui-Gon should simply have let him get run over in the beginning, using those Jedi-like reflexes to dodge Jar-Jar.While we're talking about Palpatine, my bet is we have another new bad guy for Ep. II who is relieved of the burden of breathing and eating every day by the end. And oh yes, the Republic's harsh anti-slavery laws? Expect them to be mild in comparison to what happens when Anakin comes into power with the Emperor. I can see Watto (The insect guy) being in several pieces on the ground after the new "Death Penalty on the spot" punishment for slave trading is established. Well, it would fufill Anakin's heart saying he'd come back to meet his mother... I just hope his mother doesn't mind hugging a 75% machine. Which reminds me, Senator Palpatine will have to keep his Captain Kangaroo form in Episode I if he wants to turn Darth Vader and convince him that he's really just a very nice guy. Not his Episode VI, or for that matter Vader in Ep. V's "Now, use your anger. Come on, any day now. I can feel you getting angry." I mean, sheesh, telling him that is going to cause him not to simply because anything you say is probably a lie. If I'm Darth Sidious, I'd just act really pleasant and annoying and obviously lying to try and enrage Luke, a la Monty Python (The parrot's not dead. Wonderful plumage. BWEEYORP Oh no, don't draw your lightsaber sir. That wouldn't be nice.) |
posted 05-26-99 01:14 PM ET
Mandalorians perhaps? John III |
posted 05-26-99 01:37 PM ET
All I gotta say is the federation has to win in one of the movies cause they were in charge in episode 4. |
posted 05-26-99 01:47 PM ET
Picker: The Trade Federation is DEAD. And the Empire in movies IV-VI is the Republic in I-III, and the Republic won in this movie, and elected Palpatine as Chancellor. Ergo the bad guys won. |
posted 05-26-99 01:51 PM ET
Yeah but didn't you see the dude who was telling the trade federation what to do. That was the emperor. Suggests to me that the republic is not the bad guy. |
posted 05-26-99 02:03 PM ET
ZG: what do you expect from a character named "Jar Jar Binks"?  |
posted 05-26-99 02:10 PM ET
I wish they would all die.Valtyr President of Citizen(s?) Against Sci-Fi |
posted 05-26-99 03:14 PM ET
I had a nice thought today. Wouldn't it have been nice if Darth Maul was given awesome screentime (instead of the measly five minutes or so he was on) ...Hell, they could have spent 10 minutes alone, just on the scene where Maul shoves his dual-lightsaber up Dumb Dumb Ass's ... uh ... ass.  Oh look you're not smiling anymore, Jar-Jar .... Zero-Gauss |
posted 05-26-99 03:29 PM ET
I'm just getting sick of this Jedi crap...are we trying to re-invent the Superman bullsh*t again...come more cartoons pliz..And these movies realy suck...the gamez are ok though.. i just love what Lucas did with the Monkey Island and Grim Fandango...i'd suggest they abbandon their movie programs and concentrate on the gamez for a change to better... And if u just like to adore the jedi crap couse it's a hobby of urs...then suck on it... And for some good resonable thinking i'd suggest u try watching some good Clarke's 2001 + 2010 Odissey into space... and the Starship troopers as for something-not-quite seen before...with a nice background...not-to-much sci-fi though..Anyway i just wan't to tell u all jedi sniffers: Get over it.Milan Stanojevic |
posted 05-26-99 04:20 PM ET
Go away.(And they're "games" not "gamez." Or are you admitting that you're a "l33t wAreZ d00d?" |
posted 05-26-99 04:56 PM ET
HAHAHAHA...sue me kido...all of my soft and gamez are warez...i get a CD having 10 newest games(ripped afcrs) for just 3$... And i Love it...and hacking your way through the net is much more fun then the bicycle passsage... LOL...Satanico Pandemonio |
posted 05-26-99 05:08 PM ET
Ok, B1FF. Ok... |
posted 05-26-99 05:32 PM ET
Damnit, get off of my bulletin board you warez llama. Oh well, I guess I can feel comforted in the fact that you'll probably get kicked out of college =]live long and SMAC, Zero-Gauss |
posted 05-26-99 06:11 PM ET
There was an article in the L.A.Times today concerning the issues surrounding Jar Jar Binks. The article also included this: |
posted 05-26-99 09:06 PM ET
Personally, I think that many people are being a little to harsh on the character of Jar Jar Binks. I mean, if you look at his character sensibly you can see that it serves a purpose. Shakespeare was obviously a great writer and playwright, and one of the many things he knew how to do (along with writing great stories) was to provide entertainment for everyone in the crowd. Just as the Gravediggers in Hamlet provided comic relief....Jar Jar Binks is just that...comic relief. He entertains the groundlings, so to speak, of the movie theater. He also helps to lighten the mood so, the movie isn't depressing or overly sad. He also serves the purpose of getting children involved. George Lucas, being the great movie producer he is, is not going to be stupid enough to make a movie that's only going to serve the purpose of entertaining a certain crowd. With a story as great as Star Wars.... you want to try to get as many people involved and enjoying it as possible. Also, the children of today will be the adults of tommorow...and obviously anyone who is a true Star Wars fan will see the importance of seeing the legacy being continued for generations to come. Humor is a great asset....and let's face it....silly humor that may not seem intellectual or adult to some helps is really great. I mean think of all the great silly humor that has come about over the Monty Python (one of my all time favorites) may not always be intellectual....but, in a world of today where you can get pleanty of adult issues and depression just by turning on the news, a little silly humor is really nice sometimes. So when your sitting their ripping apart Jar Jar Binks....just try and think of the purpose he serves and for goodness's just comedy!!  Princess Leia  |
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 05-27-99 10:06 AM ET
Yes! All right! Nobody's beaten me to it yet, I think! Here's a link which makes sense with this thread... Interesting new page. I haven't seen the movie myself. I plan to. I truly hope Dumb Dumb Ass doesn't spoil it too much, but judging from comments, he probably will. Fjorxc the Maniac Unwashed Village Idiot, Wanderer, CWALer, 8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.
posted 05-27-99 01:28 PM ET
"HAHAHAHA...sue me kido...all of my soft and gamez are warez...i get a CD having 10 newest games(ripped afcrs) for just 3$... And i Love it...and hacking your way through the net is much more fun then the bicycle passsage... LOL..." WEll d0ne m8, gud 2 c some1 doing SomeTHing kewl  John III |
posted 05-27-99 06:00 PM ET
Yeah, but if we kill Jar Jar who would step in our unmarked turd, take the main characters abuse, be laughed at in a deregatory manner!I hope I made my point clear |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 05-27-99 10:09 PM ET
I just saw TPM today, and I didn't think Jar-Jar was that bad! He was annoying at first, but as the movie continued he got better. By the end, I found nothing wrong with him.Imran Siddiqui |