posted 05-18-99 04:23 PM ET
Flying somewhere over Hunt Valley, Maryland for hours, Talon notices he is hungry(mainly by the ear-spliiting growls from his stomach).Dave:You should really get that checked out.
Talon:Nah, doctors make me sick. There any places to eat around here?
Dave:Well let's see...There's a Roadkill Cafe...
Talon:Mmmmm...Poodle Noodles...Skunk Soup...
Dave:...Billy Bob's stuffed pig intestines..
Talon:*Drools* Pig intestines...
Dave: And some place called an IHOP. It also appears there is a massive defensive anti-air attack system in place.'s like they don't want somebody to blow up a headquarters or something...
Dave:Yeah, like you.
Talon:Well let's look at the 'ol wallet.
Talon opens his wallet and a moth flies out.
Talon: Damn Imran and his "No Paycheck" policy! He promised to double my paycheck too!
Dave:I used to get aid tri-weekly which included a dental and health plan.
Talon:What?! If I ever see him again...
A sound sort of like someone scratching their nails on a chalk board but amplified 10000000X louder came from Talon's stomach
Talon:Ahh! Better go somewhere quick and cheap now!
Dave:If computers could sense pain, I would have just then. Anyways where do you want to go?
Talon:Billy Bob's is my first choice, with the Road Kill Cafe second, but I hear the IHOP's pretty cheap even if they do have a massive anti-air defence.
Dave:Off we go.
The F-22 Raptor increased to max power and went on afterburners towards the IHOP. A flock(Can there be flocks of them?) of seagulls are seen flying nearby the IHOP, right in the F-22's path.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Talon:**** what was that?!
Dave:Sounds like we killed 3 seagulls.
Talon:Hopefully the Seagull queen won't take revenge.
Dave:There is no Seagull Queen.
Talon:Oh...let's keep going then.
Dave:Coming into viewing range.
Talon:Hey wait a minute...that CWAL HV! The HQ! Arm conventioinal load missles.
Dave:Imran's in there.
Talon:Arm Planet Buster Missles.
Dave: Where will you eat if you blow it up?
Talon:Ahh Damn. Land us nearby.
The F-22 touches down. Talon hops out(Yes, like a rabbit) and walks to the door. On the door is a sign "BEWARE: Drunken Protoss". Talon ignores the sign and knocks on the door.
Inside CWAL HV, everyone is playing SMAC exept Freerunner and Exile, who is installing yet another camera. When Talon knocks, Freerunner goes to open it, but not before shooting Exile and his camera with her laser pistol
Freerunner:You perverted freak!
*opens door*
Talon: Holy Bejesus! Since when is this place a strip club?
Fjorxc:Freerunner get back to your room! Who's here? Ahh...Talon the destroyer of our Denny's.
ie BoSer!
*Activates his warp blades*
Talon:Hey i'm just here for the pancakes...
ie BoSer!
Female Computer voice:Maximum pain level..on
Fjorxc:Hold it, there's some new whiskey in the fridge...
Exile:You shall live...for now.
*Talon walks in*
Gunslinger:Hey i'm not used anymore!
Laeren:Me neither!
Fjorxc:Quiet you! Anyways we don't have pancakes.
Talon:Curses. Now what am I supposed to do?
Fjorxc:Why don't you stay here for awhile.
Talon:Will Freerunner always be wearing that?
Fjorxc:I suppose so.
Talon:Good, i'm staying then. I'll put my stuff in the basement then. Aura doesn't live here anymore does she?
Fjorxc:Err...she's dead.
Exile:I still think he should die.
*Talon pulls out a 6-pack*
Talon:Beer Exile?
*?* *S* *W*
3/4 Dragon and 1/4 human, Talon was changed into a dragin-like creature after being mutated in an attack on Blizzard HQ. Former Chief of Staff-Airforce in the BoS, he has now joined CWAL HV(hopefully). Brandishing his moonraker laser from an old James Bond set, and the BoS standard issue shredder pistol, he aslo flies a modified F-22 named Dave after its sentient computer. After going through his mutation he gained the ability to fly and breath fire.