Alpha Centauri Forums
Non-SMAC related Phantom Menace |
Author | Topic: Phantom Menace |
umbra1 |
posted 05-17-99 10:05 AM ET
Have any of you lucky U.S. people seen it yet ? We have to wait another two months before it comes to the U.K... It's like living in the third world at times... Anyway, please post your reviews to help starving StarWars addicts ! |
Spoe |
posted 05-17-99 02:00 PM ET
It's not really released yet. Ask again on the 19th. |
JohnIII |
posted 05-17-99 02:02 PM ET
I may have already said this, but IMHO the best of each SW trilogy is the second one. John III-I know Episode 2 hasn't been started yet. |
CrayonX |
posted 05-17-99 04:36 PM ET
There's only been one trilogy, how can you say "each" trilogy? Are you glossing over those scripts again, JohnIII? You were supposed to return them last year! |
umbra1 |
posted 05-17-99 04:47 PM ET
Spoe: IFAIK the charity premiers were yesterday, But hopefully I'll get some more info on Wednesday... |
Wraith |
posted 05-17-99 07:16 PM ET
Check out This cartoon
Wraith |
JohnIII |
posted 05-18-99 01:07 PM ET
I did say "I know Episode 2 hasn't been started yet. John III |
JohnIII |
posted 05-18-99 01:25 PM ET
tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow ...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow... Wish I lived in the US . John III |
Spoe |
posted 05-18-99 03:04 PM ET
umbra1: That's why I said "...not really released...". That said, I'll be seeing it in about 9 hours. |
JohnIII |
posted 05-18-99 03:13 PM ET
[jealous]Shut up Spoe, you know the UK doesn't have it for 2 months...[/jealous] Good watching. John III |
Frodo83 |
posted 05-18-99 04:17 PM ET
I'm seeing it in 8 hours!!! |
JohnIII |
posted 05-18-99 04:23 PM ET
[jealous]Shut up Frodo, you know the UK doesn't have it for 2 months...[/jealous] John III |
Valtyr |
posted 05-18-99 04:27 PM ET
What's this Phantom Menace you've all been going on about ? |
Spoe |
posted 05-19-99 03:11 AM ET
It was ****ing awesome! I don't know what movie the detractors saw, but it wasn't the same one I just did. A shiver went down my spine as soon as the Star Wars scrolled across the screen, showed "Episode I", and it was all uphill from there. Ewan McGregor has Obi-Wan down pat, Ian McDiarmid is an excellent Senator Palpatine. If you loved the original Star Wars, go see this ASAP, you will NOT be dissappointed. |
Spoe |
posted 05-19-99 03:20 AM ET
The only down point(to me) is that Jar Jar's comic relief can be a touch overbearing at time. |
umbra1 |
posted 05-19-99 04:29 AM ET
Hugo Rune |
posted 05-19-99 06:51 AM ET
umbra1, JohnIII: You think you're unlucky? Well it's released in three months time in sweden! |
JohnIII |
posted 05-19-99 01:02 PM ET
Nonononononononononoooo!! THE PAIN!!!! John III |
CrayonX |
posted 05-19-99 01:20 PM ET
If you look at the Soundtrack, the whole story is outlined just from the titles of the scores (heh he heh) It's open here, people are going crazy 'cause they're having these 24 hour marathon showings at theatres. I can't get any work done here. I'll watch it in a few weeks, when the initial craze has died down... |
umbra1 |
posted 05-19-99 01:51 PM ET
It would be nice to have the option... |
JohnIII |
posted 05-19-99 01:54 PM ET
Well, let's grin and bear it, and remember, the force will be with you, always. John III |
SnowFire |
posted 05-20-99 02:09 PM ET
Spoe: I agree that the critics were wrong. I had lowered my expectations a lot, and was pleasently surprised to find out it wasn't bad. However, there's no question that Empire is still the best of the SW movies. The one thing that dragged the movie down was Jar...Jar..Binks. A "touch" overbearing? More like completely totally evil and awful! It pained me to see him attempt to make jokes! Deeply! And they made plot holes in order to include him. So they need a navigator, I can buy that. But he doesn't help at all, and they're like "Don't worry, we'll just use the Force to guide us." And Qui Jon doesn't want to take the queen's first lady in waiting, or whatever she claimed to be, because it's gonna be rough on Tatooine, but he has no problem taking Jar Jar, who almost gets them killed. Plus, he's a marine creature, on a desert planet! He even complains about it! He has no useful purpose on Tatooine. He should stay on the ship. And of course, doesn't everybody love the Gunguns getting slaughtered as comic relief? That seemed a bit wrong to me. Everyone notice the little touches (Warning: don't read this, Brits & Swedes)? Little Greedo? "We will watch your career with great interest?" "Somebody Antilles of Corsucant?" And why didn't Qui Jon not be an idiot- the guy who will bring Balance to the Force? When the Republic is good, there's a whole order of Good Jedis, there's a Jedi Council, and there's only two bad guys who hide on the edges? Balance is the LAST thing you want. You want to keep this nice imbalance in favor of evil. Plus, as the Council said, he's too old. He hasn't lived his life in the way of the Jedi. Of course, Luke started even later than he did, but both definitely had a potential to not "Do the right thing." Which reminds me, now there's a little plot hole in Episode IV- Obi Wan should have recognized that heroic little R2 unit that saved the spaceship. |
JohnIII |
posted 05-20-99 02:18 PM ET
Didn't read the last bit, but it felt good to laugh at those who believed the critics... John III |
Spoe |
posted 05-20-99 02:24 PM ET
"Which reminds me, now there's a little plot hole in Episode IV- Obi Wan should have recognized that heroic little R2 unit that saved the spaceship." No plot hole here. Obi-Wan never says he doesn't recognize R2-D2, he says, "I don't remember ever owning a droid." and "Come here, little friend." on meeting R2-D2. The second quote can be taken as suggesting that he does recognize R2-D2. |
Shadwhawk |
posted 05-20-99 03:28 PM ET
Although I thought Jar Jar could have been a bit less annoying, I've seen more annoying characters in other popular movies and shows. However, they didn't create plot holes to bring him along. Qui-Gon brought him along simply because he didn't want to be responsible for Jar Jar's punishment. Snowfire, are you telling me you didn't giggle maniacally when Ewoks got blasted? Actually, when they announced the names of Senators running for Chancellor, I heard 'Bail Antilles of Alderaan.' Bail Organa is supposed to be Leia's adopted father, and was a Senator in the Republic. I wonder if this is just another novel-disrupting bit of info. Remember, the droids in Ep4 were 'property of Captain Antilles,' and 'Wedge Antilles' is the pilot who Luke told to get clear during the Death Star run. I wonder if it'll be cleared up in the next two movies... Shadowhawk |
Frodo83 |
posted 05-20-99 05:00 PM ET
I got to see the very first showing of Star Wars Episode One, in New York City, at 12:01 AM. My co-worker and his girlfriend drove me to the showing. It was at the Ziegfeld, this great old theater with awesome sound. There was, of course, a line when we got there, filled with people who had dressed up and brought their lightsabers. People were giving out free t-shirts, pens and frisbees (I didn�t get any). After a while, their screaming and yelling and praises (�Lucas is king of the world!�) got annoying, so we tried to find a way to get into the theater, since we were ticket holders. After being given about six different directions, we found a way in and were shown to our seats, which were about five rows from the screen. Luckily, the Ziegfeld has its screen set back, and not right up against the seats, so I wasn�t craning my neck too badly. We had gotten there an hour and a half early, so we just sat around and talked while the theater filled up. Two kids had choreographed a lightsaber duel, so they were battling in front of the screen. Every once in a while, someone would stand up and shout something like �ONLY 45 MORE MINUTES!!!!!!!� and we were all like �whoo! yeah!� Finally an older guy, probably the owner of the theater, came out with a microphone and told everybody not to videotape everything, and they all booed. So then it got kinda weird. The lights went down and everybody cheered. Then the curtain opened and everybody cheered. Then the screen flashed �welcome to clearview cinemas� and everybody went nuts. Then we saw �Please, no smoking� and everyone went �WOOHOO!� The same followed for the no littering message. Then there were the previews. �This preview has been approved for all audiences�� �BOOOO! WE WANT STAR WARS!� everybody yelled. We actually saw some pretty good previews, but everybody booed anyway. Then, at last, we saw �20th Century Fox� and we all went �Wahoo! Oh yeah!� then �A Lucasfilm movie� and we all applauded and cheered. And finally, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away� Well, it was awesome. I�m going to see it again. NOBODY REVEAL ANY PLOT POINTS PLEASE! Some people haven�t seen it yet! |
JohnIII |
posted 05-21-99 02:50 AM ET
Yes! Like us poor English saps. John III |
Wraith |
posted 05-21-99 08:00 AM ET
Hail, No plot points here, but I will say the sabre fight scenes are much improved. The fighters stand closer to each other (ie. actually within striking distance), seem to be aiming for each other more than each other's weapon, and the pace of the fights are picked up a bit. Normally the acrobatic stunts would be enough to turn me off, but given the premise of the Jedi Knight, it fits in really well and creates some amazing scenes. Wraith |
eNo |
posted 05-21-99 09:45 AM ET
Movie was good except for Jar Jar Binks. I'd say more but I don't want to ruin the movie. |
SnowFire |
posted 05-21-99 02:01 PM ET
Yeah. Tell you what: Only reviews & General Interest here, but plot spoilers in the "Ep II & III Speculation" thread. Ah yes, when I went, I lucikly went along with about half of our school's drama department. We had a Darth Vader, a Darth Maul (complete with head horns), an old Obi-Wan as well as a young Obi-Wan, Leia and Amidala, Han Solo, and the Emperor. |
MrSmily |
posted 05-22-99 01:47 PM ET
I was dissapoited by the movie.Probobly cause i read the book 1st and expected too much from it. Jar-Jar was the only bad part about the movie.In the book he wasent annoying. Just wondering if anyone else caught this but,when Obi-won tells luke to visit yoda in empires, he says yoda trained him.But it was that jinn guy that did. |
SnowFire |
posted 05-22-99 04:06 PM ET
True... Obi-Wan was trained by Qui-Gon, but also by the Jedi Council. He says "Master Yoda said" something in TPM, so I suppose that though he was trained by Jinn, he was also trained by Yoda, indirectly. |
MrSmily |
posted 05-22-99 05:48 PM ET
Well every Jedi for the past 800 years was probly indirectly trained by yoda. |
Octopus |
posted 05-22-99 08:54 PM ET
I just saw it, and I was extremely disappointed. Yes, Jar-Jar was annoying as hell (and SnowFire, it wasn't a plot hole, Qui-Gon offeren that as a pretext for saving Jar-Jar's life. They didn't need a navigator, they just wanted to save the pathetic little dude). Almost all of the animated characters looked cartoonish and silly. Most of them were impossible to take seriously. I also felt that the battle droids just looked exceedingly fake. It was just not possible to maintain a suspension of disbelief for this movie. Even good effects (which I suppose it had) can't save a bad movie. For as much money as they spent on this stinker, it should have been a lot better. Hopefully Lucas won't be directing the next one, and it will be a bit more tasteful. |
White_Cat |
posted 05-26-99 07:31 AM ET
Octopus: You just don't like all the blatant capitalism the movie has spawned. |
White_Cat |
posted 05-28-99 05:47 PM ET
Just a blatant attempt to move this thread back to the top (I want to see what Octopus has to say about my comment ) |
Octopus |
posted 05-28-99 08:49 PM ET
White_Cat: Actually, the economics of the Phantom Menace seem really stupid. There were no interesting characters and no cool ships, and therefore no cool merchandise. I went to a toy store the other day to see if they had anything cool, and it was all crap. Compared to the merchandising triumph of the first three, I truly doubt that this one will live up to the "Star Wars" name. Seriously, how many people do you think are going to be out buying Jar-Jar Binks and Chancellor Velorum action figures? Can a Naboo Starfighter compare to an X-Wing or a TIE Fighter? Now, compare that to the movie Lucas should have made (i.e. a good Star Wars movie), which would have made a much better impression. If there were cool characters and cool ships, people would be all over them. In addition, this episode serves as a commercial for the next two. I know a lot of people who have said that they would not be eager to see the next movie, based off of this one. I'm betting that a lot more people will wait for reviews on the next one. So, compared to the capitalist powerhouse this film could have been, we have "The Phantom Menace". You need to look at "opportunity cost". Don't look at the return on Lucas' investment in terms of how much he actually collects, look at it in terms of the difference between what he collects and what he could have collected if he hadn't jammed this "film" down our throats. |
4Horses |
posted 05-28-99 09:53 PM ET
Just got back from seeing the movie. Jar Jar Binks was very annoying and hopefully won't be in Episode 2. Movie overall was good. Some acting would have been nice. Special effects were awesome and make the movie worth seeing. |
JB |
posted 05-28-99 11:27 PM ET
I saw the movie on Wednesday, and I'd have to say I thought it was pretty good. I do think they went a little overboard with Jar Jar Binks, though. However, I notice that it was pretty lacking in the one thing Star Wars is great at - cool ships and people. I mean, TPM gets those weird attack ships, the other three movies get Star Destroyers and the Death Star. Very little merchandising tie-in here. |
JohnIII |
posted 05-29-99 04:05 AM ET
"Star Destroyers and the Death Star" What about the incredibly fast A-Wing, or the stupidly powerful TIE Defender (I know it didn't appear in the films), or the wierd B-Wing? IMO, the Rebel craft are much better than the Empire's TIEs. John III |
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