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  CCCP Rising, part 1(CWAL)

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Author Topic:   CCCP Rising, part 1(CWAL)
Victor Galis posted 05-15-99 10:06 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis   Click Here to Email Victor Galis  
Down at the old I Club XX (NIMeoke night) several hunched figures speaking with Russian accents can be seen...

Victor: So iz zee ahperashun praceeding according to plan.
(Author: I will now spell normally, though characters are still speaking with Russian accents.)
Adi: Da, our operatives are in place. They are acquiring targets as we speak.
Victor: Excellent, now perhaps they can hack into the CWAL mainframe and change my profile. I can only guess at what I was high on when I wrote THAT.
Adi: One thing at a time, comrade.
Q Cubed: Yes, our greatest concern now is The Target.
Victor: Da, like The Plan, but the The Target is real not something I slip into posts to throw people off.
Adi: Good, if they overheard us they will believe The Plan not to be a threat, and thus we win.
Victor: I understand the logic behind that, but anyhow, meeting adjourned.
(The officers disperse, Victor and Q Cubed take the passage back to CWAL HV HQ.)

Fjorxc: Anyone up for a game of SMAC?
Victor: What time is it?
Freerunner: 3 a.m.
Victor: I normally go to sleep at en, therefore, yes, I am up for a game of SMAC.
Fjorxc: Little does he know of my evil plot...
(hours later)
Victor: ...and I would have won too if Jolt and chrisk wouldn't have walked into the room and simultaneously thrown themselves at the keyboard. It ruined my concentration long enough to drop the table, which I was levitating hang a pawn in my game of chess, leading to my loss, and at the same time prematurely remove YYYH from the game with Planet busters.
Fjorxc: That was a lot of Planetbusters!
Victor: Anyhow, this story isn't going anywhere. My stories are so normal and boring! But I'll fix that, in fact I won't rest until I do.
(Minutes later, Q Cubed dragged a sleeping Victor into hs lab and put him somewhere in the general area of a bed.)

Next morning...

Victor: I have it, at last, after all these minutes! My insane plot device! It's allive.!
Q Cubed: No it's not.
Victor: it still works.

(Victor pushes a button, a brick materializes and drops on chrisk's head.)

Victor: Not wierd enough!

(Victor pushes the button again, chrisk is landed upon by a UFO, but escapes only to be run over by Special Agent Fox Mulder's car on its way to investigate.)

Victor: Maybe, a little wierder.

(Chrisk turns inside out and is eaten by something no one in CWAL has ever seen before.)

Victor: One more try!

(Victor pushes a button. A heard of Perfectly Normal Beasts runs chrisk over before dissappearing again.)

Victor: That's better.
Village story teller: For Bob's sake, don't use that thing again, it's bad enough all of my stories have to have exploding starships in them.
Victor: Alright, I'll call it a night.

Fjorxc the Maniac posted 05-15-99 10:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Yes... Perfectly Normal Beasts.


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Pokemaniac posted 05-16-99 04:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pokemaniac  Click Here to Email Pokemaniac     
ooh, lemme post something stupid too!

hee hee, it's different every time!

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