Topic: Trancendance!
JT 3 |
posted 05-14-99 06:35 PM ET
No combining other personalities for me. From now on I go alone. And I have just posted my 1000th post!!
posted 05-14-99 06:42 PM ET
Congratulations JT3! You are among the honored SMAC Addicts in the SMACA Hall of Fame. Time to start your treatments now. |
JT 3
posted 05-14-99 06:55 PM ET
Ah, addiction........ lovin' it.  |
posted 05-14-99 07:06 PM ET
1000 posts in a month and a half?! Man, I wish I had that kind of time. |
posted 05-14-99 08:35 PM ET
Me too! I'm halfway to transcendence though. |
JT 3
posted 05-14-99 08:47 PM ET
Well, I guess it is in a month and a half, although I have really been on these Forums since November, as JT and JT2.But, the 1000+ posts as JT3 have been in the last month and a half. |
posted 05-14-99 09:08 PM ET
About combining personalities: Who is who? I mean which personalities on these forums are the same people? Aarrgh! That didn't sound right. Well, I hope you understand what I mean. I hope it isn't taboo asking about these things btw. |
JT 3
posted 05-14-99 09:40 PM ET
No, it isn't, and yes, I do understand what you mean. I was JT, but the Forum crashed, so I became JT2, but the forum database messed up, so now I am JT3. |
posted 05-14-99 09:53 PM ET
Well, I've been jig, am jig, and will always be jig. |