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Author Topic:   Does pornography corrupt society?
CrayonX posted 05-14-99 01:44 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX  
I know there are quite a few Europeans on this forum, and I know in some European countires there are no "laws" against pornography of any kind. This has resulted in an increase in sex-related crimes in these countries. (I hope I have my facts straight, I got this off of both CNN and BBS).

With the advent of the Internet it looks like anyone (any age) can get their hands on smut. Don't trust those "Cyberpatrol" programs, kids are not stupid, they know how to get around this stuff, and yes, even 5 years olds know a lot more than the parents imagine (I heard conversations between 6 year olds comparing the sexual habits of the Spice Girls).

Needless to say, here in North America is seems to be out of control. The authorities have basically given up on enforcing what gets in whose hands, and here in BC a judge recently ruled that we cannot deny anyone the constitutional right to possess kiddie porn.

What is this world coming too? Should we be protecting our kids, and if so, from what?

GaryD posted 05-14-99 01:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    
I don't know, send me some and I'll check it out for you

I think you need to define pornography first as I've yet to see a good definition.

That aside. My suspicion is not. Certainly non-violent porn just pictures normal love-making and such. So shouldn't corrupt anyone.

Other stuff is more controversial though and one wonders where a line should be drawn (if at all).

Where are you pitching this thread ? At adults looking at porn (including, or not, "kiddie porn") ? At kids getting access to porn ?

Not certain where you're going with this.

CrayonX posted 05-14-99 02:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX    
Actually, the "pitch" was to anyone reading. I guess it was mostly rhetoric.

However, I guess porn should be defined. I take it as "pictures of nekkid people and nekkid people doing stuff with each other". Kind of a silly definition, but I think you know what I mean.

With all the variables I mentioned in my earlier post, I wonder where we're supposed to draw the line as well.

GaryD posted 05-14-99 02:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    

You mean doing things with a red hot pok.. err... let's not go down that road.

You figures surprise me as I was under the impression that where porn is freely available then the public are not so het up about it and the rate of sex related crimes go down. But don't ask me where I got this impression from. Do you have figures comparing, say, Holland with Britain ?

Anyway the Net free weekend beckons. I'll see if this thread takes off when I get back.

Alphaman posted 05-14-99 02:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alphaman  Click Here to Email Alphaman     
Well, I dunno.
I occasionally ( )flick through some of those dirty mags and "love making" is the last thing I would call it.
It should most certainly not be available to kids. They will get warped by it and grow up 'morally crooked' people.
The line can simply be drawn by censors.
If its rated 15+ and you are 12 then put it down.
If its 18+ and you are 40, go for it.
I think porn should be available to all those who can legally purchase it. Unfortunately in Australia we have VERY strict laws regarding such things and the only way to get hold of any is by mail order.

--freedom to choose is for those mature enough to choose what they are free to do

Hugo Rune posted 05-14-99 03:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
I think pornography is deplorable, but not for the reason that it will "corrupt" anyone's morals. Can someone please explain exactly (If you don't count the religious viewpoint) why looking at pornography is morally deplorable? Is it just some sort of irrational fear of sexual acts pervailent among the sexually repressed?

There are two reasons why pornography is deplorable. For one, it is part of the exploitation of women. The women in these pictures are being treated as objects. Due to the structure of society they are being forced into these disgusting and self-humiliating proffesions, with the only purpose to sexually satisfy men. This is part of the patriarchal system- a systematic repression of a suppressed group as a show of power by the partiarchy (Picturing women as just "bitches", objects for the males to use is a calculated move to keep them down.)

The second reason is that it does lead, if not to increased sex crimes, to increased sexual exploitation, sexual discrimination and destructive sexual experimentation. Boys and men are being taught by these movies to disrespect women, objectify them and exploit them. Is this truly what we want our fellow men to learn? We have to promote equality, and banning pornography is one way to do it.

Kefaed posted 05-14-99 04:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kefaed  Click Here to Email Kefaed     
"Is it just some sort of irrational fear of
sexual acts pervailent among the sexually repressed?"

I prefer the term, "Moral Crusaders" . Seriously, err, "love making" should be just that, from a religous standpoint, at least. To do "it" in any other way is unnacceptable. as for porn, the pornstars are just doing it for the money, and therefore are abusing the act. By looking at porn, you are , in essence, saying that this is fine, and therefore agree with the amoralistic behavior. At least that's my take on things.

However, we should not ban it. Were do we draw the line between pornography and art? Where would the gov'ts stop when censoring pornography? I do not want this or any nation to become the informational equivalent of a police state, and censorship is a sure way to take the road to that dire future. Society, not the gov't, should be the ones who should deem porn as unacceptable. Society, not the gov't, should have the morals to deny it from a place in society.

Hugo Rune posted 05-15-99 07:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
Ed: What is the purpose of morals? I fail to see why "Screwing around" is immoral, because it doesn't hurt anyone. Shouldn't morality be based on what negative effects it has on society? Pornography is immoral not because it is "fucking", but because it degrades women.
Bishop posted 05-16-99 05:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bishop  Click Here to Email Bishop     
Yeah, you can see the effects of all too available pornography (cable TV) in the swedish schools. Kids in the 4th grade calling each other things like c*nt, wh*re, b*tch and so on. Coupled with the lack of good strong male icons (patterns ?), it leaves the kids in a vacuum that gets filled with rap-music images and distorted pornograpic views of women. But then again pornography and such is just another way of making money, destroy capitalism and you get rid of most of the porn. It�s all connected...


The One And Only DarkStar posted 05-16-99 05:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Bishop: Man...don't give the Swede-laughers-of other arguments to laugh at the Swedes...they already have too much

Its SOO bad....damn...parents are DUMB.

onepaul posted 05-16-99 05:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for onepaul  Click Here to Email onepaul     
tell you the truth, I would rather see my kids watch sex on TV than violance...but that 's just my opinion...and I don't have kids, yet...
Valtyr posted 05-16-99 06:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Just now, the film "Showgirls" is on TV.
Frodo83 posted 05-16-99 08:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Frodo83  Click Here to Email Frodo83     
So, it seems to be that violence is generaly acceptable while pornography is not. Is pornography as likely to turn someone into a pervert as violence is likely to turn someone into a killer? And if so, which is worse?
Roland posted 05-17-99 03:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
This has resulted in an increase in sex-related crimes in these countries.

No increase as far as I know, and I very much doubt that we would have a higher rate of sex-related crimes than the US...

But I strongly agree with the US approach on protecting minors: Watching a neat chainsaw-massacre is good for kids, while watching any kind of nudity will turn them into serial killers...

Bishop posted 05-17-99 05:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bishop  Click Here to Email Bishop     
It�s a proven fact that (some) pornography delivers a twisted and distorted view of sexuality. And if you don�t have parents or other grown-ups that tell you that "this is not real, this isn�t how girls want to be treated" you�ll end up with teen-gang bangers and rapists.

I�m not saying there aren�t "good" porn, but with the large amount of "bad" porn around, it�s hard to find the "good" stuff.


PS I don�t care if they laugh at us Swedes, They�re just a bunch of idiots anyway

Bishop posted 05-17-99 06:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bishop  Click Here to Email Bishop     
Err.. The ones who laugh at us that is, not the swedes... Oh, nevermind..


Valtyr posted 05-17-99 10:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
I like Swedes, Bishop. I'm probably the only Norwegian that does.
Zero_Gauss posted 05-17-99 10:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zero_Gauss  Click Here to Email Zero_Gauss     

Ah, pr0n (that's what us l337 h4x0r5 call it). I guess you could sum up everything I feel and believe on the matter (and, through LOTS of mutual discussion, my fiancee' -who is a very liberal feminist- agrees):

-Most pornography is degrading to women, it objectifies them and typically is only to please men who are looking at it.

-Some pornography does not fall under the above.

-Regardless of what KIND of pornography it is, looking at a PICTURE is not immoral or "sinful" (how, by the way, can looking at ANYTHING that I've been genetically wired to enjoy be sinful?) -only deplorable for the long-term effect it can have on young men as to their attitudes regarding women.

-My children will not be denied porn, they will not be made to feel shameful for looking at it. THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO to a child is to make them feel guilty for looking at or doing something that makes them feel good in regards to sex. If you catch your child masturbating, have a talk with them (maybe hint it might be better to do in a more private place), but DO NOT make them feel like guilty sinful sluts for doing it.

-However, my child will be told what is the difference between that which is real, and that which is pure derogatory fantasy.

-Having said all of the above, it is not the place of any government to regulate what we, as parents, should allow our children to do or view (so long as it does not threaten other's freedom of expression or physical well-being).

Here in the US, I am nauseated daily to the point of vomiting by so-called "christian" parents who are too ****ing busy or lazy to raise their children properly. Instead, they rely on their weak-ass contradictory "scripture" to tell them what they should already know about what is "good" and "bad," and when THAT doesn't work they bitch that the government should regulate it.

Free country MY ASS, it's only free if you're a caucasian male christian (or a caucasian woman safely married to a caucasian man) -oh yeah, and don't be too smart or you'll be "Arrogant, and Vain," and don't be too dumb or you'll be "A Retard."

What even further disgusts me, is that this is almost the peak of what we've been able to accomplish ... people, we have SO much further to go ...

*rant mode off*,

Bishop posted 05-17-99 11:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bishop  Click Here to Email Bishop     
Well spoken, man !

That�s true I suppose, my sister works at caf� in Oslo and among the staff norwegians is in minority (2 to 6), and they�re pretty tired of swedes, I�ll tell you

1/4 Norwegian himself

GaryD posted 05-17-99 11:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    
It is interesting that the question as to whether pornography is corrupting or not tends to illicit more reaction as to whether it is degrading or not instead.

My own take on this second question is that is seems to depended on the individual doing the viewing. It seems that some can not look at a naked individual, of the sex they find attractive, and relate to them as a sexual individual. Someone who is demonstrating one, very strong aspect of their being. Instead they feel the need to dehumanise the model as an object and then they project their own take onto others also. They express their feelings of revulsion that result from this viewpoint, assuming others feel the same.

Personally I am grateful that there are those with the courage/self confidence to expose their intimate body areas for us to appreciate, (even if their purpose might be influenced by monitory concerns). I remain unconvinced that they find it a necessity to do so, but that they see it as relatively easy money.

Hmm. Or maybe my view is slanted due to being in a free country The situation may be different in yours.

Roland posted 05-17-99 12:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
What on earth are "monitory concerns" ? The need to be seen on monitors ? Monetary concerns ?

One detail from the intial post: "I know in some European countires there are no "laws" against pornography of any kind."

Hardly true. Even in the most liberal countries, there are restrictions for the protection of minors.
For the rest: If adults want to view the filmed activities of consenting adults, let them. It does not imply that it is good, just like excessive smoking, drinking or MacDonalding is not good for you. But outlawing only creates a virtually uncontrolable black market; controling child pornography is difficult enough.

The few so-called hard core porns I've seen had great entertainment value. Not as intended; they are involuntarily funny. When you see two (or more) people having sex in those movies, it's looking more like they are working the night shift in a steel mill... it is less than exciting if the actors are looking so unhappy. And are so uncreative, I should add...

GaryD posted 05-17-99 01:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    
Thank you Roland
4Horses posted 05-17-99 01:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for 4Horses  Click Here to Email 4Horses     
-I love sex. I love porn. Porn is big money for everyone involved. It is not degrading to women. This is a profession these women have chosen because of the money. And as far as I'm concerned, "more power to them!"

- Anyone who considers porn degrading is probably horrible in bed or doesn't like sex.

-Sex with children is wrong. Rape is wrong. And those people should be dealt with accordingly.

Since there is such big money to be made in porn, children and women are sometimes sold into it. IMHO this is similar to NIKE using children to manufacture their products. Since child labor is wrong, let's all boycott wearing or using anything that could have or were made by children.

4Horses posted 05-17-99 01:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for 4Horses  Click Here to Email 4Horses     

It's people that try to make laws to control what they don't like that corrupt society.

Hugo Rune posted 05-17-99 01:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hugo Rune  Click Here to Email Hugo Rune     
4Horses: So you don't think that pornography will mean that more males see females as lower than themselves? You don't think it destroys the position of women today, not only the so-called "actresses" but all women, who have to retain the degrading treatment directed at them? You don't believe pornography increases sexual discrimination?

Hugo Rune
The Poster Formerly Known as tOFfGI
Member of the Baron-Krypto Space-Puppy Fan Club
Pornography- the only issue where conservatives and radicals readily agree (but for different reasons)

CrayonX posted 05-17-99 04:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX    
Thanks all for your comments on this topic.

No time to respond to everyone, but here's a few:

Zero_gauss says: "Here in the US, I am nauseated daily to the point of vomiting by so-called "christian" parents who are too ****ing busy or lazy to raise their children properly. Instead, they rely on their weak-ass contradictory "scripture" to tell them what they should already know about what is "good" and "bad," and when THAT doesn't work they bitch that the government should regulate it."

CrayonX says: While I am a Christian, I kind of agree with you. A lot of the problems with society can be narrowed down to family problems, or to parents who think they know what they're doing (Christian or not). I think there are many so called "Christian" parents who need to look more into their own "scripture" reasonings because their knowledge of "scripture" is lacking at best (I know from knowing people through personal experience). I don't believe we should deny people the right to see porn, but recognize some of what porn represents (as stated by many others).

Roland says: "If adults want to view the filmed activities of consenting adults, let them. It does not imply that it is good, just like excessive smoking, drinking or MacDonalding is not good for you. But outlawing only creates a virtually uncontrolable black market; controling child pornography is difficult enough."

CrayonX says: Most definitely. The issue here is right and wrong (short or long term).

Keep the commentary going, epecially on the issue of "protecting our kids from porn"...


4Horses posted 05-17-99 05:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for 4Horses  Click Here to Email 4Horses     

The question should be, "Do you believe in or think others believe in the stereotypes created by porn?"

Let's go over basic pornography stereotypes:

1. The average white man has an 8" penis.
2. The average black man has a 10" penis.
3. The average female lives only to have sex with anyone or anything at anytime.
4. Asian women love to be tied up and have misc. items inserted into them.
5. Blond women has breast implants and nipple rings.
6. Brunettes do nothing but deep throat.
7. All women love you to cum on their face or in their mouth.
8. All women love vaginal sex, then anal sex, and then oral sex.
9. All women are bi-sexual.
10. All men make horrible faces when they're having sex.
11. All men can never get a complete erection.
12. All women love multiple penetration.
13. Sex is sex no matter what it's with.
14. Women love to have their ass slapped during intercourse.
15. Sex makes women curse.

Do you see where I'm going with this?
People that use porn for anything other than pleasure are already screwed in the head. Porn didn't make them that way. Porn reinforces their beliefs, but it doesn't promote discrimination among the average citizen that can see this is merely a form of entertainment.

Doctor Who posted 05-19-99 10:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Doctor Who  Click Here to Email Doctor Who     
Living in the country that was the first to legalize picture pornography (1969) I haven't noticed that we should be hardly hit by sex crimes. Where did you get that idea ?
CrayonX posted 05-19-99 01:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX    
Doctor Who...Actually, maybe in my initial post, I should have said "lifted all restrictions" on pornography.

Again, the info was derived from CNN and BBS reports (on separate days) I believe it was a few months ago or late last year.

Black Dragon posted 05-20-99 10:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon    
Zero Gauss: Your post is distrubing in more ways than one:

"My child will not be denied porn"

So you are saying point blank, right off, your kid will not be denied porn? No cosiderations on how mature he is? That is not very responsible parenting at all. Not only that, but it is AGAINST THE LAW. ( In the US)Allowing your kid to have porn could very well result in you having one child siezed by the government.

"(how, by the way, can looking at ANYTHING that I've been genetically wired to enjoy be sinful?)"

And if I am a cleptomaniac, does that make it ok to steal? But, we already went down this road in the homosexuality thread, and I see no need to go down it again.

"only deplorable for the long-term effect it can have on young men as to their attitudes regarding women."

So you are admiting right there that porn can be bad? As a parent, you are supposed to guide your kid into a moral and responsible adult, without such things as drug addictions or bad attitudes towards women.

"However, my child will be told what is the difference between that which is real, and that which is pure derogatory fantasy."

And what if he chooses to give into temptation and look at the porn anyway? Or do you not care about how your kid turns out?

"-Most pornography is degrading to women, it objectifies them and typically is only to
please men who are looking at it."

And what about the Woman's right not to be seen that way in society? Or do you not care about that either?

"Regardless of what KIND of pornography it is"

And by this are you advocating kiddie porn?

No, I dont think we should deny pornography to adults, however, it should be denied to children, and kiddie porn should be a felony.

Black Dragon
*Casts Protection from Fire*

CrayonX posted 05-21-99 01:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX    
Black Dragon...very nice post. I only responded to ZG's "Christian" reference, but I agree with what you have stated here. It is disturbing if you think about it.
Dutch Drone posted 05-26-99 02:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dutch Drone  Click Here to Email Dutch Drone     
Is there really a higher rate of sexcrimes in my country than in the US?

I live in Amsterdam which is probably the most liberal city in the world, but I don't think that there is a very high rate of sexcrimes over here. (why would you rape someone when you can go legally to a brothel?)

Although I have to admit that I'm sometimes a little disgusted by the pictures in some shops.

bravoh posted 05-26-99 10:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bravoh  Click Here to Email bravoh     
why didn't you guys search for some FACTS?
1. The Netherlands have a liberal policy on pornography. The crime rate, concerning rape or sexual assault is less then 0.3 per 1000 inhabitants.
(see )

2. The US is rather strict on pornograpy. Their crime rate concerning rape or sexual assault is 1 per 1000 inhabitants.
(see )

concluding: both CNN and BBS suck. Ask yourself: should you still believe what they broadcast?

MikeH II posted 05-26-99 10:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
I have it on very good authority that

"10. All men make horrible faces when they're having sex."

Is true, regardless of whether they are on camera or not.

GaryD posted 05-26-99 10:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    
Well that's CNN and BBS on my party invite list then
Bishop posted 05-26-99 12:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bishop  Click Here to Email Bishop     
dutch drone & bravoh
C�mon guys dont mix the terms here, rape and other sexcrimes has nothing to do with sex. It�s all about a lust for power and abuse.


GaryD posted 05-26-99 02:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    
Maybe so, but the claim is that pornography encourages these types of crime. Although I do not believe it myself.

In any case rape is clearly sex related in as much as it is using what would, under consenting circumstances, be sexual intercourse, as a method of confirming power over someone.

I think it still counts as a sex crime with the authorities. (Er... I mean in the eyes of the authorities. Um... in the opinion of the authorities. Yeah that's it.)

CrayonX posted 05-26-99 05:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CrayonX    
Thanks for the info, bravoh. I was unsure of the facts, which is why I expressed a little doubt in my original post.

I guess we can (sort of) conclude that crime is more related to power and lust for power, and sexual exploitation is one of them. With conservative laws, there is always resistance. People are always challenging laws no matter what they are.

Mcerion posted 05-26-99 06:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mcerion  Click Here to Email Mcerion     
This is one of the most ironically hypocritical threads that I have come across recently. Sex is legal, yet distributing pictures of people enjoying it is illegal. Murder on the other hand is illegal, yet you can see murder all day long on your television. Your favorite game SMAC is based on murdering thousands of people, yet this is considered fun, not deplorable. Pluck the mote from your eye and see the world as it is and not as how you want it to be.
Black Dragon posted 05-26-99 06:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Dragon    
MCerion: Only Child porn and giving porn to kids is illegal.
Mcerion posted 05-26-99 10:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mcerion  Click Here to Email Mcerion     
Sorry I misspoke, but my point remains valid.
GaryD posted 05-27-99 05:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GaryD    
I believe it varies from country to country Black Dragon.

Anyway the point is made, fantasy and reality are different and we know one from the other.

DCA posted 05-27-99 05:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Random thoughts:

"The women in these pictures are being treated as objects."

I find these kinds of statements far more suppressive to women than anything that happens in a (regular) porn movie. If a man and a woman fvck on camera, why is the woman the exploited one? To me, this kind of thinking descends from the very reactionary patriarchal idea that 'men enjoy sex, while women can just barely live with it'. So, for the couple above, the man - who by nature likes sex - is just having fun, while the woman - who by nature thinks sex is quite unbearable - is being exploited. I don't buy it. What we need to do away with is not the porn, but the sick, repressive way of seeing women as 'victims' wherever they go.

That is not to say, of course, that some porn is not discriminatory. However: 90% of everything is crud. 90% of the porn that exists may be awful, but so is 90% of all books, movies and music. That doesn't mean we should start banning books, movies and music, does it.

"And what about the Woman's right not to be seen that way in society? Or do you not care about that either?"

Why should anybody have the right to insist that their entire sex should be seen by society in a way they find pleasing? I might have reasons to object (not that I actually care, of course) against how my sex is presented to society as macho imbeciles in a wide number of Hollywood movies - do I have a 'right' to insist that from now on, there will be no more macho imbeciles? The individual has some rights as to how they should be presented; going anywhere beyond that is just moronic.

Of all the strange "crimes" human beings have legislated out of nothing, "blasphemy" is the most amazing - with "obscenity" and "indecent exposure" fighting it out for second and third place.

4Horses posted 05-27-99 03:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for 4Horses  Click Here to Email 4Horses     
Ever notice that the women against pornography are the ones that are "coyote ugly" and couldn't get laid if they offered to pay for it?

Valtyr posted 05-27-99 07:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Valtyr  Click Here to Email Valtyr     
Hah... I almost laughed there, 4Horses. NOT!

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