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  italian version of patch 4.0 (or even 3.0)

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Author Topic:   italian version of patch 4.0 (or even 3.0)
PaoloB posted 09-05-99 07:24 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for PaoloB   Click Here to Email PaoloB  
I'm an italian player of Smac; I really enjoy the game and I think it's very good, but (if someone starts saying so good comments there is ALWAYS a "but") I'd like to know something about italian version of patch 4.0 (or even 3.0):
1-Will it be developed?
2-when will it be released?
3-where will it be find?
4-why firaxis didn't interest in have cto (italian society that arranged italian version of the game) to hurry the translation of italian patch (tell if I'm wrong: if I sell dresses I shouldn't make improvement (shorten the legs of pants for istance) only for french, german, english people and NOT for italian!)
5-who developed the other patch (french, german and spanish)?
I hope to have an answer or, better, to see the italian patch.
Sorry for my english (it has been a long time since I write in this language) and for my complains, but, before judging try to think to be in my condition (as well as italian people's)
PaoloB posted 09-05-99 07:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PaoloB  Click Here to Email PaoloB     
ah, one more thing: what about the scenarios?
as usual italian people are very low-considered...
mcostant posted 09-06-99 04:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mcostant    
Sorry to other english readers - I'm going to replay in italian

Paolo (mi permetto di darti del tu), il problema � dolente da qualche mese: Firaxis si barcamena con false promesse e un sacco di frasi di circostanza.
Noi SMACers italiani abbiamo dedotto che il codice del programma e' sostanzialemnte identico nelle varie versioni, ma parti del testo sono entrocontenute nel programma, oltre che in files esterni (piu' facilmente traducibili). Pare che alla CTO non interessi nulla di spendere denaro per una traduzione della patch 4 che, essendo gratuita, non genera guadagno. Ci siamo lamentati con Firaxis fino ad avere la faccia blu, senza esito. Personalmente (ammaestrato dalla pessima traduzione di Civilization II) ho comprato subito SMAC in inglese, altri qui sul forum hanno convertito la loro versione italiana in inglese (si deve installare la Patch 4 US/English e poi farsi spedire da qualche amico i vari files .txt con cui sovrascrivere quelli italiani originali).
Se te la senti puoi provare a lamentarti con CTO o magari scrivere alle riviste italiane di games. Probabilmente l'unica speranza, se proprio vuoi una versione italiana, e' pagarsi (60.000 lire?) il prossimo Alien Crossfire (praticamente una Patch 5 di SMAC, ma a pagamento ) e sperare che sia abbastanza "pulita" da non dover rientrare nel circolo vizioso delle patch non tradotte.

PaoloB posted 09-06-99 07:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PaoloB  Click Here to Email PaoloB     
Sorry, but I reply in italian too

Grazie mcostant per le informazioni, certo � che sentirsi trattati cos� fa riflettere...
certe compagnie pensano che noi siamo soltanto delle mucche da latte da spremere utilizzando quando necessario anche false promesse pi� o meno evidenti.
Se proprio devo essere trattato cos� mi domando:
perch� ho pagato pi� di 100.000 lire quando avrei potuto trovare per 10.000 una copia masterizzata?
la risposta che mi ERO dato era: perch� � giusto che persone che lavorano bene abbiano un meritato guadagno... ma � realmente vero che Cto e firaxis fanno parte di quel ristretto gruppo di persone che "lavorano bene"?
beh credo che mander� una traduzione in inglese di quest'ultima parte... non si sa mai che faccia riflettere qualcuno....

PaoloB posted 09-06-99 07:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PaoloB  Click Here to Email PaoloB     
Since I think italian players had been cheated I have a question:
when SMAC was released I asked myself:
"Why should I buy the game paying about 70$ when I could have a copy for about 5$?"
That time I answered myself:
"because it is right that people who had done well their job get paid (hopely well paid) for it"
So I bought SMAC.
But now... since the way Firaxis and cto behave I'm not sure that THEY are people who DO WELL their job...
mcostant posted 09-06-99 11:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mcostant    
No PaoloB, piracy is always a bad reply to this kind of Customer Un-Care.
I suggest you instead:
1) complain a lot with Firaxis and CTO, also using every media (newsgroup, forum, magazine) to let any italian players know about how bad we are supported after we put good money to a company (you are already doing this, don't stop here).

2) check about next Firaxis game using demo and reading player's review, then:
2a) If you think is really a must-have game buy it in english version (also a good method to improve our english, also know as the "two bird with a stone" solution )
2b) If you think its only a game-of-the-bunch, go for a different game, of a company that take care better of italian user (also know as the "do you want my money again?" solution).

Marco Costantini

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