posted 06-24-99 05:28 AM ET This is the situation. TCP-IP game. Three Human controlled factions. Start of turn. Instead of selecting the first unmoved unit the cursor is blinking on a square of the map, like when you're examinating the terrain. If you try to manually select a unit you get this message (or similar - i've got the italian version so i'm translating from italian): 'Someone else is resolving a global action. Try again later. The time will be added to your turn clock'. We've played with no time limit however and can try hundred of times or wait an eternity but the situation doesn't change. If you try to end the turn without moving nothing you get 'Turn of Faction Leader ()' in which there's nothing between brackets nor before them and obviously the turn ramains your (or so I think). During this problem diplomacy and chat work correctly and the connection seems stable so I don't know where the problem is. Last note: over the commlink bar, the indicator of the turn owner is blank for the player that should move his units but works correctly for the others. This happened twice (after the server player abandoned the game it returned normal) and always blocked the first human player. A coincidence? Someone has a solution for this? Thanks in advance.
P.S. This happened with ITA version 2.0 patch.
White Tiger
posted 06-24-99 11:37 AM ET
I too have had problems getting 3 human player tcp/ip games to start. However, it appears that you get further than we. Everytime we try to play, the game freezes on the "Syncing Players" screen and I get the message that the other computers havent responded. typing and everything seem to work just fine on the setup screen. I hope this gets resolved. Online multiplayer seems to be the only black spot on this games perfect performance record.
White Tiger
posted 06-24-99 11:38 AM ET
Oh, by the way. I have ENG version 3.0 installed as do the other 2 players. We also all have intel cpu's.
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