Topic: Alpha Centauri Webpage crashes my computer
Zakharov |
posted 06-12-99 03:38 AM ET
The Splash Screen for the Alpha Centauri webpage crashes my computer everytime I access. Half-way through the loading of the images on the splash screen page, the computer crashes, I have been able to get to this bulletin board through a link on the Firaxis Home Page. Could someone please help me with this? I'm not too sure why only with this page, my whole computer crashes . I'm using IE4.
posted 06-12-99 04:43 PM ET
This won't help you, but I get a similar situation when visiting many Total Annihilation sites. Halfway through the page loading, my computer stops doing anything. I am running IE5. Maybe the two problems are related.
posted 06-12-99 04:49 PM ET
Use a Browser, not a Bug! Get Netscape now! (�m using Navigator 4.5 without problems... |
posted 06-12-99 05:02 PM ET
It was not nice, but I think I�m right. But it is OK.I look the source code of the page: There is a java script to see, which browser you use (Navigator <=3; Navigator 4, IE <=3; IE >=4) Check, that you had enable java. In Navigator: Preferences -> advaced -> enable java |
posted 06-13-99 07:06 AM ET
Yes I can sympathise with Netscape Users as I used Netscape Navigator on my old computer - and would on this new one if it wasn't for some pages not working because most people made their pages IE - compatible only (inconsiderate bastards! ) So I thought I would stick to IE. Sadly it seems that both IE and Navigator have advantages and disadvantages... makes you wish there was just one ultimate browser so there would be no incompatibilities :/. In Internet Explorer the 2 options I have under Java JM are: 1)Java JIT compiler enabled (which it is at the moment) and 2)Java console enabled (this isn't ticked, and it says it requires a restart for it to occur).Any 'Net Vets' know what each one does and which one the splash screen for Alpha Centauri's webpage supports? I really want to get into multiplay on the net but can't since I can't get in the site. P.S., I remember before they put the splash screen my computer crashed at the AlphaHQ screen as well, The AC pages keep crashing my computer!  |
posted 06-13-99 06:11 PM ET
To the first one: the "makers" of an internet page, who can�t make it so, that it runs on booth browsers as the exactly same version, should let it (for profis).To second: I know only crashes from deactivated java, but I think you had to reinstall the browser. But I dont use IE 5, so I don�t know how to do. But in best case you cant reinstall browser and wont reinstall your system, you install netscape [:-)]. So good luck! |