Topic: SMAC for LINUX ??????????????
Fabio2 |
posted 06-10-99 04:30 PM ET
what about a Linux porting for Alpha Centauri??
posted 06-14-99 05:47 PM ET
I second the request. I'm tired of trying to squeeze this game through windoze. |
Chairman Vellu
posted 06-16-99 08:15 AM ET
Yes, I want a Linux port too, so Sid/Jeff how is it, any hope? |
posted 06-16-99 12:22 PM ET
I'm all for that as well, but if they won't port it, then here is the solution: Hey, Firaxis guys, release the source code to your baby, so we can port it for you for free, is that a good idea or what?  |
posted 06-18-99 03:30 AM ET
Nobody will do it until the Linux installed base is larger. Now that the game is out for a while, sales are slower and there's less revenue. In the development cycle, you have a shortage of many of your programmer resources and tight deadlines. Nobody in their right mind releases source code for a commercial product, unless they have a vested interest in an open architecture standard. I do software for a living, and I wouldn't want to develop for Linux unless I know I have an adequate paying client base. |
posted 06-18-99 06:01 AM ET
I'll second that request! Since I don't run anything from MS, I'd be more than willing to pay for a linuxversion so I could play to! I belive the porting should be rather easy, it's only a matter of finding someone who has the time, and that wouldn't be to difficult. So c'mon guys, make my life happier & give us an OK on this!! |
posted 06-19-99 03:28 AM ET
Ivar - I agree that Linux is cool. Think about it though: What is the value you will pay for the game? 50 bucks? What is the value to making the entire game source available? How many times 50 bucks? Would you give away access to a proprietary asset worth well into six figures, so you can sell a few extra copies of the game at $50 a whack. And Firaxis gets a lot less than $50 per game sold.The commercial software biz works a little differently from the freeware biz.  |
posted 06-19-99 07:13 AM ET
Well, the problem is: Civilization call to power, quake3Arena and other comes with linux version. Why Sid Meiers who was and still is the most creative and future seer don't take the way to Linux? The game is great and a kind under linux can sell a lot. No risk no money. |
posted 06-20-99 05:21 AM ET
Releasing a commercial product on Linux is NOT the same as releasing the source for it.I dont understand why people always try to bash Linux in combination with commercial programs, just beacuse the OS is free it dont have to imply that EVERY program that run there is also free!! Please read some more about this OS before you go ahead and trash it! Linux is the fastes growing OS out there, if more of the gamedeveloping company would port there stuff to it, it would grow even faster!
posted 06-20-99 08:42 AM ET
Technically, Linux isn't 'free', it's covered by GNU copyleft licence. Any copy which is given away/sold must include the source code. Apache (the most popular web server software) is also governed by a licence like this. |
posted 06-20-99 05:13 PM ET
Ivar - I play with Linux and like it. My point is that Firaxis, as a business decision, doesn't stand to make as much money from a Linux port of an existing product, as they do by assigning the same staff resources to the development of a new project.If they don't do it themselves, they have to provide the source, or at least a huge amount of design data to allow a rewrite, to a third party. That puts their intellectual property at risk. It's all a business decision, not a decision on the technical merits. |
posted 06-21-99 11:22 AM ET
Well, I think that a Linuxport would be rather profitable, not to mention the goodwill that seems to come from media when someone is supporting Linux. Since even Brian Reynolds assumes it to be a rather easy port, it probably wouldn't take much of resources to complete it. Either they do it themselves or leave it to EA, the main thing is that they do it! |