Topic: Can't "Terraform Up" Ocean Shelf Squares
Coach Dan |
posted 06-04-99 07:04 PM ET
In the Datalinks, it says that you can "Terraform Up" ocean squares, and make them into land squares and/or land bridges. When I have try to do this with a Sea Former, I get a message saying that I can't do it with the Sea Former, but I can with a "Land Former unit in an adjacent square". But when I put the Land Former an adjacent square and do the "Terraform Up", it only terraforms the square it is in. Does anyone know how to get it to work the Ocean Shelf square, or is this a bug?
posted 06-04-99 08:13 PM ET
As a guess, perhaps the depth of the ocean shelf square was such that its collateral rise wasn't enough to bring it above sea level. Do you have before and after depths of the square? I would trfm. up the land square AGAIN. See if that doesn't pull the shelf square above the water. Please post result. |
Coach Dan
posted 06-05-99 10:35 AM ET
Thanks Mongoose. The Ocean Shelf square is only a few hundred meters deep. There is no "after" depth on the square because I couldn't raise it in the first place. I am in the process of raising an adjacent land square, but of course it takes four turns, or about an hour playing time, so I will have to play some more to find out if it works. (I just built the Cloning Vats, and I am trying to keep all my cities from perpetual Drone Riots.) |
Coach Dan
posted 06-10-99 06:19 PM ET
Chalk this one up to not understanding how the Terraform Up works. Apparently, terraforming up one square does not just raise that square, but the surrounding squares as well. This makes perfect sense, of course. When it told me to use a land former in an adjacent square to raise the ocean shelf square, it really meant to raise an adjacent sqaure, thereby raising the ocean square.The only problem now is, how do I build one of those neat land bridges, where you can move both land and sea units across the little strip of land? When I did the terraform up, it left raised two sea squares to land, thereby blocking the sea lane.
posted 06-11-99 07:32 AM ET
You have to do it so the squares raised are on the diagonal of the map squares.o x o o o o o o o o o x o o x o o o o n o n n n x n
x=land n=new land o=water Raise the bottom x to get a land bridge that doesn't block ships. I hope you can understand my diagrams ~Rackam |
posted 06-11-99 07:37 AM ET
That didn't quite work :/Perhaps this time. o|x|o |o|o o|o|o |o|o o|x|o o|x|o |o|o o|n|o |n|n n|x|n
x=land n=new land o=water ~Rackam |